1r Appord60000librarystf

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 567
  • Pages: 2

CITY COUNCIL MEETING Olympia, Washington September 9, 2008

Appropriations Ordinance in the Amount of $60,000 for Facility Work at the Olympia Timberland Regional Library __________________________________________________________________ CITY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION:


Option 1. Approve appropriations ordinance on First Reading in the amount of $60,000 to fund facility work at the Olympia Timberland Regional Library, and move to Second Reading.


Debbie Sullivan, Director of Technical Services, (360) 753-8494, [email protected]

Assigned Staff: Ed Kenny, Facilities Improvements Project Coordinator, (360) 709-2733, [email protected] ORIGINATED BY:

Public Works Department


This is a Consent Calendar item so no presentation is planned.




1. Appropriations Ordinance 2. Letter from Timberland Regional Library This appropriation of $60,000 from the Equipment and Facility Replacement Reserve Fund (Fund 129) will be funded by a reimbursement from Timberland Regional Library. Timberland Regional Library has agreed to pay up to $60,000 for interior painting and office remodel work at the Olympia Timberland Library facility. None

The Olympia Timberland Library is a City-owned community facility that serves an average of 1,100 to 1,450 patrons per day. Usage of the facility increases continually. Between 2002 and 2007 there was a 22.85 percent increase in the circulation of books, CDs, movies and other items and a 10 percent increase in door count. The library building will be 30 years old this December. The library furniture, shelves, service desks and workstations, excluding the computer stations, are the same age. The City supports the occupants of all City-owned facilities so that users can have safe, clean, comfortable, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing facilities. To that end, the City and Timberland Regional Library have several projects already planned for the library building, including carpet replacement, installation of a new information desk and a new circulation desk, the addition of a new sit-down desk for people receiving library cards, new seating and tables in the atrium below the

skylights, cleaning of public computer workstations and removal of an underground storage tank, in which the facility will be closed to the public for up to two months. A time-consuming part of this work is that all the books must be moved out of the facility into shipping containers and all shelving must be dismantled and moved. To minimize impact to the community, additional needed facility work (interior painting and office remodeling) should be completed while the Library is closed for recarpeting and these other projects. Approval of this appropriations ordinance will allow this additional needed facility work to be completed in coordination with the other projects. The interior painting and office remodel work will be contracted by the City. The funds will be reimbursed to the City by Timberland Regional Library.


Approve the appropriations ordinance in the amount of $60,000. Implications: 1. Provides funds for the needed facility work at the Olympia Timberland Regional Library facility. 2. The funds will be reimbursed by Timberland Regional Library, therefore City funds will not be impacted.

Option 2:

Do not approve the appropriations ordinance in the amount of $60,000. Implications: 1. The needed facility work will not be completed, and impact to the community will be greater, as the facility will experience another closure at a future date. 2. If the project is postponed, the costs of completing the project will rise.

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