2008 Presidential Candidate Comparison

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  • Words: 528
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Comparison of Three Party’s Presidential Candidates The following table compares the Presidential candidates of the Democratic, Republican, and America’s Independent parties, the three largest U.S. political parties in number of registered voters: Issue Barack Obama John McCain Alan Keyes 1 2 Right to an abortion during all 9 months of pregnancy Supports Let states decide Opposes 3 Federal funding of abortion Supports In some cases Opposes 4 Life Right to kill human embryos for research Supports Yes with limits Opposes 4 Tax-funded killing of human embryos for research Supports Supports Opposes Federal Right to Life (Personhood) Amendment Opposes Opposes Supports 5 2 Same-sex marriage Supports Let states decide Opposes Marriage 5 6 Federal Marriage Amendment Opposes Opposes Supports 7 8 Freedom of speech Limited support Limited support Full support 7 9 Freedom Freedom of religion Limited support Limited support Full support 10 11 Right to keep and bear arms Opposes Unclear Supports 12 2 New oil drilling offshore United States Limited support Let states decide Supports Energy independence 12 12 Oil drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Opposes Opposes Supports 13 Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it No Probably not Yes Government Taxpayer bailouts of large businesses that fail Supports Supports Opposes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Obama supports the Freedom of Choice Act, which would void virtually all federal and state pro-life laws. As a state senator in Illinois he opposed a measure to give medical care to prematurely born babies who survive botched abortions. See www.bornalivetruth.org. See “Is States' Rights A Position Or Evasion?” at www2.tbo.com/content/2008/jul/28/na-is-states-rights-a-position-orevasion/news-politics. McCain supports abortion in cases involving rape, incest, or the life of the mother. See www.ontheissues.org/Senate/John_McCain_Abortion.htm. McCain supports embryonic stem cell research on embryos left over from in vitro fertilization, not created specifically for research. See www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/95b18512-d5b6-456e-90a2-12028d71df58.htm and “The other Republican platform.” See “Biden’s Denial of Same-Sex Marriage Support at Odds with Obama’s Record” and Senator Obama’s Floor Statement. In 2006, McCain was one of only three Republican senators to vote against defining marriage between one man and one woman. See “8 reasons I won't vote for John McCain” and “John McCain on Civil Rights.” Following the lead of Canadian lawmakers, Obama supports "hate-crime" legislation giving special protection to homosexuals. In Canada, certain portions of Scripture can no longer be read on radio or TV, because that would be considered "hate speech." See the FRC “Special Publication.” Web site. McCain sponsored the McCain-Feingold restrictions on freedom of speech, which became law in 2002. McCain refused to support the right of military chaplains to pray in Jesus' name. See www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=59187. See “On the Second Amendment, Don’t Believe Obama!” by the NRA (www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=3991). McCain says that he supports gun ownership rights. However, that position stands in contrast with his voting record and his previous statements. See “Obama accepts offshore drilling,” “Barack Obama on Energy and Oil” and “McCain Reiterates Opposition to Drilling in Wildlife Refuge.” Although McCain says that he will appoint strict constructionist judges, that seems unlikely. Strict constructionist judges would overturn McCain-Feingold, a law written by McCain that clearly violates freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.

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