11/08/09 11:17

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11/08/09 11:17

Using Toolbox Path Cache.

MATLAB Command Window

Type "help toolbox_path_cache" for more info.

To get started, select "MATLAB Help" from the Help menu. >> help HELP topics: matlab\general - General purpose commands. matlab\ops - Operators and special characters. matlab\lang - Programming language constructs. matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation. matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions. matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions. matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms. matlab\audio - Audio support. matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials. matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers. matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices. matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs. matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs. matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs. matlab\graphics - Handle Graphics. matlab\uitools - Graphical user interface tools. matlab\strfun - Character strings. matlab\iofun - File input/output. matlab\timefun - Time and dates. matlab\datatypes - Data types and structures. matlab\verctrl - Version control. matlab\winfun - Windows Operating System Interface Files (DDE/COM) winfun\comcli - (No table of contents file) matlab\demos - Examples and demonstrations. toolbox\local - Preferences. simulink\simulink - Simulink simulink\blocks - Simulink block library. simulink\components - Simulink components. simulink\fixedandfloat - (No table of contents file) fixedandfloat\fxpdemos - Fixed-Point Blockset Demos fixedandfloat\obsolete - Obsolete Fixed-Point Blockset simulink\simdemos - Simulink 4 demonstrations and samples. simdemos\aerospace - Simulink: Aerospace model demonstrations and samples. simdemos\automotive - Simulink: Automotive model demonstrations and samples. simdemos\simfeatures - Simulink: Feature demonstrations and samples. simdemos\simgeneral - Simulink: General model demonstrations and samples. simdemos\simnew - Simulink: New features model demonstrations and samples. simulink\dee - Differential Equation Editor simulink\dastudio - (No table of contents file) stateflow\stateflow - Stateflow stateflow\sfdemos - Stateflow demonstrations and samples. stateflow\coder - Stateflow Coder rtw\rtw - Real-Time Workshop rtw\rtwdemos - Real-Time Workshop Demos rtwdemos\rsimdemos - (No table of contents file) asap2\asap2 - (No table of contents file) asap2\user - (No table of contents file) rtwin\rtwin - Real-Time Windows Target. aeroblks\aeroblks - Aerospace Blockset aeroblks\aerodemos - Aerospace Blockset demonstrations and examples. ccslink\ccslink - MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio(tm) ccslink\ccsdemos - MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio (tm) Demos ccslink\rtdxblks - RTDX (tm) Blocks cdma\cdma - CDMA Reference Blockset.

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MATLAB Command Window

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cdma\cdmamasks - CDMA Reference Blockset mask helper functions. cdma\cdmamex - CDMA Reference Blockset S-Functions. cdma\cdmademos - CDMA Reference Blockset demonstrations and examples. combuilder\combuilder - MATLAB COM Builder. comm\comm - Communications Toolbox. comm\commdemos - Communications Toolbox Demonstrations. comm\commobsolete - Archived MATLAB Files from Communications Toolbox Version 1.5. commblks\commblks - Communications Blockset. commblks\commmasks - Communications Blockset mask helper functions. commblks\commmex - Communications Blockset S-functions. commblks\commblksdemos - Communications Blockset Demos. commblksobsolete\commblksobsolete - Archived Simulink Files from Communications Toolbo x Version 1.5. toolbox\compiler - MATLAB Compiler control\control - Control System Toolbox. control\ctrlguis - Control System Toolbox -- GUI support functions. control\ctrlobsolete - Control System Toolbox -- obsolete commands. control\ctrlutil - (No table of contents file) control\ctrldemos - Control System Toolbox -- Demos. curvefit\curvefit - Curve Fitting Toolbox curvefit\cftoolgui - (No table of contents file) daq\daq - Data Acquisition Toolbox. daq\daqguis - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Soft Instruments. daq\daqdemos - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Demos. database\database - Database Toolbox. database\dbdemos Database Toolbox Demonstration Functions. database\vqb - Visual Query Builder functions. datafeed\datafeed - Datafeed Toolbox. datafeed\dfgui Datafeed Toolbox Graphical User Interface toolbox\dials - Dials & Gauges Blockset dspblks\dspblks - DSP Blockset dspblks\dspmasks - DSP Blockset mask helper functions. dspblks\dspmex - DSP Blockset S-Function MEX-files. dspblks\dspdemos - DSP Blockset demonstrations and examples. targets\ecoder - Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder ecoder\ecoderdemos - (No table of contents file) toolbox\exlink - Excel Link. filterdesign\filterdesign - Filter Design Toolbox filterdesign\quantization - (No table of contents file) filterdesign\filtdesdemos - Filter Design Toolbox Demonstrations. finance\finance - Financial Toolbox. finance\calendar - Financial Toolbox calendar functions. finance\findemos - Financial Toolbox demonstration functions. finance\finsupport - (No table of contents file) finderiv\finderiv - Financial Derivatives Toolbox. toolbox\fixpoint - Fixed-Point Blockset ftseries\ftseries - Financial Time Series Toolbox ftseries\ftsdemos - (No table of contents file) ftseries\ftsdata - (No table of contents file) ftseries\ftstutorials - (No table of contents file) fuzzy\fuzzy - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. fuzzy\fuzdemos - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Demos. garch\garch - GARCH Toolbox. garch\garchdemos - (No table of contents file) ident\ident - System Identification Toolbox. ident\idobsolete - (No table of contents file) ident\idguis - (No table of contents file) ident\idutils - (No table of contents file) ident\iddemos - (No table of contents file) ident\idhelp - (No table of contents file) images\images - Image Processing Toolbox. images\imdemos - Image Processing Toolbox --- demos and sample images instrument\instrument - Instrument Control Toolbox.

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MATLAB Command Window

instrument\instrumentdemos - (No table of contents file) lmi\lmictrl - LMI Control Toolbox: Control Applications lmi\lmilab - LMI Control Toolbox map\map - Mapping Toolbox map\mapdisp - Mapping Toolbox Map Definition and Display. map\mapproj - Mapping Toolbox Projections. matlabxl\matlabxl - MATLAB Excel Builder. mbc\mbc - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox mbc\mbcdata - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbcdesign - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbcexpr - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbcguitools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbclayouts - (No table of contents file) mbc\mbcmodels - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbcsimulink - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbctools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mbc\mbcview - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. mech\mech - SimMechanics mech\mechdemos - SimMechanics Demos. mpc\mpccmds - Model Predictive Control Toolbox. mpc\mpcdemos - Model Predictive Control Toolbox mpc555dk\mpc555dk - Embedded Target for Motorola MPC555 canlib\blockset - (No table of contents file) blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file) vectorlib\blockset - (No table of contents file) blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file) common\configuration - (No table of contents file) mpc555dk\pil - (No table of contents file) rt\blockset - (No table of contents file) blockset\mfiles - (No table of contents file) mfiles\SimulinkUtilities - (No table of contents file) mpc555dk\mpc555demos - (No table of contents file) mutools\commands - Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox. mutools\subs - Mu-Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox. toolbox\ncd - Nonlinear Control Design Blockset nnet\nnet - Neural Network Toolbox. nnet\nnutils - (No table of contents file) nnet\nncontrol - Neural Network Toolbox Control System Functions. nnet\nndemos - Neural Network Demonstrations. nnet\nnobsolete - (No table of contents file) toolbox\optim - Optimization Toolbox toolbox\pde - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox. simulink\perftools - Simulink Performance Tools simulink\mdldiff - Simulink Graphical Merge simulink\simcoverage - Simulink Model Coverage Tool rtw\accel - Simulink Accelerator powersys\powersys - SimPowerSystems powersys\powerdemo - SimPowerSystems Demos. toolbox\reqmgt - Requirements Management Interface. toolbox\robust - Robust Control Toolbox. toolbox\rptgen - MATLAB Report Generator toolbox\rptgenext - Simulink Report Generator toolbox\runtime - MATLAB Runtime Server Development Kit toolbox\sb2sl - SB2SL (converts SystemBuild to Simulink) signal\signal - Signal Processing Toolbox signal\sigtools - Filter Design & Analysis Tool (GUI) signal\sptoolgui - Signal Processing Toolbox GUI signal\sigdemos - Signal Processing Toolbox Demonstrations. toolbox\splines - Spline Toolbox. toolbox\stats - Statistics Toolbox toolbox\symbolic - Symbolic Math Toolbox. tic6000\tic6000 - Embedded Target for Texas Instruments TMS320C6000(tm) tic6000\blks - TI C6000 (tm) Blocks

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vr\vr vr\vrdemos wavelet\wavelet wavelet\wavedemo webserver\webserver webserver\wsdemos xpc\xpc build\xpcblocks xpc\xpcdemos kernel\embedded MATLAB6p5\work

MATLAB Command Window


Virtual Reality Toolbox Virtual Reality Toolbox examples. Wavelet Toolbox Wavelet Toolbox Demonstrations. MATLAB Web Server. (No table of contents file) xPC Target (No table of contents file) xPC Target -- demos and sample script files. xPC Target Embedded Option ATLAST M-files to accompany the book

For more help on directory/topic, type "help topic". For command syntax information, type "help syntax".

>> matlab\matfun ??? Undefined function or variable 'matlab'. >> >> matlab\matfun ??? Undefined function or variable 'matlab'. >> help matlab\matfun Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra. Matrix analysis. norm - Matrix or vector norm. normest - Estimate the matrix 2-norm. rank - Matrix rank. det - Determinant. trace - Sum of diagonal elements. null - Null space. orth - Orthogonalization. rref - Reduced row echelon form. subspace - Angle between two subspaces. Linear equations. \ and / - Linear equation solution; use "help slash". inv - Matrix inverse. rcond - LAPACK reciprocal condition estimator cond - Condition number with respect to inversion. condest - 1-norm condition number estimate. normest1 - 1-norm estimate. chol - Cholesky factorization. cholinc - Incomplete Cholesky factorization. lu - LU factorization. luinc - Incomplete LU factorization. qr - Orthogonal-triangular decomposition. lsqnonneg - Linear least squares with nonnegativity constraints. pinv - Pseudoinverse. lscov - Least squares with known covariance. Eigenvalues and singular values. eig - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. svd - Singular value decomposition. gsvd - Generalized singular value decomposition. eigs - A few eigenvalues. svds - A few singular values. poly - Characteristic polynomial. polyeig - Polynomial eigenvalue problem. condeig - Condition number with respect to eigenvalues.

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hess qz schur

MATLAB Command Window

- Hessenberg form. - QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues. - Schur decomposition.

Matrix functions. expm - Matrix exponential. logm - Matrix logarithm. sqrtm - Matrix square root. funm - Evaluate general matrix function. Factorization qrdelete qrinsert rsf2csf cdf2rdf balance planerot cholupdate qrupdate

utilities - Delete a column or row from QR factorization. - Insert a column or row into QR factorization. - Real block diagonal form to complex diagonal form. - Complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form. - Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy. - Givens plane rotation. - rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization. - rank 1 update to QR factorization.

>> lscov - Least squares with known covariance. ??? Error using ==> lscov Too many input arguments. >> help lscov

- Least squares with known covariance.

LSCOV Least squares with known covariance. X = LSCOV(A,B,V) returns the vector X that solves A*X = B + E where E is normally distributed with zero mean and covariance V. A must be M-by-N where M > N. This is the over-determined least squares problem with covariance V of the data. The solution is found without inverting V. The vector X minimizes (A*X-B)'*inv(V)*(A*X-B). The classical linear algebra solution to this problem is: X = inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*A'*inv(V)*B [X, DX] = LSCOV(A,B,V) returns the standard errors of X in DX. The standard statistical formula for the standard error of the coefficients is: mse = B'*(inv(V) - inv(V)*A*inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*A'*inv(V))*B./(m-n) dx = sqrt(diag(inv(A'*inv(V)*A)*mse)) See also SLASH, LSQNONNEG, QR.

Operators and special characters. Arithmetic operators. plus - Plus uplus - Unary plus minus - Minus uminus - Unary minus mtimes - Matrix multiply times - Array multiply mpower - Matrix power power - Array power mldivide - Backslash or left matrix divide mrdivide - Slash or right matrix divide ldivide - Left array divide rdivide - Right array divide

+ + * .* ^ .^ \ / .\ ./

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MATLAB Command Window

- Kronecker tensor product

Relational operators. eq - Equal ne - Not equal lt - Less than gt - Greater than le - Less than or equal ge - Greater than or equal


== ~= < > <= >=

Logical operators. Short-circuit logical AND && Short-circuit logical OR || and - Element-wise logical AND & or - Element-wise logical OR | not - Logical NOT ~ xor - Logical EXCLUSIVE OR any - True if any element of vector is nonzero all - True if all elements of vector are nonzero Special characters. colon - Colon : paren - Parentheses and subscripting ( ) paren - Brackets [ ] paren - Braces and subscripting { } punct - Function handle creation @ punct - Decimal point . punct - Structure field access . punct - Parent directory .. punct - Continuation ... punct - Separator , punct - Semicolon ; punct - Comment % punct - Invoke operating system command ! punct - Assignment = punct - Quote ' transpose - Transpose .' ctranspose - Complex conjugate transpose ' horzcat - Horizontal concatenation [,] vertcat - Vertical concatenation [;] subsasgn - Subscripted assignment ( ),{ },. subsref - Subscripted reference ( ),{ },. subsindex - Subscript index Bitwise operators. bitand - Bit-wise AND. bitcmp - Complement bits. bitor - Bit-wise OR. bitmax - Maximum floating point integer. bitxor - Bit-wise XOR. bitset - Set bit. bitget - Get bit. bitshift - Bit-wise shift. Set operators. union unique intersect setdiff setxor ismember -

Set union. Set unique. Set intersection. Set difference. Set exclusive-or. True for set member.


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MATLAB Command Window

Least.m not found.

squares.m not found.

with.m not found.

known.m not found.

covariance. not found. >> Zmatrix.m ??? Undefined variable 'Zmatrix' or class 'Zmatrix.m'. >> Zmatrix ??? Input argument 'n' is undefined. Error in ==> C:\MATLAB6p5\work\Zmatrix.m On line 9 ==> Z=fliplr(eye(n)); >> reta >> help matlab\graph2d


Two dimensional graphs.

Two dimensional graphs. Elementary X-Y graphs. plot - Linear plot. loglog - Log-log scale plot. semilogx - Semi-log scale plot. semilogy - Semi-log scale plot. polar - Polar coordinate plot. plotyy - Graphs with y tick labels on the left and right. Axis control. axis zoom grid box hold axes subplot -

Control axis scaling and appearance. Zoom in and out on a 2-D plot. Grid lines. Axis box. Hold current graph. Create axes in arbitrary positions. Create axes in tiled positions.

Graph annotation. plotedit - Tools for editing and annotating plots. legend - Graph legend. title - Graph title. xlabel - X-axis label. ylabel - Y-axis label. texlabel - Produces TeX format from a character string text - Text annotation. gtext - Place text with mouse. Hardcopy and print printopt orient

printing. - Print graph or Simulink system; or save graph to M-file. - Printer defaults. - Set paper orientation.


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MATLAB Command Window

Operators and special characters. Arithmetic operators. plus - Plus uplus - Unary plus minus - Minus uminus - Unary minus mtimes - Matrix multiply times - Array multiply mpower - Matrix power power - Array power mldivide - Backslash or left matrix divide mrdivide - Slash or right matrix divide ldivide - Left array divide rdivide - Right array divide kron - Kronecker tensor product Relational operators. eq - Equal ne - Not equal lt - Less than gt - Greater than le - Less than or equal ge - Greater than or equal

+ + * .* ^ .^ \ / .\ ./ kron

== ~= < > <= >=

Logical operators. Short-circuit logical AND && Short-circuit logical OR || and - Element-wise logical AND & or - Element-wise logical OR | not - Logical NOT ~ xor - Logical EXCLUSIVE OR any - True if any element of vector is nonzero all - True if all elements of vector are nonzero Special characters. colon - Colon : paren - Parentheses and subscripting ( ) paren - Brackets [ ] paren - Braces and subscripting { } punct - Function handle creation @ punct - Decimal point . punct - Structure field access . punct - Parent directory .. punct - Continuation ... punct - Separator , punct - Semicolon ; punct - Comment % punct - Invoke operating system command ! punct - Assignment = punct - Quote ' transpose - Transpose .' ctranspose - Complex conjugate transpose ' horzcat - Horizontal concatenation [,] vertcat - Vertical concatenation [;] subsasgn - Subscripted assignment ( ),{ },. subsref - Subscripted reference ( ),{ },. subsindex - Subscript index Bitwise operators. bitand - Bit-wise AND.

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bitcmp bitor bitmax bitxor bitset bitget bitshift

MATLAB Command Window


Set operators. union unique intersect setdiff setxor ismember -

Complement bits. Bit-wise OR. Maximum floating point integer. Bit-wise XOR. Set bit. Get bit. Bit-wise shift.

Set union. Set unique. Set intersection. Set difference. Set exclusive-or. True for set member.


Two.m not found.

dimensional.m not found.

graphs. not found. >>

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