Name of Group/Krewe: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Description: (Paraders, Dancers, Band..etc)
Anything Special ?: (e.g,, stopping to perform, a float, a vehicle, etc.)
Information: The parade will be on Sunday, February 22, 2009. Staging will begin around 2:00 p.m. on N. Spruce Street (next to the former Joli Rouge). Vehicles can be parked in the city employee parking lot (free) located south of the city building. You will be assigned a location in the parade line-up, let us know if you have a special request. Legal Stuff: We understand that in this event, there is the possibility of personal injury and/or property damage. We are entering this event voluntarily, and release The Mystic Mountain Krewe and its volunteers of any liability for damages or injury. Signed: Title: Date: The parade is funded entirely by donations. Costs related to the event (permits, insurance, police assistance, etc.) exceed $1,500. A donation of $5.00 (or more!) per person participating, paid with the application or at the parade would be most helpful. Please return as an attachment to
[email protected] or hardcopy to the Costume Shop, 243 Haywood Street Questions? Call: 273-9898
Carl Nyberg, Parade Kaptain