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Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 12 April 2009 Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week. I would like to wish you a very happy Easter Sunday, whatever it means to you. First I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter - this week there are a particularly large number of you joining us. As we progress inexorably towards the Great Transition is becoming increasingly important to be prepared for the events ahead, events which only take place every 25,800 years or so, events which present the choice to either evolve to the next level of Human Being - Homo Luminous - or to "reset" and start again in the physical Universe under a new set of circumstances, ultimately leading to new opportunities to evolve. Ultimately no one is ever left behind, but evolution, especially opportunities such we are currently facing, should always be chosen over remaining static or even involution. Of course before anyone can make a choice they need to be aware of the options and the opportunities. It is often said by the Beings of Light Who reside within much Higher Energy frequencies, constantly watching over all humanity, especially during these pivotal times, that if each and every person was to only help one other person on the path to Enlightenment, then they will have achieved something great during their lifetime. Never, in the history of Earth has humanity devolved further away from our Source than now. But yet everyone still has the opportunity to cross the threshold with the help of others. Once "life" is seen and realised in its true Light, everything becomes possible. I realise that many of you may be reluctant to share your awakening and knowledge with others, for fear of what these people may "think of you" and I really do understand that, but please be assured their are literally billions of people out there who feel "lost". There are also millions who know, deep within, that there is "something" much greater than themselves and what they currently believe as their "life" and reality, but simply cannot make that crucial connection without help or guidance.

I personally receive many messages from people who have recently discovered the Truth and the Light, and whose life has changed dramatically once they know that they know they are the Masters of their own destiny. All you need to do is forward this newsletter and let them decide for themselves. If it does make a difference, and this knowledge is exactly what they have been looking for and needed, then they they may join us by visiting any page on our website: http://www.ourultimatereality.com/ I also wrote the book Our Ultimate Reality as the definitive guide to our true origins, nature and ultimate destiny, so if you know of anyone who needs answers to these questions, and millions do, the book can and will help them, often profoundly: http://www.ourultimatereality.com/our-ultimate-reality-the-book.html In this weeks newsletter: 1. Beyond the Abyss - For 3 days 2. Jackie Evancho update 3. Nibiru and the origins of human beings

Beyond the Abyss - For 3 days Beyond the Abyss, the new next generation brainwave entrainment and inner consciousness track I offered as a newsletter subscriber opportunity has proven to be a great success, and I thank everyone very much for your excellent feedback and enthusiasm. I have received numerous requests since the opportunity closed from people who missed the original opportunity for various reasons, asking me to make an exception. Due to the large number of requests, and being Easter, I have decided to make Beyond the Abyss available once again for 3 days, over Easter, until midnight PST Tuesday: http://www.ourultimatereality.com/beyond-the-abyss.html Please note that after your payment has been processed by PayPal you will see a bright orange button or link "Return to Merchant. It is crucial to click this button or link in order to complete your purchase.

For the thousands of new members joining us since Beyond the Abyss was first made available, here is the newsletter that describes it in detail: http://www.ourultimatereality.com/newsletters/080309.pdf Jackie Evancho update In a recent editions, I brought you news of an exceptionally talented young singer, Jackie Evancho, who only started to sing Opera and Musicals just a year or so ago. Last time I mentioned that Jackie had entered the "USA World Showcase" competition, the ultimate prize for which is a opportunity to record and publish a CD. This is an exert from the first song she sang, Ave Maria, and the reaction of a judge, Billy Hinsche of the Beach Boys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xohUtP4cMdk&feature=channel_page I am delighted to say that she has made it though to the final 20, which, considering the number of competitors entering from all over the world, her age and experience, this is an extraordinary achievement. The next round of voting is now open, and I would like to ask you to help Jackie to keep her dreams alive, and the opportunity to reach the heart and Soul of even more people by voting for her. This is the short video she made asking for your help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNOrDbOa09Y&feature=channel_page And this is the page where you can cast your vote: http://www.usaworldshowcase.com/vote2009/vote.php Jackie of course is the second from the left in pink on the bottom row. Many of you have asked me why I am supporting Jackie in particular. The reason is very simple. Over the last 15 to 20 years in particular, thousands if not tens of thousands of children have been born on Earth with one objective - to help humanity through the great changes that lie just ahead in may different ways, the main one of which is to help raise the consciousness of humanity, before during and after the Transition.

These are the Children of the Golden Age. After the Transition is complete, all children born in to the new, evolved version of planet Earth will be as these children, the beginning of the next evolution of Human Being, the evolution so aptly referred to by the Aztec's as "Homo Luminous" - Enlightened Man. Jackie is just such a child. Until recently she has no formal vocal or singing training, and has never sang mechanically hoping for a career in music. her abilities come from within, and are instantly recognizable for who she really is - as you will see from the effect she has on all who hear her sing. And this is just the beginning. I have heard numerous children sing over the last 40 or 50 years, and attended numerous school concerts at the schools attended by my own children, but never before have I heard anyone child of this age sing as Jackie does. Jackie shuns fame saying she is here to sing for God and make people happy, and I for one would never doubt it. So please help Jackie along, and help her to bring joy to millions in the next few years. Nibiru and the origins of human beings Nibiru, aka "Planet X", is a subject I have deliberately avoided over the years, due to its perception as a particularly "far out" subject, and not one directly relevant to us, but there is now so much disinformation out there, that I have decided today to provide you with a balanced overview of Nibiru, so you can decide for yourself. In this article I will simply provide you with the relevant facts as I know them to be, but without the plethora of doomsday and conspiracy theories out there, most of which serve no other purpose than to invoke fear and apprehension. Before we take a look at Nibiru in depth I would first like to address one question that arises time and again, which is broadly - "how does Nibiru relate to 2012?". The answer in my view is that Nibiru does not, in my view, relate directly to 2012 - at least relative to what we do know for certain about 2012. Although there are many people endeavouring to link Nibiru to 2012, for various reasons, there is absolutely no justification for doing so, this being a classic case of adding 2 plus to get 5. The now iconic date of 21 December 2012 first arose as a result of the decoding of the Mayan Long Count Calendar 20 or so years ago, which date has since been verified by many independent sources around the world. The Maya did not, contrary to popular belief, engage in "prophecies". A "prophecy", by definition is to foretell the future in some way, and as we know, there is no "future" there is only the Eternal Moment of Now. It is absolutely impossible to "tell" the future.

The Maya were first and foremost Cosmologists. All of their calendrical systems, including the Long Count Calendar, resulted from the cosmic cycles they observed in the night sky over a long period of time. Although these cosmic cycles are often vast, the Maya only required observation and measurement of a small section of the cycle to project and extrapolate the entire cycle which also became part of their mythology. The iconic date of 21 December 2012 - the transitional date between the end of one Long count cycle of approximately 25,800 years and the next - coincides with the alignment of the December Solstice Sun with Galactic centre. The significance of this event is mostly symbolic, representing the much greater implications of our solar system, including Earth, as it and therefore we transition through the vast Energy field of the plane of the super-massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. It is highly unlikely therefore the Maya would have known of Nibiru, which would, at the time, have been far beyond the planet Pluto, and in any case, as we will see later, is not visible in the normal spectrum of light - at least at this time. I will not say for certain that Nibiru will play a role in 2012, but if that should change in any way I assure you I will let you know in this newsetter. But what then is Nibiru? Does Nibiru even exist? The first mention of Nibiru arose when the ancient texts of the ancient Sumerian culture were translated a few decades ago. The Sumerians were the very first "advanced" civilisation that we are aware of, pre-dating the Egyptians by at least 1000 years. Of course Atlantis was considered to be more advanced, but at this time we have no proof. The entire Old Testament of the bible is actually entirely based in the stories and legacy of the Sumerians, just as the New Testament effectively originated in Ancient Egypt. In both cases it is almost certain that the stories that comprise the entire book in each case were handed down over the centuries, often by word of mouth, repeated time and again over time and through many civilisations, only varying in slight details where they were modified to suit the local cultures, until Christianity where the basis of the texts became corrupted, almost beyond recognition for the most part. The New Testaments birth, crucifixion and resurrection myth originated with Osiris in Ancient Egypt, was repeated almost unchanged a further 15 times to the Roman God Mithra, and then used as the basis for Christianity so the Romans would find the familiar story acceptable - together with the continuity of their familiar and much loved pagan festivals such as December 25 and of course Easter.

The Sumerian records were the original source of the Old Testament, chroniclng, in great detail the "creation" of modern humans, which, around 450,000 years ago, suddenly saw a massive leap from primitive to modern humans as we exist today. The Sumerian culture was located where Iraq is today, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, also the location of Babylon and related cultures. The Babylonian name for their land was "Edinhu" - which, in Akkadian means "plain", referring to the fertile flood plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This is the origin of the name "Eden" as well as the association with "The Garden of Eden". Again though, the entire Old Testament as well as therefore the Torah of the Jewish religion originated in Sumeria, but, as with the new Testament, morphed numerous times before forming the basis of the current Judeo-Christian holy books. Before continuing I would like to note the sheer extent of the Sumerian texts that have been discovered over the years, many of which have already been translated and continue to be translated.. There have been over 1 million clay tablets and cylinder seals discovered so far, containing a vast wealth of information. Many of these describe, very accurately, as well as in diagrams, flying machines, space ships and a wide array of technology, much of which seems to be as advanced, if not more advanced than that familiar today. The Sumerian texts also describe the people they regarded as Gods - the "Annunaki", which, in Sumerian, literally means "those from Heaven came". The Annunaki are usually depicted as being humanoid, but regarded as Gods, very tall with large heads. Several skeletons have been found, fitingt this description. The Sumerian texts describe the arrival of the first "God", who came around 450,000 years ago, from a planet that orbits the Sun every 3600 years or so, called "Nibiru". This first "God" was actually said to be an exile from Nibiru called "Alula". The texts describe how Alula discovered vast deposits of Gold on Earth which could be used to save their planet, which was being threatened by a thinning atmosphere. Gold, it is said, was sprinkled in to the atmosphere, to protect and restore it. Alula, upon discovering the Gold deposits on Earth, returned to Nibiru to inform his people who then arrived en-masse to mine the necessary Gold to save their planet. The Annunaki, according to the texts, saw themselves as "superior", and not ones to get their hands dirty with mining processes. They therefore decided to genetically "modify" the ancient primitive Earth hominids of the time to use as workers in the Gold mines.

The Annunaki called their final creation Adamhu" - hence the bible story of Adam. The texts also say that Adamhu was created "after their own image". So in this case the Annunaki created the first of the race of modern humans incorporating their own genetics, but ensuring that they were also engineered as slaves to work in the mines. Now I know this seems more unlikely as we progress, but keep in Mind that the Sumerian tablets were written as history books, and they fit the ancient creation myths perfectly. From a genetic perspective scientists have long been seeking the so called "missing link" because the sudden jump from the ancient hominids to modern humans around 450.000 years ago was too vast to have occurred in one single leap. Examination of the human genome and genetic makeup deepens the mystery. The human genetic constitution includes 223 genes that did not originate during the natural course of evolution - the hominid ancestors did not pass on these genes, and neither, apparently did they originate from any known life form, even when going very far back, long before the first ape like creatures. 223 genes is a truly massive difference which is completely unaccounted for, as are various other genetic discrepancies. According to the Sumerian tablets, it was the an Annunaki named "Enki", their then chief scientist, who formulated and executed the idea in conjunction with the Chief Medical Officer, "Ninharsag", to "create them after their own image". After much trial and error they finally succeeded. Ancient Sumerian cylinder seals, as in the picture below, on the left, contain a depiction of the double helix known to modern science, as pictured on the right. This is the origin of the first caduceus - the entwined snakes as seen in medical symbols, often, erroneously believed to represent kundalini.

Another seal, as illustrated below, shows a depiction of Ninharsag, pictured with his scientific apparatus, handing over the "completed" "Adamhu" to Enki.

And so the modern day human - Adamhu - Adam - was born. It seems very likely that during this process the previous 12 strands of DNA of the ancient hominids were reduced to 2, thus severing many of the inner connections and a wide range of metaphysical abilities, simply so the new human ace could serve its purpose to its "creator God's" under the illusion of separation and control - some things never change it seems. The texts go on to describe how eventually Annunaki males came from Nibiru and bred with the Adamhu females - the "daughters of men" - to perpetuate the new race of humans - the "missing link". This is recorded in Genesis 6.4 thus "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them "

The Annunaki were said to be up to 10 feet tall. They ensured that humans were shorter so they could retain their God-like status over the created "Adamhu" humans. Now the Annunaki came from their home planet Nibiru which has been called many other names including "the destroyer", so named because every time Nibiru nears Earth cataclysmic events take place. The Great Flood and destruction of Atlantis are said to have been the result of the passing of Nibiru, although this is not proven. Fast forward to modern times and the mystery of Nibiru.

What exactly is Nibiru and where is it now? Well first of all we should note the fact that the Sumerians knew the structure of the entire solar system thousands of years ago, including the precise position of the planets. Keeping in Mind that Pluto was not even discovered until a few decades ago, you will realise how significant this is. Also keeping in Mind that the Sumerians, unlike the Maya, had no apparent ability to observe the cosmos, then it should be apparent that they must have obtained a precise map of the solar system, including Nibiru itself from a more advanced race - the Annunaki. Below is a picture from a Sumerian tablet dated around 6000 years ago depicting the Solar System:

There is considerable evidence to suggest that there is a huge object, around four times the size of Earth, which is causing perturbations, in other words deviating the orbit of the outer planets. This has been observed for decades. Then in 1983, a new American satellite - IRAS - located a massive object that was not, and still is not visible to normal telescopes or equipment within the visible spectrum. The temperature of this object is calculated at just 40 degrees above absolute zero and does not reflect or emit light. It is speculated that this object may well be a "brown dwarf" - a failed Star. Many stars have been noted to be "binary systems" - twin Suns - whereas our solar system only has the one. The most likely explanation is that this object started out as a star, but lacked the necessary mass to continue, and eventually fizzled out, eventually orbiting around our Sun in a very large elliptical orbit of 3600 years or so.

It is further believed, with plenty of ancient texts to support it, that as this object swings by Earth it causes massive and cataclysmic destruction for many months, including earthquakes, tsunamis, also attracting massive CME's - coronal mass ejections - from the Sun. Many events have been associated with the passing of this object, including many ancient cities that have recently been located 2000 feet under the sea, as well s pole shifts. It has Been discovered that ice of Antarctica is less than 4000 years old, and that Antarctica use to be much further north, inhabited by a wide range of life, including even humans. This object is said to look like a planet with wings - which are actually dust trails - which would account for the many depictions in ancient text of a winged planet or other object. Soon after this object was first discovered in 1983 it was almost immediately hushed up, and has been consistently and even forcibly denied ever since. This has been accompanied by many governments suddenly making and launching infra red telescope satellites costing billions of dollars each. The USA has also recently spent billions on a "South Pole Telescope" which is an infra red telescope, in a place where it really makes no sense to put anything. This is because this object - let us call it Nibiru - can currently only be seen from the South Pole. Very recently pictures of Nibiru taken from the SPT were leaked on Youtube - I saw them myself - but the Youtube accounts were all cancelled within 24 hours, as have been many other ccounts with Nibiru related information. This is a screen shot that someone took before the account was closed:

What you see in this picture is the image said to be "appropriated" from the USA "South Pole Telescope". The object in red is the brown dwarf star - Nibiru - and up to 7 planets in orbit around it. Again, it is quite possible that the brown dwarf is not Nibiru, but rather one of the 7 planets that orbits it.

To further add to the conspiracy theories, the precise location of this object in the constellation of Orion has been blanked out in different ways on all the virtual telescope programs such as Google Sky, WikiSky and World Wide Telescope. What I have described in this newsletter is by way of information, to help you though the maze of conflicting stories - most of which are doomsday oriented - on the Internet regarding Nibiru, Planet X and so on, with the erroneous 2012 connections. I am personally of the view that this mysterious object - which may or may not be Nibiru - is not 2012 related. That would be too much of a coincidence due to the fact that no 2012 related scenario that I am aware of even remotely takes account of Nibiru. I feel that Nibiru is "way out there" at this time, at a distance that does not really concern us, or our children, and certainly nothing to worry about. In future newsletters I may re-visit this subject, focusing on specific aspects. Please keep in Mind that your Beyond the Abyss opportunity is available for the next 3 days: http://www.ourultimatereality.com/beyond-the-abyss.html And please help Jackie visit the site below to vote for Jackie, second from the left in pink on the third and final row: http://www.usaworldshowcase.com/vote2009/vote.php Until next week, have a wonderful Easter Sunday. In Love and Light, Adrian. http://www.ourultimatereality.com/our-ultimate-reality-the-book.html http://www.scienceofbeing27lessons.com http://www.ourultimatereality.com http://www.ourultimatereality.com/forums http://www.ourultimatereality.com/science-of-being-paperback.html

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