11-04-09 Combating Global Warming Stalls

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Combating Global Warming Stalls Kanook Nov-2009 I noticed the headlines in the world press on the 2 nd of November that the plan to combat global warming has stalled in the United States Congress, this despite emotional and long-winded pleas from European leaders, such as the German Chancellor Angela Merkel standing in-front of the Congressional Body tears running down her face while visiting members of Africa wailing in the background. Moments before her plea, the senators from the GOP (Grand Old Party-Rep) on the “Environment and Public Works Committee” had shunned the planned startup of voting on the amendments of a 959-page “Democratic Bill” that is believed will curb greenhouse gases from Power Plants and Large Industrial Facilities across the land of milk and honey, or unemployment lines and foreign cars. Their primary reason being the bills impact on an already struggling economy, whereas the Democrats say it will only cost in the neighborhood of $80 to $111 per household per year in Energy increases in the United States. Based on the number of households accounted for in the year 2000, an $8.4 billion to $11.7 billion dollar a year increase for energy consumption. The frantic scramble in the chambers and hallways of the US Government is to have a piece of paper in-hand when the advocates of global warming stroll down the halls in Copenhagen on December 7th. Yipee-Skipee! Isn’t it about time that some level headed people take a risk and jump off of the wagon that is plunging downhill with its sides threatening to burst from the overload of half-truths and out and out lies concerning the changing climate of this Blue Marble. Chancellor Merkel hankie in hand, wiping the Hollywood tears from her face said, “We all know we have not time to lose, the world will look to us, to the Europeans and to the Americans”, referring to the solid leadership establishing ‘binding’ reductions in greenhouse gases and that, “in the interest of our children and grandchildren and in the interest of sustainable development all over the world.” One sharp critic of the bill, Senator John Barrasso, Republican from Wyoming said, “I liked her speech, but I disagree with her completely on the climate comments!” It was also noted Chancellor Merkel had met with President Barack Obama previous to her speech, giving the same tear-streaked presentation concerning the “contentious” climate change issue. No comment was forth-coming from the White House, but since the President is pushing for a solution we can expect it kind of follows the Democratic push in Congress. In addition, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso commented to the eager and ever ready to jump on the bandwagon, looking for a headline reporters that he “was worried” about the progress being made ahead of the Copenhagen conference and called a climate agreement “a defining moment” for this generation of World Leaders.

Now to the meat of the matter, which by the way is NOT about a few tenths of a degree increase in the world’s average temperature, whereas the European officials are pressing for a “larger” United States contribution to an International aid fund to help developing countries adapt to a warmer world. Yep, it’s all about money, money for food, money for villages that might sink beneath the waves in 50-years, money for the scientists to study the warming, money for scientists to study the cooling, and money for the advocates to travel around the world with their words of doom and gloom, in different to the climate conditions they are preaching about – money! A little bit ago, during a preliminary climate conference in Barcelona, Spain the African delegates ‘briefly’ boycotted the discussions over their concern that industrial nations will not have to make significant enough reductions in greenhouse gases, whereas they ended their boycott after assurances that the issue would be the subject of extended negotiations – translation. At the end of the day they would be assured that they would get a proportionate slice of the “aid” money so the puppet government’s in-place, who sometimes let a half-cent portion of a dollar trickle down to the population, will get their money and live happily ever-after. Former VP Al Gore, a leading voice in the wilderness for action on ‘global warming’, said he expects the United States President to make an appearance at the Copenhagen poker game to reinforce the countries commitment – and you can give a big “Amen” to that. The President said, after meeting with the Europeans, “All of us agreed that it was imperative for us to redouble our efforts…to assure that w create a framework for progress in dealing with what is a potential ecological disaster.” Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt praised the President for his, “real leadership n this issue”, and feeling right proud went out to his barn in Sweden and shot three of his methane producing cows. Now that is what most of us say is a positive move forward, albeit some cows are going to show up at the conference, after eating a bale or two of hay, and give their backdoor opinion. There is a little ray of hope, it appears the White House and the Democratic leaders in Congress have thrown in the towel on getting a climate bill to the President’s desk before the scheduled 2-week Copenhagen conference, but they hope they will be able to show some progress, along with their representative in Copenhagen waving around the House bill that passed with a clause in it that reflects President Obama’s call for more fuel efficient cars – this they say will demonstrate the country’s commitment to taking climate change seriously. No it only shows that the United States public is getting a little tired of spending over $700 billion a year in oil imports. On Thursday last, when Senator Barbara Boxer, Dem-California, convened her environment committee to began the voting on the bill she and Senator John Kerry, Dem-Mass had “fashioned” she was faced with a Republican boycott with only Senator George Voinovich, Rep-Ohio showing up to tell the committee about the absence of the rest of the Republicans – he stayed 15 minutes. Senator Max Baucus, Democrat from Montana, was also a no-show, relating that he too had deep

reservations about the bill his staffers bailed on him and said he had a scheduling conflict – saving face the old fashion way, with a lie. To say there is some “sharp divisions” in Congress is a misnomer, while most see a good old fight down the line with Congress hauling in experts on both sides of the issue. Experts made up of high-level fossil fuel industries, the cow industry, the farmers, the snow-pack advocates and the friends of the polar bear club. Experts that will put Chancellor Merkel to shame when it comes to a performance, maybe even a song-and-dance act by former VP Al Gore and one or two from the heads of the major players in the oil industry. You can be sure there will be a bundle of experts from the 3rd world countries that are planning (planning being the key word here) on building their industrial base in the next two or three decades. It should be wild show to say the least regardless I only hope it will make it on Satellite TV.

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