12 Web Services Best Practices

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Web Services Best Practices

© 2003 IBM Corporation


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Agenda ƒWhat are WebServices? ƒHow do they help? ƒWhat’s this “Service Oriented Architecture” Thing? ƒArchitectural Best Practices ƒDesign Best Practices ƒInteroperability Best Practices ƒPerformance Best Practices

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

The IT-related problems facing business today ƒDrive down cost ƒEliminate duplicate systems ƒRe-use, don't re-build ƒSimplify skills base

ƒReduce cycle time and costs for external business processes ƒMove from manual transactions with suppliers towards automated transactions ƒFacilitate flexible dealings with partners with minimal process or IT impact

ƒSupport an on-demand business model ƒThe marketplace is changing - businesses need to change too ƒMany existing IT systems are inhibitors to change: complex and inflexible ƒExisting integrations can be inhibitors to change: multiple technologies, point-topoint integration, inflexible models

ƒIntegrate across the enterprise ƒIntegrate historically separate systems ƒCompletion of mergers and acquisitions ƒAcross physical and technology barriers

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So, what has stopped us solving them? ƒA multitude of technologies and platforms support your business systems ƒBusiness process models are a mixture of people practises, application code and interactions between people and systems or between systems and systems ƒChanges to one system tend to imply ripples of change at many levels to many other systems ƒNo single, fully functional, integration solution will talk to them all ƒDeployment of any single, proprietary integration solution across the enterprise is complex, costly and time consuming ƒWill any one integration solution talk to your partners'? Your future partners'? ƒNo single data / business / process model across (or beyond) the enterprise ƒNot all integration technologies work as well across a wide area network or the internet as they do across a local area network ƒExotic protocols ƒDifficulties with firewalls ƒNetwork bandwidth

Web Services Best Practices


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Integration on a vast scale Industry Solutions



Customer Relationship Management


Enterprise Resource Planning



Project Lifecycle Management



Value Chain Management Suppliers & Distributors



Business Integration

Web Services Best Practices



(inter- & intra-enterprise)

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Is Web Services the answer? Sort of ... ƒWeb Services are part of the answer ... but mostly we'll get to that later ƒService Oriented Architecture (SOA) is another part ƒThe two are not the same thing: ƒMost of today's production Web Services systems aren't service oriented architectures - they're simple remote procedure calls or point-to-point messaging via SOAP ƒMost of today's production service oriented architectures don't primarily use Web Services - many use existing mature technologies, such as XML, asynchronous messaging etc.

ƒTo really achieve the promoted benefits of Web Services, you need both

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And just what is a Service Oriented Architecture? Service oriented architectures are intended to promote flexibility via clear definition and loose coupling ƒAll functions (that need to be used by more than one system) are defined as "services" ƒService providers agree a defined, implementation-independent interface with service clients ƒThere is only one instance of each service implementation, either at: Runtime ƒEach service, e.g. exchange rate calculation, is deployed in one place and one place only, and is remotely invoked by anything that needs to use it Deployment time ƒEach service is built once, but re-deployed to be invoked semi-locally wherever it is needed ƒThese concepts are intended to take "re-use" beyond the more usually achieved "design-time" re-use, i.e. where function is built once, then deeply embedded, e.g. as a shared code library, in whatever systems need it.

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But, what is a service? ƒAny function ... but perhaps at several levels of granularity, e.g.: ƒBusiness Process Services: ƒcreateStockOrder ƒreconcileAccount

ƒBusiness Transaction Services: ƒcheckOrderAvailability ƒcreateBillingRecord

ƒBusiness Function Services: ƒcalculateDollarValueFromYen ƒgetStockPrice

ƒTechnical Function Services: ƒauditEvent ƒcheckUserPassword

ƒThere's value in thinking of all of these as "Services", i.e. with defined interfaces and runtime, deploy-time (or perhaps design-time) re-use

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Services – Some ground rules ƒA service encapsulates a well-defined invokable unit of business function, and exists either to provide information or to facilitate a change of business data from one valid and consistent state to another. ƒServices neither remembers the last thing they were asked to do nor care what the next is, and are not dependent on the context or state of other services. ƒAny dependencies between services should be defined in terms of common business process, function and data models. ƒServices are defined using explicit interfaces that are independent of service implementations, and that both service requestors and service providers agree to. ƒServices should be invokable through defined communication protocols that stress interoperability and location transparency.

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From what SOA “is” to “what” it does for you: ƒEncapsulation enables re-use: each element of your business is captured and implemented in only one place, so changing it is straightforward. ƒThere are benefits in development and maintenance costs, but flexibility is the primary goal in Service Oriented Architecture.

ƒThe use of implementation independent interfaces to describe this encapsulation means that heterogenous systems can be integrated, and changes to one lead to fewer knock-on effects. ƒObject programming via interfaces has been common for years; now we're moving up to integration via interfaces to realise the same benefits at the enterprise level.

ƒWith clearly defined interfaces between all business systems, you can start modelling (and changing) the business process captured by them at a level above individual systems. ƒService Oriented Architectures are an enabler for process modelling and automation at a truly enterprise scale.

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What's so special about these interfaces? There are two important characteristics of interfaces within a service oriented architecture:

SYSTEM 1 Internal code and processs

ƒInterface by contract ƒAn explicit interface definition or contract is used to bind a service requestor and a service provider ƒSpecifies explicitly only the mutual behaviour - specifies nothing about the implementation of the requestor or the provider ƒAllows either to change implementation or identity freely

ƒInterface granularity ƒLarger grained ƒLoosely coupled

Interface Code CONTRACT Shared process and interface definitions

Interface Code Internal code and processs SYSTEM 2

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"Service" Interfaces vs. "Component" Interfaces ... ƒThink of the difference between applying for a mortgage over the phone or by post ... ƒBy post:

ƒBy phone:

•Client requests application form •Provider sends it •Client fills it in and returns it •Provider says "yes" or "no"

Service-like - the interaction is not dependent on the *identify* of the service provider - i.e. the completed application form can be returned to a different branch than the one that provided it.

Component-like - the interaction is dependent on the specific representative of the estate agent i.e. the *identity* of the service provider

Web Services Best Practices


•Client calls provider •Provider says "Hello, how can we help" •"I'd like a mortgage please" •"What's your name" •"John Smith" •"What's the property address" •"27 ..." •etc. •etc. •etc. •etc. •etc. •"... OK, your mortgage agreement number is 12345, I'll post the rest of the details"

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Recap: Rules for Service Oriented Architectures ƒAny function is implemented once and once only as a Service ƒServices can be runtime or deployment-time re-used ƒService providers and requesters are loosely bound: ƒEach service is defined by an implementation independent interface. ƒServices are defined in terms of common business function and data models. ƒCommunication protocols that emphasise interoperability and location transparency are used to mediate service interactions.

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Value of Service Oriented Architectures ƒBuild once, use often ƒOne place to make one change - brings encapsulation from the Object world to the Enterprise world ƒLower development, operations and maintenance costs

ƒInterface by contract ƒLoosely couples requestor and provider so each can vary independently ƒIntegration is explicitly defined and so better understood, at the application and Enterprise level

ƒFew, large-grained interactions, each commonly agreed ƒAgain promotes looser coupling as small-grained state and process models are independent ƒSimplified, agreed, defined data and process flows - again, at the application and Enterprise level ƒLess variation and complexity to manage ƒEasier to change large-grained processes if individual steps are well defined and contain less complexity

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Implications of Service Oriented Architectures ƒNote that there's nothing to do with specific technologies here ƒSome technologies may help (e.g. CORBA provides interface definitions) ƒBut providing you implement these principles, anything will do particularly technologies that emphasise location independence and interoperability, e.g. asynchronous messaging

ƒAnd note the implication for business processes: ƒThere is a strong synergy between Service Oriented Architecture and consistency of business processes across the enterprise ƒFull scale implementation will involve process re-engineering ƒIt is important that this simplifies and streamlines business practises, rather than removing any unique value or discriminator

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Which problems do Service Oriented Architectures solve? ƒYou have a multitude of technologies and platforms supporting your business systems ƒBusiness process models are a mixture of people practises, application code and interactions between people and systems or systems and systems ƒChanges to one system tend to imply ripples of change at many levels to many other systems ƒNo single, fully functional integration solution will talk to them all ƒDeployment of any single, proprietary integration solution across the enterprise is complex, costly and time consuming ƒAssuming you get past that, will your integration solution talk to your partners'? Your future partners'? ƒNo single data / business / process model across (or beyond) the enterprise ƒNot all integration technologies work as well across a wide area network or the internet as they do across a local area network ƒExotic protocols ƒDifficulties with firewalls ƒNetwork bandwidth

We've answered some important and difficult points, but much remains ƒLet's see what Web Services brings to the party Web Services Best Practices


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The basics of Web Services – not that diagram again! Directory / Namespace ƒService Provider

Service Directory

ƒprovides e-business services ƒpublishes availability of these services through a registry

ƒService Directory ƒprovides support for publishing and locating services ƒlike telephone yellow pages

ƒService Requestor ƒlocates required services via the Service Broker ƒbinds to services via Service Provider

Service Requesto r


But so what? Why isn't this just client/server?

Web Services Best Practices


1. WSDL Publish

2. Find UDDI 3. Use SOAP

Service Provider


http://mygateway.com/services/createOrder 1234 <customer id>AB35 <part no>127.87A 2 © 2003 IBM Corporation ...

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

Why Web Services is a revolution for integration inside and outside the enterprise ƒThe Web revolutionized the way people talk to systems: ƒCustomers: new business models, extension of opportunity ƒEmployees: new transparency, improved collaboration ƒOperators: dramatic reduction in infrastructure costs and complexity ƒThe key was a universal server-to-client model based on simple open standards and industry support

ƒWeb Services promises to do the same thing for the way systems talk to systems: ƒIntegrate one business directly with another - don't wait for the people ƒGet your own business talking to itself - joined up IT ƒDramatic reduction in infrastructure costs and complexity ƒThe key will be a universal program-to-program communication model based on simple open standards and industry support

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The core Web Services technologies ƒWSDL - Web Services Description Language ƒXML-based interface definition language ƒSeparate function from implementation - design by contract ƒSOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol / Service Oriented Architecture Protocol ƒAn XML messaging protocol that works over any transport protocol - HTTP, SNMP, JMS / MQ, FTP etc. ƒUDDI - Universal Description, Discovery, Integration ƒUDDI servers act as a directory of available services and service providers ƒSOAP can be used to query UDDI for WSDL definitions of services ƒUnified namespace based on URL technology ƒNot dependent on proprietary routing and naming services

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What's new? - We have got it right this time ƒA namespace, communication protocol and interface definition language based on simple, existing, open standards ƒTCP/IP, HTTP, XML, ... ƒAvailable everywhere - don't need a monolithic integration solution - work with the Internet, routers, load balancing, firewalls, web servers, ... ƒAvailable already - most systems support basic TCP/IP, HTML, XML already, and many support Web Services already

ƒBroad industry support ƒWeb Services Interoperability Group Founders: Accenture, BEA Systems Inc., Fujitsu Ltd., Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM Corp., Intel Corp., Microsoft Corp., Oracle Corp. and SAP AG ƒMany members

ƒWe have learnt from the past ƒLoose coupling - from EAI technologies ƒIntegration by contract, implementation by whatever - from CORBA, OO ƒKeep it simple, stupid - from the Web ƒWork together on it - from J2EE, HTTP, HTML etc.

e-business is driving the merging of Web, IT & Object technologies to form the foundation for Web Services Web Services Best Practices


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Web Services isn't just XML over HTTP ... ƒSOAP allows XML over any protocol ƒDifferent protocols have different qualities of service ƒExamples ƒWS-ReliableMessaging - standard in development, preview of IBM's related HTTPR available now ƒSOAP over asynchronous messaging (MQSeries, JMS) available now

ƒGartner: ƒBy 2004, more than 25 percent of all standard Web services traffic will be asynchronous, using SMTP, FTP or message-oriented middleware for the transport (0.7 probability). ƒBy 2006, more than 40 percent of the standard Web services traffic will be asynchronous (0.7 probability).

ƒThe reality of "loosely coupled" - we don't need connectivity to all the systems in a transaction, all of the time

WS-ReliableMessaging Send

HTTP Client Message Tracking

Web Services Best Practices




HTTP Server Message Tracking

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Which of our problems do Web Services solve? ƒYou have a multitude of technologies and platforms supporting your business systems ƒBusiness process models are a mixture of people practises, application code and interactions between people and systems or systems and systems ƒChanges to one system tend to imply ripples of change at many levels to many other systems ƒNo single, fully functional integration solution will talk to them all ƒDeployment of any single, proprietary integration solution across the enterprise is complex, costly and time consuming ƒAssuming you get past that, will your integration solution talk to your partners'? Your future partners'? ƒNo single data / business / process model across (or beyond) the enterprise ƒNot all integration technologies work as well across a wide area network or the internet as they do across a local area network ƒExotic protocols ƒDifficulties with firewalls ƒNetwork bandwidth

ƒAgain, we've answered some important and difficult points, but much remains ƒLet's take a look at Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures combined ... Web Services Best Practices


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Web Service Oriented Architectures ƒ(WS) You have a multitude of technologies and platforms supporting your business systems ƒ(SOA) Business process models are a mixture of people practises, application code and interactions between people and systems or systems and systems ƒ(SOA) Changes to one system tend to imply ripples of change at many levels to many other systems ƒ(WS) No single, fully functional integration solution will talk to them all ƒ(WS) Deployment of any single, proprietary integration solution across the enterprise is complex, costly and time consuming ƒ(WS) Assuming you get past that, will your integration solution talk to your partners'? Your future partners'? ƒ(SOA) No single data / business / process model across (or beyond) the enterprise ƒ(WS) Not all integration technologies work as well across a wide area network or the internet as they do across a local area network ƒExotic protocols ƒDifficulties with firewalls ƒNetwork bandwidth

Bingo! ƒBut ... Web Services are an immature technology. Are they up to this? Web Services Best Practices


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

IBM's View of Web Services ƒA Web Services is described by WSDL


ƒnot limited to SOAP ƒmultiple protocols ƒboth synchronous and asynchronous ƒboth RPC and document oriented



ƒEvolutionary ƒadd web service to your existing designs ƒdoes not require a radical redesign ƒWeb Services will not supplant other distributed technologies, it will supplement them

ƒYou have to start with a good, standard J2EE design ƒProper layer design and layer placement is critical to success ƒIf you are already doing XML, then Web Services provide a lot of benefit for little cost ƒIf not doing XML currently, then you must plan for the overhead it introduces

ƒStandards, Standards, Standards ƒInteroperability is key ƒUse open source and commercial tools wisely and adhere to standards

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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

WebSphere Studio makes this easy…

Web Services Best Practices


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IBM Software Services for WebSphere

So maybe everything is a Web Service… ƒ And XML is the cargo between layers

Can you get too much of a good thing?

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Scenario: Do NOT use XML/SOAP over HTTP between Layers Presentation Tier

Backend Systems

Business Logic Tier


WebSphere Application Server Data Components

Model Managers ASP



Apache SOAP WS Interface

Session EJB (app control logic)

Data XML Java objects


Xalan XSLT Xerces parser KBML Open Source

Good: WS for Interoperability

Web Services Best Practices


Xerces parser

Domain Object Model

Bad: XML/WS between application layers with J2EE server completely unnecessary

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Lessons: ƒDo NOT use XML/Web Services where they are not needed ƒno external interfaces being exposed ƒXML not being flowed through the system

ƒXML/Web Services parsing takes time and generates garbage - it is not free ƒGood place for Web Services is on the 'edge' of the application server ƒpreferred strategy for interoperability situations

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Do NOT use WS for Fine-Grained Interactions

Bad: Finegrained WS calls.

Presentation Layer

Business Layer

Java Application

WebSphere Application Server

Swing (view/controller)

Web Service Generated SOAP stub Apache SOAP

Web Services Best Practices


Apache SOAP


EJB (controller/model)

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Do NOT use SOAP over HTTP between Java Application Servers Presentation Layer


Bad: Using WS between WAS application servers (no firewall issues)


WebSphere Application Server

WebSphere Application Server

SOAP Engine


Web Service Generated SOAP stub SOAP Engine

Web Services Best Practices

Business Layer



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Where to Use Web Services ƒInteroperability between heterogeneous systems ƒDefer the choice of Transport ƒAsynchronous messaging (MQ, SMTP) ƒSynchronous (HTTP, RMI/IIOP, local)

ƒGet through firewalls ƒTo expose a common, language neutral interface and hide implementation details ƒMinimize impact of changes in one system effecting other systems ƒService Oriented Architectures

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Balancing J2EE protocols ƒIf the application server may have Java as a service requester, have that Java application make an RMI/IIOP call to an EJB instead of using SOAP over HTTP. ƒSupport both RMI/IIOP and web services interfaces ƒSupport SOAP over MQ for asynchronous requests

Non-Java clients

Java clients, Servlets/EJBs in other JVMs



JAX-RPC Service IF

Remote EJB IF

EJB Impl

Web Services Best Practices


JMS-enabled clients XML/JMS


Local EJB IF


Servlets, EJBs in the same JVM

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Choose the Protocol based on the Requirements Sync Message Queue HTTP

Queued (Latency)

Reliable Delivery

Open Standard




* (JMS – Jav only)




Async Broadcast



Web Services Best Practices






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Architecture for Firewall Challenges ƒRequirement was for a 'rich' client experience over the Internet and Intranet ƒMost outside the firewall (using Network Address Translation) ƒFirst attempt was to engineer a fully HTML-based solution ƒDecided on an Applet client ƒHowever the presence of multiple firewalls between client and server made the use of RMI/IIOP impossible ƒSo, the client introduced a Web Services interface for their existing EJBs to allow client communication over HTTP and SOAP

WebSphere Application Server

Applet Generated SOAP stub SOAP Engine

Application Client EJB Client




Firewall Web Services Best Practices


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When to use Web Services for Firewall Challenges ƒClient had to overcome skepticism about the maturity of the technology from both outside consultants and internal I/T management ƒWeb Services was the right choice even though Java ran on both ends of the conversation ƒOvercame limitations of RMI/IIOP with NAT firewalls ƒSimple and easy to implement over existing EJBs

ƒLarge requests/data being sent ƒAlthough the Application client was 'snappier' than SOAP over HTTP, the Applet had acceptable performance ƒThe same architecture has been put in place in other customers as well ƒWebSphere's EJB clients have a strong JDK dependency; using Web Services as a communication mechanism allows more flexibility on the client end

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Interoperability .NET Requestor


Apache SOAP Requestor

WebSphere Requestor

SOAP lite Requestor

Web Services Best Practices



.NET SOAP Service (provider)


WebSphere SOAP Service (provider)

WebSphere SOAP Service (provider to incoming requests requestor sending requests)


SOAP lite SOAP Service (provider)

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Choosing the Granularity in SOA ƒUnified Logical View ƒAn extension of the Facade pattern -- encapsulation of technology-specific details

ƒReplaceable Component ƒisolating requestors from change in the implementation

ƒComposable component ƒSo that you can create business process with the elements (BPEL4WS)



Coordinator Web Services Best Practices


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Unified Logical View WebSphere Application Server (WAS)


SOAP Engine


Employee Service Implementation

Empl. Service Session EJB

Business logic (decides which backends to call and merges data)

CICS and

CICS Adapter


JDBC Adapter


custom code

Web Services Best Practices



CICS Java Gateway


3rd party system

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Replaceable Component ƒIn one insurance application, the broker obtains policy quotes from several different systems ƒThink of this as a large-scale application of the Strategy pattern



Insurer A Adapter Insurer B Adapter

Internal UDDI Registry

Insurer A

Insurer B

Insurer C Adapter Insurer C Insurer X Adapter

Adapter WSDL

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Design Best Practices ƒWeb Services should be coarse-grained interfaces ƒWeb Services should be stateless ƒEven though it's possible to use transport state mechanisms they should be avoided

ƒThe fastest web service call is NO web service call ƒCache Data on the requestor when reasonable ƒMinimize the number of requests for the same information ƒlogically group information into larger-grain requests when possible

ƒConsider asynchronous messaging instead of synchronous RPC-style interaction ƒasynchronous is a more loosely coupled interaction model

Business Delegate

Web Services Proxy

Client cache

Web Services Best Practices


Load Balancer

Stateless Stateless Stateless Web Web Web Service Service Service

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Use Session EJBs for multiple protocols ƒIn nearly all synchronous request/response cases, a stateless Session EJB should be the preferred vehicle ƒThe only way to have fine-grained security ƒWhen a client can use RMI-IIOP the performance gains are significant but local calls are the fastest ƒConsider the Business Delegate Pattern





Java call

RemoteEJBInt erface



SOAP/HTTP WebServiceDelegate


DelegateFactory Delegate <>

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Performance - Approach ƒDo not get hung up on performance concerns until you know the 'cost' of the web service ƒoften the business processing takes more time than the Web Service processing

ƒBe smart about designing your application ƒcache data ƒsend references ƒsend the amount of data needed ƒsupport multiple protocols (don't only use SOAP over HTTP)

ƒCreate a prototype and test it under load ƒUse the fastest SOAP Engine you are comfortable with ƒUse the fastest XML Parser available ƒKeep your eye on the latest Apache releases

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Specific Performance Results ƒSmaller messages are better ƒFewer elements are better (less of an impact significant) ƒsimple is better than complex messages ƒavoid complex business objects ƒVector of 256 Complex Objects –256 * 4 * 100 = 100K – 13600 Elements or Tags

ƒAs messages get larger and more complex, the parsing time becomes a larger % of the processing time ƒUse SAX instead of DOM for de-serializing XML into objects when you write custom deserializers. ƒCode Practices ƒFor transferred objects being created from XML –Don’t initialize variables –Don’t set values in the Default Constructor –The values will be reset from XML

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Resources ƒTutorials, articles, technologies ƒ WebSphere Developer Domain http://www7b.software.ibm.com/wsdd ƒDeveloper Works Web Services http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices

ƒWeb Services Interoperability organisation ƒhttp://www.ws-i.org/

ƒOASIS open standards organisation (ebXML etc.) ƒhttp://www.oasis-open.org/

ƒSpecifications: ƒBusiness Process http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-bpel/ ƒTransactions http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-transpec/ ƒSecurity http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-secure/ ƒSOAP http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/ ƒWSDL http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl ƒUDDI http://www.uddi.org/specification.html (public directory at https://uddi.ibm.com/ubr/registry.html)

ƒPreview Technology ƒhttp://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/webservices

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