1934 Pembunuhan Di Orient Express

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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 4

Effect of Blades Number on Undershot Waterwheel Performance with Variable Inlet Velocity the 4th International Conference on Science and Technology |Yogyakarta, August 7 2018

Warjito, Satrio Adi Arifianto, Budiarso, Dendy Adanta, Sanjaya BS Nasution Department of Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Outline Introduction • Background • Purpose Methodology • Analytical Method • Numerical Method Results and Discussion • Analytical Result • Numerical Result • Discussion Conclusion Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Introduction: Background

Indonesia’s Electrification Ratio 2017

Increasing the ratio from IPP with renewable energy sources

Picohydro power plant with undershot waterwheel

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI




Introduction: Purpose

Verifies the blades number equation adapted from the Pelton turbine and the effect of the water velocity treatment on the design and the power output of the undershot waterwheel used as a Picohydro power plant turbine with a height of 0.164 m and a discharge of 41 l / s.

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Methodology: Analytical Method

Wheel’s Diameter

Blades Number

Output Power

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI

Methodology: Numerical Method


Turbulence Model Independency

Turbulence Model: • Laminar • k-ε Standard, Standard Wall Function • k-ε RNG, Standard Wall Function • k-ε Standard, Scalable Wall Function • k-ε RNG, Scalable Wall Function Mesh: 10.000; 20.000; 30.000; 40.000; 50.000; 60.000; 70.000; 80.000; 90.000; 100.000 Timestep:

Mesh Independency Timestep Independency


Setup ok? Yes

Start Simulation

0.1s; 0.01s; 0.001s; 0.0001s Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI




Results and Discussion: Analytical Result

Parameter Outer diameter, Do Inner diameter, Di Blade width, W Blades number, Z Blade height, h RPM Power potential, Pin Output power, Pout

Value 0.984 m 0.656 m 0.25 m 8 Blades 0.164 m 19.419 rpm 20.5 Watt 12.368 Watt 60.39%

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Results and Discussion: Numerical Result

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Results and Discussion: Blades Number Analytical Result

Numerical Result

Blades Number

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI




Results and Discussion: Variable Inlet Velocity Source of Variation Rowsa Columnsb Error Total






F crit

5628.95 102.26 212.26 5943.47

2 4 8 14

2814.48 25.56 26.53

106.1 0.96

1.74E-06 0.48

3.11 2.81

a.Rows is denoted as number of blades or treatment. b.Columns

is denoted as variable inlet velocity or block.

1. Row (Blades Number) P value 1.74E-06 < 0,1 so that there is a difference in the output power based on blades number. 2. Column (Inlet Velocity) P value 0,4 > 0,1 there is no difference in the output power based on velocity.

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI


Conclusion 1. The water wheel with blades number 8 has the highest efficiency after a computational test so this proves that the equation of undershot waterwheel blades number which adapting the equation Pelton turbine blades number can be used in the design. 2. The treatment of the inlet velocity of the water does not affect the power generated by the waterwheel so this proves that this waterwheel with the principle of hydrostatic pressure is classified as a reaction turbine.

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI



Funding provided by the Directorate of Research and Service Community (DRPM) Universitas Indonesia with grant No. 4749/UN2.R3.1/HKP/05/2018.

Picohydro Research Group – DTM FTUI



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