1310001152 Oasis Interiors

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PO No: PO Date:

AstraZeneca India Pvt. Ltd. , 'Avishkar' Off Bellary Road, PB No 2483 Hebbal, Bangalore - 560024, INDIA Tel: 91 80 2362 1212 Fax: 91 80 2362 1214 To Supplier: OASIS INTERIRORS Dinnur Main Road, Rt Nagar 8/3 4th Cross 560032 Bangalore Supply Through:

Invoice Address: AstraZeneca India Pvt. Ltd. 'Avishkar' Off Bellary Road PB No 2483 Hebbal Bangalore - 560024 INDIA Tel: 91 80 2362 1212 Fax: 91 80 2362 1214

1310001152 12/06/2009

Delivery Address: AstraZeneca India Pvt Ltd. 'Avishkar' Off Bellary Road PB No 2483 Hebbal Bangalore - 560024 INDIA Tel: 91 080 2362 1212 Fax: 91 080 2362 1214

Req No Del.Terms Port Of Destination Del.Date 1000003939 CFR TO OUR STORES 13/07/2009 Currency INR Pymt terms 50% ADV/50% COMP _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Item Product Code Vendor Item No Description Qty UOM Price/Unit Excise% Tax% Amount _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 010 IN010029 Acrylic cabinet 1 EA 105,830.00 0.00 4.00 110,063.20 TAX CODE: Miscelleanous Purchases - Local a) Acrylic Hood - 2no. X 40707.5 = 81415/b) Supplying and Fixing of Granite Top - 32 sqft. X 688.75 = 22040/c) Removing the existing SS sink - 1no. X 2375/_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Total


In case you are a micro, small or medium enterprise within the meaning of The Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006(Act) then you are requested to provide us a copy of Industrial Entrepreneur's Memorandum (IEM) as filed with the concerned authority stipulated under the said act at the time of acceptance of this Purchase Order (PO), failing which we will be unable to recognize your enterprise as a micro or small or medium enterprise & consequently the provisions of the act would be deemed as not applicable to you. Any subsequent disclosure to the contrary shall not hold the company liable for any damages under the act.

Please refer attached terms & conditions. 1.Prices, taxes and levies as above.


2.Insurance at your cost.

CST No:72315160

3.Mode of despatch to be arranged by you.


4.Packaging & forwarding charges as applicable.

Range: EOU V

Prepared By/Date:

Division: Customs

Commissioner Range - Bangalore I We are 100% EOU Company.

Approved By/Date

II Goods not securely packed will be entirely at suppliers's risk. III Indicate P.O. No in all your correspondence. IV Please send original invoice to our accounts department with POReference. V Please refer AZ Corporate Responsibility Requirements over left.

P.I. TAX NO. AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd PAN AABCA 2389N

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8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


Acceptance of this Purchase Order (Order) shall constitute a contract for sale between AstraZeneca India Pvt Ltd (AZ) and the Supplier and imply that the Supplier has accepted all the terms and conditions specified herein not withstanding anything contained in any quotation ,invoice or other documents submitted by the Supplier in respect of goods or subject matter of this order. The rates, quantity, specifications mentioned above all shall be final and binding on the supplier


The goods and/or services supplied against this Order shall correspond with the original specifications and must be equal to the quantity specified therein and must be in accordance with the specifications mentioned in the order including the technical specifications. Otherwise the same shall be liable to be rejected by AZ in accordance to clause---. When a Supplier’s sample has been approved, the goods supplied must be identical in all respects with such approved sample. Goods supplied in excess of the ordered quantity are liable to be rejected. The goods shall be of the best quality and workmanship and such as are acceptable to AZ.


The goods supplied must be sufficiently and properly packed so as to ensure absence of loss or damage on arrival at the point of delivery specific in the order. Unless otherwise specifically stated, all packing cases, containers and other packing materials shall be supplied at the cost of the supplier.


The Supplier shall deliver the goods at the place and during the timings specified in the Order. If the goods are delivered outside the above-mentioned hours, AZ may either return the goods, or at it's opinion, detain the vehicle or carrier, as the case may be, until the next day. In such an event AZ shall not be liable for the safety of the goods or the vehicle/carrier or for any charges whatsoever arising from such detention. Unless otherwise stated on the order,all the goods are to be delivered free at the address specified in the order. DELIVERY TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE OF THE CONTRACT AND MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. Should the Supplier fail to deliver the goods or part of the goods, in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Order without obtaining prior written consent from AZ for extension of the delivery period, then AZ shall be entitled at its option to cancel the Order for the portion thereof not delivered and of any other goods already delivered against the Order which in the opinion of AZ cannot effectively and /or commercially utilised by reason of the non delivery of the goods as aforesaid.


All prices stated in the Order are the maximum chargeable for the goods and/or services ordered. The supplier must obtain prior written agreement of AZ in case he is obliged to charge a higher price. Payments will be made by A/C payee crossed cheques only which will be posted. Where payments are against documents through bank, documents should be sent to our Banker as intimated from time to time and copies of the invoice and letter to the Bank should be sent to our accounts department in advance, failing which all consequential charges will be to your account. Bank charges,if any, should be borne by the Supplier.


If the goods supplied are not in accordance with the Order,pursuant to clause 2 above, AZ may reject the goods eitherin whole or in part. The Supplier shall remove the rejectedgoods within 15 days from the date of intimation from AZ at his own costIf such rejected goods are not removed within the aforesaid period,AZ shall be free to dispose off the goods in any manner it deems fitand shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by the supplierfrom such disposal. AZ shall not be held responsible or be liablefor any loss or deterioration of the rejected goods. The Seller shall not assign Contract or any part of it without AZ’sprior written consent. AstraZeneca may assign the Contract or any partof it to any Affiliate of AstraZeneca. AZ reserves the right to cancelor amend this order or in part thereof without assigning any reasons. The Supplier shall consequently pay to AZ, the costs incurred by AZ byreason of such disposal or rejection of the Goods.


The Supplier shall, during the term of the Contract and for a period offive years thereafter, keep in strict confidence all technical or commercialknow-how, specifications, inventions, processes, initiatives or any othermatter which are of a confidential nature and have been disclosed to theSupplier by AZ or its agents and any other confidential information concerningAZ's business which the Supplier may obtain during the course of businessdiscussions and negotiations. Supplier shall restrict disclosure of suchconfidential material to such of its employees, agents or contractors asneed to know the same for the purpose of discharging the Supplier'sobligations to AZ and shall ensure that such employees, agents orcontractors are subject to like obligations of confidentiality as bindthe supplier.


The suppler shall be responsible for free replacement or repair, asdetermined by AZ, of the goods or any part of the goods supplied against the Order, when such replacement or repairs is warranted by defect(s)in material workmanship, design or technical specification of such goods upon notice of such defect(s) being given to the Supplier by AZ within12 months from the date of delivery.


The supplier shall indemnify AZ against any claim for infringement ofpatents or registered design or trademark by the user on sale of anygoods supplied to AZ and against all costs and damages, which AZ mayincur in any action for such infringement or for which AZ may becomeliable.


The Supplier represents, warrants and covenants to AstraZeneca that ithas full power and authority, and has taken all necessary actions andhas obtained all necessary authorizations, licenses, consents andapprovals required, to execute and perform this Agreement. By acceptingthis PO, the Supplier warrants that the goods and services furnishedwill be free from defects in materials and workmanship, merchantableand in full conformity with AZ specifications.


Supplier represents and warrants and undertakes that it will perform itscontract(s) with AstraZeneca and operate its business in compliance withall applicable laws and regulations and to ethical standards that areconsistent with AstraZeneca’s Code of Conduct, as enclosed includingwith limitation laws, regulations and provisions relating to safetyhealth and environment, fair labour practices, unlawful discriminationand prevention of bribery and corruption.


The contract shall in all respects be constructed and shall operate asan Indian Contract to the conformity and with the Laws in India andshall be taken to have executed in Bangalore and shall be subject to theJurisdiction the Bangalore courts. The contract shall not be vitiated for non-fulfilment of the terms ofthe Terms and conditions herein, if and only if such non #fulfilmentis due to act of God, enemies of State, earthquakes, fire, floods,strikes, lockouts, labour troubles, riots, commotions, embargoes,or other similar causes beyond the control of AZ or the Supplier.Any failure on AZ’s part to enforce or require strict performance bySupplier of any terms or conditions of this order shall not constitutea waiver thereof by AZ and AZ may at any time avail itself of theremedies that it may have in law or in equity for any breach of theterms hereof including any conditions of warranty provided.


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Corporate Responsibility Requirements Safety and Health

You will ensure that the following risks are managed appropriately. > Fire/explosion/security. > Natural hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes. > Exposure to chemical/biological hazards. > You will ensure that you are in compliance with relevant SHE licenses and approvals for plant material and distribution. > You will ensure that you and relevant staff have appropriate knowledge of risks and how to control them.


> Your emissions to air and discharges to water must comply with regulatory requirements and existing permits. > If hazardous waste is generated, procedures must be in place to ensure compliance with national regulations. > You should consider environmental impacts in the development of products and services > If you are handling or producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs)), you need to have the appropriate policies and procedures in place for managing the associated risks.

Human Rights

> There shall be no restriction in employment based on race, gender, ethnic belonging or sexual orientation. > The company shall engage in collective bargaining, as a minimum, in those countries where it is customary practice within the legal framework and supported by its employees. > The company shall have one or more means by which the employees can raise raise concerns (whistle-blowing) with top management. The employees shall be protected from any adverse impact on their employment, as a result of taking such steps. > The company shall pay its employees no less than the minimum wage, as defined in the country of operation. > The company shall not employ children, as defined by law in the country of operation.


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