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How to Draw?

Hello Friends, We all used to draw as kids. But the interest tends to divert when it is less appreciated. And as I read the emails that I have received, one of the most common reason that I have no�ced is the mentality. The mentality that being an ar�st is not a stable career. And we all have that thought unconsciously which says, “I always wanted to draw and paint, do sketching, make portraits, just create art.” Well, I believe that the ‘less apprecia�on’ harmed the child in us to carry forward the knack of drawing and pain�ng. But you know, Any�me is a good �me to start. You must have the will to be a Learner and begin with your passion. That’s It. Many of us struggle to draw and face difficul�es in drawing objects or faces. Also we are not quite aware about how can we actually start drawing and what can help us to improve our drawing skills. I receive many images by aspiring ar�sts showing me their drawings. What I found is that there is lack of observa�on and percep�on. So, Today we will learn about how we can improve our drawing to draw anything!

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Scribble Scribbling is the most important ac�vity you must do daily. What I recommend is that a�er you read your daily newspaper, you just pick up a pencil and start scribbling. Scribbling helps to warm up your hand. If you are rejoining art a�er a really long break and I give you a picture to draw, it will be difficult to start and there will be nervousness and fear of commi�ng a mistake. Just like we warm up before star�ng a race, similarly to draw, we warm up our hand. Scribbling helps to free your mind as well. It relaxes your body and ac�vates your brain to do more. But, What to scribble? We will Scribble Standing lines, Sleeping lines, Circles of any size, Ellipses, Slan�ng lines. We need to draw these in both clockwise and an�-clockwise for atleast 10 minutes. Also to improve our curve lines, we must scribble the number “8”. It really helps to draw be�er.

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Scribbling releases stress too!

Scribble, Scribble, Scribble!!! Lines, circles, ellipses, shapes!

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DRAWING BASIC SHAPES Everything that you see around can be divided into shapes and combina�on of shapes in different ways. So, if we prac�se shapes, we can easily draw objects! Pick up some photographs and divide them into shapes and define the angle.

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Try to break them into shapes to draw!

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DRAWING USING CONTOURS Some of us are extremely well in understanding the contours. This is because they have good understanding of spaces. Space are of two types. They are Posi�ve Spaces and Nega�ve spaces. In this method, you can take any photograph and try to analyse the contour of the object, especially the angles. Accurate drawing is the result of accurate angles.

MEASURE PROPORTION WITH PENCIL In this method, we use the length of the pencil for measuring propor�ons, measuring angles and checking the propor�ons. Measuring propor�ons is the process of analyzing the structure of the object and understanding the internal structure when objects are overlapped. Measuring angles involves checking the �lts, the curves and the specific angle of lines. I recommend you to develop your ability to measure propor�ons, the angles, intersec�ng angles by eye. This means that not using a scale or any measuring tool to draw. This drawing skill comes only a�er endless prac�se!

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UNDERSTANDING NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE SPACE Space can be divided into Nega�ve space and Posi�ve space. To understand this, let’s take an example. There are two ways to understand how to draw this bird. First you can fit the bird into a box which meet the extremes of the width and height of the bird. If you prac�se well and understand the posi�ve space, you need to figure out the width and height using the pencil length and then draw it. If you get confused, you can s�ll use the nega�ve space (the background) length for figuring out how to draw accurately.

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Posi�ve Space

Nega�ve Space

HOW TO DRAW TWO TIMES BIGGER OR TWO TIMES SMALLER? If you prac�se the various techniques to draw, it becomes easy to draw as it is given in a picture, drawing anything bigger or small than the actual size makes it challenging. How do ar�sts draw then? Here’s the secret , it is accuracy in propor�ons!

Prac�se shapes, forms or any drawing and draw them in actual propor�on. Then try drawng them two �mes bigger or smaller. there maybe lots of erasing and correc�ng at first, but once you prac�se daily and observe your results, it will really be a constantly improving one!

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CONSTANTLY PRACTISING OBSERVATION Again and again I keep saying this! Drawing is all about observa�on and about your percep�on. You can improve your observa�on. How will you improve it? Realis�c drawings are completely dependent on your keen observa�on. Before we even start drawing any subject, first pay a�en�on towards the angles, details, space, tones, specifica�ons. It wont make sense if you are given a picture and you directly start drawing it. To elevate your observa�on,you must take up simple pictures and trying drawing them. The deeper you observe, the be�er will be the outcome. The be�er the outcome, the deeper you will observe! Try imita�ng from some pictures and not sketches. Understand the internal structure and their propor�ons.

PRACTISE , PRACTISE AND PRACTISE! Unless you dont be consistent and dedicated to draw, draw and draw, the flow of your strokes, the accuracy in drawing can be frustra�ng. So keep on prac�sing whenever possible. Scribble Daily! Thankyou So much! Do watch our next tuorial, the most wanted informa�on, “tools to bring hyper realism in art!”

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