2. Operations Research (1).docx

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  • Words: 288
  • Pages: 1
Bharathidasan Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli 14

Core Course: Operations Research Sessions per Trimester Lecture Tutorial & Presentation / Case Seminar Discussion

Credits 3


Trimester - II Max Marks End CIA Term TOT Exams 60 40 100

To acquaint students with application of Operations Research in Business and Industry and help them to understand the importance of analytical techniques in Decision Making with stress on solving business/management related problems.

UNIT-1 Introduction to Operations research – overview, scope, phase, merits and limitations. Theory of optimization, Linear Programming Problem – solution by graphical and simplex methods – various forms of LPP, Primal-dual problem and its properties, Dual Simplex Method. UNIT-2 Sensitivity Analysis relating to changes in tightness of constraints and co-efficient of objective function. Computer packages to solve LPP. Transportation problem – by VAM with MODI optimality test, Assignment problem including Traveling Salesman problem. UNIT-3 Integer linear programming – complete enumeration method and Gomory’s cutting plane method, fixed charge problem and Zero one programming. Concept of Goal Programming. Introduction to NLPP, UNIT-4 Network Analysis – drawing of Arrow Diagram – CPM – calculation of critical path, total, free and independent floats – PERT problems, crashing - simple problems, introduction to resource leveling and resource smoothing. Morkovian chain UNIT-5 Decision tree analysis, Decision making under uncertainty - Theory of Games – pure and mixed strategies, Principle of Dominance, graphical and simplex methods. Queuing Theory – M/M/1/FIFO/oo model. Simulation – Monte-Carlo method Text Book(s)


Operations Research by Hillier & Lieberman, (Tata McGraw Hill Publications) Introduction To Operations Research – Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J.Lieberman (Tata McGraw Hill Publications) Operations Research - An Introduction – Hamdy A. Taha (Macmillan Publications) Operations Research – A.M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi (Pearson Education)

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