2-- Tw 203 Christian Character Traits

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Preparation for Heavenly Living Correspondence School http://www.geocities.com/bibleloverbill TW 200 from PFHL Course 201 -- True Christian Character Traits Christian Character Traits Stated and Implied in 2 Peter (Compiled by Bill Stevenson-- March 17, 1998) Part 1 Directions:

Personally relate to the following verse sin 2 Peter by writing at least one comment about each item and respond to the other related Scripture references indicated in the note after item 21. Then answer the question about some other Bible passages. Which character traits are the most important 10 to you. This assignment is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1:1 1:1, 2:5b & 7 1:2 & 3:18 1:3 1:3 1:4; 2:8-9; 3:9-15a 1:5-8 1:9 9. 1:10; 3:11-12a & 14; 2:12b & 3:3 1. 1:11 2. 1:12-15; 3:1-2, 5, & 17-18 3. 1:16 & 3:17-18 4. 1:16-17 & 3:18 5. 1:16-2:3-22 & 3:3-16; 2:15-16 & 3:16c-17 6. 2:1 & 19-22 7. 2:2 8. 2:3 & 14c 9. 2:10b 10. 2:10c-12a & 17-18a 11. 2:13 & 3:3-4 12. 2:14a-b & 18b.


What other good character traits do you find in Psalms 37 & 73, 2 Corinthians 4, and John 15?

Part 2 Directions:

For each character trait, summarize what you learn by the related Scripture verses. Christian Character Qualities with Scripture References (compiled by Bill Stevenson,1/2/2007)

1. Attentive: desire to listen and to be respectful. Luke 19:47-48, John 5:24, John 8:47, John 10:25-30, Revelation 3:19-21, John 18:37, Matthew 13:8-9, (Matthew 13:1-23 or Mark 4), Luke 11:28, Matthew 7:24-27, Acts 10:21-22 & 33, Acts 13:42-44, James 1:19, Hebrews 2:1, Luke 21:34-36, Revelation 1:3, Revelation 2:7, Revelation 2:11 (Revelations 2:17 & 29, 3:6, 13, & 22), Revelation 22:16-19 2. Available: desire to be flexible and generous with time. Luke 2:41-49, Mark 17-18, Titus 3:1-2, 1 Peter 3:15-16, Acts 19:8-11, Acts 20:31 3. Careful: desire to be accurate and efficient. Philippians 4:10, Titus 3:7-11 4. Compassionate: desire to be sensitive and loving. Proverbs 15:23 & 30, Matthew 10:35-38, Romans 12:9-13, Galatians 5:22-23, Galatians 6:1-10, Ephesians 4:1-3, Philippians 2:1-5, Hebrews 6:9-12, Hebrews 10:23-25, 1 Peter 3:8-9, 1 Peter 3:8-9 & 15, 1 John 3:16-19, Jude 21-23 5. Consistent: desire to be orderly and to usually remember. Job 11:14-15, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Hebrews 3:12-15, Hebrews 10:19-25 6. Content: desire to be thankful and peaceful. Philippians 4:11, 1 Timothy 6:6-11, Hebrews 13:4-6

7. 8.

9. 10. 11.



14. 15. 16. 17.


19. 20.

Cooperative: desire to work with others. Psalm 133:1-3, Ephesians 4:1-7, Colossians 3:12-15, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12 Creative: desire to pray for new ideas and to be resourceful. Genesis 4:20-22, Isaiah 57:19, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 Also, think about the making of the tabernacle in Exodus and the songs that David created in Psalms, and how creative God has been. Decisive: desire to discern right and wrong according to God's Word. Psalm 25:10-12, Proverbs 1:29-30, Isaiah 7:14-15, Romans 12:2, Romans 13:12-14, Galatians 5:2223, Colossians 3:8-17, 1 Peter 1:13-15, 1 Peter 3:8-17 Dependable: desire to be responsible and punctual. Matthew 25:21 & 23 ff, 2 Corinthians 8:20-22, Colossians 1:10, Colossians 3:23 Enduring: desire to keep healthy and to be persevering. Psalms 33:20-21, Psalm 43:4-5, Proverbs 3:7-8, Proverbs 4:20-23, Proverbs 12:17-19, Proverbs 16:24, Romans 5:1-5, Romans 12:9-13, Hebrews 6:11-12, 1 Corinthians 1:5-8, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 4:1-3, Philippians 4:13, Colossians 1:21-23, 1 Timothy 6:12, Hebrews 6:9-12, Hebrews 10:23-25, Hebrews 10:35-39, Hebrews 12:12-13, 1 Peter 5:8-9, 3 John 3, Revelation 14:12 Faithful: desire to be loyal and responsible. Deuteronomy 7:8-10, Psalm 37:3-6, Psalm 101:6-7, Proverbs 14:5, Proverbs 18:24, Daniel 6:4, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 Corinthians 1:9, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 3:1-6, Hebrews 4:14-16, Revelation 17:14, Luke 19 Flexible: desire to change without compromising standards. Read about Saul and Ananias in Acts 9, Cornelius and the Apostle Peter in Acts 10, more about Peter, Barnabas, and Saul in Acts 11, more about the Apostles Paul and Barnabas in Acts13-14, about the Circumcision controversy in Acts 15 & Galatians 2, more about the Apostle Paul in Acts 16-20. This trait is also related to contentment (# 6). Forgiving: desire to feel sorry and to be considerate. Matthew 6:14-15, Genesis 37 & 45, Matthew 18:15-16, 2 Corinthians 2:4-11 Generous: desire to pray and give anything. Deuteronomy 15:7-8, Deuteronomy 16:17, 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 Gentle: desire to be considerate and patient. Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 4:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12, 2 Timothy 2:24-26, Titus 3:1-2, James 3:17 Hopeful: desire to be thankful for God's control and promises. Psalm 33:18-21, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 43:4-5, Psalms 71:14-15, Psalm 119:81-82, 114, 116-117, 147148, & 166, Psalm 130:5, Psalm 147:11, Proverbs 10:27-28, Proverbs 23:17-18, Jeremiah 17:7-8, Lamentations 3:21-24, Romans 5:1-5, Romans 8:23-25, Romans 12:10-13, Romans 15:4 & 13, Galatians 5:5, Colossians 1:23, 1 Thessalonians 5:8-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17, Titus 1:1-2, Hebrews 3:6, Hebrews 10:23, 1 Peter 1:13-15, 1 John 3:1-3, 1 Peter 3:15-17 Joyful: desire to be happy and enthusiastic. 1 Corinthians 13:6, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 43:4-5, Psalm 71:23, Psalm 94:19, Psalms 126:3 & 5, Hebrews 12:2, 1 Peter 1:8, Psalm 149:4-5, Romans 15:13-14, Psalm 19:8, Psalm 119:111, Jeremiah 15:16, Psalms 68:3, Psalms 97:11, Proverbs 10:28, John 15:10-11, Hebrews 1:9, Proverbs 12:20, Proverbs 21:15, Proverbs 15:30, Isaiah 29:18-20, Luke 10:17, John 16:20, Romans 12:12, Romans 15:13, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 5:18-21, 1 Thessalonians 1:6-8, 1 James 1:2-4, 3 John 3 Kind: desire to be friendly and considerate. Luke 6:35-36, Romans 12:10-13, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Ephesians 4:31-32 Meek: desire to be humble and patient. Numbers 12:3, Psalm 22:26, Psalm 25:9-10, Psalm 147:5-6, Psalm 149:4-5, Deuteronomy 8:2-3, Zephaniah 2:1-3, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 29:18-20, Isaiah 61:1-3, Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 21:4-5, Proverbs 16:18-19, Proverbs 29:23, Matthew 18:1-4, Matthew 23:10-13, Matthew 5:3-10, Galatians 5:22-23, James 4:6 (Proverbs 3:34)-10, 1 Peter 5:5-7


Obedient: desire to be submissive and to learn from doing. Deuteronomy 13:4, Hebrews 5:8-9, Matthew 11:29-30, James 4:7, Romans 6:14-18, 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Hebrews 13:17, Philippians 2:1-5, Philippians 3:15-16, Hebrews 13:17, Colossians 3:18-24, 1 Peter 5:5-7 22. Patient: desire to wait on God for changes. Ecclesiastes 7:7-9, Luke 8:15, Romans 15:1-6, Colossians 1:9-11, James 1:2-4, 2 Peter 1:2-8, Romans 2:5-11, Romans 8:23-27, 2 Thessalonians 3:5, James 5:7-8, Hebrews 10:35-36, Romans 5:1-5, Luke 21:19, 1 Thessalonians 1:3-6, Romans 12:10-15, 1 Timothy 6:10-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, 2 Timothy 2:24-26, 1 Timothy 3:2-3, Titus 2:2-5, Hebrews 6:11-12, Hebrews 12:1-4, James 5:10-11, 2 Timothy 3:10-12, Revelation 1:9 23. Purposeful: desire to do what God wants. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 & 13-17, Ecclesiastes 8:6a, 1 Corinthians 3:6-15, 2 Timothy 1:7-14, 1 John 3:78, Acts 11:19-24, Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:8-12, Proverbs 15:20-24, 1 Peter 4:17-19, Psalm 119:9-12 24. Respectful: desire to be reverent to God, and proper authorities, and other people. Psalm 145:3-5, Psalm 119:6-8 & 13-16, Romans 13:7, Ephesians 6:2-3, 1 Peter 2:17, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, Leviticus 19:14-15, James 2:1-9, 1 Corinthians 12:20-27, Matthew 22:37-40, 1 Peter 3:7-8, Philippians 2 25. Righteous: desire to be like Jesus Christ was when He was on Earth in human form. Proverbs 2:20-22, Proverbs 4:14-19, Zephaniah 2:3, Matthew 5:6 & 16-20, Romans 14:16-19, Luke17:20-21, Ephesians 5:1-17, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Ephesians 2:8-10, Galatians 5:19-26, Ephesians 6:12-14, 2 Timothy 2:22-26, Romans 1-6, Philippians 2, Ephesians 4-5 26. Spirit-submissive: desire to obey the Holy Spirit's guidance. Proverbs 3:5-7, Ephesians 5:18-21, John 14:26, 15:26, & 16:7-14, Romans 5:1-5, Romans 15:1314, Philippians 2:1-5, Titus 3:3-7, 1 Corinthians 2:9-16, Romans 8:1-15, Galatians 5:16-25, 1 Corinthians 12:3-13, 2 Corinthians 13:14 27. Thankful: desire to be observant and appreciative. 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 105:1-5, Philippians 4:4-7, Colossians 2:6-8, Colossians 3:15-17, Colossians 4:2, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:15b-18, Hebrews 13:15-16, Psalm 97:10-12, Psalm 79:9 & 13, Ephesians 5:3-4 28. Thorough: desire to do everything necessary for success. Colossians 4:12-13, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Colossians 2:6-10, Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 29. Thrifty: desire to use and purchase things properly. 2 Samuel 24:15-25, Matthew 6:24-34, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 4:32-37, Luke 16:10, Luke 14:28-30, 2 Corinthians 3:4, 2 Corinthians 8:20-22, Philippians 4:15-19, Revelations 3:14-22 30. Tolerant: desire to understand others' viewpoints, not putting up with others' sins. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15, Acts 9-10, Matthew 11:23, Romans 1:17-32, Matthew 5:17-30, Galatians 5:15-21, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Why was Jesus Christ ridiculed for the men He chose to be as His close disciples? Why was He criticized and scorned for ministering to the woman at the well, the lepers, Zacchaeus, Mary (sister of Lazarus), and others? Why should a Christian be against having prejudice or any forcing others to have the same preferences? When does God become tolerant of a sinner? 31. Truthfulness: desire to be honest and sincere. Proverbs 8:6-9, Proverbs 12:17-20, Psalm 15:2, Psalm 25:10, Psalm 45:4a, Ephesians 4:20-25, Luke 8:15, Philippians 4:8, 1 Corinthians 5:8, 1 John 3:18-19, 3 John 3-4, Ephesians 4:14-16, Ephesians 5:6-10 & 14, 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, Romans 12:17, 2 Corinthians 8:20-22, 2 Corinthians 13:7-8, 1 Peter 2:12, Philippians 1:9-11 32. Wise: desire to understand and apply God's truth. Psalm 19:7-8, Psalm 107:43, Proverbs 1:1-7, Proverbs 3:5, Proverbs 8:33, Proverbs 10:14, Proverbs 15:7, Proverbs 16:21-24, Proverbs 14:16, Proverbs 14:1, Proverbs 9:8-12, Proverbs 29:11, Proverbs 10:19, Proverbs 17:27-28, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 11:30, Proverbs 24:5, Proverbs 3:35

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