Kisi Kisi Simulasi UNBK 2018 16. Reading about Welcome Cell ;How does Welcome cell Provide cellular Service internationally? 17. Reading text (about Ronny corporation company;What’s project of Ronny’s corporation…) 18. Reading Recount Text ( PT AZUA Golden Messissipi, Based on the text…AZUA…… 19.Reading Descriptive text (Toraja Land ( Tana Toraja; The second Paragraph tell is mainly about…. ) 20. Reading about Tanjung Benoa Bali ( According to the text, the place is the best for…..) 21. and 22.Reading comprehension ( Recount Text: Levi Strous background; a. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph b.We can conclude from the text that..) 23 and 24.Precedure about a video selfie ( conclude about the dialogue ) 25 and 26.Precedure about the cash register ( what is the first step of the procedure ) 27.Daily activities ( What does the family do in harvest ) 28.Making conclusion about dialogue the future 29.Invitation for dinner.( what is the dialogue about) 30.Invitation birthday 31.Giving Opinion 32.Dialogue abut Instruction 33.Dialogue about Prohibition 34.Dialogue Present Continous ( Recent Activity) 35.Dialogue Giving suggestion/Advice 36.Announcement ( students registration deadline for the first semester; when do the students make the payment) 38.Dialogue aboutPreferences (I like, I’d rather, Prefer, I’d better) 39. Dialogue about Planning 40.Dialogue about Past activity
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