165 Little Battles

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,714
  • Pages: 3
August 25, 2006 Dear Editor in Chief, A scholar asked: “Can skirmishes or little battles or ‘sudden’ bombings be prevented or be anticipated or pre-empted?” The A.I. Answered: “I have noticed that series of bombings or launching of missiles occurred these past days in some countries or especially two traditional countries hating each other. The soldiers and their enemiesguerillas were really skilled in their fighting. And each group intensified their show of skills in bombing in the urban centers of each country. I heard that hundreds died and million or billion worth of infrastructures were destroyed. I think I could share some solutions taking consideration what I heard from the news and TV shows and movies but perhaps I might sound impractical and sound impossible. I also heard that some extremists are going to use liquids as bombs especially to sneak thru airports and to ride in airplanes, perhaps to use the airplanes as missiles. First let us have some counter measures on suicide bombings example letting liquids become a secret bomb- be it using human as detonating instrument by being a suicide bomber or using other technologies. I think, first tighter manual ocular inspections on bags and underneath the clothing, even inside the shoe should be strictly implemented on all offices, disco houses, restaurants, commercial buildings, cinemas, churches, schools especially on airports or any high risk for suicide bombings establishments. I heard that people are instructed to drink some liquid to test people’s sincerity. And others confiscated things are just thrown on the garbage. They are all good measures! I think there is now technology to scan plastic bomb/s using the technology behind the sensitivity of light, laser beams, x-rays, imagery, exposure to other chemicals as tester, etc. Perhaps liquids even confined on a container but with transparent container could still be tested on its reaction if being shaken, the reactions could be compared with recorded imagery of liquid bombs that had been shaken when pictured then if there is similarity it could be further tested. Or there could be an actual opening of the liquids thru automations and getting some parts automatically to be tested if it is a bomb…or if it is not yet happening it could be an idea that could be possible in the future. Those liquids that are sealed could still be tested thru boring a little and sucking some parts and sealing it again for testing and it could also be done thru automation…especially in the near future with extra charge and it could stimulate cash! If thru testing there could be explosion, then it is better than exploding on air planes with people. Testing cubicles should be bomb proof! Loading and unloading of vehicles on urban centers should be 30 meters away from the main door of any high-risk establishment. And every loading and unloading of vehicle, there should be an inspection with dog trained to smell bomb so that the action itself could let the terrorists think twice before planning to bomb that establishment. If possible vehicles should not be permitted to go near entrance/s of prime risk buildings. There should have at least 2 meters from the main door of the establishment. There should be random inspection for bomb in bags and those people using jackets outside buildings. Or on sidewalks that are near high-risk buildings, there should also be random inspections conducted to scare the terrorist of attempting to go near. Presence of uniform policemen and security guards for every corner could add pressure to anybody who would plan to bomb such establishment. Street plastic barriers or concrete barriers should be placed so that vehicles should have guides in going somewhere and to prevent crossing and go near to an establishment. Since suicide bombing, time bombing, remote control bombing or any bombing would be something that would happen from time to time because of invisible extremist, the government should really invest time, money, effort to penetrate this invisible enemy, because to fight an invisible enemy is to be invisible also. Under cover, deep penetration agent, and the method to convey or relay the message from the under cover should really be high tech to protect the life of the agent; and also to put a stop to the imminent danger that the terrorist/s might be planning. To fight false teachings such as beliefs that terrorists have in their mind should really be over powered by another truthful teachings and good examples and good ways of living. Terrorists are convinced that religious groups that are different from theirs or that are infidels are scandalizing their God given way of living. They have decency in their dress that is why they cover the face of women. However, infidels are scandalizing them in many things. Those X-rated movies, pedophile & child molestations stories, too much talks about corruptions, Sex talks in TV shows, Pornography in magazines, in movies,

‘adult’ picture and ‘adult’ movies in Internet, looking and being a member of adultfriends or adult club, or any bad for them should really be cleared and be explained that the society is really doing everything to check those-extreme or illegal. The extremists are taught that if they sacrificed their life for fighting their causes and to annihilate those infidels they would go directly to heaven. Therefore, to sacrifice ones precious life is a saintly act. That is why they are not afraid of death. He or they could become a sleeping cell by himself or themselves…by just reading and believing their ideology or faith. They want to install a “fundamentalist Islamic” form of government that is “pure” and not corrupt and not practicing sensual bad things like sodomy, too much divorces, too much abortions, etc. They think that their ancestral lands were grabbed from them. It is only thru force that they could be recognized. Perhaps, these bombings are just waking up calls for religious groups that are different with those extremist’s faith to go back to God, and to remove all those scandalizing, immoral things in their society. Too much scandals like: man marrying another man, or girl marrying another girl, gays- lesbian movements, drugs, free sex, adulteries, live-in partners, promiscuities, abortions, divorces are scandals or ways of life that these extremist fundamentalist might have been offended and being scandalized. However, if people really cannot remove all those things that scandalize extremists or fundamentalist groups, people should convince moderate members of those hating groups to fight against these extremists. But if the moderates too would be convinced of what the fundamentalists are fighting, and then there will come a time that this illness will become epidemic or even pandemic. If the extremists could have a weapon of mass destruction, they might detonate it, because in their minds, they are crusaders, future martyrs, defenders of their faith and they will go directly to heaven if they sacrificed their life. I think moderate people of any group should do something to reconcile differences with extremists or fundamentalists. I think fundamentalist or extremist are protesting; they want to separate themselves from those scandalous actions or habits or cultures. They want to have their own way of living and recover their ancestral land. Government should reconsider segregating people wanting to live thru their extreme way. Just like example East Timor; people there were given Catholic way of living so they were separated from that Muslim way of living. In Russia, Bosnia was separated from another ethnic religious grouping. In Palestine, or Israel, I think the only solution is to give each ethnic group freedom to practice and be separated from each other. I think time will come that extreme beliefs would be corrected by balancing science, law and by other universal teachings. It is perhaps only thru the balanced of religion, science and law that peace could be attained. Any extreme is bad. Too much liberalism or too much personal freedom such as having sodomy is bad. Extreme such as suicide bomber or terrorist, sacrificing life for religious belief is also bad. I think, there will come a time that moderating or balancing religion, science, and law would check each other and extreme would be outdated. And perhaps a thousand year peace and prosperity might or will reign. Because the Word of God, Law, and Science would all conform, need, ask each other to team, to fix, to fight extreme or chaos especially at the very start of the extreme or problem. In the meanwhile, that this is not happening I think, segregation and separation should be reconsidered. Better be separated than killing each other thru suicide bombings, wars, etc. If the extremists want extreme Muslim law, Moderate Muslim law or any culture, let them have it. Let leaders do what they want. However, if congress could not give what they want, prepare for war. It is only thru war and annihilation that extremists could be defeated. It happened in Spain. The Christians in Spain annihilated almost all the Muslims in 14 century. In Biblical times, God even instructed the Israelites to annihilate everything that is unclean even animals-rats, etc. Since ethnic cleansing is now a human rights violation, prepare for a never-ending cycle of war if both would not accept the universal Word instead each wan to exalt their own, original, unique words. The terrorists could be a civilian now or a guerilla after. This is the irony of invisible army. Since US and other governments have declared war against terrorist and Muslim extremist, terrorists, moderate and peace loving people should be prepared of series of suicide bombings, and terrorist attacks. Since the extremists are using invisible tactics, deep penetration agents should really penetrate them. Rewards will help a lot. Education, and moderate Muslim’s teachings could change their being extremists. High tech equipment such as night visions, satellite reconnaissance would help a lot. Now, people might be reminded of what are in the Bible- the stories in Revelation or Apocalypse, Sodom and Gomorrah. However, people must be reminded about Jonah, the

prophet who tried to avoid God, but because Jonah changed his mind and persuaded the people to repent, God spare the sin-city from destruction. Jonah could be any body especially those strong leaders-political & religious and strong journalists who care …! From someone who might be mistaken, [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

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