Dear special Christian sister, I have been very busy since you mailed your request for items about intercessory prayer. I also have spent more time in the morning before preparing to do my computer ministries doing intercessory prayer. Maybe some of the modern day prophets are right that tribulation is ahead. There are so many possibilities of happenings that would cause tremendous fear and chaos and hardships. I told you that the book about Reese Howells influenced me to become an intercessory prayer warrior back in 1975. I read Bounds book on prayer sometime during that decade and I wrote a study guide for Murray's book on prayer in 1989. I actually don't remember what was said in them and if they wrote about the intercessory prayer I mostly do now. I have not done a Bible study on prayer because there have been books written about such. The "All the Prayers in the Bible" might be the best. I have not read it but have heard nothing but good about the All ....... in the Bible series. I would advise anyone wanting to do intercessory prayer to read at least a book on prayers in the Bible and a book about the promises of God (I used the one by David Wilkerson). Then read a book about a famous prayer warrior like Reese Howells and Praying Hyde. Really understanding Proverbs 3:5-6 needs to be done and becoming aware of current event situations. Sometimes the latter requires research about the locations and cultures. For most people, it takes tragedy or other upsets in their lives to influence them out of the just survival or/and religious status they are in, and to either "get closer to God" or forsake God. But getting really connected with or frequently sensitive with the Holy Spirit and becoming unselfish in thinking (more Christ-like in compassion) are the most important requirements for intercessory prayer. The Holy Spirit will encourage daily repentance towards Christlikeness. Sanctification is not automatic as many preachers are claiming as they just emphasize God's grace and prosperity possibilities. Throughout the whole Bible are examples and commands for believers in God to repent. Frequent repentance is required by the Holy Spirit. You cannot properly minister to others via intercessory prayer if when we have a big need for change in your life. Then keeping informed about news throughout the world can be done looking for needs for serious prayer. Getting on one's knees, bowing one's head, or/and putting the hands together are not required for praying. Speaking out loud prayers are not required. Just one's mind and "heart" being available for praying for others in trouble. Even prayer statements are not required many times-- “So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid {and} bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer {nor} how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication {and} pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings {and} groanings too deep for utterance. And He Who searches the hearts of men knows what is in the mind of the [Holy] Spirit [what His intent is], because the Spirit intercedes {and} pleads [before God] in behalf of the saints according to {and} in harmony with God's will.” [Romans 8:26-27] That is why we can “pray without ceasing” as Apostle Paul stated. The Holy Spirit told me that it is like having a conveyor belt inside and I am able to put prayer needs I get from the news on it while I am busy using the computer for other ministry. Such living as I just indicated results in satisfaction of time usage and divine peace no matter how much bad news during the day. When I live selfishly for most of a day, I usually feel the opposite. The best time for intercessory prayer is during the Sabbath time. I believe it pleases God more to focus on doing the Great Two Commandments from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. The Holy Spirit with the help Jesus Christ (John 16:13) are a wonderful guides for intercessory praying. I know because He has helped me so much for my praying over 30 years. You can post the above anywhere. Onward for Abba Father and His wonderful truths, Bible lover Bill Proverbs 3:5-6 and Philippians 4:4-8