17638255 Exchange 2k3 Setup On Win2k3 Server

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Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

MS Exchange Server 2003 Installation on Windows 2003 Member Server By Kefa Rabah, [email protected]

July 22, 2009

SerengetiSys Labs

1. Introduction It is more challenging to install Exchange Server 2003 (ES 2k3) than any other Microsoft product. A list, as in shopping a-like list, will not be good enough; if you want to win the battle to install Exchange 2003, what you need is a plan, as in a general plotting a military campaign. However, once you get your planning into project management like scenario – then installing Exchange 2003 is as brisk as taking a beach-walk on cool sunny evening. In this article we will concern ourselves with installing ES 2k3 on Windows 2003 member server joined to Active Directory Domain Controller (DC). Installing ES 2k3 on DC is a pretty easy stuff.

2. Services and Dependencies Required by Exchange 2003 Prior to installing the ES 2k3 – there are certain Windows Server 2003 components that must be installed and enabled Exchange 2003 setup requires that the following components and services be installed and enabled on the server: • • • • • •

.NET Framework ASP.NET Internet Information Services (IIS) World Wide Web Publishing Service (WWW) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) service

Follow the procedure shown below to install the ES 2k3 dependencies and services:

There are some important facts to note during the planning stages: •

It’s important to note that for security reasons in Windows 2003 IIS is locked down, so not only make sure that you install the services, but also that the corresponding services are set to Automatic. Finally start the service.

April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3


Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

If you are installing Exchange 2003 on a server running Windows 2000, Exchange Setup installs and enables the Microsoft.NET Framework and ASP.NET automatically. You must install the World Wide Web Publishing Service, the SMTP service, and the NNTP service manually before running Exchange Server2003 Installation Wizard.

If you are installing Exchange 2003 in a native Windows Server2003 forest or domain, none of these services is enabled by default. You must enable the services manually before running Exchange Server2003 Installation Wizard.

Before we move on into installing our ES 2k3 on Win 2k3 member server, we are going make sure that certain monstrous and Exchange killer facts are set and running correctly in our Win 2k3 Active Directory DC and our member server, these are: 1. You have installed all required components and services required for ES 2k3 setup. And you have send new member server to Windows Update site and juiced it with heavy dose of the latest security updates and hot-fixes – and thereby acquiring a clean bill of health for our setup process. 2. Our Active Directory DC is configured with static IP address e.g.,:, and also let’s assume that this scenario: Server: server01, Domain: mybiz.loc, say. 3. DNS is setup configured and running correctly, to test this do NSLOOKUP, as follows: C:\>nslookup mybiz.loc Server: server01.mybiz.loc Address: Name: Address:


As you can see our DC is able to perform name services lookup and report back correctly its status. 4. Now let’s grab our Win 2k3 member server, say server02, which will hold our ES 2k3 setup. Now ensure that server02 too, has static IP address e.g.,: Next make sure that you can ping the DC server01 from server02 and vice versa. 5. Next, join server02 to DC. Once joined successfully, test the NSLOOKUP command from server02 and ensure that you get the same result as above. 6. So now we know that both the servers are seeing and talking to each other nicely like good neighbors! At this point grab some cup of coffee or tea or whatever – anything but alcoholic stuff! – to cool yourself – because the next step is kind of nerve wrecking and therefore requires that all your faculties are alert and all full steam.

3. Install Exchange 2003 in Stages This is the most crucial stage that must be done correctly and in the right sequence otherwise you will be heading for monstrous disastrous consequences – because when you install Exchange 2003 – it extends your Windows AD schema – and let’s say, there is no going back to the original AD setup. Some best case scenario is set up a pilot test-bed using Virtual PC or VMware before moving them to your production environment.

April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3


Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

The stages to follow are as follows: 1. Setup /forestprep 2. Setup /domainprep 3. Finally plain: setup

3.1 Preparing Forests and Domains After you have installed the Windows Components and enabled the Services required by ES 2k3 and ensured that the servers can communicate – then the next step – is to prepare AD for Exchange installation. Preparing AD involves running ForestPrep and DomainPrep - the two utilities that prepare the forest & domain, respectively, for final and successful ES 2k3 installation. Note: Running ForestPrep & DomainPrep • ForestPrep – extends the AD & therefore, affects the whole AD forest – run only once • DomainPrep – affects the whole the target domain in which it is run – run only once. • If you are planning to do these steps - be sure to confirm that these procedures have not already been done. • You do not need to run these utilities on member servers on which you intend to install ES 2k3 – although you can if you want to! Take note, this part affects our main interest of this article and which we’ll com back to.

3.1.1 Run ForestPrep – require: Enterprise and Schema Admins’ permissions An IT infrastructure best practices for running /forestprep is to create a ExchFullAdmin user account in AD Users and Computers Snap-in console, and make him a member of Enterprise and Schema Admins’ group. The following are the tricky points to note when you run ForestPrep: • • •

You need to run the ForestPrep in the Forest Root Domain, because it must be able to contact the server which holds the schema master operations (SMOs) master role – which is the first DC installed in the forest. That is, when you run ForestPrep – it checks whether it is being run in the correct domain – if its not – it tells you which domain contains the schema master. The setup then returns an error message and ForestPrep process ends! To run ForestPrep, issue this command via your cmd: d:\setup\i386\setup /forestprep

Henceforth, the MS Exchange Installation Wizard will guide you through with installation procedure. However, be warned that because ForestPrep is modifying the AD schema, you cannot cancel the process once it starts. Also be aware that it’s unusual for the process to take an hour or more to end.

3.1.2 Run DomainPrep – require: Domain Admins permissions Running DomainPrep is similar to running ForestPrep – except that you use /domainprep switch. Again as with ForestPrep, create DomainPrep user account and make it a member of Domain Admins group. And use this account to run DomainPrep setup. DomainPrep prepares the domain partition and must be run in each of the following domains: April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3


Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

1. the Forest Root Domain 2. all the domains that will contain the ES 2k3 3. all domains that will contain Exchange mailbox-enabled objects (users, groups) – even if he domain does not have its own ES 2k3. 4. Again remember that you do not need to run DomainPrep on member servers on which you intend to install ES 2k3 – although you can if you want to! Take note, this part affects our main interest of this article and which we’ll com back to. Note: that when you run DomainPrep – it creates two security groups and permissions required by ES 2k3, these are: Exchange Enterprise Servers and Exchange Domain Servers.

3.1.3 Run Setup – require: Exchange Full Admins permissions Now comes the big question – running setup to finally install the Exchange server 2003. The most important point to note here is whether you intend to run the Setup process on Active Directory domain server (DC) or on a domain member server. The setup process is the same but required accounts permissions are slightly different – but it’s very important that you must get them which-is-which permissions right. •

To run Setup, issue this command via your cmd: d:\setup\i386\setup

1. Running Setup on Domain Server Active Directory (DC) When run on domain server (DC) – you use ExchFullAdmin account that we created earlier. And then allow MS Exchange Installation Wizard to guide you through with installation procedure. Always choose the Typical setup option, however, you can choose other options if you know what you’re doing! Once complete you’re set to go – you should be able to see that additional Exchange tabs have been added to the users’ accounts in AD Users and Computer console. 2. Running Setup on Domain Member Server (not DC) To install Exchange Server on domain member, in this case, the setup account should be a member of Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins and the member server Local Computer Administrators group. The best way to circum vent this weird arrangement – is just to add Domain Admins group to our ExchFullAdmin user account we created earlier. The reason for doing this is – when you join a server or any computer to domain, the Domain Admins group, by default, becomes a member of the respective computer Local Computer Administrators group. So once done with permissions requirements go ahead and fire the setup and let the Wizard cruise you through the installation – Again always choose the Typical installation option unless you know what you’re up to. Now comes the weird and crazy part – when you go back to your AD Domain Controller server and create a new user using AD Users and Computer console – surprise surprise – there is no Exchange tabs added to users accounts. Don’t panic – let’ see why its so. When you install Exchange (specifically when you install Exchange System Manager), it extends the functionality of Active Directory Users & Computers. That is really the issue here. If you create a user on a computer (Domain Controller in this case) that doesn't have Exchange System Manager (Exchange System Tools) installed, then it doesn't have the capability to perform the "Exchange Tasks". It isn't an issue of information not being replicated; it's an issue of having added functionality in the ADUC MMC snap-in. 4 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3

Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

So, to overcome this problem, we need to install the Exchange System Management Tools (not full Exchange) on our DC serevr01 (since that is typically where you create users, this would be highly recommended), you will now have the full capability of performing Exchange tasks (create mailbox, etc.) on users accounts. To install the Exchange management tools, run Exchange setup on the respective DC, in this case server01, and choose Custom option from the install type, then make sure (and this is very important) that the ONLY thing selected is the MS Exchange System Management Tools. And that’s it; you should be able see additional Exchange tabs under users accounts in the ADUC console.

4. Adding MX Record The final stage to make our Exchange messaging server fully functional is to add the MX record in our DNS Server. So go ahead and do that. Ones done we need to verify that our mail server is able to perform NSLOOKUP services. To do this issue the following command on both servers: C:\>nslookup -querytype=mx server02 Server: server01.mybiz.loc Address: server02.mybiz.loc server02.mybiz.loc

MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = server02.mybiz.loc internet address =

April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3


Exchanger server

Exchange Server 2k3 Setup on Win 2k3 v1.0

If you get both the servers to respond the same, then hurray – we’re done! And enjoy configuring the Exchange to your suit your taste and requirements.

5. Troubleshooting Installation of Exchange Server 2003 Incase of any errors – then do the troubleshooting to locate the problem: • • • • • • •

• •

Made sure you have enough Disk Space Check the Edition of Exchange Server (Enterprise is best) Check Active Directory, a user's property sheet is a good place to start. Check DNS. LDAP port 389 in use so cannot connect to Exchange 5.5. Solution change and synchronise port numbers. If installation fails make sure you delete EXCHSRV\mbdata before trying again. Why does no-one ever check the Event Viewer? If there is a problem you will see a red error dot in the logs. Remember to check the Application log as well as the System log. If the messages are not self explanatory, look up the error number in TechNet. Check that ALL the IIS components are installed including SMTP and NNTP. Make sure that ASP.NET and .NET Framework are also installed. Run DCDiag or NetDiag for extra clues as to what is wrong with the server.

Having trouble understanding or just need some skills upgrade – then check out our Exchange 2003 course CIS202 at Global Open Versity. ----------------------Kefa Rabah is the Founder and CIO, of Serengeti Systems Group Inc. Kefa is knowledgeable in several field of Science & Technology, IT Security Compliance and Project Management, and Renewable Systems. He is also the founder of Global Open Versity, a Center of Excellence in online eLearning.

April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada


CIS202: Implementation and Administering MS Exchange Server 2k3


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