15 Digital Marketing Terms You Need To Know
Digital marketing is relatively new when you think of the long history marketing has had. These are terms you should keep in mind when talking about digital marketing.
1. Bounce Rate: The rate at which a user lands on your web page and leaves the site after only viewing one page. 2. Chat Bots: An online service powered by AI that your customers interact with. These chatbots make it seem as though your site visitors are talking with a member of your team even though they aren’t actually there. 3. E-commerce: the buying and selling of products and services through an online platform. 4. Gamification: A style of marketing that incites consumers to buy through the use of a game-style strategy.
5. Geo-Targeting: Targeting content to customers based on where they are located geographically. 6. Lead Nurturing: A way to guide potential customers through the marketing funnel and encourage them to purchase from your organization. 7. Lead Scoring: The process of ranking prospective customers based on how likely they are to make a purchase from your company. 8. Livestream: An event marketing tactic in which you record and share your meeting as it unfolds such as a conference, Facebook Live or podcast. 9. Marketing Automation: The process of intelligently and automatically sending content to your website visitor based on the the actions they take or the way they interact with your website. 10.
Mobile Marketing: An interactive marketing channel promotion that reorganizes and presents content so it is easily viewed on a mobile device such a responsive designed web pages or mobile apps.
NPS (Net Promoter Score): A tool that measures customer experience and relationships they have with their consumers.
Podcast: Serialized audio shows that typically focus on a particular niche, topic, or area of expertise. Typically, they can be streamed or downloaded online.
UX: Stands for User Experience. User experience is the emotional attitude and reaction that your visitors have when interacting with your website.
UI: Stands for User Interface. A UI includes all of the graphical controls someone would use to interact with your website such as drop-down menus, buttons, etc.
USP: The unique selling proposition that your company offers. This is what differentiates your product from your competitors.