1 Hydfrac Theses

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Numerical Modeiing of Hydmuiic Fracturing

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfiliment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Geotechnid Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Edmonton, Alberta Sprhg 1997

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ABSTRACT Hydraulic hctwing is a widely used method for enhancing oil extraction in the petroleum industry. Application of this method has k e n extended from rocks to porous media such as oilsand. in spite of the technological advances in the techniques of insini hydrauiic hcturing, the industry lacks a redistic and reliable numerical model in order to design a cost-effective and efficient hydraulic frachiring treabnent. This is due to the complex interactions among the ciBetent mechanisms that are involved in hydraulic hcturing, namely ground deformation, fiuid flow, heat transfer and fiacturing


In modehg the hydraulic bcturing process in a multiphase medium in a nonisothermal condition, three goveming partial dinerential equations of equilibrium, contuiuity of fluid flow, and heat tramfer are solved simultaneously in a fully implicit

(coupled) manner using the finite element method. In order to model discrete firactures the node splitting technique and 6-node isoparametric rectangular fkcture elernents are

used. The b c t u r e element is capable of ûansmitting fluid and heat as weii as modeling the leak-off of fluid fkom the hcture into the surrounding material.

The thermal hydro-mechanical hcture nnite element model developed in this research has k e n verified by comparing the numericai results with existing analytical and numericai solutions for thermal consolidation problems. The model was also

validated by sirnulating large sale hydraulic fiactwe labonitory experiments.

The numerical results fiom modeling large scale hydraulic fracture tests agree well with the expenmental observations which indicate that hcture propagation in the uncemented graaular materials (such as oilsaad) can be diEerent nom fracture in rocks and other cemented materials. In granula materials, a fiacture zone is more Iikely to occur rather than a distinct planar hcture. The numericd model emphasizes the importance of the pore fluid pressures in the initiation and propagation of fiachites in the soils. Elastic and elastoplastic malysis show that in uncemented porous materials,

tende fracture and shear failure occur simultaneously due to the effect of high pore pressure. The developed model can be used in other enguieering applications such as well

communication problem, geotechnical aspects of temperature variation in soils, study of hydraulic hcturing in ernbanlmient dams, and increasing soil permeabiiity through hydraulic fracturing for remediation of contaminated sites.

Acknowledgment 1 am thankful to God, the creator of the universe, for his innumerable blessings.

I would like to express my deep appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. Dave Chan

for his expert guidance, encouragements, and extraordinary patience throughout this research. 1dso thank d of the professors and staff of the geotechnical group of the university of Alberta to whom 1am indebted for my knowledge in geotechnical engineering. The valuable advice and idormation provided by Dr. S. Toortike are gratefully

acknowledged. 1 sincerely thank my parents for theù love, devotion, and continued

encouragement to gain M e r education. 1express my gratitude to n y wife and my children for staying with me and putting up with me during my study in Canada Without their help 1 codd hardly have made it this far. 1 gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the ministry of culture and

higher education of Iran. This study was pady funded by NSERC of Canada which is dso thankfully acknowledged.

1 dedicate this thesis to my parents, my wife, and my children.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Petroleum reservoir simulation 3 1.3 Hydradic h c t u r e modeling 3 1.4 Problems in modeiing hydraulic IÏacturing for the oilsand industry 5 1.5 Other applications of hycir.uk k t u r i n g 8 1.6 Scope of this research 10 Chapter 2 Geotechnical Aspects of Heavy Oii Recovery 13 2.1 Recovery techniques 13 2.2 Recovery methods for oilsand deposits 14 2.2.1 Thermal recovery for oilsand deposits 15 2.3 Oilsand's geomechanical behaviour 19 2.3. 1 Oilsand characteristics 19 2.3 -2 Athabasca and Cold Lake oilsands 20 2.3 .3 Effects o f temperature on oilsand 2 1 2.3-4 Modeling of stress-strah behaviour for oilsand Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

Literature Survey on Numerial Modebg of hydraulic fracturing Isothermal flWd flow in a deformable reservoir 33 Thermal fluid flow in a deformable reservoir 36 Inclusion of (hydro)hcctiiremecharilcs 3 8 Discussion 40

Chapter 4 Mathematicaland h i t e element formulation 4.1 General 41 4.2 Equilibrium equation 43 4.3 Fluid flow continuity equation 47 4.4 Heat transfer equation 55 4.5 Coupling process 61



Chapter 5 Modeling of hydraulic fmcture 65 5.1 Introduction 65 5.2 Natural hctures vs. induced hctures 66 5.3 Effêcts of natural fiachires on hydraulic bcturing process 67 5.4 Fracture mechanics for geomaterids 68 5.4.1 DifEerent modes of hcture 68 a) Tensile mode 68 b) Shear modes 69 c) Mixed modes 70 5.4.2 LEFM and EPFM 70 5.4.3 Criteria for h t w e initiation and propagation 71 5.5 Numerid modehg of fnicture 79 5.5.1 Smeared approach 80 5.5.2 Duai porosity model 8 1 5.5.3 Discrete appmach 8 1 5.6 Modeling discrete hctma using the finite element method 82 5.6.1 Elements for predefined hctures (interface elements) 82 a) Thin layer solid elements 82 b) Zero thickness joint elements 83 5.6.2 Elements for advancing hctures 83 Crack at the element boundaries 83 a) Nodal grafting method 83 b) Node splitting technique 84 C) Distinct element method 84 Crack inside elements 84 Dynamic remeshg and adaptive mesh 85 5.7 Modehg moving h n t of fluïd and heat in the fkactures 86 5.7.1 Fluid flow inside the h c t u r e s 86 5.7.2 Heat transfer h i d e hctures 87 5.7.3 Leaksffproblem 87 5.8 Hydraulic h t u r e modehg in this shidy 88 Chapter 6 Implementation and verifkation of the model 6.1 Introduction 99 6.2 Program verifkation 101 6.3 Patch tests 102

6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7


6.3. L Coupling of deformation and fluid flow 102 6.3.2 Coupling of defoimation and heat m e r 102 6.3.3 Coupling of fluid flow and heat tramfer 103 Plane strain thenno-elastic consolidation 1O3 Axisymmetric thermo-elastic consolidation 104 Thermal hydro-mechanical hcture propagation 1O6 Discussion 107

Chapter 7 Modeling hydraulic fnfhire experiments on large scale triaxial chambers 131 7.1 Introduction 131 7.2 Earlier experimental studies 13 1 7.3 Description of large scale hydraulic fkture experiments 135 7.3.1 Material used 136 7.3.2 Procedures 136 7.33 Review of the hydradic hcture experiments 137 7.4 Numerical modeiing of the chamber tests 140 7.4.1 Fracture propagation in elastic medium 141 7.4.2 Effect ofchanges in soii permeability on the hcture 144 7.4.3 Effect o f ciiffirent hcture initiation criteria 145 7.43 Elastoplastic hcture propagation 146 7.5 Discussion 148

Cbapter 8 Summay and Conclusioas


8.1 Summary 187 8.2 The developed computer program and its applications


8.3 Conclusions 190 8.3.1 Modeling o f large scale hydradic fhcture experiments 190 8.3.2 Pattern ofhydraiilic hcture in dEerent geomaterials 191 8 -4 Further research 194 References


Appendu A Detaüs of the fmite element formulation 213 A. 1 Rectanguiar isoparametric element 213 A.2 Triangular element 217 A.3 Boundary conditions 220 A.3.1 Traction boundary conditions 22 1 A.3.2 Flow and Heat boundary conditions 224

List of Tables: Chapter 6.

Table (6-1) Input data for patch tests 110 Table (6-2) Input data for thennoelastic consolidation and h c t u r e problems 1 1 1 Table (6-3) T h e increment for thenno-consolidationproblems 112 Table (6-4) Fractunng sequence in time 112 Chapter 7. Table (7-1) Summary of hydraulic fiacturing test program (Phase 1,î and 3) 152 Table (7-2) Input data for modeling of hcture in chamber test 153

List of Figures: Chapter 1. Figure (1 - 1) TypicaI hydraulic fkacturing treatment in petroleum industry

12 Figure (1-2) Smeared approach vs. discrete approach for modeling of hcture 12

Chapter 2. Figure (2-1) DBerent rnethods for extraction of oilsands 26 Figure (2-2) Steam Assisteci Gravity Drainage method (SAGD) 27 Figure (2-3) HAS Drive method 27 Figure (2-4) Oilsand structure 28 Figure (2-5) Grain fabnc for oilsand compare to dense sand 28 Figure (2-6) Typical results ofdirect shear box test on oilsand 29 Figure (2-7) Cornparison of behaviour of Athabasca and Cold Lake oilsands 30 Figure (2-8) Effect of temperature on the soil hydraulic conductivity 3 1 Figure (2-9) Effect of temperature on the Mscosity of *situ fluid 3 1

Figure (2- L O) BehaMour of oilsand under different confining stresses


Chapter 4. Figure (4-1) Boundary conditions of a typical domai. 64 Chapter 5. Figure (5- 1) Schematic representation o f linearly propagating hcture according to Perkins and Kem (196 1) 92 Figure (5-2) Schematic representation of Iinearly propagating fkcture according to Geertsma and deKlerk (1 969) 92 Figure (5-3) Stresses and displacements around a crack tip of mode I 93 Figure ( 5 4 ) Stresses and displacements around a crack tip of mode II 93 Figure (5-5) Stresses and displacements arotmd a crack tip of mode III 94 Figure (5-6) Crack tip plastic zone and applicabüity of different analyses schemes 94 Figure (5-7) Griffith criterion of specific surfàce energy 95 Figure (5-8) Invin cnterion of stress intensity factor 95 Figure (5-9) Crack tip plastic zone (Irwin method) 96 Figure (5-1 0) Crack tip plastic zone (Dugdale method) 96 Figure (5-1 1) Comparing dimensions of plastic zone in plane stress and plane strain 97 Figure (5- 12) Closed contours for l-integral 97 Figure (5-13) Crack tip coordinates for mixeci mode hcture criteria 98 Figure (5-14) 6-noderectangular fhcture element 98

Chapter 6. Figure (6-1) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for coupling of deformation and fIuid flow analysis 113 Figure (6-2) Variation of vertical displacements with time 114 Figure (6-3) Variation of pore pressure with t h e 114 Figure (6-4) Finite element me& and bouadary conditions for coupling of deformation and heat d e r andysis 115 Figure (6-5) Variation of displacements ~6th time 1 16 Figure (6-6) Variation of temperature with t h e 116 Figure (6-7)Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for coupling of fluid flow and heat transfer 117 Figure (6-8) Vm-ationof temperature with time 118 Figure (6-9) Varioationof pore pressure (induced by temperature) with time 118 Figure (6-10) Variation of horizontal displacement with time 1 19 Figure (6-1 1) Finite element mesh and boundaq conditions for plane strain thermoelastic consolidation 120 Figure (6-12) Variation of settiement with time 121 Figure (6-1 3) Variation of pore pressure with time 121 Figure (6-14) Variation of temperature with time 122 Figure (6- 15) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for axisymmetric thermoelasticconsolidation 123 Figure (6-16) Cornparison between analytical and numerical solutions for horizontal displacement 124 Figure (6- 17) Cornparison between Wytical and numerical solutions for pore pressure 124 Figure (6-1 8) Cornparison between analytical and numerical solutions for temperature 125 Figure (6-19) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for one dimensional fiacture propagation 126 Figure (6-20) Variation of pore pressure at some nodes in the soil and at the Eiracture 127 Figure (6-21) Variation of pore pressure in the soü due to the effect of hcturing 127 Figure (6-22) Variation of pore pressure dong the fracture 128 Figure (6-23) Variation of temperature in the soi1 and at the fiacture 129 Figure (6-24) Variation of soil temperature due to hot fluid injection 129 Figure (6-25) Variation of temperature dong the hcture due to hot fluid injection 130 Chapter 7.

Figure (7- 1) Schematic view of large scale triaxial chamber 154 Figure (7-2) Typical drained triaxial test on McMurray oilsand 155 Figure (7-3)Typical drained triaxial test on Laue Moutain sand 156 Figure (7-4) 'pq' diagram for Lane Momtain sand 157 Figure (7-5) Plan view of instrumentationaround the injection zone 158

Figure (7-6) Response ofpiezometers, test #4 of phase 1 159 Figure (7-7)Fracture Pattern, test #4 of phase 1 160 Figure (7-8) Response of piezometers, test #5 of phase II 16 1 Figure (7-9)Fracture Pattem, test #5 of phase iI 162 Figure (7-10) Response of piezometers, test #1 of phase III 163 Figure (7-1 la) Frachue pattern, test #1 of phase iII 164 Figure (7-11b) Typical photographs of hcture pattern, test # 1 of phase III 165 Figure (7-12) Sample dimensions and position of intemal instrumentation for test 4, phase2 166 Figure (7-13) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for modeling hydraulic &tute test #4 of phase II 167 Figure (7-14) Comparison between calculated and measured pore pressure at the injection zone 168 Figure (7-15) Comparison between calculated and measured pore pressure at piezometer 100 mm above the injection zone 169 Figure (7-16) Comparison between calailatecl and measured pore pressure at piezometer 100 mm below the injection zone 169 Figure (7-17) Pattem of hcture propagation fkom numericd model 170 Figure (7- 18) Fracture pattern fiom laboratory experiment 17 1 Figure (7-19) Pore pressure variation at the injection zone with different permeabilities for fracture elements 172 Figure (7-20) Pattem of fiacture propagation fkom numencd modeling (KhC=lO0O&,& 173 Figure (7-21) Pattem of fracture propagation fkom numerical modeling (K,i OOOK,.,,à, 174 Figure (7-22) Pore pressure variation with different permeabilities for fiacn~e elements at piezometer lOOmm above the injection zone 175 Figure (7-23)Pore pressure variation with different permeabilities for fracture elements at piezometer 100mm below the injection zone 175 Figure (7-24) Fracture pattern with prescribed pore pressure (simulating lab recorded pore pressures) 176 Figure (7-25) Pore pressure variation with change in permeability of soil matrk 177 Figure (7-26) Fracture pattern with change in pemieabiiity of soi1 matrix 178 Figure (7-27) Pattern of hcture at 30 seconds with different hcture criteria 179 Figure (7-28) Pore pressure variation at the injection zone with diffetent hcture criteria 180 Figure (7-29) Pore pressure variation at the injection zone with associated MohrCoulomb model 181 Figure (7-30) Fracture pattern with associated Mohr-Coulomb model 182 Figure (7-31) Principal stress ratio indicating the yield zone at second 1 &er starting the injection 183 Figure (7-32) Principal stress ratio indicating the yield zone at second 4 &er starting the injection 184 Figure (7-33) Principal stress ratio indicating the yield zone at second 8 &er starting the injection 185

Figure (7-34) Patterns of hydraulic fracture in different geomaterials


Appendix A Figure (A-1) 8-node rectangularelement for displacements 228 Figure (A-2) 4-node rectanguiar element for pore pressure and temperue 228 Figure (A-3) &node trianguiar element 229 Figure (A-4) Local and global coordinates for 8-node rectanguhr element 229 Figure (A-5) Traction on the element boundary in nvo directions 230 Figure (Ad) Local and global coordinates for 6-node triaagular element 230 Figure (A-7) 6-noderectanguIar frztcture element 23 1

Nomenclature: crack length derivative of shape fhction cohesion damping coefficient compressibility of bu& soi1 matrix compressibiiity of solid particles heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure heat capacity of fluid at constant volume general matrix for elastoplastic çoiVrock behaviour plastic zone length(Dugda1e) plastic zone diameter(Invin) intemal energy per unit mas, modules of elasticity intemal energy per unit mass of fluid interna1 energy per unit mass of soiyrock body force, extemal load, work done by extemal load fluid fltu acceleration of gravity fluid sink or source,shear modules, crack extension force total head(m.) enthalpy of fluid hydraulic slope, index notation accepting 1,2 or 3 index notation accepting 1,2 or 3 lacobian, mechanical equivalent of heat, value resulted fkom J-integral expression absolute permeabiiity (m2),index notation accepting 1,2 or 3 hydrauiic conductivity (&sec.) stress intensity factor for mode 1 stress intensity factor for mode iI stress intensity factor for mode ill in-situstress ratio length volumetric thermal energy flux Kronecker vector mass coefficient volume heat capacity of soill rock shape hction matrix for displacements unit vector normal to îhe sutface shape h c t i o n vector for pore pressure shape b c t i o n vector for temperature pore fluid pressure heat sink or source radius

radius in the polar coordinates degree of saturation surface boundary on which stresses are applied (Cs) surface boundary on which thermal flux is specifïed surface boundacy on which a ptescrïbed pore pressure is applied surface boundary on which a prescrïbed temperature is applicd surface boundary on which a prescribed displacement is applied surface bouadary on which a flux is specified temperature time

applied traction strain energy, elastic strain energy strain energy of uacracked element subjected to extemai load poterîtid energy displacement in the x direction displacement in the y direction, apparent velocity offluid soikock rnatrix veIocity volume of bulk soil matrk volume of soil grains volume of voids displacement in the z direction horizontal coordinate/axis horizontal coordinate/axïs vertical coordinate/axÏs velocity equivalent Biot's coefficient porosity of the soil m a s , angle of intemal fiction, shape fimctions cenaal angle inthe polar coordinates, factor for thne discretization (finite ciifference) coefficient of conductivity for soiVrock crack openhg (aperture) del operator demity of Buid iocrement of a variable surface of the domain, perimeter of the plate unit weight of fluid (=pg) specific d a c e energy shear strain variation of a variable, Kronecker delta viscosity of fluid volume of the domain stress

uniaxial yield stress effective stress

shear stress Isobar thermal expansion coefficient of Buid coefficient of thermal expansion for soWrock matrix Isothemial pressure deosincation coefficient of fluid total strain voIumetric strain deviatoric strain strain in the x direction saain in the y direction strain in the z direction Poisson's ratio weighting factor in W U . ,strain energy deasity Iocal coordinate axis local coordinate axis eianguiar coordinate trianguiar coordinate triangular coordinate Subscripts: t


h O


T t v

derivative with respect to the wordinate axis criticai value horizontal value initial value related to pore pressure related to temperature value at time 't' vertical value

Superscripts: t



nodal value

prescribed vaiue first derivative with respect to time second derivative with respect to t h e transpose of the ma&

Symbols: c > row vector {} column vector O math

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General

Hydrauiic hcturing is a technique coasisting of pumping a fluid into an oii-rich layer in the ground at high enough rates and pressures to create and extend a hcture

hydraulicaliy. The £hici that is used for injection is usually watw blended with sand W o r some speciai chemicals. Hydraulic ftacturing has made a signifiant contribution to enhancing oil and gas production rates. The technique was i k t introduced to the

industry in 1947 and is now a standard operating practice. By 1981, more t&an 800,000 hydrohcturing treatments had been performed and recorded. As of 1988, this has grown to exceed 1 million. Today about 35 to 40 percent of all currently drilled welis are hydraulidy bctured (Veatch Ir. et al., 1989).

Since its inception, hydraulic f'racturing bas developed fiom a simple, lowvolume, low rate resecvoir stimulation technique to a highly engineered and complex

procedure that is used for many purposes Figure (1-1) depicts a typical hydraulic fiacturing process in the petroleum industry. The procedure is as foliows: first, a neat

fluid such as water (calleci 'pacl') is pumped into the well at the desired depth (pay zone) to initiate the fhcture and to establish its propagation. This is foiîowed by pumping a slurry of fiuid mixed with a propping agent such as sand (which is often d e d a 'proppant'). This slurry continues to extend the hcture and concurrentiy carries the proppant deeply into the k t u r e . After pumping, the injected fluid cheaiicaily breaks down to a lower viscosity and flows back out of the weli, leavhg a highly conductive propped fracture for oil andlor gas to flow easily from the extremities of the formation

into the well. It is generally assumed that the induced hcture has two wings extending in opposite directions fiom the well and is onented more or less in a vertical plane.

Other hcture configurations such a s horizontal frslctutes are also reported to occur, but they consütute a relatively low percentage of the situations documented. Experienca

indicate that at depths below 600 metea (2000 ft), fractures are u d l y oriented vertically. At shallow depths, horizontal fcractures have been reported (Veatch Jr. et ai., 1989). The hcture pattern, however, may not be the same for different types of soils

and rocks. Over the years, the technology associated with hcturing has improved

significantly. A nnumber of fkactilring fïuids (injectant) have k e n developed for different types of m o i r s ranghg fiom shallow, low-temperatute formationsto those located in deep, hot areas. Many different types of proppants have been developed, ranging fiom silica-sand(standard) to high-strengthmaterials, such as sintered bauxite. The latter is used in the deep formations where fractureclosure stresses exceed the sand capabiiities. New analytical and diagnostic methods and design models have emerged, and the service industry has contindy developed new equipment to meet emerging challenges (Veatch Jr. et ai., 1989).

Although technology in hydraulic fiacturing is advancing siificacantly,its design still involves a good deal ofjudgment and practicai experience. M e r 50 years

of h c t u r i ~ gpractice and reseatch, the ability to d e t e d e the fÏacture shape, dimensions (length, width, height), azimuths?and k t u r e conductivities is still not fdly developed. In addition, the ability to measine in-siturock properties and stress fields

which have a signifiant affect on fkture propagation is not perfected. Consequently, the optimization of hydrauiic &niring treatments is ofien subject to limitations (Veatch Jr. et al., 1989). A numerical model capable of analyzing different aspects of reservoir engineering as weli as f'racturemechanics can be a valuable tool to overcome many uncertainties in the design of hydraulic hcturing and help the industry to

optimize the process. As a d t , reservoir engineering and hcture mechanics are two important subjects that shouid be used for developing the numerical model.

1.2 Petroïeum Resewoir Simulation

Simulation of petroleum reservoh requires a clear understanding of flow in porous media Since oil, water, and gas can flow simultaneously in a heavy oil resewoir, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of multiphase uasaturated flow.

The effect of high temperatme, which causes interactions between oil, water, and gas, M e r complicates the problem. In general, the pressures of these ihree phases c m be different and the pressure difference beîween any two phases is attributed to 'capiiiary pressure'. Large changes in pressures either cause gas to dissolve into the fiuid or the fluid to volatüe into the gas phase. This results in a new mass balance inthe system

which causes the degree of saturation of each phase to change. For decades petroleum enpineers have been developing numerical simulators for modeling oil tesewoirs and hydraulic fiacturing. These simulators solve the fhid mass

balance equation andor heat tcansfer equation in the ieservoir. Most of these simulators

are based on the h i t e difference method and are developed for some special boundary conditions. The degree of sophistication of these simulators varia considerably. In some cases, the ability to make a reasombly accurate prediction of the response of a reservoir is poor. This is due, in part, to the lack of geomechanics in sorne reservoir models (Tortilce, 1991). A detaüed deformation analysis of the reservoir is required to improve the r d t s of the conventional reservoir simulators. Modeling of a thermal multiphase flow in a deformable oil reservoir cequires coupling of at least three basic conservation laws for fluid How, heat flow and applied loads. Where uncementeci heavy oil deposits such as oilsands are of interest, the

peculiar characteristics of oilsand shouid also be considered in the model. Oilsand

exhibits significantly different behaviour h m that of typical cemented sandstone and limestone (which are usually characterized by linear and nonlinear elastic behaviour, te~pectively).Oilsand's behaviour is elastoplastic and temperature dependent which

will be discussed Iater. 1.3 Hvdrauüc Fracture Modeling

So far fiacture modeling has been carrïed out in three different ways: the discrete approach, the smeared approach, and the duai porosity approach-

Discrete fhcture approach is used where few fractlues exist. In contrast, when the k t w i n g is so intense that the whole medium can be represented by a d o n n l y

damaged materia1 with modined material characteristics (for example modified equivaient stiffiness andlot permeability), the smeared approach would be a more reasonable choice. It should be noted that in the smeared approach no fracture is introduced iaside the medium and fractures are modeled by modifying the material characteristics in the k t u r e d zone. Therefore the basic assumptions of continuum mechanics hold true for the smeared approach but not for the discrete approach. This

point is illusirateci in Figure (1.2). The dual porosity approach is b a s i d y used for 'naturally k t u r e d ' oil reservoirs. These types of reservoirs, in theory, are modeled as

blocks stacked ovet each other with low porosity and low pemeability. Between the

blocks, hctures with very high porosity and pemieability exist. Fluid flow in the reservoir consists of two parts: flow through the hctures with high permeability, and

flow through the blocks with low permeability. Ali of these approaches wiii be discussed, in more detail, in chapter 5.

Fracture mechanics theories, which were onginally developed for metals, have been used successfiiuy for geologicai materials in recent years. Linear elastic hcture

mechanics (LE.F.A$I or elastoplastic fracture mechanics (E.P.F.M have k e n used for

analyzing k n ~ e ins soils and rocks. They are used to estabüsh cnteria for crack initiation, crack propagation, and crack arrest (which will be discussed later). Modeling of bcture requires a knowledge of geologicai conditions in the ground. Local stress fields and variations of stresses between adjacent formations are often thought to be the

main factors which control fracture orientation and fracture growth. Regionai stresses in the ground can have an impact on the azimutha1 trend of the hydraulically created hctures. It is usuaüy believed that the fracture propagates perpendicularto the direction of the minimum principal stress; Le., tensile hcture is the prime mechanism in hydraulic fiacturing. Recently, the possibility of shear failure

before tensile failure bas been of interest especiaily where the injection rate is high and the amount of fluid leak-off into the formation is significant.

The importance of perfomiing a deformation analysis, once again, emerges here because hcturing cnteria are based on the stresses and deformations in the ground. Therefore. in order to obtain a redistic mode1 for design purposes, the geomechanical behaviour of the ground has to be accounted for in resewoir simulation and hydraulic

fcracture andysis. 1.4 Problems in Modeünr Hvdraiilic F r a c t u ~ for r the Oüsand Industty

By application of the hydraulic hcniring technique to uncemented materials such as oilsauds some new problems have emerged. These problems originate h m complex interactions among soUrock, fluid flow, and heat transfer when the hcturing occurs on one hand, and peculiar characteristics of the oilsand on the other hand. Conventionai design methods, which have been developed for hydrauiïc fiacturing in cemented rocks,are not capable of providing insight into the problem. Fracture orientation and pattern are quite different fiom what conventional methods usuaiiy predict (Settari, 1989).

a) Considerations regarchg oilsands Oilsands have a behaviour that is distinctly nonlinea.even under in-situ stress conditions. Undisturbed oilsands have strength characteristics similar to that of a soft

sandstone. This relatively high strength is attributed to the fiictional contact among densely packed interiocking sand grains. This kind of fabnc wwhich has been identified by Dusseault and Morgenstern (1978) is cailed 'locked sand'. However, injecting hot

fluid at a high rate into the oilsand cm cause disturbance and d i q t i o n of materiai

fabnc by forcing individual sand grains to slide relative to each other in order to accommodate the induced mechanical and thermal strains. These structural changes are also nonlinear and inelastic. Failure of the material after plastic seainllig and dilation

associated with shear deformation are some of the most important aspects of oilsand behaviout. Shear dilation will most likely create zones of higher pexmeability and

higher compressibility and wiil alter the stress field in the ground (Tortike, 1991). Such

an alteration affects initiation and propagation of fiactures. Oilsand deformation behaviour can be predicted by empioying a suitable ekïstoplastic constitutive modei.

This model should be able to take into account the effects of temperatme on the materiai behaviour. UafortunateLy, there is no such model presentiy available that can be used

with codidence; thus, the effect of changes in temperature on the yield surface is currently ignored* Some researchers have tried to incorporate the effet of temperatwe on the oilsand behaviour in an indirect way. For exampie, CampaneLia and Mitchell

(1968) suggested the application ofa 'coefficient of structural volume change' in the

andysis of o i l d They explained the phenornenon of reorientation of sand grains by considering the reduction of bitumen Mscosity and associated weakenhg of bonds between the sand grains caused by an increase in the temperature.

Hydraulic conductivity (effective penneability in petroleum literature) of undisturbed oilsand is low because of the high viscosity of the bitunen. This causes the

soi1 to respond in an undrained manner to extemai loading. During unioading process, if the connning stress decreases below the gas-iiquid saturation pressure, the dissolved gas may corne out of the solution which ckasticaily increases the compressibility of the

medium. Temperature increase can also result in evolution of dissolved gasses provided that it raises the gas-liquid saturation pressure above the level of confining stresses

( V a ,1986). Drastic changes o f bitumen viscosity causes severe problems in numerical modeling. Obse~ationshave shown that viscosity of bitumen increases with pressure hearly (or close to linear form) and decreases with temperatwe exponentiaily.

Although the= is no theoretical method to relate these panuneters, the number of empirical relationships is enormous. These issues should be addressed in the modeling of hydraulic nacturing in oilsands.

b) Consideratioos involvecl in hydraulic flacturing Application of hydraulic &turing to oilsands poses a problem because the geometry of fiactures and the^ effectiveness in the extraction process are not known.

Fracture locations and orientations are fiinctions of lithology, materiai properties, pore fluid pressure!, local stress concentration and regional stress fields. The anaiysis of the

injection pressure andlor production history is not usually sufficient to identify the fractureorientation. 'Ihis is one of the concem o f the industry as oil production is

higher for multiple vertical hctures compared to a single vertical fiachue. On the other

han& horizontal fktutes give higher productivity and lower heat loss compared to the vertical hctures under the same conditions (Settari and Raisbeck, 198 1). Studies on heat transfer patterns indicate that hctures which are vertical when initiated, gradually becorne horizontal when they reach shallowerdepths. Mattews et al. (1969) suggested

in a patent that heating of verticai fhctures wüi eventually produce horizontal hctures. The in-situ heating of oilsand produces changes in the stress field that eventuaily may change the hcture orientation. This has signifiant implications for field applications of hydrauiic fhcturhg. Even in the isothermal case, some field observations of hydrauiic hcturing in

oilsands contradict conventional methods and classical hccture m e c ~ c s For . exampie, hcture dimensions are relatively small, hcture width are large, and injectivity is larger than that which would correspond to in-situ mobility ratios. This indicate that the injecting fluid is leaking off the hcture surfaces. Settari et al. (1989)

in a study using a classical hctwe mode1 and linear elasticity formulation, showed that mechanical properties such as E (modulus of elasticity), poisson's ratio), KIC

(bcture toughness) and choice of Facture geometry mode1 do not influence the hcture length or fhcture le&-off area, however, they infiuence the bcture width. Fracture dimensions are controlled by leak-off relatexi parameters such as permeability, pressure

(PfiLIcPinit), fhid mobilities and overall compressibility. They concluded that the total volume of the fluid in the fracture constitutes a very smail k t i o n of the volume injected. This indicates that the problem is leak-off dominated, tberefore, accurate

representation of fluid fiow at conditions of low effective stress at hcture f m must be studied in detail.

When fluid is injected into a porous and penneable reservoir, such as oilsand deposits, the insini stresses are overcome by pressures higher than the minimum total stress, thus a primary fhcture develops. At this stage two phenornena may occur either

individually or simuitaneously. The tint is that the minimum effective stress rnay

become negative (tensile), and because the tensile strength of soi1 is negiigible, a

'tensile frslcîure' occurs in the formation. The second is that existing shear stresses may prevaii the already reduced shearing resistance of the formation and this cause 'shear fhcture'. At the fracOure face the minimum effective stress is close to zero (due to high

local pore pressure) and a region of shear faiIure develops around the main fhcture. In this region pemeability and porosity are enhanced by dilatant shear. Changes in

porosity, in tum, alter water saturation, mobiiity of fluids, and pressure distribution. The leak-offzone wiU extend past the shear zone and withùi it the compressi'bility and

permeability of the soi1 structure wiU increase strongly as the effective stress decmises due to rising pressure. As a remit, a large volume of injected fluid is lost through the

interconnectecipores between mineral grains. This leakaff phenornenon depends on

the rate of injection, the permeability of the reservoir, and relative viscosities of the injected fluid and the resident pore fluid.

Ideally, a numencal model which can be used as a design tool for the optjmj;riition of hydraulic fiacturing in the oilsand industry should be able to address ail

of the issues discussed above. Such a model, however, is expected to be very complicated and therefore not easy to use. The main goal of this study is the development of a numerical model capable of capturing the key issues in the problem using simplined assumptions where applicable. 1.5 Other Ap~licationsof avdraulic Fricturing

Today, hydraulic hctiiring is used for many purposes in petroleum engineering. It is also used in other disciplines such es geotechnical and environmental engineering.

In petroleum engineering hydrofiacturing can be used to enhance oil recovery by overcoming drilling and completion damages near the weilbore; it can also be used to make deep penetrating, high-conductivity fractures in low pemeability resemoirs. The fracturing of injection wells to increase injectivity is common. Fracturing has also been used to improve injectivity and sweep efficiency in secondary and tertiary recovery

processes such as waterflood, &flood and steamfld operations. Some of these

methods will be discussed in chapter 2. Hydraulic hicturing is cunently the most wideiy used tooi for stimuiating oi1 and gas welIs (Veatch Jr. et ai., 1989).

Geothermal energy extraction is another area where hydrauiic hctUi.iag is used in practice. Hydraulic h c t u h g of hot dry rock is an efficient way to extract

geothemal energy from cuculating fiuid. Environmental engineering is an area in which hydrauiic hcturing has proved to be useW.

Remediation of contaminated sites by hydrofracturing has been very

effective (Frank and Barkley, 1995). For sites contaminateci with non-aqueous phase

liquids (NAPL) above or below the water table, or for the sites contaminated with the vapours in the soi1 above the water table, hydraulicaiiy hctured weiis can greatiy enhance the performance ofmil vapour extraction, pump and treat, and in-situ

bioremediation techniques. Another environmental issue in which &turing is a concern is in radioactive waste disposal sites in deep clay or rock layers or in ocean floors. The decay of radioactive matenal produces heat which causes a rise in temperature and expansion of both pore fiuid and soi1 skeletoa This can cause high pore pressure, which may,in ntm, induce hcture or liquefaction in the soii.

Another application in which hydraulic hcturing is used extensively is in rock engineering for determining in-situstress fields. In this case water is pumped into a

section of the borehole isolated by packers. As the water pressure is increased, initiai compressive stresses on the walls of the borehole are reduced and at some points

become tensiie. When this tensiie stress exceeds the tende strength of the rock, a crack is formeci. Various methods exist to interpret the data obtained fiom a hydrobturing test in order to get the best estimation of the in-situstresses in the rock.

Finally, dam engineering is an area where hydraulic Eracturing is a major concern. It is weîi known that hydrauiic &turing can be one of the causes of cracks in earth dams. Excessive leakage and, in some cases, failure of earth dams have been

attributed to hydraulic fracturing (Jaworski, Duncan, and Seed, 1981). Improvemeat of dam foundations by grouting shouid be conductecl accordhg to the criteria for hydrauiic

hcturing; since grouting, in principle, should not cause any hann to the n a t d ground

underiying the dam. 1.6 Scone of This Research

Development of a cornputer program to simulate the hcturing phenomenon in

oil-rich materials induced by injection ofsteam or fluid at high pressure and temperature is the prime focus ofthis research. Due to presence of oil, water, and gas in the pores, mobility of these phases affect each othu.

Pressuie and temperature of these

phases can be different, therefore, a multiphase flow model is prefened. Shce the geomechanicai behaviour is of prime interest to this study, mixture of oil, water, and gas

is considend as a fiuid with a single pore pressure and a single temperature. It should be noted that due to the presence of gas in the prous medium, the soi1 is most likely

unsaturated, However, since the gas is in the form of occluded bubbles inside the oil, it can be assumed that the soi1 is fully saturated by an equivalent fluid (Sparks, 1963;

V a , 1986). Summing of the degrees of saturation of oü, water, and gas is, therefore, e q d to one.

The equilibrium equation for deforniatons, the continuity equation for fluid flow and the heat transfer equation will be solved simultaneously in order to capture the basic physics of the problem. The finite element method wili be used for solving the

coupled system of partial differential equations. Soii behaviour will be considered elastoplastic and dilation characteristic of oiisand as weli as the leak-off phenomenon will be investigated in detait.

Since injecting fluid in a hydrofkcturing treatment basically induces a few

fhctures inside the layer which primarily has not been f'rsictured, the 'discrete hcture' approach w i i i be useà to determine the induced fiaaunpattern.

Darcy's law is assumed ta be valid inthe medium although for high rates of flow and turbulent conditions, dinerent nonlinear relatiomhips have been proposed.

The developed model for simulating hydraulic hcniring in a deforniable muitiphase heated prous medium can be used in the foiiowing applications:

1) Design of optimum (economicai) hydradic hcturing treatments for heavy oil


2) interpretation of weli tests (well-communication)with thermal effects; 3) Determination of land subsideace due to geothermal energy production

(thenno-elastic and thenno-elastoplastic coasolidation); 4) Study of the effects of radioactive waste disposal in clay layers or mck formations;

5) Study of the geotechnicai aspects of temperature variation in soils due to underground power cables or pipelines; 6) Study of the cracks induced by hydrauiic hcturing in embankment dams;

7) Design of gmuting process in dam fomdations in order to avoid undesirable fracturing of the ground.

Chapter 2 Geotechnical Aspects of Heavy Oil Recovery

2.1 Recovery Techniaues

An oil reservoir is a porous medium in which the pores contain some

hydrocarbon components usually designateci by the generic term 'oü'. The porous medium is offen heterogeneous, which means that the rock properties may vary h m one place to another. The most heterogeneous oil fields are the so-cded hctured oil fields which conskt of a collection of blocks of porous material separateci by a network of hctures. The nature of the fluids that reside in the porous medium is an important characteristicof oil reservoirs. Some of the oii reservoirs are single phase and some multiphase. In a single phase oil reservou, pores are filied with one type of fluid which can be either oil or gas, while in a multiphase reservoir water, oil, gas and other hydrocarbon constituents are present. Some of these components may change their properties under some chum~fatlces(for example at high pressures gas may dissolve in the oil etc.) and thus change the cbaracteristics.of the fîuids. Usuaiiy, oil tesemoirs are pRssurued and gas or oii can be produced by natural decompression (Chavent, 1986). The amount of oil or gas extracted in this way, however, is a small percentage of the resources in the gmund. This first stage of production is d e d 'primary rwx>veryY. A cornmon practice for the extraction of the remaining oil is to drill two sets of

wells namely, injection weiis and production wells, and then inject an inexpensive fluid (usually water) into the prous medium so as to force the oil towards the production wells (waterfiooding). This stage of production is called 'secondary recovery'. If the

pressure in the field, during this period, is maintained above the bubble pressure of the oii, the flow in the reservoir will be a MO-phaseUnmisible flow (water and oil king the NO

phases) and no mas exchange will takes place between them. But if the pressun

ârops below the bubble pressure at some points, the oil may split into a liquid phase and a gaseous phase at the thermodynamical equilibrium. This is called 'black oil reservoir'

with one water phase which does not exchange mass with the other phases and two hydtocarbon phases (oil and gas) which exchange mass when the pressure and temperature change (Chavent, 1986). Although the secondary recovery can be very effective, it is unable to recover

more than 50% of the total oil in the field. The rason fies in the fact that the injected water cannot fU ali the pores and wash out ail of the resident fïuids. This is, in part,

because of the capillary forces which keep 20 to 30 percent of the oil in the pores. The remainhg oii is called 'residual oil saturation'. In some cases, since the oil is heavy and viscous, the injected water canwt push the oil, iostead it fin& some paths in the ground and reaches the production well. In these circurnstances, what cornes out of the

production well is mainiy water rather than oil. in order to achieve better than the above rnentioned levels of recovery, the

petroleum industry has developed a set of different techniques known under the name of

'enhanced recovery techniques', or tertiary methods. One of the main goals of these techniques is to achieve miscibility of fiuids and thus eliminate the residual oii saturation. This miscibility is sought using temperature increase or introduction of

water compents, such as certain polymers, which yietd miscibility of oil and water when they are in the rïght proportions. SMilarly, miscibility of the gas and liquid

phases in a 'black oil reservoir' fiow may be restored by adding a medium weight

hydrocarbon component in adquate proportion (Chavent, 1986). 2.2 Recoverv Metbods for Oilsand De~osits

Oilsand is an important world energy tesource by virtue of its known reserves. Estimated in-place volume of heavy hydrocarbons in oilsand deposits throughout the

world approaches 3000 biiiion barrels. This is ahost quivalent to the total discovered

Iight and medium gravity resenres in-place in the world (Agar et al., 1983). More than 90% of known heavy hydmcarbon reserves occur in oilsand deposits located in Alberta

and eastem Venezuela (Demaison, 1977). Approxirnately 4% of Alberta oilsand

reserves are buried at depths less than 50 meters and are thus e c o n o m i d y recoverable

by surface rnining techniques (Alberta energy and natural resources, 1979). The remaining 96% is exploitable by in-situ extraction procedures, which generally require

some form of heating because the extremely high viscosity of the cnde bitunen in oilsand d e s conventionai recovery by pumping impractical (Mossop, 1978). In-situ extraction methods generaliy involve heating the oilsand with pressurized steam (e-g. cyclic steam stimulation or stem drive), or by in-situ combustion. These processes

requïre dRlliiig of injection and production weiis fiom the ground sudace. General methods for oilsand remvery at dinerent depths are depicted in Figure (2-1).

In p d c e , however, other techniques have been used for extracthg bitumen

fiom oilsand which do not involve any fonn of heating. These processes generally require excavation ofa d

l diameter hole (e-g. 0.25 m) extending to the base of the oil

bearing stratum. Some fom of casing is installed into the hole in order to keep it open. This casing must contaul perforations within the zone of oil comprising material. Providing the screen prevents the coiiapse of soi1 into the weli while the perforations d o w the fluid to fiow into the weîi which can be subsequently recovered One of the

drawbacks ofthis method is that the screen c m becorne clogged with washed out fines which can deteriorate the production rate. 2.2.1 Thermal recovery for oland deposits

To recover oii h m oiisand, the proposed technique must overcome the following major inherent wIIStraitlts (Settari and Raisbeck, 1979):

- low pemeability in oil-saturated sands; - low oil mobility; - low reservoir temperature and pre!ssure.

AU thermal recovery processes tend to reduce the reservoir flow resistance by reducing the viscosity of the c ~ d oil. e Generaily thermal recovery can be divided into two classes or categories, namely 'stimuiation' and 'fiooding'.

Stimulation is cornmonly used for srnail resefvoirs with poor continuity. The major drawback of the stimulation process is that the ultimate recovery may be low relative to the total oil in place in the reservoir. This is due to the fact that in stimuiation only the reservoir near the production well is heated and the naturai driving

forces present inthe resemoir (such as gravity,solution gas, and natural water drive) are the only agents responsible for mobility of the oil. For relatively small reservoirs,

however, this method may be more economicai.

Fiooding, particularly wld water flooding is said to be the oldest recovery method; which has been replaced by hot water in the themal recovery process.

Flooding is usually used for relatively large reservoirs and for communication between injection and production weiis. In flooding, fiuid is injected continuously into a number of injection welis to displace oil and obtain production fiom other wells. Some of the common thermal recovery techniques are described below: a) Hot fluid injection This method is basically used for floochg piirposes but it can also be combined

with other methods in order to improve the rate of recovery. Although the injected

fluids are generally heated at the surface, wellbore heaters have been used on some occasions. AU pmcesses in which hot fluid is injected through the well d e r fiom heat

Iosses to the formation overlying the reservoir. Such heat losses can be a significant

portion of the injected heat when the wells are deep or poorly insulated and the injection rates are low. Under such conditions the temperature of an injected nonfondensable

fluid entering the formation may be markedly lower than that at the wellhead. When the injected fiuid is condensable, as in the case of steam, the heat losses cause some of the vapours to be condense4 but the temperature remains approximately constant as long as

there is vapour present (Pratts, 1982).

Hot fluid injection can be subdivided into t

h methods: hot-water drives,

steam drives, and hot gas drives ( i.e. naturai gas, carbon dioxide, etc.).

b) In-situcombustion:

This technique proceeds in the foiiowuig way: oxygen is injected hto a reservoir, the cmde oii in the reservoir is ignitcd, and part of that crude is bumed in the formation to generate heat. Air injection is by fa the most common way to introduce oxygen to a reservoir. This technique has proved to be useful in low permeability reservoirsAlthough combustion is mostiy used for stimulation purposes it can also be used in combination with water injection in order to enhance recovery (Prats, 1982). c) WeUbore heating:

The wellbore is n o d y heated either by using a gas-fired downhole bumer; by a downhole electric heater hangïng on an electric power cable, or by circulating fiuids heated at the d a c e . Generally production and heating are perfonned concurrently but in some instances they are altemated. This stimulation process has been replaced by the

techniques described below (Pratts,1982). d) Cyclic steam stimulation:

The common practice for cyclic steam stimulation is to inject steam into a formation for a few weeks, wait a few days to let the heat soak in and allow the steam to condense, and then put the well on production. This process is called cyclic steam stimulation methd Other fluids can be used (e-g. hot water) but none have been found to be as effective as steam. Cyclic steam stimulation is a popular method because the production response is obtained earlier and the amount of mxvered oïl per amout of the injectecl steam is oAen higher than in thermal drives (flooding). Moreover, relatively andi steam boilers can be used which can be moved fimm weii to weii. This method is desirable for stimulation but the ultimate ncovery may be low relative to the total oil in place in the resewoir (because the oil is supposed to flow with natural driving forces iike gravity).

The rate of recovery c m be enhanced by cyclic s t e m injection followed by a steam drive (Pratts, 1982). e) Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD):

This is one of the new methods in which horizontai wells are employed rather than verticai weUs. Generaiiy, this method prweeds by placing parailel horizontal welis

low in the cold oilsand layer. Steam is then injected at the upper well. This creates a

steam chamber which grows as the steam condenses on the chamber walls and ceiling and releases heat. This causes Iieated bitumen to drain by gravity towards the lower

production well (Figure 2-2). f ) Heated Annulus Steam Drive (HASDrive):

Another new method which uses horizontal wells is called HAS Drive. In this method steam is chulateci in a closed horiu,nta pipe placed in the pay zone. This heats a zone around the pipe and mobilites the bitumen which provides a path for steam

flooding (Figure 2-3). g) Hydradic ûacturing

Hydraulic &turing can be used independently or in combination with some of the methods that have been discussed so far. The concept of generating hctures in soi1 or rock by injecting fiuids at high pressures and rates, referred to as 'hydraulic

hcturing', has been recognked by the petroleum indwtry since 1947. In its simplest form, hydraulic hcturing consists of seaihg offa section of a weilbore and injecting a

(hot or cold) fluid at sufFciently high prrssure and rate, to overcome the in-situ strength of the formation until a fiactureis created at the wellbore. This fiactwe is then

extended by m e r injection of the fhcturing fluid. The prime objective of such a process is to enhance the effkctive resewoir permeability and/or create paths for

introducing steam or air for heating the viscous hydrocarbuns.

Aithough oilsand can becorne soft and expand considerably when brought to the surface, studies suggest that it exhibits high strength characteristics un&r in-situ

confining pressures (Dusseauit,1977; Harris and Sobkowicz, 1978). In-situ heating reduces the strength of oilsand, but fhctutes are expected because the t h e necessary to initiate and propagate fiachires is small relative to the time necessary to heat the formation.

As mentioned earlier, fiacturing induced by injection of hot water or steam in

the oilsand results in complex interactions between fluid flow, heat fiow and uncemented soil rnatrix in the reservoir. 2.3 Oilsand's Geomechanical Behaviour

2.3.1 Oiisand characteristics Oiisand may be considered as a 4- phase system comprised of a dense interlocked skeleton of predominantly quartz sand grains whose void spaces are occupied by

bitumen, water and gases. Bihimen occupies a large portion of the pore space k i n g separated Corn the solid grains by a thin film of water. Gases which are mostiy

methane and carbon dioxide can exist in the form ofdiscrete bubbles (fke gas) or dissolved in both the bitumen and water. Figure (2-4) illustrates the oilsand structure

(Dusseault, 1977).

In-situ oilsand is a very dense, uncemented fine grained sand; exhibiting hi& shear strength and dilatency and low compnssibility characteristics compared to normal dense sand of similar mineralogy. Pemeability for samples with no bitumen are on the order of 10 cmlsec; the presence of a highly viscous bitumen, however, reduces the

pemeability o f oil-rich samples to 10 'c m k c (Agar,1984). This low permeability causes the soil to respond in an undrained manner to extemal loading. Another unusual characteristics of oîlsand is its respome during load removal. An unloading process that causes the level ofconnniog stresses to decrease below the gasniquid saturation

pressure WU result in gas exsolution. This is why obtaining undisturbed samples fiom oilsand requires special measUres. An increase in temperature can ais0 resuit in evolution of dissolved gasses provided that it raises the liquid/gas saturation pressure above the level of coanning stresses. Due to the low permeabüity of oiisand to gasses,

the evolution of gasses are likely to occur under undraineci conditions which will consequentiy induce a change in the volume of the soil matrix (Vanri, 1986). The production and expansion of the gas has a two-fold effect on the response of oilsand

under undrained conditions: first. it results in higher pore pressures that reduce the effective stresses; and second, it causes the pore fluid to become more compressible and

thus reduces the change in pore pressure resulting from changes of total stresses. In the

case of gassy soils such as oiisand, the large voiume of fiee or dissolved gas in the pore fluids indicates that the compressibilityof pore fluid is much larger than the compressibility of soil skeleton; consequentiy, any total stress change is almost entirely taken up by the soil skeleton and the pore pressure change is very small. For problems

involving unloaduig of oilsand, the relatively stiffer soi1 ma& will undergo most of the stress change and will respond with a corresponding reduction in effective stresses until

tension develops. Since the soi1 canot sustain tension, it will develop a substantial increase in compressibility which d t s in stress changes being transferred to the M e r

fiuid phase. The physical consequences of such a process are a significant increase in volume and a marked reduction in sbear strengthWhen the decrease in total stress occurs slowly over a period of tirne, the oilsand

may respond in a drained mannet- In this case, the pore pressure change and resulting pore volume change will not disturb the soil fabric and the oilsand will maintain its dense condition and high shear sttength (Vaziri, 1986).

Geomechanical behaviour of Alberta's oilsand has been the object of signiscant studies since mid 1970s. These stuclies have noted that there are some essential differences between the geomechanical behaviour of Athabasca and Cold Lake oilsands. Differences in geomechanical behaviour cm be attributed to differences in soil fabrics. Some of these differences are explaineci below.

23.2 Athabasca and Cold lake oilsands Dusseault (1977) studied the Athabasca and Cold lake oilsand's geomechanical behavi~ur~ He showed that the Athabasca oilsand has an extremely stiffstructure (iarge

modulus of elasticity) in its undisturbed state, and a large degree ofdilation when loaded to yield and subsequent failure. Agar (1984) examined the stress-strain behaviour for different stress paths and at elevated pressures and temperattues. Kosar

(1989) ~ n t i n u e dthis work and noted some essential ciifferences in the geomechanicai behaviour of Athabasca aad Cold lake oilsands.

In the case of the Athabasca oilsand the investigatoa noted very high initial elastic moduius of the confined and undisturbed material. This was attributed to its

extreme wmpactness providing extensive grain to grain contact so that the stiffiiess of the sand skeleton is close to that of the graiiis (Dusseault and Morgenstern, 1978). This

grain orientation is compared to ideal and rounded sand grains in Figure (2-5). The anguiarity of the Athabgsca sand grallis also iiiustrates why signifiant dilation can be expected as the sand is sheared. The resdts of a typicd direct shear box test are

presented in Figure (2-6). The Mohr-Coulomb failute envelope is curved. This cwature indicates a bi-modal fdure mechanism in which s h e a ~ of g asperities occurs under high stresses. Investigations by Dusseauit and Morgenstern (1978) indicate that the more quartzose and cozuse! grained is the matenal, the greater is the shear strength. Friction angle varies considerably as the effective confinhg stress is increased.

The residual @est-failure) fiction angle for Athabasca oilsand is considerably less than its initial value. The extrapolation of the peak strength curve to the zero nomial stress

axis gives an apparent cohesion to the material. This apparent cohesion is dispelled by data points taken at low values of normal stress.

In contrast, the Cold lake oilsand is less stiffand undergoes linle loss of strength d e r the initial yielding. The dilatant behaviour of the Athabasca and Cold lake oilsands is also different. Cold lake oilsand does not exhibit dilatant behaviour üke the

Athabasca oilsand; instead, it displays contractile behaviour during a triaxial confining compression test As a d t , the change in pore pressure during undrained testhg of Cold lake oilsaad remains f&ly constant as the degree of axial s t a h is increased. In the case of Athabasca oilsand, the increase in volume is apparent due to the sharp

decrease in pore pressure. Figure (2-7) illustrates the Merences in geomechanical behaviour of the two oilsands. The merences in behaviour can be explained in ternis of the differences in mineralogy. The Cold lake deposit has a greater proportion of

weaker minerals than the highly siliceous Athabasca sand. These weaker minerals are

prone to cnishing at high stress Levels Qosar, 1989).

233 E f f ' of temperature on oüsand

a) Fabric

The oily nature of the oilsand (existence of bitumen between the sand grains) makes it sensitive to change in temperature and causes a reorientation of sand grains when such changes occins. This reorientaton happe= because an increase in temperature causes a decrease in the nictional re~~*stance and the shearing strength of

individual interparticle contacts. Consequently, there is a partial collapse of the soil structure and a decrease in void ratio until a d E c i e n t number of additional bonds is

formed to enable the soi1 to carxy the same effective stress at the higher temperature. This phenornenon was onginally recognized by Campanelia and Mitchell (1968). They

further quantified its magnitude in terms of change in temperature and introduced a

parameter known as the 'coefficient of stmcturaL volume change', ( m),of soil due to change in temperature. Later Scott and Kosar (1982, 1985) stated that m ~ i not s a constant soil property but varies with temperature. This coefficient, in fact, compensates for temperature independency of currently used costitutive models for soilsb) Volume change

Oilsand subjected to increase in temperature will experience an increase in

volume, and the amount of volume change is dependent on the amount of pore fluid drainage which is permitted. Assumiag that oilsand under in-situ conditions is hilly saturated, the application of a rapid incfease in temperature will result in the development of a signifïcant positive pore pressure due to greater volumetric expansion of the pore fluid relative to the minera1 soüds. Pmvided that the boundary conditions

are such that a hydrauiic gradient is set up, the fluid will then diain fiom the soil at a rate govemed by its pemeability. Based on physical reasoning, thermal expansion in

drained condition can be coasidered as a lower bound for thermal expansion while the upper bound occurs under undraineci condition This point was examiad by Scott and Kosar (1982). They showed that there exists a considerable difference in volumetric

expansion between drained and uadrained cases in a typid oilsand sarnple. The change in volume is comprisecl of the expansion of solid particles and soi1 skeleton together with the pore fluid. The latter plays the predominant role under undrained

condition, king responsible for over 90% of the ovedl volume change even before any gas exsolution. ifgases evolve h m solution, additional volume changes wiU occur

irrespective of the drainage conditions. The experimentai studies by Agar et al. (1987) showed that the magnitude of dilation was greater for heated samples than that for unheated samples.

c) Shear strength At ambient temperatures of the in-situ oilsand, no measurable cohesion was

obsemed (Dusseauit and Morgenstern, 1978). However, at high stresses the altered

Mohr failure envelope gives the impression that positive cohesion exists. This cohesion is oniy an apparent one because?as noted, faiiure at lower stresses clearly Uidicates that

there is no cohesive strength. Agar (1984) noted the developmeat of low levels of cohesion in heated samples of Athabasca oilsand. Conversely, the increase of susceptibility to failure of individuai grains due to an increase in temperattue was marked for Cold lake oilsand. Agar et al. (1987) in their extensive re-h

on the effects of temperature on

oilsand behaviour showed that, under drained condition,heating up to 200 degrees has a relatively smail effect on the measured shear strength of oilsand compared to the effects

of fabric disturbance and heating in undraineci condition. Generation of pore pressure during undrainecl heating with the concomitant loss of available shearing resistance was considered to be of much greater practical significance than the more subtle effects of drained heating noted above. d) Hydraulic conductivity Another property of oilsand whkh is signincantly affecteci by the induction of heat is its hydraulic conductivity. As mentioned before, the bitumen in oiisand is

immobile at in-situ temperature; its viscosity, however, is signifiwtly d e c d e d at elevated temperatureS. This decrease d t s in an increase in soi1 hydraulic conductivity. Figures (2-8) and (2-9) demonsüate the effect of temperature on the

hydraulic conductivity of oilsand and viscosity of bitumen, respectively. 23.4 Modeling of stress-strain behaviour for oiisand

Several aspects of the stress-strain behaviour of oilsand require sigoifkant departue f?om linea-reiastic theory : 1) Stmin is not a hear fiuiction of stress;

2) Oiisand is stress-pathdependent (Le. the magnitude of strain at a given stress level depends on the stress-path foiiowed during the history of loading and doading);

3) Shear stresses not ody cause shear strains but also volumetric strains (dilation and contraction); 4) There is a st~cturalreorientation of sand gains when subjected to heating;

5) Time dependency which is primarily releted to the change of pore pressure with t h e , due to consolidation and gas exsolution;

6)Soi1 is essentidy anisotmpic. Dusseauit and Morgenstern (1978) showed that the Athabasca oilsand hm an elastoplastic behaviour with strain sohning aRer peak. It has been observeci (Kosar, 1989) that under low coafining pressures, oilsand behaves as a typically brittle material

Le., it reaches a weli defïned peak deviatoric stress at relatively small strain (~,=1%),

and then exhibits a strain sofiening trend and sharp drop in shear resistance with increasing strain (Figure 2-10). Such a brittie behaviour seems to disappear at higher lateral confinuig pressures a,. With fiuther increase in O, the material response is strain hardening but the effective yield strength in this case is lower. Ideally, modeling of oilsand behaviow should include the following features:

-Irrecoverable strains -Deformation history of the material -Strain softening with dilation (at low confining pressure and


-Work hardeaing (at high connning pressure and temperature) -Effect of raising the temperature on the behaviour Obviously an advanced elastoplastic model is required to handle al1 of these features. Presently, there is no estabüshed soi1 model that can take care of the effects of temperature on yield surface. Untii such model is developed, the phenornenon of the

reorientationof sand grains can be incorporateci into the anaiysis by using the

coefficient proposed by Campanella and Mitchell (1 968). To date, most of the work on this issue has k e n based on various kinds of elasticity theory such as hypo-elasticityor

hyperetasticity, (e.g. Agar et ai., 1987; Vaziri, 1988; Settari et al., 1989). Nevertheless, there has been some attempts for employing an elastoplastic mode1 (Wan et al., 1989; Tome, 1991).


(2-2) Stem Assisbed

hainage Medicd (SAGD)

Figure (2-3)HAS Drive Method

Figurd2-4) Oil sand structure (nom Dusseault 1977)

Figure (2-5) Grain Fabric for Oiisand Compared to Dense Sand (dipted h m Dusasuit and Morgenstern, 1978)

o; nomaistrass, kPa

Athabasca oil srnd p a k and - d d

strengths iiiustrating curved

Mobr-Coulomb endope behrviour (adapted h m Dussesutt and Morgenstern, 1978)

Figure (2-6) Typical Results of Direct Shear Bor Test on Ohand

Figure(2-7a) Comparison of behaviour of Athabasca and Cold Lake oii sin& ander drained compression tests with 4 Mpa confining stress (Athabasca: fimm Agar 19û4, Cold Lake: h m Kosar 1989)

1A t h a b a s c a















Axial strain (%)

Figure (2-7b) Comparison of behaviour of Athabasca and Cold Lake oil sands mder driined compression tests with 4 Mpa confinhg stress ( Athabasca: h m Agar 1984, Cold Lake: from Kosar 1989)



-2 + O











Axial m i n (%)





Figure (2-8) Effect of te&perature on the soi1 hydraulic @rom Scott and Kosar, 1984)

--- clay

Figure (2-9) Effect of temperature on the viscosity of inaihi fluid

in-situ bitumen


Figiire(2-10) Behaviour of onand under dinerent coonfining




(adapted fmm Kosar 1989)







Axial stnin (%)





Chapter 3 Literature Survey on Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing

Extensive iiterature exists on the subject of fluid flow in porous media The

fluid in porous media can be water, oii or a mixture of water, oil and dissolved gases. Aithough the effect of geomechanics on reservoir behaviour has not been considered until recently, there are some papers on coupling fluid flow and soiVrock deformation in the resewoir. In generai, research in this area can be divided into two categories: iso-

thermal flow and thermal flow. On the other hanci, the number of papers on hydraulic fkacture modeihg in an oil reservoir is enonnous. Most of them, however, do not deal

with the coupled problem of thermal fluid flow, reservoir deformation and hydrauiic fiacturing.

The aim of this chapter is to provide a brief historical o v e ~ e w of the subject of f l u .fbw in the ~esewouin isothexmai and non isothermal conditions considering the geomechanicai respome of the soiVrock (deforming reservoir). A discussion of endeavors to incorporate hydrauiic hcture modehg wül foilow. 3.1 Isothermal Fluid Flow in a Deformable Reservoir

Classical reservoir engineering pays Little attention to the influence of geome-

chanical behaviour of soil. However, the relatively poor results and predictions of the old reservoir sirnulaton revealed that an important piece of physics is missing, particu-

lady in the case of uncemented (unconsolidated in petroleum literature) oilsands, where soil behaviour is significantiy different fiom that of rocks. After Geertsma's paper on the abject in 1957, the petroleum industry d i z e d the importance of inclusion of rock mechanics in reservoir engineering. in some cases the behaviour of rock and soil containing hydrocarbon can dominate and control the re-

covery process. Corapcioglu and Karahanoglu (1980) have reviewed and discussed the earlier works before paying attention to the deformation characteristics of the reservoir. From a geotechnicai point of view the fiuid flow-deformation analysis in porous

medium is basicaliy a consolidation pmblem which was Uiitially solved by Terzaghi (1925). Tenaghi deveioped a oneaimensionai closed form solution for the consolidation problem of soils. In this pioneering work Temghi made some simplifying assumptions in order to find a partial differential equation which was solved for the pore pressures at different thes. Biot (1941) extended the consolidation theory to a three dimensionai mode1 using a conventional elastic approach. Boit's generalized solution to his onginai formulation was reported in Biot (1956a) and the extension to anisotropic

media in Biot (1955).

Sandhu (1968) developed the first finite element formulation for the two dimensional consolidation problem. In this work soil was considerd as an elastic porous medium. Christian (1968) presented a finite element solution for stress analysis in a soil Iayer in undrained condition. Later he and Boehmer (1970) extended these ideas and developed the finite element formulation for consolidation analysis. The nnite element method was applied to a variational principle equivalent to the equilibrium equation, but

finite merence method was applied to the relation between volume change of soi1 and hydraulic gradient.

Small, Booker and Davis (1976) used the principle of vimial work to formulate the finite element consolidation equations of a saturateci soil with an elastoplastic stressstrain behaviour. This work was extended by Carter et al. (1977; 1979) to include finite defomations.

Lewis et al. (1976) assumed a hyperbolic stress-strain mode1 for the soi1 and used a nonlinear law for soi1penneability in their fonnulation for modehg of consoli-

dation- A method of analysis which takes the compressibility of the pore fluid into account was proposed by Ghabowi and Wilson (1973). Theu anaiysis was exteaded by

Ghaboussi and Karshenas (1 978) to consider nonlinear material behaviour and subsequently nonlinear eompnssibility of the fluid (Ghaboussi and Kim, 1982). Chang and Duncan (1983) developed a finite element model for partly saturated

elastoplastic clays. They asmmed that the behaviour of compacted clays in the core of

earth dams can be simulateci using a modified cam-clay model.

In petroleum nsenoir engineering literature9application of mil stress-fluid flow analysis has been mainly for 'compaction-subsidence' problem in various situations.

Some investigators have solved the problem using an uncoupleci model that solves the fluid flow eqyation to produce the pressure profiles. These profiles are then used to evaluate the amount of subsidence of the formation.

Fin01 and Farouq Ali (1975), presented a two-phase, two dimensional flow model using W t e difference method which included the prediction of subsidence. The problem was formulatecl using two discretized equations for oil and water flow, and one

analytical equation of poroelasticity. The variation of penneabiiity and porosity were considered in the anaiyses of the effect of compaction on ultimate recovery. Settari and Raisbeck (1979) investigated the result of combining a planar h c ture mode1 and a single phase compressible fluid flow model assuming elastic behav-

iour. Settari (1980) and Settari and Raisbeck (198 1) iitrther developeà their previous work to include two phase thermal fhid flow.

Settari (1988) and Settari et al. (1989) studied the effects of soi1 deformations on the resewoir in a partially coupled maMer for isothermal and themiai fluid flow. They descnbed a new mode1 to quantirj. the leak-off rates fiom fiacture surfaces into oilsands. These works will be discussed in greater detail M e r on-

Fung (1992) described a control-volume fhite element (CYFE) approach for coupled isothermal two-phase fluid flow and soi1 behaviour. The material was assumed

to foilow a hyperbolic stress-strain law modified for dilative behaviour using Rowe's stress dilatancy theory. The model was verified by anaiyzing the one dimensional con-

solidation problem and comparing it to the analytical solution by Biot. A two dimen-

sional hcture loading example was given and changes in stress and fluid flow in time

were shown. The approach appears to yield accurate soIutions, but is lirnited to nonplastic materiai behaviour and kothennal flow.

3.2 Thermal Fluid Flow in a Deformable Resewoir Changes in temperatwe affect pore pressures and interparticle forces and induces properties of changes in volume. Temperature can also alter some of the e n g i n e e ~ g

soils such as penneabiIity and compressibility. Some ofthese effects have been discussed by Campanelia and Mitcheii (1968). In their paper they proposed a method to

predict the volume change of saturated s d s subjected to variation of pore pressure and temperature in an undrained condition.

Sobkowicz (1982) and Sobkowicz and Morgenstern (1984) have undertaken a comprehensive investigation of the gas exsolution phenornenon, both theoreticaliy and experimentally.

In petroleum engineering, Lipman et al. (1976) stuàied the effect of geothermai production on the deformation of geothermal systems. The numerical model for the

mass and energy equations were combineci with the Terzaghi's consolidation equation. Brownell et al. (1977) discussed the interaction of a porous solid matrix and fluid flow in geothermd systems, including momentum and energy traiisfer and the dependence of porosity and pemeability upon fhid and solid stresses.

Ertekui (1978) presented a two dimensional, two phase fluid flow, a tbree di-

meosionai heat flow, and a two dirnensiod displacement model for a hot water flooded

oii resewoir. He used the finite difference method to solve the fluid flow and energy equations and then applied the results to a finite elernent model to determine the displacements.

Effect of temperature on the consolidation process has been investigated since the early 1980's. In the finite element model developed by Lewis and Katahanoglu (198 1) an elastoplastic constitutive nlationship was used. This model was appiied by

Lewis et ai. (1986) to the solution of the one dimensional consolidation problem.

Aboustit et al. (1985) studied the consolidation phenornenon due to the heat pro-

duced fiom buried radio-active waste. Envuonmental effects of geothermal energy production with an emphasis on surface mbsidence was studied by Borsetto et al. (1983).

In comection with the anaiysis of nuclear waste disposal in clay, Borsetto et al. (1 984) discussed the constitutive relationship for clay under the combined action of

heating, elastopIastic deformation, and ground water flow. The dependence of the coefficient of permeability on the temperature was also considered. The resulting governing equatiom can be solved to obtain displacements, pressure, temperature and porosity. Since the solution required considerable numerical efforts, Borsetto et al. (1984) proposed simplifications such as uncoupling the heat fiow equation and reducing the number of independent wknowns.

The only theoretical solution deahg with coupled heat and consolidation process is given by Booker and Sawidou (1985) who provided an approximate anaifical solution for the problem of consolidation around a cyhdricai heat source in an elastic M y satunited matenal. The temperature field was uncoupled nom the detemination of displacements and pressure, by neglecting the mechanical contribution to energy balance and the convective tenns.

Lewis et al. (1986) developed a coupled finite eiement model for consolidation

of n o n i s o t h e d reservoir with elastoplastic behaviour. In analysis of the deformation of elastoplastic porous media due to fluid and heat flow, a displacement-pressuretemperature formulation resulted in an wisymmetric coefficient rnatrix, even in the case of associateci plasticity. A partitioned solution procedure was applied to restore the

symmetry of the coefficient matrix. Lewis et al. (1989) extended the previous work to include two-phase fluid flow. Lewis and Sukirnian (1993) further extended the two-

phase tluid flow formulation to the-phase fluid flow;this ment wodr, however, did not include the effcct of temperature.

VaEn (1988) coupled thermal single-phase flow with a nonlinear elastic (hyperbolic) model. He fomuiated a two dimensional finite element scheme by cornbining the stress equiiibrium equation with fluid continuity equation. He was able to model the effect of a second phase, gas, by including compressibility in the definition of

the bulk modulus. In his formulation temperature was not treated as an independent state variable, but the effect of temperature on the deformations and pore pressure was

taken ïnto account by employing an quivalent system of loads on the domain. Tomke (199 1) developed a numeticai model for simulation of three dimen-

sional, thermal multiphase fluid flow in an eIastoplastic deforming reservoir. It was the first implementation of soil plasticity in a multiphase thermal reservoir simulation. In this work a combination of fiaite elernent modeling of soil behaviour and h i t e difference modeling of muitipbase thermal fluid flow was used which was claimed to be more

successfid than a Mly fiaite element appmach, Vazizi (1995). extended his previous work (1988) to a coupled multiphase fluid

flow and heat tramfer, wiwithin a defomiing porous medium. In this work temperatures, displacements and pore pressures were considered as independent state variables. Also in this paper an elastoplastic constitutive model for soil (cam-clay) was used.

3.3 Inchwion of (BvdroWactureMechanies Analysis of hcture is one of the essentid requirements to achieve a reasonable evaluation of injectiodproduction rates and prediction of the behaviour of the hydrauli-

cally induced reservoirs. Generai status of this technology and the current petroleum engineering procedures were sumrnarized in a monograph by Gidley et ai. (1987).

First generation models of hydrauiic fiactuting were pioneered by Zheltov and Khristianovich (1955). Perkias and Kern (196 l), and Geertsma and deKlerk (1 969).

They provideci closed form solutions for predicting hcture length and width based on a prescribed geometry for a planar fracture. Settari and Raisbeck (1979; 1981) developed two o f the early models for simu-

lating hydrauiic b t u r e during cyclic s t e m stimulation in oilsands. in 1979 they de-

veloped a two dimensionai finite diffetence model for single-phase compressible fluid flow in a linear elastic porous material with an elliptic mode I(tensi1e) fracture. This model was extended to two phase thermal flow (Settari and Raisbeck, 1981) to describe the process of first cycle steam injection for three different hcture geometries. Al-

though the two-phase model gave a more realistic representation of the process they

concluded that the d y s i s of the injection pressure andlot production history is generaily not suflicient to iden-

whether the fracture is vertical or horizontal.

Atukorala (1983) developed a !hite element mode1 for simulating either hori-

zontal or vertical hydraulic hcturing in oilsands. In this work, for the sake of simplicity, the fluid flow analysis was separated fiom stress analysis. These two equations

were solved iteratively by imposing a compatibility condition on the volume of the fluid b i d e the fhcture. The hcture shape was assumed to be eiiiptic with blunt tips in order to avoid siagularity of stresses at the crack tip. A linear elastic hcture mechanics criterion was used for analyzing tende hcture in a nonlinear elastic domain. No thermal effect was considered in this study. Settari et al. (1989) investigated the effects of soi1deformations and ftacture on

the reservoir in a partiaily coupled manner. Effect of leak-off on the hcture dimensions was emphasized. Oiisand failure was considered to be a shear failure with MohrCoulomb criterion. Dilation was not modeied in this work but it was assumed that a constant change in volumetric strain occurs after peak shear stress (failure). They developed a cornputer program called 'CONS based on the above partiaIiy coupled stressflow aaalysis. Settari (1989) extended this work by incorporating temperature effects (thermal flow) in the formulation.

Advani et al. (1990) developed a finite element prognun for modeling t h e dimensional hydraulic fractures in muiti-layered reservoirs. They extended the earlier work of pseudo t h e dimensional (P3D) mode1 presented by Advani and Lee (1982)

and other invesbigators in the early 80's. In this work, propagation of a tensile planar hydraulic hcture in layered reservoirs (with elastic behaviour) was investigated. For-

mation enagy release rate was used as a criterion for crack extension. Injected fluid was an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid in isothemal condition. No temperature

effect was considered. Settari et al. (1992) developed a technique to represent a dynamic fiacture in

themial tesecvoir simulators. They stated that simplification of the hicturing process

by using stationary or presmre dependent change of traiismissibilities causes inaccuracy in simulating hcture propagation and fluid flow in the hcture. The approach in tbis

paper was partial couplhg of a planar f'racturemodel with any conventional thermal reservoir simulator, provided that the host is a finite difference model. The key features

of this mode1 were the dynamic enhancement of transmissibiüties in the hcture plane,

and a concept of pseudoïzed relative permeabilities for muitiphase flow. Leak-off was incorporated in the model by assuming a one-dimensiood flow system from the fiacture walls into the reservoir. Dynamic (growing) hcture predicted by this model was then

imposed on a conventionai thermal simulator. Elasticity theory was used for predicting

soil bebaviou.as well as hcture extension. One of the Limitations of this work is that the region simulated by the model should be an element of symmetry with the hctured well at the origin. This rnodel cannot deal with h t u r e s inside the grid or simultaneous

fractures in several wells. 3.4 Discussion

In most of the researches carried out in reservoir modeiing the finite merence method has been used. A few researchers have considered the effect of ground deformation in their rese~oirmodels, however, in most of these studies the stress and deformation analysis have been incorporated in an uncoupled manner. Usually, the finite dif-

ference method is used for fluid flow and heat transfer while the Etc element method is used for soiyrock deformatiom. Coupled thermal hydro-mechanical models using the h i t e element method are rare (L,ewis et al., 1986; Vaziri and Britto, 1992). Even in

these models the effect of fiacturing in the ground is not considered. The current study aims at developing such a fÙUy coupled thermal hydro-mechanid finite element model

which can sirnulate the hydraulic bcturing by employing fiachite mechanics applicable to geologic media.

Chapter 4 Mathematical and Finite Element Formulations

4.1 General

The objective of this chapter is to provide the mathematical formulation of a numerical mode1 to analyze the interaction berneen ground deformation, fluid flow, and

heat m e r in a saturated heated reservoir. The mathematicai formulationwili be discussed in detail in this chapter, hcture modeling will be described in chapter S.

In this study, mixture of water and oii (with occluded gas bubbles) is considered as one fluid which flows through the porous medium. As long as the gas remains in oc-

cluded form, the soil can be regarded as fully saturated and the effective stress principlewhereby the pore pressure is represented by the pressure of the 'equivalent compressible

fluidkppiies (Sparks,1963; Vazki, 1986). This equivalent fluid has the same cornpressibiiity as the mubure of water, oil and gas. In this case the four phase unsaturated soil is phenomenologically treated as a materid saturated with a homogenized compressible fluid phase. The goveming equations of equiiibOum, fluid flow and heat transfer in the reservoir have been employed, in an incremental form, to be implemented in a finite ele-

ment program. Primary unlmowns are AU (change of the displacements Au and Av in x and y directions respectively), AP (change in pore fluid pressure), and AT (change in temperature) for each point in the reservoir. Three govemhg equations are solved si-

multaneously in a fully coupled manner. The objective is to incorporate al1 of the es-

sential physics of the problem into the mode1 while making appropriatesimplifjkg assumptiom. Partial differentiai equations (P.D.0 of the goveming laws have no closed f o m solutions; thetefore, the practicai approach to solve the problem is using numericd

merhods such as h i t e element. In the fhite element method, domain is divided into a number of elements (spatial discretization) in order to convert the P.DES into a system of ordinary differential equations (0.D.E) in the, for each point inside the domain.

Then, discretization in the, by using a differential approximation, transforms the system of O.D.E ' s to a systern of algebraic equations. Before proceeding with the formulation, it should be wted that generdy there

are two methods for formulating the goveming partial differentid equation for a field problem: the Lagranpian method and the Eulerian method. In the former, which is also cailed matenai description, every particle is identified by its coordinates at a given instant of time. In the latter, coordinates of a particle are assumed to be independent of tirne. Instead, the instantaneous velocity field at any point fixed in the space and the variation of velocity with time are of interest. Eulerian method is usualiy used for fluid mechanics and Lagrangian method for solid mechanics due to the nature of these two

kinds of problems (Fung, 1965). For defonnation analysis the choice between smd (Wtesimal) strain analysis and large (finite) strain analysis is important and can greatly affect the formulation. Carter et al. (1977) showed that for soils with stitniess to strength ratio greater than 100,

the finite defonnation predictiom are very close to those predicted by the infinitesimal theory at.loads up to fdure. For softer mils,however, the small strain theory wouid under-estimate the actud displacement. Lee and Si11 (1% 1) argued that in the case of softer soils, one must also consider the effect of selfweight in the a d y s i s particdarly

when its magnituàe is comparable to the e x t e d y applied loads. This study,based on the field observations, postulated that the dimensions of the induced hydraulic fractures

in the reservou compared to the huge dimensions of the r e b ~ o iitself t are small; hence, small strain theory is asmmed tbroughout the formulation. Applying the small strain

theory implies that changes in displacements (ALI) as weii as changes in pore fluid pressures (M),and temperatures (Al), are smaU during any increment of time. One can,

therefore, neglect the second order temu such as (AL@ etc. tbat emerge in the formulation. In this chapter superscript '.' means derivative with respect to Ume, '*' stands

for nodal values and '-' meam presaibed vdues.

4.2 Eçruilibrium Eauation

Generai equilibrium equation can be expressed in the foliowing indicial form

(Bathe, 1982):


aV,, +?



stress tensor at any point


extemai load

6 mf

soi1 matrix velocity mass coefficient


damping coefficient


indices taking 1,2 and 3 representing coordinate axes ij SoiVrock matrix velocity, V, is the variation of displacements, U,in tirne i.e. { ={ U).

The equilibrium equation in incrementai form is:

To be consistent with the fluid flow and heat W e r equations, weighted residual method (W.RM)is employed to obtain the weak fom of the equilibrium equation.

integration by parts of equation (4-4) leads to the foliowing equation:

S A C .~ d =~I ( - q + *'AG, + c y ~ ( I i ) ~

J A C ~ , ~ -





The following boundary conditions are considered : -stress boundary condition (natural BK.) on Sc : Acrvnj =

5 -

-geometric boundary condition (essentid B E . ) on Su: II, = CI,

Principle of effective stress can be written as: AD# = A c ;


- &G,


Biot's coefficient


effecîive stress tensor (tension positive)


kronecker delta


compressibility of solid particles

c b

compressibiiity of bulk soi1matrix


change in pore fluid pressure (compression positive)

Note that for consistency with the other two equations, P is considered to be positive when compressive, Substituthg (4-6) and (4-8) in (4-5): -[dcr;a~~dv+ ~ a d ~ ~ , o ,=d y

Behaviour for the soiilrock is considered to be elastoplastic. The constitutive

law would be used in the g e n d form as d d - d e where D is the elastoplastic stiffiiess

matrix: I

do, = D,(As, where

I I --asG,AT+-c 6 AP) 3 3 s U


e e s s matrix


strain tensor (total strain)


coefficient of themial expansion for soi1 (porous matrix)


change in temperature

change in pore fluid pressure


Effects of creep, sweiling and so on have k e n disregarded in equation (4-1 0). By substituting (440)into (4-9):


IAipS+I(-d~+ rnrdfii+ c r d 0 , . ) o d ~



(4-1 1)

For obtaining the finite element fomi of (4-1 1) discretkation in space and t h e has to be carried out. Discretization in space :

@ = < N p >QI€'*}


And by employing Galerkin method :



(4- 13)

'IV' indicates the shape faction matrix and 'B' is the derivative of shape hctions with respect to the spatial coordinatesx. y, and z. In order to make it possible to use different interpolation schemes for cdculating displacements, pore fluid pressures, and temperatures, different N and B WU be used for pore fluid pressures and temperatures. These will be designated by subscripts 'P ' and 'T'respectively. After discretization in space by using (4-12) and (4-13) one can obtain:

where 'm' represents 4-jin vector form Le. <1



1 O


o > ~in three dimensions.

1 O

PTin two dimensions and

This is an ordinary dif5erentiaI equation (0.D.E) in tirne- For ob-g

the algebraic

equation the foiiowing finite difference approximations are used in order to discretize

AU = A( Ur

the equation (4-14) in tirne. AU=A(

- Ut-&) At

cJ -zut-&+ y ,, 1 At =


Since we are Iooking for increment of displacement AU, between time 't' and 'r+dt',

the backward ciifference will be used to avoid gening AU at time 'i+d17. Now the right hand side of (4-14) wouid be:

By defining these integrals, the matrix fom of equation (4-14) would be obtained:

So the final matrix form ofthe equilibrium equation after multiplying both sides by

At2wouid be:

N&ng that AU *=(AU *) , ,equation (4-23) can be rewritten as :

I ([a&' + ~'[N,]+C'[N,]A~)(AU'}-([K,]~~)(M'J-(-~,[K,]A~~){AT')= 3 (4-24) {G)At2+(F)A~ ' +(2rn'[N,]+c'[N,]Af){~U*~-& }-m'[IV,] {AU


Since the compressibility of soiid grains Ckompared to the compressibility of the soil ma&

G is negiigible, the assumption CS=O(or Biot's factor a=1.O) has been consid-

ered in the program.

In equation (4-24), M

[qis the weii hown stifthess mat&

for displacemeats.

'[fi] represents the effect of mass inertia and C'[NN]shows the eEect of damping.

[K'] and [Kr]are couphg ternis representing force induced by pore pressure and forces created by thmal stresses respectively. On the right hand side {Ts)is the d a c e trac-

tion vector and {F)is the body force vector. 4.3 Fluid Flow Continuitv Eauation

The continuity equation is the governing equation for a single phase (equivalent fluid) flow which can be expressed in terms of either mass flux or volumetric flux. Since density of the fluïd changes due to high compressibility of fluid (with occluded gas bubbles), a mass continuity equation in the reservoir is king used in this formula-

tion momas, 1977):



demity of fluid velocity vector of flowing fluid


fluid mass flux nom sink (output) or source (input)


porosity of soi1 mass




A s s d g that sink or source term may be considered later as a boundary condi-

tion, equation (4-25) may be written in the following indicial fom: (pt),,=



Applying weighted residual method for obtaining the weak form of equation(4-26)


Integration by parts:

Again two kinds ofboundary conditions are being considered:

-velocity bomdary conditions vi = Fi

on Sv

-pore fluid pressure boundary conditions P = P


on Sp


Before dealing with details of integration, it should be noted that A p, and vi have to specined in terms of the primary unknowns AU*,AP* and AT+.

Porosity 4 at any time ' P can be defined as (Tortilce, 1991):



volume of voids


volume of solid grains


volume of bullc soi1 ma&



Change in volume of solid grains c m be attributed to themai expansion of grains if we disregard the volume change of solid graias due to the changes of pore pressure and effective stresses (Le. assuming compressibility of solid grains Cs to be negligible):

AC =Vr%K+A, - T l

(4-3 3)

I f compressibility of solid grains is sigaificant, the effects of pore fluid pressure and ef-

fective stresses on the volume change of solid gmins should aiso be taken into account.

In this case eguation (4-33) should be modifieci accordingly as: = ya,(q+',, - q 1- yCs(<+&

In (4-33) and (4-34): pore fhid pressure




coefficient of thermal expansion for soi1

Note that a, is the tangent or inctemental coefficient of thermal expansion which is

different h m classical definition where iostead of Vt, V,(initial volume) is taken into account. Substituting (4-33) into (4-32) leads to:

Now dqYdr c m be determined as:


Changes in fhid density can be descnbed by using the following ternis: Isobar themial expansion coefficient of fluid:

Isothemial pressure densincation coefficient of fluid (compressibility):

If the effects of pressure and temperature both are to be considered, then PI = Poe


[-arW-G 11

P2 = Pie W,(P-Po


(4-3 9a) (4-3 9b)

By employing Taylor expansionand neglecting temis with power greater than two:


PZ = P ~ [ ~ + B , ( P - P ~ ) I

(4-4 1)


P, =P,,{[~+P,(P-P,)ID -a,(T-T,II)


If a, and

are defined as tangentid coefficientsythe relation (4-42) may be written,

for each iacrement, as :

P = ~ , ( [ 1+ f l # ' I [ 1 - a p W l )


Having 'gf at any M i e based on (4.43)' Ap can be determineci . A P = P , ( B , ~ - ~ , ~


similarly dpdt can be approximated as foiiows:

Fluid velocity v, can be determined based on Darcy's Iaw for flow in porous media as: v=-Kr'


in generai index form:



hydraulic conductivity (mfsec)


hydrauiic dope



Although incorporating the effect of soi1 velocity in v (inorder to use absolute velocity of the fluid) seems to make the formulation more precise, it should be noted

that since 'materiai coordinate' is used for writing the eqdibrium equation and 'spatial coordinate' is used for writing the continuity equation, the soi1 velocity in the two equations does not represent the same quantity because of different coordinate systems.

There is a relationship between these two velocities (Malvem, 1968) which contains the gradient of displacements. However, in the hydrauiic fkcturing process the gradient of

displacements, compared to the very high gradient of the injected fluid, is negligible.

Hence the eflect of soi1 velocity in the flow equation has k e n ignored in the coupling processSînce temperature has a drastic effect on the viscosity of oil and consequentiy on

the hydraulic coaductivity, K,it was found usefuI to replace K with kflpin which k is the absolute permeability (m2), y is the unit weight of fluid, and p is the viscosity of the

fluid. Therefore (4-46) can be written as:

The fiuid density y (= & is not a direct fiinction of x y and z(see for example equation 4-43), thus (4-48) can be expartdeci out as below. Note that dependency of pressure

'P' and temperature 'T inside equation(4-43) on x, y, and r are second order effects.

To ~utnmatize,the foliowhg relations can be used for

+, p d#"

dpd,and v, :

0 may Vary fiom zero ( M y expiicit scheme) to 1 .O (fUy implicit scheme).

Relations (4-5 1) to (4-55) should be substituted into (4-28) which was the weak form of the continuity equation -

By applying the Galerkin scheme:

a, =< N p

> and a~ = [B,]


,the integral equation would be:

Substitution for 4, p, dydt ,dHdt in (4-57) Ieads to equation (4-58).

Discretization in space: A ,f AE, =[BI {AU*) A&,, C AU*}

=< N, ,{M*)

L\P, = [ B , l { ~ ' )

AT =< N, > { A T * ) AT..J = [B,]{AT*)

By discretization in space the relationship for velocity can be expanded as:

For simplicity, three terms without the primary d m o w n (LW*) are lumped together and are d e d Zi which represents the velocity at time 't'. Other terms having d p * coastitute A v ~which are mdtiplied by O(0 2 0 S 1 ) for implicit or explicit scheme. Hence:

k,, p and p in (4-61) are considered to be at tirne 't' which are the last updated values. For greater precision changes in fluid density and viscosity can be considered as weil (change in absolute pemeability relative to Ap and Ap is zero). In this case the fol-

lowing relation shodd can used for velocity:

By substituthg vi fkom (4-61) into (4-58)' muitiplying both sides o f equation (4-58) by dt and factorization with respect to the primaiy unknowns AU+, LW*, and AT+' the fol-

lowing equation will be obtained:


Now by defining the foiiowing integrais the matrix form of the continuity equation would be obtained.

At this point sink (or source) terni 'G' can be taken into account:

'G' is the fluid mass output from sink when it is negative or input fiom source when it is positive.

Hence, the fioal finite element fom of the continuity equation would be:


In equation (4-79, the matrix [NCp]represents fluid flow caused by the ground deformation. The terms [NCYV]and

[mare fluid flow due to the specified velocity on

the boudaries. The matrix [BKI]is the main fluid flow term due to the apparent ve-

locity of the fluid. The temrs [BK21 and [BK31 represent fluid flow resuiting fiom the change of density inside the element. The terms [AWJand [NYJ show the fluid flow in-

duced by the change of porosity. In the right hand side, the vector { N v ) is the flow due to specified tlux on the boundaries while vector { B Q indicates the effect of changes in


For the fluid flux boundary condition, positive and negative values are used for outward and inward flow respectively. 4.4 Heat Transfer Eaulrtion Governing partial differentiai equation for heat m e r in a reservoir is (Pratts,



volumetric thermal energy flux


intemal energy per unit mass



fluïd density energy flux fiom source (input)



Since 'Q'could be introduced later by means of boundary conditions, equation (4-76) c m be written in the following compact fom:

The term (pE) can be hterpreted as the i n t d energy per unit bullc volume. Employing the weighted midual method in order to obtain the weak form of equation (4-77) yields:

Integration by parts:

The first integral represents a boundary condition such as Le,= G,on SL.

Two ternis (pE) and Le should be replaced by some huictions of pore fluid pressure


prosity ofsoü matrix


volume heat capacity ofsoiyrock




coefficient of conductivity


of saturation

volumetric flux of flowing fluid g

acceleration of g r a .




mechanical equivalent of heat

E, =CV(T-To)intemal energy per unit mass of fluid


heat capacity of fluid at constant volume


heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure

For a single phase fully sahuateci medium (S=1.00), equation (4-80) becomes:

Note that f, is e q d to the velocity vi by dimensionai analysis, so equation(4-61) can

be used for substitutingf;: .

By substituthg Lei and pE Erom (4-80) into equation(4-79):

Employing Galerkin's method: a, =< N, > and a>, = [Br] Substituting (4-85) into (4-84) yields:


Replacing p, (4-87)

+, dpldt and dydt with relations (4-5 1) to (4-54) will lead to the equation


Substituthg vi fiom (4-61) into (4-87), mdtiplying both sides by At and neglecting the incrementai terms to the power two or more, leads to the equation (4-89).

Factorization with respect to the d l f , AP* and AT* yields equation (4-90):

Now in order to obtain the finite element form of the equation, the integrals shown in (4-90) have to be defhed as matrices:

At this point the source (or sink) term 'Q'

can be taken into account:

where 'Q' is the energy input hsources per mit volume. For energy output fiom sinks, negative values can be used and vice versa.

Therefore the finai finite element form of the heat tramfer equation wouid be

Integrais (4-91) and (4-92) are to be used as coefficients of {AU*} in equation(4112). Despite the mathematicai evolution of these terms, they have littie physical sig-

nificance as they represent the contribution of displacements in the heat transfer in the reservoir which is obviously immaterial. Therefore, these terms are neglected in the code (Le. the hcat fiow due to the effect of deformation of the reservou is ignored). In (4-1 12) [BB] represents heat flux due to conduction. The tenns [pl and [NF] represent

the effect of heat capacitance of the solid phase and the fluid phase respectively. The terms [NTJand [NpTJshow the effect of thermal expansion of solid phase and fluid phase, respectively, on the heat capacity of the medium. The ma&

[HTZ] represents

the heat flux due to the heat capacitance of flowing fluid (convection). The terms [BNT]

and [HT3] arise fiom the change of fluid density due to dP and AT respectively. Effect of the density change on interna1energy due to dP and AT is shown in [MY]and

[HT..The terms [BlWl and [HTqemerge h m the effect of change in fluid density on the gravitationai thennal energy. The [ M I ] and [ N 3 ] matrices represent the effect

of change of fluid veiocity on the gravitationai heat flux and fluid enthaipy respectively.

On the nght hand side of the equation, {NL)represents the thermal energy flux on the bouadaries. Finally ( B q , (RHSI) and (RH.3)altogether stand for energy flux at the previous time step


The nnal fînite element fonn of die equilibrium, fluid flow, and heat transfer equations, Le. (4-24), (4-79, and (4-1 12) respectively, can be coupled to make a system of simuitaneous equations. In all three equations the unknowns are A P , Al", and ATL

which represent the hcrementd values of displacements, pore fluid pressuresyand temperatures at nodal points of the rnesh during a time increment of 'At'. The obtained in-

cremental values will affect the previous amomts o f displacements, pore pressures, and

temperatures at any node inside the medium (which were at time 'ty)and the new values will be detemiined for the time 't+drY . By marching through thne ali ofthe state variables at any point and at any time would be determined. The general incremental finite element formulation can be smmarhed as folIows:



K21 K31

K22 K32


K13' K23 K33


KI1 = [ a m 2+ m '[N,]+C'[N,]& K12 = [ K , ] & ~ I KI3 = - - a , [ ~ , ] & ~ 3

K21= [NCp]

(4- 117)

K22 = M e p r [ m v ]+ AtflBKI] + L\rS,qBK2]+pr[lWl

(4- 1 1 8)

K23 = -Mûex, [NYv]- &8aP[l3K3] -a,[NYJ- a,[Np]

(4- 1 19)

K3 1 = [O]

(4- 120)

m2 = bcp




l+ At@ANWL] * [ + ~ Att$Y,[BNZj ~ +C , p , [ m ]

An important aspect of the coupling process is finding an appropriate value for the time increment, &, suitable for ail three equations. Due to high speed of stress

waves in soil/rock, the time increment in the equilibnum equation should be mal1 enough to capture the behaviour of the soiVmck accurately. This ' M is not necessarily the best ' t h e d e ' for the fluid flow andlor heat transfer equation but in order to satis@ail three conservation laws simultaaeously, we should use the srnailest time incre-

ment. On the other hand, it should be noted that the equiiibnum equation is multipiied by 'Arp but the Buid fIow and heat m e r equations are mdtiplied by 'M. This im-

plies that if the time increment is Iess tha.unity the equiübrium equation has less influence in the coupling process cornpared to the other equations. Conversely, if the time

increment is greater than unity, the equili'brium equation will have more innuence in the system of equations. U d y , due to stability consideration, 'Myshouid not be large. Therefore, this pmblem rnay become a concem when a time increment of two or three ordea of magnitude less than one is used Hence, a very srnail tirne increments rnay not be suitable for a coupled anaiysis. Furthemore, in thedependent problems in which

time marching is required, a very smaü 'At' can increase the amount of the cornputa-

tional time considerably. Based on the above discussion the largest possible time increment should be used in the analysis. Obviously, this time increment depends on the

nature of the problem and should be chosen by stability and accuracy analysis.


Figure (41) Boondacy Conditions ofa


Chapter 5 Modeling of Hydraulic Fracture

5.1 Introduction Since 1947 when the hydraulic hcturing technique was introduced to the

petroleum industry, its application has grown rapidly. In the eatly 1960's, the industry felt the necessity of having a design tool for this fast growing technique. In response to

this need a number of two dimensional closed fonn solutions were developed for designing hydraulic fkacturing treatments. Two models which have been more popular are Geertsma and deKlerk, GdK,((1 969) and Perkins and Kem (196 1). The latter was modifieci later by Nordgren (1972) to account for fluid leak-off, hence it is often called PKN model. In the PKN model, a fiacture bas a fixeci height (hj) independent of the k t u r e length, and the fkcture cross section is assumed to be eiliptic (Figure 5-1). In

the GdK model, while a fked height for the fracture is assumed that is independent of

the hcture length, the fracture shape is wnsidered to be approximately parabolic with a rectangular cross section (Figure 5-2). These models pmented equations for calculating the hcture length, the maximum hcture opening (aperture) and the

injection pressure for a constant injection rate.

These kinds of simple closed form solutions have been used by the industry with

some success, however, as the technology has progressed corn simple low volume/rate treatments to hi& volume/rate and sophisticated massive hydraulic hcturing projects, the indwtry has demanded more rigorous design methods in order to minimize the cost. During the last 25 years, severai two and three dimensional cornputer models have been

developed (some of these models are reviewed in Chapter 3). The common equations used in these models are the fluid flow equation and the poroelasticity equations. Thermal effects are also considered in some of these models. The GdK or PMV modeis have mostly been used for fiactine simulation. Linear elastic firactute mechanics

(LEFM) cnterïa have been w d to some extent.

In this chapter different aspects of the hydrauiic fracture modeling will be discussed and the method chosen for this study wili be described. 5.2 Natuml Fractures vs. Induced Fractures

Geologid discontinuities are common features on the earth's crust. Glaciation,

tectonic effects, and weathering have caused different kinds of discontinuities in the ground throughout the earth's history. Generally, naturai discontinuitiescan be divided into joints, faults, bedding planes, stress contrasts andor a combination of these

f a e s . Technically, the term 'joint' is restricted to those fiactufes exhibiting evidence of dominantly opening displacements. This means that the displacements are perpendicuiar to the fiacture surface (Pollard and Aydin, 1988). Faults refer to large

sale rupture surfaces which have experienced shearing displacements. Normally fauits are much larger than joints. Joints are usually d e d and have high pemieabilities,

whereas faults are nomaiiy U e d and therefore have low permeabilities. Bedding planes are weak interfaces between layers due to sedimentation process under water

(Tannant, 1990).

'Fracture' is a generic name to describe near planar f ~ l u r de a c e s and is appropriate for structural features displaying any combination of opening and shearing displacementS. Fracture zones, measuring 10 to 100 meters in length t y p i d y consist of several closely spaced and often interconnectedjoints and faults.

Man-made or induced k t u r e s , on the other hand, are hydraulic or pneumatic fractures induced by overcoming tensile or shear strengdi of the ground at desirable

depths. Although it is believed that hydraulic f'racturiag causes one or two distinct vertical or iuclined fiactwe planes, in fact, the achiat shape of the induced hcture is very complicated. Laboratory tests of hydraulic fhcturing have indicated thaf

especially in uncemented soiis, one distinct hcture suface rarely occurs (Golder Ass., 1994; Komak paoah, 1990). However, in the case of rocks and cohesive soils one

distinct hcture plane has been observed (Rummel, 1987;Komak pan al^, 1990;Guo,

1993). Warpinski and Teufel(1987) studied a field expriment ofhydrauiic fkacturing and showed that fiwluently there is nothing that can be called hcture plane; uistead, the

hydraulic fkchrre could be better descnbed as a zone of multiple h c t u r e s sometimes 5 to 10 meters wide. Due to the nature of the hydraulic fiactuting technique, there is aiways a moving h n t of fluid inside the fcracture. This moving fiont is sometimes

combïned with heat, if hot fluid or steam is used. Stress field at the fkctwe tip is controlied by the fluidmeat fiont These stresses may push the fiacture M e r ahead or keep the fiacture in place. 5.3 Effeds of Natural Fractures on Hvdraulic Fracturing Process

Geologic discontinuities, such as joints, fadts, and bedding planes can significantly affect the geometry of hydrauiic fhctures. For example, such

diswntinuities may anest the growth of the fiacture, increase fluid leak-off, andlor

enhance the creation of multiple fractures. According to Warpinski and Tedel (1987), geologic discontinuities can

influence the overall geometry of fkactures and effectiveness of the hydraulic hcturing technique by: 1) arresting vertical propagation;

2) arresting lateral propagation at a fault or sand lem boudary; 3) reducing total length by increasing the amount of fluid leak-off; 4) reducing total length by facilitakg the formation of multiple parailel hcture


5) hindering proppaat transport because of the nonplanarity of the bcture or fiachue system, and

6) inducing additional h c t u r e height growth due to higher fluid pressures because of many of the above features (items 2,4 and 5, for instance).

5.4 Fracture Mechanics of Geomaterials

The analysis of crack problems through 'fracture mechanics' has its roots in attempts to understand the failure of giass, the stability of metai engineering structures

in service, and more recently, the k t w e pmperties of engineering ceramics. Fracture mechanics has grown in popularity because of the success of its relatively simple hcture critena in describuig the failure of these materials. Recent years have seen a ciramatic increase in attention paid to both experünental hcture mechanics of rocks and the application of nacture mecbanics to solve k t w e problems in geophysics,

earthquake engineering, hydraulic hcturing, hot dry rock energy extraction, and other rock mecbanics and geological problems (Atkinson, 1987). 5-4.1 DWerent modes of fracture

Starting with the concept of an ideally flat and peâecty sharp crack of zero thickness, we should note that there are three basic modes of crack tip displacement.

These modes are mode k tensile (or opening), mode II: in-plane shear (or siîding), and mode LE anti-plane shear (or tearing). In problems concerning crack loading, the superposition of thae three basic modes is suflicient to describe the most general cases of crack tip deformation and stress field (Smith, 1991). a) Tende mode: Tende mode or opening mode is the most important mode in

engineering practice, and therefore the majority of the hcture mechanics Literatwe is devoted to analysis of this kind of fhcture. Stresses and displacements around a crack

tip of mode 1,iiiustrated in Figure (5-3), can be determined using the following relations (Smith, 1991): ,?t





0 2

- -8

38 2

cos -(1 sin sin -)


6 6 38 sin-cos-cos-






K, =lim,, K

=3-4v (for plane seain) (for plane stress)

K =(3-v)/(l+v)


Poisson's ratio


shear moduius

r, 0

polar coordinates with respect to the crack tip

b) Shear modes :As mentioned above, there are generdly two shear modes: sliding (mode II) and tearing (mode III). Although shear modes are less important for

fhctures in metals, they can be of prime interest for geological materials especially in

the case of soils where the pore fluid pressure plays an important role in the soi1

behaviour. For mode II, iliustrated in Figure (549, stresses and displacements around the crack tip can be detennined by using these relations (Smith, 1991): O,

0 2

Kir = --sin-(2



B 2

Ku sin -(cos-


B + cos-cos-)




30 2




(5- IO)


For mode IUmck, al1 of the stresses and displacements in the x-y plane are zero

(Figure 5-5). Other stresses and displacements in the z direction are as follow (Smith, 1991):

where c) Mixed mode: In some situations in engineering practice, the medium is

subjected to shear, torsion, bending as well as tende loading. This leads to mUred mode cracking. When two or thtee modes are present simultaneously, the corresponding stresses and displacements for each mode may be added together based

on the p ~ c i p l of e superposition. But this is valid only if the behaviour of the material is linear elastic. Usudy, extremely high stresses at the crack tip do not take place. This is because some irrecoverable (plastic) deformations occur at the crack tip which result

in stress release at this region. It should be noted tbat application of the superposition is justified only when this plastic regioa is srnail. This point wiIl be discussed in the next section. 5.4.2 Linear EIastic Fracture Mechania and Elastic-Plastic Fracture


Linear elastic fiacture mechanics (LEFM) was originally developed to describe crack p w t h under elastic conditions for materials like metals, glasses, ceramics, rocks and ice. But there are many important classes of materials that are too ductile to permit description oftheir behaviour by LEFM. The crack tip plastic zone is too large to be ignored. Figure (5-6) illustrates different plastic zone sizes at the crack tip. in fracture

mechanics Literature, the zone in fiont of the crack tip that shows inelastic behaviour is callecl 'process zone'. The process zone cm be a zone of plastic deformation in the case

of metais or a zone of microcracking in the case of geomaterials. If the dimensions of the process zone relative to the characteristic length of the domain (for example the least

distance between the crack and the free edge of the domain) is d, the inelastic behaviour of the process zone can be overlooked and linear elastic theory can be used everywhere inside the domain. For cases where the process zone is large, other methods should be established which may be caiied elastoplastic fkactwe mechanics (EPFM). A key concept of hcture mechaaics is that extension of a bcture wiii occur

once a criticai value has been reached or exceeded. For example, LEFM essentidy

deals with stresses and energy around the crack tip. Based on elastic anaiysis, stresses at the crack tip approach infini% therefore some measure of stresses at the crack tip

such as the stress inteosity factor (Kc) is neaded and its values can be compared with some criticai value for fiachue initiation. Upon exceeding the critical value, the crack wiii propagate instantiy provideci that the crack is isolated and its surfiaces

are traction

fke. EPFM has other methods that attempt to d d b e the elastopiastic deformation field, in order to find a cntenon for local failure. Of the concepts developed for this purpose, two have found a fairly general acceptance: the &integral and the Crack Opening Displacement (cO. D) which will be discussed later. 5.4.3 Crack extension laws

There are two types of crack extension laws in hcture mechanics (Atkinson, 1987):

(a) Equiiibrium laws which specify that cracks may extend in a stable or unstable mamer, at some critical value of a f'racture mechanics panuneter. (b) Kinetic laws which specify ?hat at certain subcritical values of frsicture

mechanics parameters a crack can extend at a vetocity which is a fiiaction of the magnitude of the crack driving force.

In general, the equilibrium approach to crack extension (such as K& Gc or 4 parameters) is not a sdEciently general view of crack growth during long term Ioading.

Experiments on a wide range of materials have shown that signincant rates of crack growth can mur at values of K or G often fat below the criticai values of these

paratneten. This is h o w n as subcriticai crack growth. Subcritical crack growth takes place Ui longer ternis due to the chemicai interaction between crack tip matenal and environmental factors such as water enhanded stress corrosion (Atkioson, 1987). In this

study, in dealing with hydraulic fractures, only the f h tcategory will be c o n s i d d Tende strength critenon

This is the simplest approach to the mode Icrack initiation problem. Based on tensile strength criterion, a crack occurs whenever the tensile stress at a point exceeds the tensile strength (sometimes cded cohesive strength) of the material (Ingraffea, 1987)-

a,2 a,'(tende strength)

(5- 17)

It should be noted that matenal 'strength' is the maximum stress that a material can

tolerate before yielding or breaking. Material 'toughness', on the other hand, represents the strain energy before breaking which is the area under the stress-saain curve. Griffith critenon

Griffith (1 92 1; 1924) used the concept of specific auface energy of material per unit area (y3 associated with the rupturing of molecuiar bonds (Figure 5-7).



for plane stress

y, specinc d a c e energy of material per unit area

E modulus of elasticity v Poisson's ratio a half of the existing crack length

Griffithassumeci that there are always some flaws in soli& and his critenon is for crack initiation (or more precisely crack extension) at the tip of the most favorably oriented

crack or flaw. When applied stresses on the plate exceed the value on the right hand

side of (5-18) or (5-19), crack extension talces place. 5.4.3 -3 Irwin criterion

Two àiffierentcritena can be mentioued here. The f k t is based on stress intensity factor KI;the second is based on strain energy reiease rate G. If an infuite plate has a crack with length 242 and the plate is under an appiied stress o (Figure 5-8)' the 'stress intensity factor' at the crack tip caa be calculateci fiom:

For any materiai, theie is a critical value for stress intensity factor, Kk,that lets the hcture re-initiate and propagate M e r (Irwin, 1957; 1958).

This critical value which

is wnsidered to be a materiai constant is cailed ' k t u r e toughness'


fact, this is not a

suitable nomination shce Krdoes not represent energy).

Irwin(1957) defieci elastic strain energy per unit crack length increment as: (5-21)


This is also called %trainenergy rdease rate'. Note that this rate is with respect to the crack length and not wîth respect to the tirne. As with K,there is a critical value for G under which the crack starts to propagate. This value is a constant for a specific

materid and is d e d 'crack extension force'(G3. When KI (or G)exceeds Kk (or Gc)

crack extension occm. There is a relationship between K and G:


for plane stress condition


for plane saain condition


These relations indicate that both Ki=and Gccan be used for crack extension criterion in this category.

It is noteworthy that in this method an existing crack in the medium is posited. Therefore, in principle, this method cannot be used to quanti@ crack initiation. In practice, then, an initial crack length such as grain dimension or surnice roughness is Irwin's and Dugdaie's methods for estimation of process zone


As mentioned before if the size of the process zone is not large, LEFM can

adequately describe the criteria for crack extension. When the size of the process zone becomes Iarger (but not larger than one tenth of the crack length, for instance) some modifications should be applied to the elastic anaiysis. Irwùi(1960) and Dugdale (1960) proposed two different methods to estimate the size of the process zone. By

using either of these methods some compensation can be made for the changes produced

in the stress field by the plastic deformation.

Irwin (1960) postdated a circular process zoae in h n t of the crack tip, illustrateci in Figure (5-9), with the diameter of:



process zone diameter


stress intensity factor in mode I


uniaxial yield stress

Irwin assumed that the crack tip extends to the center of the process circle so that the effective crack length will change to (a+l/2 4. Based on this method the opening at the crack tip wouid be: 4 K,' stip= --

n En,

Dugdale (1960) assumed that the plastic deforniaton occurs in a strip ahead of the crack tip, as show in Figure (5-10). The crack is supposed to extend al1 the way

through the pmcess zone and is therefore subjected to a negative (closing) pressure of oy throughout this zone.

As seen, the process zone in this theory is a iittie greater than uwin's. Based on

Dugdale's method the opening at the crack tip would be:

Merent in Irwids and Dugdale's process zone size estimation is the assunption of

yielding under uniaxial yield stress oy . This may not be an accurate yield criterion for

metah, since yielding in metals is aiways associated with shear stress (not hydrostatic stress). 0-3

Ifwe transform a , u, and r,

at the crack tip into principal stresses 01. a2,and

and then substitute these stresses into the Tresca and Von Mises cnteria, two

relationships for d in plane stress and plane strain conditions will be obtained. By plotting d from these reIationships yielding configurations depicted inFigure (5-1 1)

will be obtained. Plane stress condition is nonnally assumed if d is of the same order of magnitude as the plate thickness (generally speaking very thin plates) and plane strain condition is assumed if d is about 10% or las of the plate thickness (very thick plates). It shouid be noted that, in practice, the plane strain zone size is usually obsemed to be larger than that shown in Figure (5- 11) while the plane stress zone size tends to be malier (Smith, 1991).

As mentioned earlier, lrwin's and Dugdale's methods are basically linear elastic

approaches with corrections for srnaii plastic zones around the crack tip. There are

many applications where more extensive plastic deformation may occur at the crack tip; therefore there is a need for models that can hande more extensive plasticity. Two models for k t u r e in the presence of moderate plasticity are considered below. It is

still assumed that plasticity is not very extensive to give general yielding, Le., plastic collapse (Figure 56). &integrai

Rice (1969) introduced the concept of bintegral. S is basically the potentiai energy release rate. For the plate as shown in Figure (5-12). one can write:

where: Crp

potentiai energy



T c amlied surface traction on lentzth S


displacement on length S


perimeter of the plate



Using Green's theorem it can be shown that for a closed contour the value of J is zero. For elastic behaviour:



energy provided by extemal work F per unit crack extension

dUddu increase of elastic energy owing to the extemal work dF/da This is the amount of energy that remaios available for crack extension. For an elastic

medium, 'J' is qua1to 'G ' (elastic energy release rate) by definition. Up = (LI, + Ua)-F




potentid energy


strain energy of uncracked element subjected to extemal load

work done by extemal load

F By definition:

This indicates a reduction in potential energy due to an increase of the crack length (da),

i.e., an equivalent amount of crack driving energy is released. If the amount of the released energy Le. J, exceeds some critical value, Jc (a material characteristic), crack extension occurs. J,Jc

at onset of crack extension


&integral concept is particularly useful when the plastic region at the crack tip is large. Since the integrai is path independent, instead of finding J a t the crack tip, one can determine J at a similar path outside the plastic region. 5.4.3 -6 Crack opening displacement (C. O.D)


to the former criteria, CO.D is a displacement controlled fkture

criterion. It cm be stated based on plastic zone size according to irwin (1960) or

according to Dugdale (1960). For plane stress condition the C.O.D for these models are:

(Irwin's rnodel) (Dugdale's model)

If the crack tip plasticity is not accounted for, the displacement and crack opening at the crack tip (&) are equai to zero. The cO.D appmach was introduced by Weils (1962). He argued that the stress at the crack tip aiways reaches a criticai value (in the case of pure elasticity the stress approaches infinity); if this is so then it is the plastic strain in the crack tip region that controls the fiachue. A measure of the amount of crack tip plastic strain is the displacements of the crack flanks,especially at or very close to the tip. Hence, it might be expected that at the omet of hcture this crack opening displacement (C.0.D) has a chatacteristic criticai value for a particular material and could therefore be used as a hcture criterion. Burdekin and Stone (1966) provided an improved basis for the for

D concept. They used Dugdale model to find an expression

D (Ewalds and Wanhill, 1984). Experiments on ciifferamaterials indicate that the crack tip displacement at the

omet of crack extension, & , has some certain value in plane stress condition. When the experiments are canied out in plane strain condition, material is able to have a

greater C.0.D before crack extension. 'Ibat is why, ushg 6;, in plane stress condition is always on the safe side. Mixed mode hcture iaitiation criteria

AU of the criteria cited above are for mode I (tende) hcture only. For pure shear fkadure(only mode II or mode lD)Invin's method has been extendeci and cntma such as Go=for mode IIand Glu,for mode III have been obtained (Gdoutos, 1990). However, mixed mode hctures occur commonly in practice. For single-mode fracture the digrnent of fiachue propagation is always considered to be in the same direction of the original crack. In mked mode Eracture there is an additional complexity in determining the 'direction of crack propagation'. Surprisingly, still there is no

universaliy accepted theory in thÏs category. Two methods that have gained more credibiiity among othea are briefly described here- Both of these methods are

applicable when the process zone size in fiont of the crack tip is reasonabiy srnail. a) The stress criterion: This method was presented by Erdogan and Sih (1963).

Consider a crack in a mixed mode stre!ss field, shown on Figure (5-13), govemed by the

values of the opening mode KImd siiding mode KIIstressintensity factors. Stress field in the vicinity of the crack tip is: 8



30) K 5 e 3 +- . --sin-+-sin2 , & 4 2 4


KI ce=-(LmB+LmE) J K 4 2 4


+&(-3,E-l J





38) 2

srn 3') 2

The assumptiom made in this criterion for crack extension in brittle materiais may be stated as:

(i) The crack extension starts h m its tip dong the radial direction 8 = 8, on which q becomes maximum. (ii) Fracture starts when the maximum value of 08 reaches a critical stress, cc,

equal to the fracture stress in uniaxid tension.

These hypotheses can be expressed mathematicaily by the relatiomhips:


= 0,

For determinationof the direction of crack propagationthe foliowing equation should

be solved for B (Ingraffea, 1987):

K, sin@+ K,l(3cos6-I) = O b) The strain energy reiease rate criterion: This method was proposed by Sih (1973; 1974). Sih has shown that the st&

h m a crack tip (Figure 5- 13) is:

energy density variation at a distance 'r'

caiiing the bracket S, one can summarize (5-40) as:

where B a12= -sin [2cos@-(~-I)]



x = 13 - -1 I+v

for plane stress


shear moduius


Poisson's ratio

This theory considers the followhg assumptions: (i) Crack extension occurs in the direction dong which dU/dV possesses a

a a3


minimum value. i.e. 00 such that -= 0, -2 0 ;


(ii) Crack extension occurs when S(9 reaches a critical, materid value, Sc;

(fi) S(9 is evaiuated dong a contour r=ro, where ro is a material constant. du dv

Combining (ü) and (iii) shows that (-),


Sc O'

For cases where the process zone size at the crack tip is large, m e attempts have been made to generalize the Jinte@ theory to the mked mode cracking but experirnental resuits have not confrmed the theory. Hence, for large process zone no satidactory criterion is cunently avdable for mixed mode cracking (Gdoutos, 1990). 5.5 NumericalModeiine of Fracture

Fracturing phenornenon and its importance on the material behaviour have been of interest to metallurgical, mechanical, and civil engineers for a long time. Of

particular importance for civil engineers is the changing behaviour of material before and after h c h u e which, in nim, plays an important role in modehg civil engineering

structures and in determining the stresses, strailis, and deformation of the structure under various loaduig conditions.

in general, for geomaterials such as soils, rocks and concrete there are three approaches for modeling both natural and induced hctures as described below. 5.5.1 The smeared approach

This approach takes the properties of the fkctwe and smears them over an area

of soUrock matrïx without introducing any real fracture. This method eliminates the need for ushg discretejoint elements in the model and is most appropriate for situations

in which well defhed and uniformly spaced hctures predominate. In fact this approach is a statistical rnethod where the geometry of the h c t u r e system is represented by proper statistical distribution in a continuum (Tannant, 1990).

The smeared approach was fintapplied to concrete mainly by adjusting the material sti51ess in the finite element analysis. This method, first proposed by Rashid (1968) and refïned by many others, has provided good results in some practicd

applications ( B a z ~ t ,1986; deBorst, 1984; and others). Nevertheless, there are problems with the method. This method exhibits spurious mesh sensitivity and convergence to an incorrect faüure mode with zero energy dissipation (deBorst, 1984;

Darwin, 1985; Bazant and Oh, 1983). As a related deficiency, the numencal results obtained with geometridy sllnilar meshes exhibit no size effect, whïîe test results for

brittle failures of concrete structures as well as frature specimens show a pronounced

site effect (B-t,

1984; 1986). To improve the results Bazant and Oh (1983; 1984)

proposed a 'crack band model' in which no finite element is alloW6d to becorne smaller than a certain characteristic length. This characteristic length is a material property

which is related to the size of nonhomogeneity in the material. Later, Bazant and Lin (1989) presented a 'nonlocal smeared cracking model' to eluninate some of the problems associatecl with the crack band model.

5.5.2 The dual porosity model

The duai porosity model is a model essentially designed for nanirally hctured reservoirs. Compated to other models, duai porosity model stands somewhere between the smeared approach and the discrete approach In this model, it is assumed that the soillrock medium has some porosity which plays a significant role in the deformation

and hydraulic characteristics of the reservoir. On the other han& there is a system of

hctures with a dinerent porosity which controls the fluid dynamics and deformation behaviour of the reservou to some extent. in other words, the duai porosity approach assumes that the fiactured porous media can be represented by two overlapping continua referred to as the hctures and the matrix. The 'ftacture continuum' consists

of an interconnected network of h t u r e s andlor solution vugs which make the primary conduits for fluid flow. The 'ma&

continuum' consists of the intergrandar pore

spaces of the rock which comprises the majority of the storage in the reservou (Fung, 1990).

The concept of dual porosity dates back to the eariy sixties (Barenbiatt, 1960; Warren and Rout, 1963). Since that t h e it has k e n used extensively in petroleurn

reservoir engineering. Early dual porosity models hclude Kazemi et al. (1976) and Saidi (1975) models. Saidi (1 975) modeled a fiactured resemoir by dividing it into sectors wherein the f'racture was assumed to have infinite transmissibiiïty. Kazerni et al.

(1976) discretized the fracture continuum into grid blocks and simdated fluid flow by a set of f'racture mass balance equations. Much of the more recent literature on dual

porosity models has been devoted to improve modeling the gravity effects in the

d e r calculation @mg, 1990). Although extensive work is being done on dual porosity models in petroleum

engineering, it has seldom be used in the reservoir simulation by civil enpineers or hydrogeologists. This is basically because in this approach the mechanid behaviour of the discontuiuities such as dilation and slip are aot considered; any eEect resulting nom accompanying changes in the deformation or flow would therefore be lost. 5.53 Discrete fracture approach

This approach is the most realistic and at the same time the most rigorous one to the fiachire problern. The basic idea in this approach is that d e r the occurrence of frsicture, the continuous medium no longer exists and each individuai fiacture and its particular characteristics (Le. opening, length, permeability, and surroundhg stress) are of interest. Discrete fracture approach is best suited to cases where a limited number of

dominant fiacctures exista Over the pst 15 yean most of the research on discrete hcttue modeling has

been conducted using finite element method Various methods for modeling discrete hctures using finite element method are discussed below. 5.6 Modelinn Discrete Fractures Usiw Finite EIement Method

Discrete fhctures can be simulated using conventional displacement finite element method. Categorically, a distinction should be made between predehed (Le. existing) fiachues and induced firactures. In the first category the place and geometry of the fracture are h o w n and attempts are d

y made to model the mechaniai

behaviour of the hcture under forces nomiai and tangentid to the fiacture plane. Generaliy two special types of elernents are used for modeling this kind of fracture: ' t h layer solid elements' and 'joint elements with zero thickness'. These elements will

be discussed later in this section. The second category consists of induced hctures where the location and geometry of a crack are not known at the beginning of the

analysis. in this category it is necessary to employ some techniques to modify the nnite element mesh in order to accommodate the newly created hcture(s). When the fractures are established in the mesh, in accordance with the nature of the problem, a

special kuid of element is placed in the areas where fhctUt.es have occurred. 5.6.1 Elements for predetined fmcfures (interface ekmenb)

These elernents are basicaliy used to determine the mechanical behaviour of

- joints and incorporate their stiffiiess in the global stïfhess of the system. a) Thin-layer solid element: A thia element between two other ordinary elements

has been used for fracture modeling by some researcbers (e.g. Desai et al., 1984). The

thickness of the thin-Iayer elements can be in order of 0.0 la to O. la, where 'a' is the

mean dimension of the adjacent elements. niese elements are solid elements with

modified stifbess; other than that they usualiy bebave like other elements. b) Zero thicknessjoint elements: The nrstjoint element with zero thickness was presented by Goodman et al. (1968). They proposed a four node element with zero thickness and used displacements instead of s û a h in its formulation. This element proved to be successful in modeiing rockjoints. Goodman's joint element cau be extended to 3dimensional elements with zero thickness where two 8-nodeplane elements coincide (Mahtab and Goodman, 1970). DWerent versions of this element have k e n wd by other investigators (e-g. Ghaboussi et al., 1973). Other types of zero

thickness elements have also been suggested (e.g. He-

1978). Nevertheles, there

are some kinematic inconsistencies in this kind of elements cornmon to ali elernents

with very mail thickness. These deficiencies are explainecl in Kaliakin and Li (1995). 5.6.2 Elements for advancing fractures Crack at the element boundaries

In this category, cracks folIow the element boundaries, therefore al1 of the discontinuities occur between the elements and not inside them. In this way the original

mesh does not change considerably (assuming that srnall strain theory holds) but a fine mesh is required to capture the real geometry of the crack. Some researchers such as Ortiz et al. (1987) have proposed a 2-dimensional quadrilaterai element built-up of four crossed triangles because this kind of element can capture the fiacn~esin four different

directions but the isoparametric quacidateral elements can only mode1 the hctures that are paralle1 to the sides of the elernents. Obviously, the idea of considering the hctures at the element boundaries suffiers fkom mesh dependency, therefore, a fher mesh is preferred to reduce this problem. Some techniques that have been used for rnodeling

cracks at the element boundaries are describeci beiow. a) Nodal grafbg technique: in this technique some of the nodes in the h i t e element mesh are moved to other places in order to create new boundaries for k t u r e propagation (Ingraffea, 1977). Nodal grafting technique takes advantage of the fact that

higher order isoparametric elements can have a variable number of nodes. Therefore, some midside nodes of the elemeats that are Iocated far fiom the fiacture can be

removed and put at the hcture tip. This enables the program to make a new boundary and separate two attacheci elements. In this way the i n c ~ a s ein the bandwidth of the stiffiiess mat& wiIl be minimum. b) Node spiitting technique: Instead of bonowing nodes fiom remote areas in a

nnite element mesh,one can intmduce two nodes at places in the mesh where the possibiiity of fracturing is high and then split them when hcture occurs at this place. Before splitting, the nodes are comected together and have the same degree of fiedom; therefore, no additionai degrees of fieedom will be required befon fkacturing. In this way the dunetlsjon of the stifGiess matrix wiii not change and no change in the shape

functions of the remote elements will be required. This technique was used by Chan (198 1). c) Distinct element method (DEM): in this method joints are represented by the

planes of contact between intact blocks of rock or soil. In other words, the medium is considered to be made of separate blocks withjoints between them. This method,

which was pioneered by Cundail(1971), has proven to be useful for modeling fiactured rocks. A version of this method called 'discrete element method' can be used for modeling of flow of sands or other granular materials. 5.62.2 Crack inside elements

In this category, same as the previous one, the configuration of the original mesh does not change wnsiderably. However, in this case, the crack is not bounded to the

element boudaries and in principle can take place anywhere. Therefore a very fine mesh to capture the geometry of the k t u r e is not required and mesh dependency vanishes. Elements that can accommodate internai cracks are called 'shear band elements' or 'slip elements' .

Most of the work in this area has been accomplished in the 'shear biuid' context and localization problem. Usually, the element interpolation h c t i o n is changed by adding some suitably defined shape f'unctions to it (Wan et al., 1992; Ortiz et al., 1987).

Sometimes these additional shape kctions make the element incompatible and mesh locking occurs which has to be addressed properly. Another approach is to modify the constitutive law of the fiactured element rather than changing its shape function. Development of a shear band or hcture in the system is uicorporated in the mode1 by introducing a 'damage parameter' in the

constitutive equation (Frantziskonis and Desai, 1987; S h o and Ju, 1987). Using Cossarat granular materiai (Muhlhaus and Vardouiakis, 1987) is another approach. Cossarat medium is a continuum where 'grain size' of the material has an eEect on the strains. Therefore, Cossarat medium can be used to determine the shear

band thickness and localization of the grandar materials. In fact, Cossanit medium by its buiit-in grain size effect improves the continuum-based analysïs of aack and

quantifies the shear band thickness in the medium. 5.62.3 Dynamic remeshing and adaptive mesh techniques

Contrary to the two previous crack modeling techniques, here, no attempt is made to keep the original finite element mesh unchangeci. At each t h e step the whole

mesh or part of it WUbe regenerated in order to accommodate new hctue(s). Basic advantage of this method is mesh-independency. This method was successfully developed by Ingraffea and Saouma (1 984) for modeling of discrete crack propagation

in reinforced and plain concrete. Later it was coupled with some fluid fiow models (ShafEer et al., 1987). Adaptive mesh technique (Zhu and Zienkiewic~1988)foiiows roughiy the same approach. Its basic idea is to improve the mesh configuration at each stage of the analysis b

d on the results of the previous stage in order to obtain more accurate

results at the regions with high stress concentration and/or high gradient of displacements (or other state variables). This method, in principle, can be wd in &turé

problems; for instance, &er finding the hcture orientation, those elements at

the vicinity of the hcture zone can be deviated respectively in the next stage of the analysis to wmply with the crack orientation. Despite the advantages that dynamic remeshing and aâaptive mesh techniques offer for improving the results of the f i t e element analysis, the amount of

computational effort in these methods are much higher than the other methods. The reason is that at each step of the analysis, the whole fulte element mesh m u t be re-


because the mesh configuration is changing continuously.

5.7 Modeline Movine Front of FIuid and Heat in the Fracfures 5.7.1 Fluid flow inside the fnctures A particuiar fluid component can be tmnsported by molecular diffusion aud also

by convection (bulk flow). Although diffusion alone can cause component movement

in a no-flow system, usually both diffusion and convection occur.

Darcy's law, for a long tirne, has been used to describe the £hidseepage in porous media which is basicaily a diffusion process. The generalized form of Darcy's law holds in the presence of a temperature gradient even when the permeabiiity,

viscosity, and density are fiinctions of temperature. Modifications of Darcy's law to

account for turbulence and other inertial effects also are considered to be vaiid in the presence of t e m p e m e variations (Pratts, 1982).

Fluid flow inside the hctures depends upon the aperture, roughness of the walls, and geometry of the system of fractures- When hctures are well comected to each other and the aperture is large, turbulent bullc flow can dominate the situation. In this case, the original Darcy's law is no longer vaiid. wtherspoon et al. (1980), in a

review of various laboratory r e d t s showed that the assumption of laminar flow in fractures is valid for Reynolds number l a s than about 2300- Reynolds number is an

indicator for flow regimes (laminar, transient, or turbulent). Wilson and Witherspoon (1970), in a comprehensive review of laminar fiow through k t u r e s concludeci that when Çacture Wall roughness increases the Reynolds number drops h m 2000 to about 200. In the present study it is postulatecl that hydrarilically induced fractures are not large and their apertures do not exceed 3 to 4 miiiïmeters (Settari et al., 1989).

Fractures are considered to be filled with solid particles (this is especiaiiy true for shear

Gractures), hence, despite the higher penneability that the hctures introduce to the system relative to the rest of the medium, fluid flow inside the hctures can still be

analyzed using Darcy's law.

5.7.2 Heat transfer inside fractures A condition generally assumed to prevail in all reservou processes is that every

point witbia the reservoir is in themodynamic equilibciwn(Spiilete, 1965; Collins, 1976). Even though the pressure and temperature Vary nom location to location within the reservoir (so that on a global basis there is neither mechanical nor thermal

eqdibrium), it is assumed that local equilibrium exists. Another condition generally assumed to prevail is that the £lui& and the

reservoir soivrock minerals in any smali element of volume are at the same temperature.

This implies that there is essentialIy no t h e lag betweea the temperatures of the fluids

in the pore and the average temperature of the sunoundhg minerals. Obviously this assumption can be a close approximation oniy in cases where the size of the mineral grahs is relatively small (Jenkins et al., 1954). That the temperatures of a fluid and of

its adjacent grains are the same is a good working assumption in most applications of

practicai importance (Pratts, 1982).

In general, there are three mechanisms of tramferring heat: conduction, convection, and radiation. Heat conduction is the process by which heat is transfemed through nonfiowing materials by molecular collisions h m a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature. Heat convection is the term commonly used to describe the process by which energy is transferred by a flowing fluid Radiation is the process by which heat is transferred by means of electromagneticwaves. There is littie themal

radiation through opaque materials such as rocks, therefore, it is not wnsidered to be an important heat -fer

mechanism in porous media (Pratts, 1982). In oüsand the most

important heat transfer mechanism is found to be conduction (Settari, 1989). 5.73 Lmk-off problem

An integral part of the propagation of hctures is the flow of fluid within them.

The resuiting aperture of the fiacture and the pressure distribution due to fluid flow

inside the fiacture are highly interdependent. The viscosity of the fluid inside the

fracture and the leakage of Buid to the surroundïng region are considered to be important in the propagation of fracture (Atukoraia, 1983). Seepage of fluid h m the fkacturg face into the surrounding matenal is called k t u r i n g fluid loss or simply 'Ieak-off . Factors that affect the amount of leak-offare

(Veatch et al., 1989): 1) permeability and porosity of the formation;

2) pressure Merential between the hcture and the formation;

3) formation-fluid Mscosity, temperature and compressibility; 4) &turing fluid and fluid-filtrate viscosity and temperature;

5) type and quantity of fluid-loss additive; 6) type and quantity of gelling agent;

7) formation (or fluid) temperature. 5.8 Hvdraulic Fracture Modeline in This Studv

The smeared approach for modeling of crack is relatively simple and straight forward: sîifkess of Eractured elements are reduced to a ceasonable value and the medium is treated as a continuum. Aiso permeability of the fkactured elements are

modified to let the fluid pass more easily. There is no limitation on the direction of the crack in the smeared approach anci redefinition of the fnite element mesh after cracking is not required. However, smeared approach is unable to follow the fiacturing process

exactiy, and it does not represent the nature of the crack which is actually a

discontinuity in the medium. On the other han& ahost a i l of the existing hydraulic

fkture modek (two&ensional

closed form solutions and two-or tbree-dimemional

numerid models) assume that in hydrofrachiring process one or a few dominant planar fractures take place. In the present study in order to identify whether a single dominant k t u r e or a fhcture zone with littie or no specinc direction wiil take place. it was

decided to apply discrete fracture approach, even though it is more rigorous. in this way it is possible to capture the geometry and pattern of dominant hctures.

To identify hcture initiation two criteria are considered: tende Facture and shear fhcture. Failure in rocks is usually attnbuted to tension and failure in mils is

u s d y considered to be due to sheac Studies on the geotechaical properties of oilsands

in shear and tension have been performed (Dusseault, 1977; Agar, 1984; Kosar, 1989)

and their remlts can be used in the numencal analysis. It couid have k e n possible to apply other f k t u r e mechanic criteria such as Gc, Antegral or mixed mode hcture criteria, however, no experirnent has been performed to determine the critical values of Gc or Jc for oilsands.

Fracturing process is simdated by using the node spIitting technique. This technique requires that at the zone which is prone to cracking each node in the finite element mesh be introduced with double nodes with the same coordinates. During the analysis, whenever the stresses at the double nodes exceed the tensile strength of the medium or satisfy the requirements for shear cracking, double nodes split into two separate nodes and the mesh geometry will change. Siace the problem is solved by

marching in tirne, at the next time step the problem wili be solved with the new geometry having a crack (separated nodes) inside the mesh. If at this time step stresses at the neacby double nodes are high enough to satisfy either the tensile or shear fhcture criteria, node splitting wiii take place again and in this way crack propagation can be modeled. It is worth noting that before splitting, the degree of fhedom for the double aodes is the same. This means that double nodes will not increase the total number of degrees of kedom (i.e. total number of unlmowns) and the dimensions of the gened stiffiiess matrix wili not change. This advantage reduces the computational t h e and

enhances the efficiency of the program. Sased on snall strain theory, change in displacements (dlf) (and the

conesponding pore

{dp*) and temperatures(dl))

are assumed to be small at

any time step, hence nodal coordinates can be updated at the end of each time step. in

this rnanner the configuration of the f'racture and its aperture can be updated continuousiy. For modeling the flow of fluid and/or heat inside the hcture, a new type of

'f'racture element' is introduced. This hcture element is a 6-node isoparameîric rectanpuiar element which is shown in Figure (5-14). This kind of element can be used

in areas of the mesh where the possibility of hcnuing is high. For instance, a zone

around a notch or a zone close to the fluid injection area are prone to fkcturing. If the estimation of the zone of hcturing, in advance, is difficuit, these fiacture elements can

be useâ throughout the entire mesh. Initiaiiy, the hcture elements are embedded b i d e the mesh between other elements; their thickness is zero and they are absent fiom the

anaiysis. When 4 out of 6 nodes of a hcture element split due to the tende or shear k t u r e , the program automatically activates the fiacture element. Therefore, the

geometry of the mesh wül change and the effects of the activated k t t m element will

be taken into account,

Due to the very low stiaiess of the hcture elements relative to the other elements, their stiffnesses are set to zero. However, fiacture elements are very

important in transmitting fluid a d o r heat through the medium due to their high conductivities. Therefore, they possess al1 of the tenns related to the fluid flow and heat a;insfet ewctly the same as the other elements. The injected fluidmeat, h d s these

elements easier and quicker paths to £low through. As mentioned before, shear Factures are usuaüy 'filied' and have low

permeabilities but tensile fiactures are normally 'unfilled' and have high permeabilities. Conceptually, tensile fhctures are clean fractures but often this is not the case especially when the crack opening is smail and physical bonds between aggregates might still be in place. Even in a clean hcture, because of closeness of Eracture, mughness of the walls, and change in the direction of hcture plane, permeability b i d e the fkacture has a finite

value. Some investigators have used parallel plate theory to d e t e d e the absolute pemeability of fiactures. Witherspoon et al. (1980) and Ryan et al. (1987) among others, have s h o w that this theory accurately describes the f'lowthrough natural and induced h t u r e s . In accordance with the discussion above, a finite value for

permeability is considered for hcture elements.

An important feature of hydraulic £tacturing is the existence of pressure and temperature gradients inside the fiactures. Some researchers (Daneshy, 1973; Wiles and

Roegiers, 1982) assumed a gradient based on empirical results and field &ta and tned to impmve the results of theu models based on these assumptions. This issue can be addressed by using the proposed h c t u r e elements with E t e pemeability. By

assigning a reaiistic permeability coefficient for hcture elements, a pressure gradient wouid be automaticaily appiied to the anaiysis. Similady, by introducing a heat

capacitance for f'racture elements it is also possible to establish a themial gradient.

Although aot used in this study, a routine has been coded in the program that accounts for changes in hydrauiic conductivity duing the anaiysis. In this routine hydraulic conductivity is continuously updated with respect to the void ratio, thid density and fluid viscosity. Fluid density ahd viscosity, in him, are fbnctions of pore

pressure and temperature. It should be noted that after node splitting, fracture! elements will automatically be activateci, but sometimes the aperture is so small that the area of the fracture element

is negligible(Iess that 10*'m2). For these elements a nominal thickness will be considered in the anaiysis until the aperture and the element area are large enough to

effectively participate in the global e e s s m a û k

The mathematicai and the finite eIement formulations of this study are quite general, but since it is a first attempt to model the hydraulic Gracturing process using a

Mly coupled thermal hydro-mechanical fÎacture nnite element model, it was decided to model the problem in two dimensions to ensure that the model can adequately handle the complicated physical process and c m accurateiy capture al1 of the key issues of the

problem. For the same reason a single phase compressible fluid is considered in the model as a first stage.

Figure (5-1) Schematie Representation of Linearly Propagating Fracture According to Perkins and Kern (1961)

Figure (5-2) Schematie Representation of Linearly Propagating Fracture Accordhg to Geertsma and DeKlerk (1969)

Figure (5-3)Stresses and displacements around a crack tip of mode 1

Figure (5-4) Stresses and displacements around a crack tip of mode II



Figure (5-5) Stresses and displacements around a crack tip of mode III Plastic coUapse


Figure (5-6) Crack tip plastic zone and ''

( a b Ëwalds and wanhiil, 1984)

applied stress

t t t t t

Figure (5-7) Grifiïth critenon of specific surface energy

Figure (5-8) Irwin criterion, stress intensity factor

Figure (5-9) Crack tip plastic zone (Irwin method)

Figure (5- 1O) Crack tip plastic zone (Dugdale method)


Figure (5-12) Closeû cantoiirs for J-mbegral

Figure (5- 13) Crack tip coordinates for mixed mode stress critenon and strain energy release rate criterion

Figure (5-14) &node Rcdmguk Fracture Elememt

Chapter 6 Implementation and Verification of the Mode1

6.1 Introduction

The mathematical and finite element formuiations d e s c n i in chapter 4 and the method descnbed in chapter 5 for modelhg of hydraulic hcture were coded in a cornputer program using FORTRAN language. Although other more advanced

languages could have been usecl, FORTRAN was chosen for two reasons. The nrst was that the Program for [ncremental Stress Analysis (PISA@/FORTRAN) was used as the source and library code which was M e n in FORTRAN at the time this snidy was conducted. The second reason is that FORTRAN compilen are still more efficient than

'C' compilers. This is because FORTRAN compilers have been continuously modified

and improved during the 1st twenty five years and are now more powemil and efficient than those of other languages. This advantage is especiaiiy important when a large

volume of data processing is required for handling big problems.

PIsA*/FORTRAN by itseIf is a finite elemeat program for stress analysis h geotechnical engineering. It calculates displacements and stresses at different points inside a domain such as embankments, excavations, tunnels, etc. for tmo,or three

dimensionai problems. It can bandle draineci, undrained, and also creep analysis. There are several constitutive models for pdcting soi1 behaviour in PISA%ORTRAN, consisting of elastic models (iinear elastic and hyperbolic elastic) and elastoplastic

models (Tresca, Von-mises,Mohr-Coulomb, Dnicker-Prager and Modifieci Cam-Clay). Using PISA~/FORTRANas a source and library code for the present study and

combining the two codes lead to a new numerid model which offen the foilowing

capabilities for geotecbaica17resewoir, and envimamental engineering purposes: 1) Time dependent analysis ofstresses and deformations

2) Consolidation anaiysis (coupleci time dependent deformation analysis with pore pressure dissipation)

3) Coupled thermal fluid flow and stress analysis in the reservoir 4) Andysis o f crack initiation and propagation in the geological medium caused

by heat, pore fluid presstue andor stresses

5) Modelllig of hydrauiic &hiring processes in soi1 or rock

An important point to note is that the thermal effects on the soil behaviour are not yet M y understood. Akhough some studies have been conducted on temperature dependency of yield d a c e and hardening panuneter of soil, there is no established model in this area (Leroueil and Marques, 1996). Hence, in this study, constitutive modeis for soits are assumed to be temperature independent As rnentioned in chapter 4, for coupihg of thermal hydro-mechanicd processes

three partial differentid equations of equiiibrium, fluid flow, and heat transfer are solved shultaneously through the foilowing general matxix fom:

Since the problem is time dependent, state variables (unknowns) are incremental values.

Mer solving the system of equations, the inmementai vaiues will be added to the corresponding values at nodes at the previous time step and march through the t h e . For caiculating displacements, 8 d e tectatlguiar isoparametric elements are used (6-node trîanguiar elements are also coded in the program). For calculating pore pressme and temperatwe, however, 8-node rectangular elements are changed to Cnode

rectanguiar elements by appropriate shape fiinctions. Generaiiy, it has k e n observed (Christian, 1977; Johnston, 1981) that in order to obtain compatible coupied fields, the

displacement interpolation should be one order higher than the pore pressure

interpolation. Also Aboustit et al. (1985) have reported that the use of a enode

rectangdar element for pore pressures dong with a 8-node rectangular element for displacements resuited Ï n less oscillation in the andysis of a consolidation problem (cornparhg to the case in which a 8-node element was used for both pore pressure and displacements). Each of the components of the fK]and IF} are determined for each of the elements individually and then assembled to make the global stifniess ma&

and load

vector. Global stiûhess matrix is stored by using the extended skyline method (Chan, 1986), then, the system of linear equations are solved by using Gaussian elimination technique. Details of the h i t e element programming can be found in AppendYr A. For modeling hcture, two criteria, one tensile and the other shear, are implementcd in the model as describeci in chapter 5. At the end of each tirne step stresses are calculated at the 'integration points'. These stresses are used to obtain the stresses at each 'nodal point'. Stresses at the nodes are then examined individudy to determine whether they sati* the tensile hcture or shear fracture criterion. If hcture occurs, double nodes are split and two fiee nodes are created. Splining of double nodes occurs at the end of each t h e step, therefore, in the next tirne step the andysis is based on a new mesh which has k e n generated by the fiachuing process. In this way the pattern of fracture can be traced in time. In order to transfer the fluid pressure andor

heat through the hctures, speciai 6-node rectangular fracture elements with zero initial

thickness are used. 6.2 Program Verifiation

In this chapter the developed model will £ k tbe appiied to some small assembly of elements to ensure that each component in the stiffness ma&

-either individdy or

coupled with other components- works properly and the d t s are satisfactory. Then two solved problerns of thermal hydro-mechanid interaction wül be exarnined in plane strain and axisymmetric conditions and the results wül be compared with the existing

analytical or aumerical solutions. At the third stage hcturing process will be examined

by simulation of a one dimensional fracture propagation caused by hot fluid injection.

6.3 Patch Tests 6.3.1 Couplhg deformation and nuid tlow

A patch of four recfatlgular elements is considered in Figure (6-1). A constant

displacernent equal to 0.001 is imposed on the top of the me&

Pore fluid pressure is

considered to be equd to 10.0 everywhere inside the domain except at the top which is set to zero and stays zero to represent a fke drainage bomdary* In this example

components that are conm'butingto the global sMhess matrix are [ ' I I ] ,

[Qd [K~IJ

and [K2g. Other parameters that are used in the analysis are summarized in Table (61)-

The results shown on Figures (6-2) and (6-3) indicate that dissipation of pore pressure basicaiiy occurs within 5 seconds. During these steps the vertical displacements deviate fiom linear variation but approach the hear situation as the pore

pressure decreases. Figure (6-3)shows s

d oscillation in the pore pressure.

Oscillation in the pore pressure, in a coupled fluid flow-deformationanaiysis, has been reported by a number of researchers (Aboustit et al., 1985; Lewis et al., 1986) which c m

be amibuted to the coupling process or the time increment that is used. 63.2 Coupüng of deformation and heat transfer

The same patch ofelement as above is use& but in this case instead of having a constant pore pressure, a unit heat flw fiom the bottom ofthe domain is applied and the temperature at the top is kept at zero degree (Figure 64). Again, a constant

displacement equal to 0.001 is imposedon the top of the mesh. The temperature is

expected to increase gradually inthe medium until it miches the steady state condition. Components that are contributhg to the global stifniess matrix are [KIl].&3]


F 3 3 ] . The [Kjll]that represents the effect ofdisplacements on changing the

temperature is negligible and is considemi to be zen,in the analysis. Other parameters that are used in the analysis are summarized in Table (6-1).

ffthe coefficient of thermal expansion for soi1 is zero there wodd be no interaction between heat and deformations and the nodal displacements wiîi linearly diminish to zero fiomtop to the bottom of the specimen. With a non-zero thennal

expansion coefficient the linear variation of vertical displacements will change due to

the t h e d effect, as shown in Figure (6-5). Figure (6-5) indicates tbat other than the top nodes with prescribed displacements, the displacement vaiues at other nodes are the

s u .of the downward settiement and upward the&


Figure (6-6)shows the gradual increase of the temperature in the system until it reaches the steady state condition.

6.33 Coupüng fluid ilon and hast -fer This test uses a different assembly of elements consisting of four elements in a row. It is assumed that heat flux is acting on both ends simultaneously such that a constant temperature equal to 10.0 degrees at both ends ofthe mesh is maintained

(Figure 6-7). Other parameters used in the airalysis are listed in Table (64). The

objective is to observe the change in pore pressure caused by heat flux. It is expected that the temperatme will increase at the inside nodes until it reaches mady state

condition (Le. 10.0 degrees everywhere). The d

t is show in Figure (6-8). The pore

pressure generated by an increase in temperature is depicted in Figure (6-9). This figure indicates that although the pore pressure increases as the temperature is hcreased, there is no signincant ciifference in the pore pressure throughout the domain. It is interestiug to see the displacements induced by these elevating temperatures and pore pressures.

This is shown in Figure (6-10) which displays a gradua1 expansion of the domain until it reaches steady state condition. Figure (6-1 O) demonstrates the coupling process among a i i three components, namely displacements, pore fluid pressure, and thermal effects.

6.4 Plane Strain Thermo-EIastic Consolidation (ID. Consolidation)

The nrst verifkation test of the mode1 is a thermoclastic consolidation problern solved by Aboustit et al. (1985) and also by Lewis et al. (1986). In this case a column

of linear elastic material is subjected to a unit d a c e pressure and a constant surface temperature of T =5P. The h i t e element mesh is shown in Figure (6-1 1). The same mesh was used in both of the solutions mentioned above. The pore pressure is kept equal to zero at the top Wace; everywhere else the boimdaries of the soi1 are sealed (no

fluid flow) and ùisulated (no heat flow). Other parameters used in the analysis are sumrnarized in Table (6-2).

The time domain is shown in Table (6-3). AImost the samc temporal discretization shown in Table (6-3) is used in both studies mentioned above. The reason is that this kind of discretization has provided good agreement with the analfical

solution for 'isothemal' consolidation (Sandhu, 1976).

All stifkess maûk components shown in equation (6-1) are present in this anaiysis except

ml]and &3].

The matrk [K~I] is negligible and [K23Iythe

contribution of heat to fluid flow, is set to zero since this matrix is not taken into account in those p a p a mentioned above. At the beginning, a nine point integration scheme was us& to d u c e the reporteci oscillation in the resuits, but since no significant improvement were observed, a four point integration was employed later.

The resdts are shown in Figures (6-12) to (6-14). Figure (6-12) shows that displacements at nodes 7,27, and 37 fit weli with the r e d t s obtained by Lewis et al.

(1 986), except the peak values are a little higher. m e r the peak, the displacements become negative (Le. heave). The same result is reported by Lewis et al. (1986) for the values d e r peak. Figure (6-13) illustrates the same pattern for pore pressure variation between Lewis et al. (1986) and this study. Figure (6-13) clearly indicates the dissipation of pore pressure in time at different nodes, but the resuits of this study show that the rate of dissipation seem to be slower than that repotted by Lewis et al. (1986). It should be noted that modeling pore pressure is the mon difficult part of the analysis

since it is very sensitive to the t h e inmement dt and oscillation occurs at early times due to the coupling process between pore pressure and displacements. Figure (6-14)

demonstrates an excellent match between the values of temperature in this study and

those of Lewis et al. (1986). 6.5 Axisvmmetric Thermo-Elastic Consolidation (2D.Consolidation)

In the second example, attempts are made here to simulate the consolidation process around a cylindrical heat source in an axisymmetric condition. The effects of a

cylindrical radiating heat source, buried in a thermo-elastic soil, were investigated by

Booker and Sawidou (1985) where an analytic solution for a point-heat source was numerically integrated over the sudiace of a cyiindricai canister. Apparently, this is the

only aoaIytical solution available for such a problem as reported by Lewis et al. (1986)

and Vaziri and Britto (1992). The finite element discretizationfor this exarnple, which is adopted fiom Lewis et al. (1986)' is depicted in Figure (GIS), and consists of 27 elements and 106 nodes.

Booker and Sawidou (1985) provideci an ana1ytica.lsolution for a particdar case of a cyhdricai heat source where

a' = 1,5 = 2.0 and ~ a# 4 K

0 . with 4 a ' soi1 t h e d

expansion coefficient, v Poisson's ratio, c coefficient of consolidation, o coefficient of thermal diffiisivity and aw= /Y, (1 -fi +BI(+) where /Ys and flWare coefficients of thermal expansion for solid particles and fluid respectively; and (represents the

porosity. A set of possible data which sathfies the above ratios is suxnmarized in Table (6-2). The heat source was simulated by a constant heat input of 1000.0 for each of the

two elements of the source. Temporal discretization was the same as Table (6-3). Resuits are iilustrated on Figures (6-16) to (6-1 8) which are the horizontal displacements, pore pressures, and temperatures at three different nodes R/Ro=I, MRo =2 and WRo=5 (Ro is the radius of the cyhdrical heat source). Figure (6- 16) indicates that displacements gradualiy increase up to a certain level, then level off and

remain constant when the generated pore pressures are dissipated and temperatures reach to a steady state condition, Figure (6-17) shows the pore pressure generation and

dissipation caused by the radiating heat source. For WRo=I the time to reach to the

maximum pore pressure in the numerid solution is behind the analytical one, but for WRoc2 and R/Ro=5 the maximum values occur at the sarne t h e and their magnitudes are pretty close. Variation of temperature with thne is shown in Figure (6-1 8) which indicates a good agreement between analytical imd numerical solutioas. It should be noted that the d y t i c a l results by Booker and Sawidou (1985) do not provide the exact

solution for this problem because of the di&rence between a point heat source and a cyündrical heat source. Nevertheless, in theù analyticai solution, the determination of

the temperature was completely uncoupled fiom that of the displacements and pore

pressures6.6 Thermal E'dro-Mechanical Fracture Pronanation (ID.Fracture)

So far al1 the examples have k e n used to examine the accuracy of the results

obtained fiom the model for simulation of coupleci thermal hydro-mechanical problems. In this section the ability of the model to sirnulate a one dimensionai fracture propagation will be examined and node splitting and activation of the hcture elements

wil1 be demonstrated-

Figure (6- 19) shows the finite element mesh for this test. As shown, in the

middle row double nodes are used in order to accommodate the embedded 6-node Fracture elements. Fracture elements are absent at the beginning but will be activated

when fiachiring begins. Also, a notch is provided where a fiuid with high pressure and temperature is injected into the medium. The initiai pore pressure and temperature in the medium are set to zero. A fluid flux of 0.1x10-* m/sec and a heat flux of 10.0 J/sec

are applied inside the notch. Generaly, the induced stresses at the nodes are exarnined to determine whether the tende or sbear fracture cnteria are satisfied* The criterion

which is first satisfied govems the situation and causes the double nodes to split. The fracturing process continues until a static condition for the hcture is obtained.

Table (64) shows how the fracture propagates and fiacbire elements are activated at different t h e steps.

Figure (6-20) shows the variation of pore pressure at nodes 18 and 29 at the injection boundary and at nodes 1 and 45 which are far from the injection zone. It is seen that, the pore pressura are generaily higher at the injection point When 6 seconds have elapsed, hcture elements are activated, Since the pemeability of the fracture elements are set to ten times greater than the soi1 matrix, the pore pressure drops because the fluid suddenly fînds easier paths to flow. After activation of al1 fiacture

elements the pore pressure again starts to increase. The effect of activation of hcture elements on nodes 1 and 45 (which are located far fiom the injection boundaries) is not large, as expected. Variation of pore pressure dong the mesh and inside the induced

fracture are depicted in Figures (6-21) and (6-22) respectively. It should be noted that due to the activation of the hcture elernents the pore pressure at some nodes becomes

negative, however, negative values decrease as the node gets cioser to the right

boundary where a zero pore pressure is imposed. In other words, the imposed zero pore pressure at the right boundary causes pore pressures at nodes 7 and 9 in Figure (6-21) to become closer to zero compared to the pore pressures at nodes 5. The same thing

happens for nodes 24 and 26 in Figure (6-22) compared to node 22. Figure (6-23) compares the variation of temperature at node 18 which is Iocated at the injection zone and node 1 which is located fat nom the injection area. As expected, temperature at the injection zone is higher. Variation of temperature dong the mesh and also inside the induced h t u r e are iilustrated on figure (6-24) and (6-25), respectively. As the figures show, due to the injection of the hot fluid the temperature is

graduaiiy and smoothly increasing towards steady state condition.

6.7 Discussion

The developed thermal hydro-mechanical ffacture finite element model was examined in this chapter and the results were s h o w to be satisfactory. However, there were some differences between the d y t i c d and numerical solutions in section (6.5) which can be attributed to two reasons. The first reason is that the analyticai solution,

by itseff, is not exact because a cyliadricai heat source is considered to be a point-heat source (the analytical solution for a point-heat source was numerically integrated over

the d a c e of a cyhder). The second reason is embedded in the nature of the

numerical solution and its spatial and temporal discretizations. As discussed in chapter 4, discfetizations in space and tirne are required for

soiving the system of partial differentiai equations using h i t e element method Each of these discretizations introduces some degree of approximation (emr) to the solution.

Generally, finer meshes are prefemd for spatial discretkation because the resuits of the nnite element anaiysis asymptotically converge to the exact solution as the finite element mesh becomes her. On the other hand, with finer meshes number of the elernents inmeases, therefore, the amount of the computationd effort for solving the

problem grows rapidly. This point becomes more Unportant in tirne-de pendent analysis. T h e marching requkes analyzing the problem for each srnall time increment. Changes

in the state variables during each t h e increment is calculated in the analysis in order to modify the values ofthe state variables continuously. In some cases, where the tirne

increment chosen for the analysis is small, a huge number ofsteps is required to solve the problem. For example in the thermal consolidationanalysis perfomed in sections

(6-4) and (6-5). 'Ai' was origiaally 0.0 1 second and the ultimate M i e was around IO4 to 10' seconds. This indicates that with a constant M . 0 1 sec, 1o6 to 1O' steps of the

analysis are required. Obviousiy this amount of computationai work for each example was not possible. Temporal discretization scheme shown in Table (6-3)was an attempt

to reduce the number of steps that was required in the d y s i s . Although using diEerent Ai's in the analysis causes some oscillation in the tesults which reduces the degree of accuracy, but it is inevitabie when the number of the required time steps is large. Reducing the computationai time and effort is the Rason that explains why fairly

coarse meshes were used in sections (6-4) and (6-5). In hcture problem where the contiguration of die mesh is changing continuously due to the h c t u r e propagation, the problem is more severe. Since at each t h e step a new mesh with modified geornetry has to be analyzed, therefore, the amount of wmputational work that can be saved and

reused in the next steps of the analysis is very limited. Furthennore, in large pmblems since the place of the fracture(s) is not known at the beginning, a large number of hcture elements are embedded between other elements inside the mesh. When these elements are activated, the number of elements involved in the anaiysis suddenly grows

and the program continuously demands more t h e and memory for analyzing the problem. There are some ciifferences between the resuits of this study and those of Lewis et al. (1986)

in sectüon (6.4) which lie in the dinerences between two formulations as

described below.

- Primary unknowns in Lewis et al (1986) are the total (updated) values of {U), P and T .This Ied to a set of nodinear partiai differentid equatiom and ufl~ymmetri~ global stiffness ma&.

This set of nonlinear P.D.E was then linearized and symmetry

was restored by means of partitioning procedure and staggered scheme. In this study

uicrementai values of @CI',

dP. and mare considered to be the primary unknowns. In

this case, ail of the incrementai terms of second or higher order are ignored to obtain a set of liaear algebtaic equations. Furthemore, no attempt has been made to retain the symmetry of the global stiffhess matriu.

- The developed mode1 in this study has the capability to consider changes of the fluid density in space.

- Shape fwictions used for 'P'and 'Tare different h m those in Lewis et al. (1986).

- Changes in porosity(@/ùt) in the heat transfer equation is neglected in Lewis et ai. (1986) but is considered in tbis wodc

- Effects of the elevation in the heat traasfer equation is neglected in the heat transfer equation by Lewis et al. (1986). Such effects c m be significant when one is

dealiag with well-bore problems.

- Fluid velocity in the heat tramfer equation in Lewis et ai. (1986) is considered to be known thus causing a minor uncouplmg between fiow and heat equations.

- There are no inertia and damping effects in the equilibrium equation in Lewis et al. (1986).

- Heat capacity of fluid at constant pressure and at constant volume are considered to be the same in Lewis et al. (1 986).

- No capability of hcture modeling exists in Lewis et al. (1986). For hcture modeling, &ts

presented in section (6-6)show the ability of the

model to calculate the principal stresses at the nodes and split them if the stresses at those nodes satisfy the appropriate fracture criterion. Then, fracture elements are created that can transmit high 'P'and '2" through the hcture. Detailed evaluation of the model for predicting k t u r e initiation and k t u r e pattern is explained in the next

chapter where the resuits of the numencal model are compareci to the experirnental data obtained fiom large s d e hydraulic hcture chamber tests.

Patch test #1

Patch test #2

mass coefficient @I/rn.sec-')



damping coefficient (kNlrnsec")



soillrock themial expansion (IPC)


0.3 x IO-'

fluid thermai expansion (1PC)


0.9x 10e2

fluid compressibility P a - ' )

0.145~ 10''

O.l4Sx IO-'

soii heat capacitance (I/m3 PC)



fluid heat capacitance (J/m3Pc)



thermal conductivity (J/sec.mPC)



soi1 density (todm3)



fluid densiîy (todm3)



fluid viscosity (kPasec)



absolute permeability (m2)


OAx 10'"

modulus of elasticity @Pa)



Poisson's ratio



acceleration of gtavity (m/sec2)

9.8 1

9.8 1

initial porosity






Table (6-1) Input data for pateh tests

Aximmmetric test -

test -

test -




damping coefficient ~ f m . s e c ~ ' 0).00

O .O0


soiifrock thermal expansion(l PC)

O.% 1O4


0-9x 104

fluid thermal expansion (1 PC)


IO-' 0.630~


fl"d compressibility (kPg')



0.51 ~0"

soii heat capacitance (Jfm3TC)




fiuid heat capacitance (J/m3PC)




thermal conductivity (J/secmoC)


1 .O3


soii density (ton/m3)




fluid deasity (ton/m3)


1 *O0

1 .O0

fluid vixosity (kPasec)




absolute pemeability (m2)

0.4~ 1O-I2


5 . 5 1~0-l2

modulus of elasticity (Ha)



O.6x 10"

Poisson's ratio




acceieration of gravity (m/sec2)




initiai porosity







1 .O0

mass coefficient (kN/rn.~ec-~)

Table (6-2) input data for thermoeiastic consoüdation and hcture problems



Tme increment (seconds) Nbdxrof tirne steps

Table (6-3)Time incnments for thermo-conso1idation problems - -

Time (sec.)


Split nodes

Activated elements

Table (6-4) Fracturing sequence in time

Zero pore press. at the top

Figure (6-1) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for coupling of defomation and fluid flow analysis

Figure (6-2) Variation of vertical displacements with time

Tirne (sec)

Figure (6-3)Variation of pore pressure with time


-2OQE+QO 1










Time (sec)





1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

Applied displacement 0.00 1

Heat Flux= 1.O

Figure (6-5) Variation of displrcements with time



Time (sec)

Figure (6-6) Variation of temperature with time


4 1



, 4








9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

Time (sec)

Figure (6-7) Finite element mesh and boundary conditions for coupling of fluid flow and heat transfer

Figure (6-8) Variation of temperature with time

Time (sec)x10

Figure (6-9) Variation of pore pressure (induced by temperature) with tirne










Time (sec) x10


1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5

Figure (6-10) Variation of horizontal displacement with time (displacement induced by the effects of pore pressure and temperature)

Tirne (sec) xi0

Unit surface pressure


; Zero pore pressure and temperature equal to 50" at the ground surface


Figure (6-12) Variation of settlement with tune (Symbok from Lewis et al. (19û6). Lines: Finite element mode9



4.0001 0.01










Tirne (sec)


Figure (6-13) Variation of pore pressure with time (Symbols: from Lewis et al. (1986), Lines: Finite element modei) 1






Node'I(LMiseta1) Node 27 (Lmis et al.) oc te 37 (~ewiset ai.) / 7 (Num. mode0 '

Figure (6-14) Variation of temperature 6 t h time (Symbois: from Lewis et al, (1986), Lines: Finite efement model)

Time (sac)



Figme(615)Fini6e~meahnX -lastic consolidation pmblcm (froai=


Figure (6-16) Comparison between analytical and numerical soliitioiu for horizontaldisplacements (Symbols: Lewis et al. 1986, Lines: Finite eIement model)








Tïme (sec.)

Figure (6-17) Comparison between anaiytical and numerical solutions for pore pressure (Symbols: analytical, Lines: finite elemnt modeI)







ïime (sec.)




Figure (6-18) Cornparison between analytical and numerical solutions for temperature (Symbols: anaIytica1, Lines: ûniïe element model)


O, t



Time (sec.)

r oo



Figure (6-20) Variation of pore pressure at some nodes in the soit and at the fiacture

4 o z ! p , O


















9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21




t I



. .


, I


lime (sec.)

Figure (6-21) Variation of pore pressure in the soii due to the effect of fmcturiag

Time (sec.)

Figure (6-22) Variation of pore pressure dong the fmcture


O . l O 1

- $ : ; : . r ; : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

: 9



10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Time (sec.)

Figure (6-23) Variation of temperature in the soü and nt the fmcture











10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Time (sac.)

Figure (6-24) Variation of soi1 temperatan due to hot nuid injection










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Tirne (sec.)

Figure (6-25) variation of temperature dong the fmcture due to hot duid injection

Tïme (sec.)

Chapter 7 Modeling Hydraulic Fracture Experiments on Large Scale Triaxial Chambers

7.1 Introduction

The amount of oilsand that c m be extracted by open pit mining is approximately 5% ofthe Alberta's total oilsand deposits. Due to the high viscosity of bitunen, extraction of the mmaining oilsands requires application of enhanced and tertiary recovery methods. Therefore, hydraulic fhcturing will becorne even more important for the oiisand industry in Aiberta and elsewhere in the fûtute. Optimi75ition of the hydraulic hcnuing treatment is not possible without having design tools such as

numerical models. Numerical modeling also plays an important role in decision making and management of the costly technical operations by providing valuable information

through the simulation of dinerent types of treatments. However, numerical models must be validated by laboratory a d o r field data to becorne tealistic and diable design

tools. In this chapter, it is intended to validate the developed numerical mode1 against the large d e hydrauiic &turing laboratory experhents. 7.2 Eartier Ex~erimentaiStudies

In the previous chapters it has k e n emphasued that hydrauic fhcninng process in an oü reservoir is a complicated issue that combines the complexities of simulating non-isothennal multiphase flow with stress and deformation andysis in a porous

medium. That is why data which is needed to validate the numerical models are difficult to coiiect from the field, since the required monitoring systems and observation wells are far beyond the budget that is usually available. Furthemore, unknown boundary conditi011~.geological compIexities, as well as human factors cause difficultiesin the interpretation of the field data. Some in-situ hydrauiic fiacturing studies have been perfiormed by B j e m et ai. (1974). Bjemun and Andersen (1 W2),

Penman (1W6), and Vaughan (1 97 1). A review of these tests shows that generally the pressure required to cause hydraulic fhcturïng is highly variable and depends on in-situ stresses, rate of fluid injection, fluid pressure, strength aad deformation characteristics of the soikock, shape of the bonhole, and the drillhg technique. Unfiortunately, the

individual effects of each of these factors cannot be evaiuated h m the results of in-situ tests.

On the other hand, laboratory experiments are found to be usefid and can provide insight into the actuai hydrauiic fiacturing process. This is because in the laboratory environment there are more controis on diEerent aspects of the test and it is

possible to provide weli-defined boundary conditions. Moreover, more instrumentation

can be installed to monitor the changes of different factors in the hydrauiic hcture experirnent. Laboratory investigations on hydrauiic hcturing have been cmied out primady for rocks and to some extent for soils.

Haimson (1968) conducted borehole hydraulic fiacturiog tests on rock and found that in the case of impermeable rock where minor principal stress is normal to the axis of the borehoie, the pressure required to cause hydrauiic hcturing was equal to the surn of the tende strength of the rock and twice the minor principal stress. In permeable

rock, he found that the pressure required to cause fiacturing cannot be muisured with certainty, however, he concluded that it was always greater than the minor principal

stress and less than the pressure required for fiachuing in impermeable rock. Zobak et al. (1977), Midlin and Masse (1979), and Cheung and Haimson (1989) have conducted hydraulic hchuing experiments on rocks. The main focus of these studies was breakdown and shut-in pressures, and orientation of hctures. Effects of

injection rate, hcture fluid, well orientation, etc. have been studied in some of these works.

Some investigators sndied the interaction between a hydrauiically dnven hcture and a preexisting h c t u r e (Lamount and Jessen, 1963; Anderson and Larson, 1978; Hanson et al., 198 1;Warpinski et al., 198 1;Blanton, 1982; Teufel and Clark,

1984). These experiments were primariiy focused on whether or not a hcture is

contaiwd by stnrcniral planes in rocks. A few experimental studies have ken conducted to understand the whole

process of hcture propagation and to produce data for verification of numericd models

(Rubin, 1983; Medlin et al., 1984; Guo, 1993). Guo (1993) studied the breakdown and shut-in pressures and weU

communication by conducting a number of eqeriments on large block specimens of

Gypstone. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of the minor principal stress (a,) and injection rates on hcture propagation In this work, three principai stresses, boundary displacements, and bottomhole pressure were measured.

Leak-off was also snidied in the experiments. AbnormalIy high breakdown pressures were observed which could not be fùiiy explained by various breakdown models. it was However, by using the concept of stress intensity factor for mode I hcture (KId, possible to explain the hi& breakdown pressures. Using an extended fom of the hcture initiation criterion as:

made it possible to explain severai phenornena such as rate dependent, sizedependent, fracture fluid-dependent, and o,-dependent respnses of breakdown pressure. This research has produced considerable experimental data for evaluating the numerical

models for hydrauiic fiacturing in rocks. Experimental studies in hydrauiic hcturing in soils have been carried out by

Nobari et al. (1973), Iaworski et al. (1981), Mori et al. (1987), Komak panah (1990), and Murdoch (1992).

Nobari et al. (1973) studied the hacture mode, the orientation of the fiacture

plane, and the manner in which faiiure progressed during hydraulic fracturing. They concluded that hydraulic fracturing occurs through tensile firacture on the plane of the

minor principal stress. They also found that for soils under conditions of more 'uniforni stress', hydrauiic hctunOg begins at a point of low effective stress and propagates only if the soil stresses at neighboring points are reduced or the water pressure is increased.

This indicated that hydraulic hcnuing in soil does not propagate rapidly as it does for some materials such as g l a s or rock. Jaworski et al. (198 1), by conducting hydrohcturing test on cohesive soils in cubic specimens found that the hydraulic hcturing process is a linear fuaction of the

initial horizontal total stress. This was confirmed later by Mori et al. (1987). The

minimum value of the hcturing pressure was found to be equal either to the sum of the

initial minor principal total stress and the tende strength of the soil (by Jaworski et al.) or to the unconfined compression strength of the soil (by Mori et al.).

Komak panah (1!%)O), based on the experirnents on compacted cohesive and cohesionless soils in hollow cylhdrical specimens, found that hydraulic hcturing may be initiated by shear failure near the borehole when total stresses reach the failure

condition of the soil in an unconsolidated undrained case. He also developed a theoretical foundation for his study based on Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Murdoch (1992) performed more than 100 hydradic hcturing experiments on siky clay soil confined within a rectangular ûiaxial loading ceii. He used dyed glycerin as injection fluid. He found that water content plays a major role in hydrohcturing,

and for unsaturated soils with positive pore pressure, pore water iïlis the crack tip rather

than the injection fluid which can control hydraulic hcturing development in soils. He concluded that increase in water content decreases the pressure required to initiate and propagate fracture and increases the duration of stable propagation. Recently, ajoint CQNMET lindustry IAOSTRA fhded project was undertaken by Golder Associates to perform hydraulic fkturing experiments in large scale triaxial

chambers. This project examined the effects of different stress States, injection rates,

and leaksff on the initiation and propagation of hydraulic fiacnving in oilsand. Pattern

of fracture propagation was studied by careful examination of the specimen after each test. The ultirnate goal of this work was to provide a framework to evaluate, venfy, and

refme analytica.1models for fiacturing in uncemented sands. The results of thÏs experimental study are used to vdidate the developed numerical model. 7.3 Descri~tionof Lame Scale Hvdraulic Fracture Ex~enment~

The project' coosisted of three phases which were camed out between April 1990 and Iuly 1994. The main objectives of the study were (1) to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of hydrauiic hcture formation and propagation in uncemented oiisands under condition of high leak-off, (2) to determine the effect of

fluid injection rate on the fiacturing process, and (3) to determine the influence of different stress fields on the hcture pattern. These experiments were camed out in a large triaxial stress chamber shown schematidly in Figure (7-1). The chamber can

accommodate samples of up to 1.00 meter high and 1-40 meter in diameter. The quartz sand was w d which was saturated with a viscous fluid, such as invert liquid sugar.

The injection fluid was dyed invert liquid sugar (phases I and II) and dyed water (phase III) in order to trace the hcture. As Figure (7-1) shows, a hollow steel pipe with an

outside diameter of 33.5 mm perforated at nid-szunple height was used to simulate the injection well. Principal stresses of up to 1O00 kPa can be applied independentiy

through a circumferential (ah) and upper (+) cavity as illustrated in the figure.

This project was jointiy W e d by: -Canada Center for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET)

-Imperia1 oil Resources Canada Ltd. -SheU Canada Ltd. -Mobil Oil Canada (phase 1)

-Japan Canada Oilsand Ltd. (phase 3) -Alberta O i h d Technology and Research Authority (AOSTRA) -Golder associates Ltd.

7.3.1 Materiais used

Lane mountain 125 quartz sand was chosen for the laboratory tests. Its behavior was reported to be similar to oilsand which exhibits high dilatancy and post peak

softening duruig triaxial compression under low effective confuiing stresses (such as those associated with hydraulic hcture). ResuLts of typical drained triaxial tests on

McMurray formation oüsand at in-situ stresses, and on dense Lane Mountain sand at 350 kPa stress are shown in Figures (7-2) and (7-3), respectively. The 'pq ' diagram for

Lane mountain sand based on the tests on small s a l e triaxial samples is shown in Figure (7-4). The specific gravity of Lane mountain sand grains was determined to be

2.65 and its permeabiiity to water was measured to be 4.56~10-'cdsec and to invert liquid sugar 4 . 0 1 ~o4 cdsec.

G l y c e or ~ invert liquid sugar was used as the resident fluid and injection fluid. Both of these liquids are clear, colourless, viscous and fuily soluble in water. The viscosity of Glycerin at 20°C is 1.49 Pa-sec, and viscosity of invert liquid sugar is L .6 Pa-sec. The viscosity of either liquids may be adjusted to any lower level by mixing with water. There is no chernical reaction between Glycerin or Iiquid sugar and any

component of the triaxial stress chamber. Tests in phase I began with using G l y c e as ~ the resident fluid but later it was replaced by invert liquid sugar up to the end of the phase I l i of the project. 73.2 Procedures

Samples were prepared by pluviation of dry sand fiom a hopper located directly above the chamber. The hopper was exactly the same diameter as the sample to obtain one dimensiod pluviation conditions. Prior to pluviation, the injection well was installed and instrumentation for measuring sand deformation and pore fluid pressure changes were suspended at strategic points in the sample. The instrumentation was placed on tbree levels, twa above the injection zone and one below (Figure 7-5). The

injection weii was sirnulated by a hollow steel pipe with an outside diameter of 33.5

mm and inside diameter of 25.4 mm. The pipe was perfiorated at mid-sample height over an interval of 50-0 mm with 8 rows of 3-5 mm diameter hoies.

Boundary conditions were fiee draining at the top and bottom of the chamber which were comected to a constant pressure equal to +200 kPa. A 200 kPa back pressure \vas applied to al1 of the tests in three phases in order to maintain the sample in a Mly saturated condition- No radid drainage was allowed-

Before starting the hcture tests some supplementary tests were carried out to provide additional ioformation regarding the geomechanid and fluid flow characteristics of the samples prior to hydraulic fiachiring. These supplementary tests were constant head penneability test, subhcture pressure injectivity test, drained loading t a and pore pressure parameter 'B' test. Pore fluid pressures, vertical stress, radial stress, injection pressures, and injection flow rate were recorded electronically

during the tests. At the end of each test, the sample was excavated in horizontal lifts, normally

1.5 to 3.0 cm in thickness under biack iight. When the Iift was completely excavated,

locations of dye were marked with black string. The black Light was then himed off. Next, under n o d light, a photograph of the sample surface was taken with a camera located directly above the chamber. This procedure was repeated for each Ut. The photographs showing the locations of the dye were digitized and plotted in three dimensions to show the hcture pattern in the test. A List of the tests that were perfomed in three phases is s h o w in Table (7-1).

For more information about the equipment, sample preparation technique, monitoring systems, data acquisition method, and individuai test procedures, the reader can refer to the reports by Golder Associates Ltd. (199 1-1994).

7 3 3 Review of the results of the large scale hydmulic fncture experiments Review of phase I experiments

A total of 8 hydraulic hcture tests were conducted in phase I (Table 7- 1). In 6

tests the initiai minor principal stress was vertical, expecting a horizontal hcture, and one test was carried out with horizontal minor principal stress in order to create a

vertical bcture. Test #2 was aborted due to a fitting le&. Different injection rates were ernployed to evaluate changes in fracture propagation. Injection fluid and resident

fluid were the same inthis phase of experiments. The data fiom phase I experiments hdicated that dinerent faillue rnecfianisms occurred depending on the injection rate used in the test However, the exact mechanism was not identified. Two possible mechanisms of failure were described in the phase 1report as follow:

- "Tende failure or parting which occm when the rate of fluid injection into an uncemented sand mass exceeds the rate of fiow that can occur through the interconnected pores in the sand If the fluid pressure at this injection rate is greater than the total minor ptincipai stress, the= can be t e d e stress in the sand ma&.


an uncemented sand will not support such stresses, the sand grains are forced apart and a parhg propagates through the sand."

- "Shear failure occurs when the shear forces at a sand grain contact exceeds the shear resistance at the contact. Increase in the pore fluid pressure fiom fluid injection into the sand mass results in a decrease in the normal forces at contacts between sand grains and therefore a reduction in shear resistance. When the shear resistance falls

below the shear force, the sand grains slide relative to one another. In dease sand, the shear sliding redts in a less densely packed array of sand grains. The volume of the void spaces in the sand mass is increased and the sand is therefore more permeable dong the shear surfaces."

Generaiiy, in phase I experiments, the pattern of hcture was more extensive in samples where higher injection rates were used. Although a horizontal or vertical fracture sdace was expected (based on the applied stresses), no planar fracture was obsemd in this phase of study. Typical experimental results of pore pressure

measurement and f'racture pattern fiom test #4 of phase l an shown in Figures (7-6) and

(7-7)7.3 -3 -2 Review of phase II experiments

A totai of 5 hydradic fkacture tests were carried out in phase II experhents

(Tabie 7-1). One test was performed with constant pressure injection, and 4 tests were

performed with constant flow rate injection- Injection fhid and resident fluid were the same (invert Liquid sugar) throughout thik phase. Initial stress state for al1 of the tests in phase I'was 600 kPa horizontal, 400 kPa vertical, and 200 kPa back pressure. This stress state results in a K ,(= -u )h value of 0:

2.0 indicatting that a horizontal fiachire d a c e was anticipated. The objective of phase

II experiments was to detemùne the effect of fiuid injection rate on hcture propagation. Fluid injection rates ranged fiom 0.4 &sec to 200 d s e c .

The data obtained from phase Ilexperhnents indicated evidence of shear failure of the specimen at dl fluid injection rates. No dominant hcture plane was observed

during phase l7 experiments. In general, propagation of the dye into the samples in this phase was less than that observed in phase I tests even though the amount of dyed fiuid injected in phase II was greater. The dye patterns suggested that the observed hctures

in the tests were dominated by the influence of sand dilation. Expansion of the initial bcture cavity resulted in shear strains in the sand surrounding the hcture. These shear

strains, in hirn, caused the sand to exhibit a tendency to dilate. However, since the sand's potential for expansion was limited by the material surrounding it, there was a relatively large increase in the effective confining stress on the sand surrounding the hcture. As a result, the large injection pressures were offset by large local stresses in the sand matrix (which exceeded the minimum confining stress on the sample) and ümited the propagation of the fhcture.

For one of the tests of this phase a numencal simulation, using program FLAC (Itasca, 1995), was carried out. It showed that when the samples were subjected to

effective confining stresses corresponding to a Ko value of 2.0, the stresses in the sample were very close to shear failure envelope.

Typical experimental results of pore pressure measurement and hcture pattern fkom test #5 of phase I l are shown in Figures (7-8) and (7-9).

7.3 -3.3 Review of phase Ill experiments Six hydrauiic fracture tests were conducted in phase Ill experiments. Hydrauiic hctures were generated under various applied stresses and fluid injection rates (Table

7-1). The injection fluid in this phase was water which is less viscous than the resident

pore fluid (invert Liquid sugar). In two tests a notch was created in the sample at the point of fluid injection.

The h c t w patterns produced during phase Ill tests were extremely complex even though the parmeten in the tests were selected to mate a single tende firicture.

These parameters included Ko,injection rate, magnitude of effective confiniag stresses, volume of injection fluid, and injectionzone geometry. Reducing Ko,increasing the injection rate, and creating a notch to help nucleation of a hcture did not cause planar fkacture. However, these measures did change the breakdom pressure and aitered the hcture patterns. A single or closely spaced distribution of hctures onentated primarily

perpendicular to the initial minimum applied stress was not generated in any of the large scde hydrauiic hcture tests carried out during the laboratory program. Generaiiy, peak injection pressures were found to be much higher than the stresses applied to the sample. Typicai experimental resuits of pore pressure measurement and fracture pattern fiom test #1 of phase III are shown in Figure (7- 10) and (7- 11) 7.4 Numerical Modeline of the Chamber Tests

In this study, test #4 of the experiments carrïed out in phase II was selected for numerical modeling. The reasuns for this selection were: 1) In the tests conducted in phase I, some important factors were not Imown.

For example, for five out of eight tests in phase 1, permeabilities of the samples were not

measured, the resident pore fluid was changed, and position of the piezometers was far

nom the hcture zone leading to poor redts. Aiso, fiction at the top and bottom boundaries added some arnbiguity to the problem.

2) In phase Ill tests, water was used as the injection fluid, invert liquid sugar as the resident fluid. n i e aim of the tests was to detemiine the effect of high leak-off on the hcture pattern by using water which has a Iower viscosity as compared with invert

liquid sugar. This is, in fact, a two-phase miscible fiow ptoblem for which the results of the developed numencal model may not be exact-

3) supplementary tests such as the injectivity test and steady state hcture test

were carrîed out in some tests in phase Ll prior to the hcture test. These supplementary tests might have caused some disniption of the sand matrix and altered the stresses in the vicinity of the injection zone which have significant effects on the test results (phase

II report, pp.23 and 36). These supplementary tests were not performed for tests 4 and 5. Based on the above rasons tests 4 and 5 of phase II were found to be the most suitable for numerical modeling in this study. These two tests were basicaiiy perfomed under the same experimental conditions but at different injection rates. In test 5 a higher injection rate was used to evaluate the effect of high injection rate on the hcturùig process. 7.4.1 Fracture propagation in elastic medium

The sample dimensions and p s i & of instrumentation are shown in Figure (712). Two permeability tests famed out on the sahuated simple gave permeability

values of 4.9 and 4.6 Darcys. Horizontal and vertical boundary tractions of 600 kPa and 400 kPa, respectively, were applied on the sample with a 200 kPa back pressure

required to keep the sample M y saturateci. The K, valw was equal to 2 for this test

which indicated that horizontal hcture planes were expected. In this test 250 ml of dyed Liquid sugar was injected into the sample in 8.3 seconds (30 rnkec.).

The finite element model consisted of 704 elements (260 eight-node rectangular elements and 444 six-node bcture elements) with 1562 nodes (including the double nodes) were used. Due to axial symmetry ody halfthe sample was analyzed which is shown in Figure (7-13). The boundary conditions are:

Bottom boundary: Fixed in the horizontal and vertical directions, free drainage Top b o u n w :

Free, fiee drainage

Left boundary:

Fîxed in the horizontal direction, no drainage allowed

Right boundary:

Free, no drainage aiiowed

Time increment for the analysis was chosen to be one second. A three dimensional axisymmetric airalysis was carrïed out considering a linear elastic behaviour for sand with elastic modulus equal to 41050 kPa and Poisson's ratio of 0.25. Permeability of the fiacture elements was considenxi to be 100 times greater than that of the

surrounding soi1 matrix (100kmd. The test was simulated by injecting fluid at the perforated area of the wellbore. The injection flux was 0.0052 &sec (30 ml/sec). In this analysis nodal coordinates were not updated and a nominal thickness equal to 2mm was considered for the fiachue elements. Other input data for the analysis are

summarized in Table (7-2).

The variation of pore fluid pressure at the injection zone is shown in Figure (714). Although the calcdated peak pressure is slightly higher than the measured

pressure, the overall behaviour is very similar. The initial slopes of the two c w e s are different; this is because in the finite element andysis the stresses were examined at the end of each t h e step to identify the possibility of bcture. For instance, if the time

increment is 1 second, no fiacture will occur until the end of this time step. Obviously, in reality hctures can occur much sooner (e.g. a fiaction of second). Therefore, the

fluid k d s some patbs to flow easily and the pore pressure does not build up very quickly. As seen in Figure (7-14), at the beginnllig of injection there is a jump in the pore

pressure, then, during eight seconds of continuous injection the pore pressure remains

fairly constant and at the end of injection, both calculateci and meamred c w e s show a deche in pore pressure. Pore pressures at the piezometers installed at a distance of 75mm fiom the

injection pipe (Figures (7-5) and (7-12)) are compared with the numerid solution in Figures (7- 15) and (7- 16). Piezometen were instailed in three levels but pore pressure

in two of them did not change much and their resdts were similar. A good agreement between the nurnencal results and measured values in the Iab can be observed.

The hcture pattern obtained fiom the numerical mode1 is shown in Figure (717). The sequence shows the hcture pattern at the onset of injection; 4 seconds &er

starting injection; at the end of injection (8 seconds d e r starting injection); and at 30 seconds. The acnüil h c t u r e pattern observed in the laboratory is shown in Figure (718). Despite the fact that K' =2.0, neither the numerical model nor the experimental

results show the anticipated pianar fkacture. The numericd model shows a fkacture zone which gradually expands as the injection continues. It should be noted that only tende fhcturing cnterion was used in the model,

and the tende strength of the sand was assumed to be zero. Since the actual permeability of the fractures relative to the soi1 matrix is not

known, the permeabilities of the hctures were varied nom 100 to 1000 times of the permeability of the sand The pore pressure variation for these cases are plotted in Figure (7-19). It can be observed that, increasing the permeabiiity of the fîacture to 1000 Ig,has a sipainutnt eEect on reducing the pore elements fiom 100 hK pressure. It is interesthg to see how the hctures propagate when the permeability of the h c t u r e elements is increased. These are s h o w in Figures (7-20) and (7-2 1).

Variations of pore pressure at the piewmeters installed at 75mm distance fiom the injection weii (Figures (7-5) and (7-12)), when permeability of the fracture elements are modified, are demomtrated on Figures (7-22) and (7-23).

Extent of the fiacture zone predicted by the numerical model is comparable to the observed hcfure zone in the [ab. Based on Figure (7-18) if one consides the darker

middle part only, the extent of f'racture relative to the outside diameter of the injection well (hoilow steel pipe), d, is 4.1. If the c w e d b t u r e on top of the main hcture zone

in Figure (7-18) is taken into account, the extent of fracture will be increased to 9-2d. Extent of fracture based on the results of the numerid model are 5+34d, Md, and 6.59d when permeability of the hctures are considered to be lookk,500bm,and 1000t, respectively. In al1 cases the extent of Facturing predicted by the numencal

model is close to the observed values in the laboraory experiment.

Injection generalIy causes a very high pressure gradient at the injection zone and the noite element method does not work well at these zones due to high pressure

gradient in order to reduce the effect of this problem on fiacture propagation, a series of anaiyses was performed with prescribed pore pressure at the injection zone. The prescribed pore pressures were simdated based on the laboratory observed values. Results in this case are depicted in Figures (7-24) which indicate less extensive hcture patterns, but as one increases the permeability of the fracture elements the patterns become closer to the injection case-

By using the numerical model, it is possible to detect the onset of crack initiation. In other words, the model can be used as a guide to i d e n w the minimum injection flux requued to nucleate a hcture in the ground. In this case, the model shows that hcture starts with an injection flux as low as 9 x 10~~m/sec provided that it is injected for 8 seconds. If it is desired to reduce the thne of injection to 1 second the injection flux must be increased to 23x10'~&sec. 7.4.2 Effect of changes in soi1 permeability on the fracture behaviour

In order to investigate the effect of soi1 penneability on hcturing, the following two cases were considered: a) Horizontal penneability was increased by one order of magnitude and the

vertical permeability was kept constant; b) Vertical permeability was increased by one order of magnitude and the horizontal permeability was kept constant. Variation of pore pressure in two cases is shown in Figure (7-25). The results

indicate that higher horizontal permeability leads to higher pore pressure but the pore pressure drops sharply afbr one second of injection. Higher vertical permeability has little effect on reducing peak pore pressure. Pore pressures for cases (a) and (b) move progressively closer to each other at later time especially after 15 seconds where both cases show ahost the same pore pressure;

both of which are less than the laboratory

measured pore pressure. This confimis that higher permeability causes more fluid leakoff and leads to rapid decrease in pore pressure.

Fracture patterns for both cases are illustrated in Figure (7-26). It shodd be noted that the hcture patterns clearly follow the pore pressure distribution in the soi1 with drainage at the top and bottom of the sarnple.

The d y s i s results show that M e r increase in the soi1 pecmeability, for example by increasing the pemieability by two orders of magnitude, no fracturing would occur and the injected fiuid simply drains through the porous medium. This demonstrates the importance of the permeability of the materiai on the hcniring process in porous media. 7.43 Effkct of dinerent frscture initiation criteria

In order to study the effect of a change in the fiacture initiation criterion on the hcture pattern and the pore pressure, it is necessary to know the criticai values for hcture initiation. Unfortunately, in the case of oilsand there is no experimental data available on the criticai values of strain energy density (Gc) or J4ntegral (Jc) etc. for tensile or shear modes of hcture. Here, a simple shear fiacture criterion is used to demonstnite the capability of the program to incorporate different kinds of fkacture cnteria It is assumed that fkacture will initiate whenever:


a and pare matenai panuneters. In this example the foliowing values are used:

a =O. 781

8=53.O These parameters are chosen based on the values obtained fkom the triaxial compression tests that were perfomied in phase l o f the laborator-cxperiments. A cornparison

between the hcture pattems in three cases is depicted in Figure (7-27). Case(a) shows the same fracture pattern fiom Figure(7-17) which is based on the tensile fracture

criterion. Case@)represents the fracture pattern using the above shear criterion; and case(c) is a combination of two critena where the fracture initiates by that cnterion

which is satisfied first Pore fluid pressures are compared in Figure(7-28). In dl cases the permeability of hctures are set to be 100 times greater than the pemeability of the

soil matrix. 7.4.4 Elastoplastic fmcture propagation

in petroleum literature it is well known that oilsand compressibility is nonlinear at low stresses (e-g. Settari, 1989). In geotechnical terms this basically means that the

stress-strain behaviour of oilsand is noniinearand its bulk moduius and stiffhess varies with change in stresses. Some researchers have considered a nonlinear elastic

(hyperbolic) model for simulating this behaviour (VaPri, 1986) while othen have proposed an elastoplastic constitutive rnodel (e.g. Wan et al., 1989). In this study, in order to evaluate the effects of soil failure on hcture patterns in isothermal condition,

an associated Mohr-Coulomb model was employed. This mode1 is capable of simulating high dilation which is an important characteristic of oilsand. For this model the following parameters were used:

c,=o ++=38'



E=41050 kPa ,









Boundary tractions were, just as before, 600 kPa and 400 kPa horizontal and vertical stresses respectively, with 200 kPa back pressure. According to the MohrCoulomb failure criterion, the ratio of the principal stresses at yielding is given by:

Pore pressure variation at the injection zone is show in Figure (7-29). On the

same figure, the results of the anaiysis with different permeabilities for fracture elements (500and 1000 times greater than the permeability of soi1 matrix) are included.

Generally, the initiai pore pressure in this case shows around 30% higher pore pressure compared to the elastic case.

Fracture patterns for elastoplastic analysis are depicted in Figure (7-30). Compared to the hcture patterns of elastic analysis they are less dispersed and the £kacturezones are smailer. inorder to distuiguish the zone of shear failure the plots of

a,/qat three dinerent steps: 1,4, and 8 seconds afier starting the injection are

illustrated on Figure (7-3 1) to (7-33). Areas with q/q>4.2 are at the state of shear failure. In Figure (7-3 l), a purple symmeüïcal shape in front of the injection area shows

the failure zone. Fractures were initiated &er this step at tirne 2 seconds. The f ~ l u r e

zones in Figures (7-32) and (7-33) are rather scattered. This is due to the intense

fracturing at the injection zone. Yield condition seems to be violated in Figures (7-32) and (7-33) since in the legend higher stress ratios can be observed, however, the areas

where stress ratio has exceeded 4.2 are extremely small and invisible in these figures which can be atrnauted to the numerical error. Generally speaking, in the elastoplastic case, shear failure does not seem to be a dominant mode in the fhcture initiation

process. However, the numerical model indicates that tensile and shear hctures can

simultaneously occur in the hydraulic fhcturing process in a porous material. Despite the fact that the shear failure zone is small, the dation characteristics of the material

wili generate compressive stresses in a confïned condition, which cm inhibit fracture growth. This explains why there is a less dispersed fhcture zone in the elastoplastic anaiysis. Extent of the fkacture zone predicted by the numerical model in this case is less

dian that of elastic analysis. Basad on the d t s of the numerical model, extent of hcîure relative to the outside diameter of the injection well (hollow steel pipe) are 4.2 7d and 5.34d when permeability of the h t u r e s are considered to be 10016, and 50016, (or 1000163 respectively. Although these values are less than those in elastic

analysis they are comparable to the extent of hcture observed in the lab which were

4. Od- 9. O d.

7.5 Discussion

Results obtained fiom the numericai modeling of the hydraulic fracture experiments have revealed some interesthg points. First of dl, the pore fluid pressures fiom the numerical model show a fairly good match with the pore pressures measured by the piezometen. This indicates the ability of the mode1 to capture the flow

characteristic of the hydraulic fiacturing process- The gradual decrease in pore pressure after the injection represents the consolidation process. Numericai results for the pore pressure close to the injection point are higher than those of the laboratory experiments.

The reasons for the discrepancies include: 1) Existence of very high pore pressure gradient at the injection zone which

cannot be adequately modeled by the finite element method.

2) At very high gradient, Darcy's law is no longer valid. In porous media the flow regime is laminar when Reynolds number is less than one and is turbulent when it

is greater than ten (Collins, 1976). In most engineering applications, Reynolds number

in the soil is well below unity, but with injection rate about 30 &sec it can become much greater and in this situation application of Darcy's law is an approximation to reaiity.

The numerical resuits cm be improved in a number of ways:using a f i e r mesh at the injection zone, using a smaller t h e increment in the anaiysis, or rnodifying the

compressibility of the fluid Generally, numencal modeling of transient phenomena is sensitive to time increment used in the analysis. Therefore, modeling hi& injection rates is more difficuit and the results may not be representative of the experirnental values and in some cases numerical instability (divergence) may occur The numerical mode1 indicates that pemieability of the hctures has a significant effect on the pore pressures and hcture pattern in the soii. The model demonstrated that by increasing the pemeability of hctures, the injected fluid can find easier paths towards the fke draïning boundaries thus resulting in pore pressure decline. Permeability of the soii ma& is also important. The model shows that the pore pressure is sensitive to the permeabiiity of the soi1 matrix and the hcture pattern roughly follows the pore pressure contours in the soil sample.

Application of Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model for sand showed that shear

and tende fracture occur shultaneously. Dense sand shows a highly dilatant behaviour under shear, but due to the lateral confinement, this tendency to dilate results

in large increase in effective confining stresses. The large connnuig stresses suppress the fracture growtk Therefore, by using an elastoplastic material model, a l e s dispersed hcture zone is expected - this is consistent with the modeling results.

The numerical model predicts the extent of hcturing to be in the range of 5-36.6 times greater than the diameter of the injection well, d, if the behaviour of material is assumed to be linear elastic. Ifan elastoplasb'.~ (Mobr-Coulomb) behaviour is

assumed, yielding causes the extent of firacturing to reduce to the range of 4.3d-5.3d.

These values are comparable to the experirnental observations of the maximum hcture length which was between 4Od to 9.0d.

One of the most important features of the numericd model is the hcture propagation pattern. The model shows that fluid injection in the triaxial chamber causes no dominant single Facture and a fracture zone consisting of a network of small horizontal and vertical cracks develops. This behaviour agrees well with the experimental observations. One of the conclusions in the nnal report of the experimental study conducted by Golders (1994) reads:

"There was no evidence of a single dominant tende parting or closely spaced distribution of hctures oriented primarily perpendicular to the initial minimum applied stress in any of the hcture simulatioas carried out in the experimental study." It might be interesting to note that changing the direction of the maximum and

minimum applied stresses and even creating a notch in the sample at the point of fluid injection did not cause a planar fracture. The consistency between the aumerical results and experimental observations suggests that despite the cornmon beüef that the hydradic f'racturingalways creates a plane fbcture with certain geometry, this may not be true for uncemented porous materiais such as sands. In fact, the numerical model, as well as the experimental d t s , indicate that for uncemented resewoirs a single planar h c t u r e is unlikely to occur and the outcome is either multipte fhctures or a 'hcture


The concept of inducing a planar hcture in rocks perpendicular to the direction of minor principal stress, is theoretically sound and bas been confmed through severai

laboratory studies (e.g. Haimson, 1968; Rummel, 1987; Guo, 1993). In the field, however. observations in some hydraulic hcturing treatments indicate that multiple frachue branching has occurred in many cases (Medlh and Fitch, 1983; Warpinski and Teufel, 1987). Schmidt (1979) has reported very complex hcture pattern from minuig back a hydraulic fracture experiment

In soils with low permeability. such as clays, occurrence of planar bctures has been identified through laboratory experiments (Jaworski et al., 1981;Komak panah, 1990). However, hydraulic fhcturing experiments on sandy soils has caused only heave

and a zone of plastic deformation around the injection point and no clear fkcture was observed even at high injection pressures (Komak panah, 1990). For the oilsand reservoirs, where the pemieability is significantly l e s than that of sand but greater than that of impermeable rocks, researchers have noted some

discrepancies between the prediction of models (based on planar fiacture assumptions)

and field measurements (Settari, Kry and Yee, 1989). These discrepancies have been attributed to high le&-off in the reservoi.. The above mentioned field and experimental observations, the results of

hydraulic hcture tests by Golder Associates (1991-1994) and the results of the numerical modehg carried out in this study, suggest that the concept of inducing a planar hcture by hydrauiic &turing may not always be tme. It seems that hcture pattern primarily depends on permeability and cementation of die geologic media. Figure (7-34) shows a conoeptual fnunework for the expected hydraulic t'tacture pattern in M e n t types of soils or rocks. Considering hcture pattern, there is no k e d boundary for p d c t i o n of a dominant planar hcture or a system of numerous tiny fractures. However, a smooth transition zone between different hcîure patterns exists.

This m i t i o n zone depends on many factors of which cementation, permeability, and injection rate/pressure are the most important

In this study mainly the teusile f'racturecriterion was used Tensile effective stresses are the result of the development of very high pore fluid pressure within the

injection zone. It should be noted that there is no established hcture initiation criterion for tende or shear hcture mode for oilsands. Even for mode 1, some researchers beüeve that due to thermal effectsin a real hydraulic fhcturing treatment, high temperature causes the oiIsand to behave in a plastic mannet and any created hcnire

would be 'blunt' rather than 'sharp' . Therefore application of Griffths' or Irwin's

theones using hcture toughness (&) as a tende hcture initiation criterion may not

be reasonable. Hence, a more accurate representation ofthe hcture pattern in uncemented oilsand wouid be possible, if a more appropriate hcttue mechanics criterion is implemented in the numerical model.


Table (7-1) Summay of Hydiruiïc Fracture Test Program (Phase 1,2 and 3 from report of Golder Associatesi 1994)

mass coefficient (kNfrn.~ec-~)

damping coefficient (kN/m.sec") soiVrock thermal expansion (IPC) fluid thermal expansion (IPC) fluid compressibiiity (k~a-') soi1 heat capacitance (s/m3 -OC) fluid heat capacitance (J/m3."C) thermal conductivity (J/sec.mPC)

soi1 density (ton/m3) fluid density (ton/m3)

fluid viscosity (IcPasec) absolute permeability (m2) modulus of elasticity &Pa)

Poisson's ratio acceleration of gravity (m/sec2) initial porosity

8 Table(7-2) Input data for modehg of fkacture in chamber test




O :



V P P Q C w m R ~







i n r - l ~





Figure (7-1) Schematic view of Large Scale Triasial Chamber ( Not to Scale) from Golden Associates Report (1991-1994)




Goîâm Aasoclates

Figure (7-2) 'ï-1 drrthd triui.1 test on McMurray oilsand Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1991)



Golder Aasoclates Figure (7-3)Typiul drained tn&d test on Lme Mountain sand

Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1991)

Figure (7-4) 'p-q' diagram for Lane Mountain sand (Results of small seale triaxial tests from Goldet Ass. 1994) I

i g Phase Ill tests
















Piezometer Strain gauge foi1 extensometer LVDT extensometer Instruments are installeci in three Ievels: b e l 1: î5ûmm above the injection point tevel2: lûûmrn above the injection point tevel3: lOOmm beIow the injection point

Figure (7-5) Pian view of instrumentation around the injection zone


IWO 1600









Figure (7-6)Response of Piezometen in test #4 of Phase 1

4. t 2



Goîder A8aoclatas

Figure (7-7) Fracture Pattern, test M of phase 1 Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1991)



Golder Assoclates

Figure (7-8) Response of piezometers, test #5 of phase II Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1992)




Figure (7-9) Fracture Pattern, test #5 of phase II Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1992)








ag -


a ta. PIm



w Wo0 I D r * *,Lt;rOS;



Figure (7-10) Response of piaometen, test #1 of phase III Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1994)

Fracture Tcst No. 1 Pattern of Fluorescent Dye In Samplc

Figure (7-11.) .-

Fracture Pattern, test #1 of phase Iïï

Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1994)

Test 1 Typical photographs showing pattern of dye at various stages of sarnple excavation


Golder Associates

Figure (7-llb) Typical Photographs showing frneture pattern, test #l of phase UI Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1994)

injection zone


* 1



Figure (7-12) Sample dimensions and position of piezometers for test #4 of phase 2 of the experiments

! i

Figure (7-13) Finite Elemeat Mesh and Bonadarp Conditim fm Modeling Test 4 of Phase 2

Figure (7-14) Cornparison behveen calculated and measured pore pressures (piezometer: at injection zone)

I l - $ - f - - 1








Time (sec,)















Figure (7-15) Comparison between calculated and measured pore pressures (piaometer: 100 mm above the injection zone) 400






















Tïme (sec.)

Fipre(7-16) Comparison betiveen calculated and measured pore pressures (piezometer: 100 mm below the injection zone)

Time (sec.)


Figure (7-18) Fracture Pattern fmm Laboratory Experiment

Reproduced from Golder Ass. Report (1992)

Figure(7-22) Pore pressure variation with different permeabiütics for fracture elements (piezomctet= 100 mm above the injection zone)

lime (sec.)

Figure(7-23) Pore pressure variation with different permeabüities for fkacture elements (piezometer: 100 mm bebw the injection zone)

250 L4




Lab. resulb



(Kfrac.=t 00Kmtx)


-Num, madel



(Kfra~=SOOKmtx.) mode1 l

(Kfra~=1ôWKni&) i





. 6

. 8






Time (sec.)




. 22





Km,,(a t 30 sec,)


Km, (al 30 sec,)

~ , , c ~ l O O Km,, O (at 30 sec,)

Figure (7-24) Fracture Pattern with Prescribed Pore Pressure

(Simulating Lab. Recordcd Pore Pressures)






SigmaUSigma3 at second Figure (7-31) Principal Stress Ratio indicating the Yield Zone


Sigmal/Sigm& at second 4

Figure (7-32) Principal Stress Ratio indicating the Yield Zone

SigmaUSigma3 at second 8 Figure (7-33) Principal Stress Ratio indicating the Yield Zone

or fracture zone (cg. Oilund, Silry Sand)

Zone of tiny interconnected cracks (8.g.


Oriented (clustered) fiacture zone (a.g. SllrylSudy Clay, Pluufcd Clay)

Very rough firregular fracture plane (8.8.Hcrvily FmiumlM Pnmw Rack)

Low ver^ slow or None Y



Slow Medium Rate of dissipation of pore pressure (Consolidation)

'l'don + -i Effect of Hydraulic Fracturing on the medium

Instant -. drainagc


Figure (7-34) Pattern of Hydraulic Fracture in Different Geomaterials

Chapter 8 Summary and Conclusions

8.1 Summaw

Since most of the Alberta oilsands are located at depths too great for economical

open pit mioing, application of the enhanced recovery methods for oil extraction is necessary. One of the most useful and most efficient techniques for enhancd oil recovery is hydraulic fiacturing. Hydraulic hcturing is a weli-estabiished method in the petroleurn industry.

Fifty years of field experience has provideci valuable expertise and has invented many

advanced equipment These technologicai achievements warrant being combined with useN analytical and numerical tools to fulnll the demand of the industry in al1

theoretical and practical levels.

In the early 60's some investigatoa developed closed f o m solutions for predicting the length and opening size of a hcture and the fluid pressure required in

hydrauiic frachiring treatments. The basic assumption in ail of these solutions was the development of a planar fhcture with a predefined shape, such as an ellipse. Usually,

the height of the fracture plane was considered to be qua1to the injection length dong the weUbore, then other dimensions and also fluid pressures were determineci. These

types of analytical solutions were usefirl at that time and some researchers tried to modify these methods for s p i a l field applications. Over the years, the technology associateci with k t u r i n g was irnproved significantly and the industry moved towards highly sophisticated hydrofhcturing treatments. As a result, more reliable design rnethods were needed for this technology.

Today two dimensional and three dimensional design tools are available for modehg hydraulic hcturing, but their degree of accuracy is ofien uncertain. Some ofthese

models consider ody one aspect of the problem, S U C as ~ tluid flow in the reservoir or the effectsof fluid flow and heat =fer

in aa uncoupled m e r . Others are able to

couple these effects and solve the problem implicitly. In moa of the models, the effect of ground deformation on the behaviour of the rsenoir is often overlooked. Nevertheless, d of these models bave inherited the concept of planar fÏacture fiom the

classical hydraulic fiacturibg analysis and previous ciosed form solutions. Attempts to apply these models to simulate hydraulic Eacturing in oilsands, have not been very successfid. The problem is that field observations do not match the mode1 predictiom. For analyzing the hydraulic fkturing in uncemented soils, some of the common assumptions in the f k t m k g process should be ce-examifled carefidiy. For

example, fiacturing in rocks osiielly star& by tensile failure, but in an uncemented soil matrix, due to the high rate of injection, effective stresses in the soi1 become quite low

and close to zero which may cause hcturhg to occur due to shear failure. Neveaheless, wntrary to rocks, planar fractures may not occur in uncemented soils.

Taking these problems into consideration, and noting that initiation and propagation of a fracture depend on the stress state in the ground, it becornes clear that anaiysis of

hydraulic hcturing, especialiy in soils, requites stress/deformation analysis.

In hydraulic fiacturing, generaiiy four physical processes act together, therefore, theü interaction should be included in the solution. Ground deformation, fluid flow, heat trader, and fiacturiag of the medium are the basic issues that are involved in the problem. Coupling of aU of these processes has not been performed before in the Literature. In this study, finite element method has been used as a platfom for solving the problem. Three partial differential equations of equiiibrium, fluid flow, and heat

transfer in porous media are Wnîten inan incremental form and by applying weighted residual method, t k integrai equations have been obtained. These integral equations have been transfonned into the finite element equations by definhg appropriate integrals and considering incrementai displacements AU, incremental pore fluid

pressures M,and incranenta1 temperatures AT as state variables. These are the primary unknowns at each point inside the ieservoir. Fiaally three finite element equations have

been solved simultaneouslyconsidering al1 of the coupling ternis that are involved in

the red physical problem. The fourth aspect of the hydrauiic k t u r e modehg is to incorporate fracturing mecbanism into the model. Fracture mec)i=Uiicsctiteria for geomateds have been used for this purpose. There are severai criteria available assurning linear elastic or

elastoplastic behaviour for geomaterials. In this shidy, two simple fracture cnteria, one for tensile Eracture and the other for shear k t u r e , have been adopted. These criteria

are based on stress state at a point inside the finite element domain. For simulation of fhcture, the node splitting technique is used. In this technique, in areas which are prone

to cracking, two nodes are introduced at the same point in the finite element mesh (double nodes). During the analysis, ifthe stresses at the double nodes exceed the tende strength of the medium or satim the nquirements for shear fkcture, the double nodes are split into two separate nodes and a crack is created at the element boundaries. Since the problem is analyzed by marching in time, at the next t h e step it will be solved with the new geometry having a crack inside the mesh. Ifat the new time step stresses at the nearby double nodes are enough to satis@either tensile or shear fracture

criterion, node splitting will take place agah to model crack propagation. A 6-node isoparametric rectangular k t u r e element has been developed for trmsmitting the fluid fiow andor heat inside the ktures. This fkture element is automaticaily activated when a hcture is created inside the mesh.

The mathematicai and the nnite element formulations of this shidy are quite gened, but since this is the nrSt attempt to model the hydraulic fiacturing process using a £ûiiy coupled thermal hydro-mechAnical k t u r e finite element model, it was decided

to model the problem in two dimensions to ensure that the mode1 can adequately handle

the cornplicated physical process and can accurately capture d of the key issues of the problem. For the same reason a single phase compressible fluid is considered in the model as a fkst stage.

A fully coupled thermal hydro-mechanical hcture finite element model has

been developed in this study. The model is capable of analyzbg plane main or

axisymmetric hydraulic f k t u r e problems with ciiffereutb o u n w conditions such as specified rate of fluid d o r heat injection,specified pressure andlor temperature, as well as specified load andlor traction.

The model has been venned in a number of ways by comparing its results to the other numericd and anaifical solutions for thermal consolidation problems. For validation of the model, on the fracture part, the numencal solutionwas compared to the experimentai redts h m large d e hydraulic f'tacturhg laboratory tests.

The applications of the developed computer program for analmg and simdating difZerent e n g i n e e ~ g problems are d e s c n i below. 1) Design of optimum (economical) hydroftacturing treatments for heavy oil

reservoirs; 2) Modeling of weil-communication tests with thermal effects;

3) Study of the hydraulic hcttuing treatments for enhancing the permeability of

the contaminated sites; 4) Determination of land subsidence due to geothermal energy production

(thennoelastic and thermo-elastoplastic consolidation); 5) Study of the eE&s of radioactive waste disposal in clay layers or rock

formations; 6) Shidy of the geotechnical aspects of temperature variation in soils (e.g. effects of the heat generated by underground power cables or pipelines);

7) Study of the possibility of cracking in earth dams induced by hydraulic

fiachuing; 8) Design of grouting process in underlying strata of dams in order to avoid undesirable hcturïng of the ground 8 3 Conclusions

83.1 Numericai modeüiig of large scaie hydraulic fracture experiments

Numericd modeling of a large scale hydrauiic hcture laboratory experiment

h a provided some insight into the problem as noted below.

The model indicates thaî with application of hydraulic hcturing technique to uncemented porous materïals, a dominant planar fhcture is ualikely to occur and the outcome is a hcture zone consisted of interconnected tiny cracks. This finding, which is supported by experimentai observations, is attributed to the hi& pemieability and low

cementation of the sand used in the laboratory experiments.

The mode1 emphasizes the importance of pore fiuid pressure and its distribution in the resewoir for initiation and propagation of fktctures.

The numerical model indicates that permeability of the hctures andlor soil matrix has a drastic eEect on the generated pore fluid pressures and fkacture pattern. By asslrming an elastoplastic behaviour for soil, the model shows development

of a yield zone at the injection area. In this case, the extent of fracturing, compared to that of an ideai elastic material, is less dispersed. In other words, the model establishes that when fluid is injected into the sample, a zone of shear failure develops which

causes a tendency for dilation. Since dilation cannot take place in confhed conditions, very hi& compressive stresses are generated which suppress fiachue growth.

The maximum length of the k t u r e s predicted by the numerical model is comparable with the observed lengîblextent of the bctures induced in the sand in the

laboratory experiments (which are typically around 5 tunes greater than the diameter of the injection well).

The model establishes that in uncemented porous materials tensile and shear

hctures can occur sirnultaaeouslywhen fluid is injected into the sample. For saad, however, at the beginning of injection the yield zone is relatively mal1 and tension may be introduced as the dominant mode for the initiation of hcture.

8 3 3 Pattern of hydrauiic fmcture in dinerent goornaterials A new concept regarding the 'pattern' of hydraulicdy induced hctures in the gromd has been presented in this study. This idea, which is illustrated in Figure (7-34),

is described below.

ui rocks and other cemented geomsterials, a distinct hcture plane approximately perpendicular to the direction of the minor principal stress has been observed during experimental hydraulic &turing studies. Theoretical and experimentai studies on rocks îndicate that tension is the dominant mode ofhcturing.

Typicdy rocks have low permeability, therefore, flfluid injection has Little or no effect on the pore pressure in rocks and the effect of a change in pore pressure in the frachiring

process is negligible. In üiis case, the stresddeformation field combined with fluid characteristics such as injection rate/pressure, and injectant properties dominate the initiation and propagation of hctures. The effect of fluid injection, in this case, is m d y traction.

As the porosity of rock increases and/or naturaI fractures in the rock become

more extensive, the rock permeability inmases. This causes injectivity and the amount of leaksffto increase. In this case, pore pressure! in the rock changes due to the effect of leak-off. Usuaiiy, there is a hydmdynamic lag between the fiow of injectant and the

fiow of drained pore fluid due to the consolidation process which govems the pore pressure distribution in the soiilrock. For rocks with high cementdon, a rough and nearly planar fracture can be expected due to hydraulic hcturing.

On the other hand, with a graduai reduction in cernentation, the possibility of inducing one dominant fkacture plane graduaily diminishes. At the same time decreasing the cementation implies that the possibility of shear fdure is becoming more

significant if the effitive stresses in the soi1 are also reduced. Reduction in effective stresses depeaâs on the amount of change inpore pressure, which, in tum,is a h c t i o n of permeability.

For uncemented or slightly cemented materials with low penneability (such as I

nomally consolidateciclay or silty clay) experiments indicate that chance of getting multiple hctures as opposed to one single dominant fracture is hi&. For this class of

materials, if the permeability increases, the amount of leak-off and change in pore pressure inside the medium becomes more significant Injection of fluid with high rate/prissure ih this class of materiais can cause shear faüure since cementation is low and high leak-off reduces the effective stresses to very small values. Therefore,


multiple tende andor shear hctures or a 'hcture zone' is more likely to occur for

uncemented materiais.

Experimental as weii as numerid results suggest that, for uncemented granular materids, if the injection ratelpressure is high (relative to the permeabiiity of the medium), hcture occurs whenever the tensiie or shear hcture criterion is satisfied. Due to the gtanuiar nature of these materials, firacture should not necessariiy occur at the

crack tip (as is the case for fhcturing in cemented materials). Therefore, in uncemented materials with high permeability (e.g- sands) a firacture zone consisting of interconnected tiny cracks may be expected in areas of high pore pressure. in fact, tende or shear faiiure mechanisms in this case, may not occur independent of one another, due to very high induced pore pressures. It should be noted that as the fkacture pattern moves h m a dominant hcture towards a zone of tiny cracks it becornes more dispersed, however, the length/extent of hctures becomes shorter.

If the pemeability of soiIlrock is very large, a very high injection mte/pressure is required to induce a hydraulic fkcture which may not be possible or economical in

practice. This is because of rapid drainage of water which reduces the excess pore pressure to zero.

Oilsands can be categorized as a material with very low (or no) cementation and low to medium hydraulic conductivity. Due to the existence of bihimen, oilsand's hydraulic conductivity depends on the temperature. In cold hydraulic fhcming

treatments, bitumen is very viscous, hence the hydrauiic conductivity is low. Therefore, a system of rnultipie fractures can be expected. In hot hydrautic fhcturing treatments,

the viscosity of bitumen reduces signïiïcantly, thus, the hydrauiic conductivity is increased. With higher hydrauiic conductivity,the fkcture pattern shifts towards creating a zone of s m d cracks. This explains field observations during hydtaulic hcturing treatments in oilsanâ, which is characterized by hi& le&-off and short hcture lengths. The above conceptual framework for the expected hydraulic k t u r e pattern in different types of soils or rocks has been surnmarized in Figure (7-34). From the point

of view of h c t u r e pattern, there is no well defmed boundary for prediction of a

dominant planar hcture or a system of numerous tiny cracks. However, a smooth transition zone among ciiffietent h t u r e patterns exists. Fracture pattem in the transition zone depends on many factors; the most important of these are injection

ratelpressure and the injectant properties. 8.4 Further Research The model developed in this study is a first attempt to couple four different

physical phenornena for simulahg a unique problem. As a result, much more research should be conducted in the funire to improve the current model. Extension of this

research can be implemented in dinerent ways. First of dl,the program can be modified to solve three dimensional problems. This helps to have a better representation of the real hcture propagation in the grouud. Since the f o d a t i o n s presented here are quite general, al1 that is required for 3D analysis is the development

of block elements with appropriate shape hctions, and to increase the size of the matrices in the f i t e element equations accordingly.

Evaluation of the effects of the changes in soilhock permeability and fluid viscosity on the fiacturing behaviour of the reservoir can be usefbl for practical purposes. Routines for updating the penneability of the soii with respect to changes in porosity and for updating fluid viscosity with respect to changes in temperature and pore pressure, are already cded in the program, but have not been w d .

It is of special interest to petmleum engineers to ~ c l u d multiphase e flow in the model; e.g. 2-phase immisible flow (water and oïl) and 3-phase flow (water, oil and pas). For multiphase flow the degree of saturation of different phases should be

considered as primary unknowns. This requires mociiflcations in the formulaton especiaily in the fiow equation. Another research area in the continuation of this study would be using other fkacture criteria and evaiuating their effectiveness for modeling tende, shear, and mïxed mode fractures in soils/rocks.

There is a need for laboratory investigations on fhcture characteristics of oilsand and determination of Eiacture mechanics criteria for initiation and propagation of hctures in isothermai and non-isothennai conditions.

The results of these experiments

can be implemented in the numerical models for a more accurate repmsentation of

hctures in oilsand reservoirs. Experimental investigations are aiso required to quanti@ the ranges of the values of penneability and cementation for which dinerent patterns of hctures may be

înduced in the ground.

In closure, development of a program capable of handling dynamic effects in tirne dependent problems can improve the numericd redts. On the other hand, results of the current research on modehg of crack a d o r shear band, may open new horizons to the hydraulic fracture modeling.

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Appendix A Details of the finite element formulation

For displacements 8-node elements are used In this case the displacements ll and

V (inx and y directions respectively) at any point inside the elernent can be detennined based on the nodal displacements as foiiows:


or in expanded form:


Shape functions for 8-node rectanguiar elements (Figure A-1) are quadratic fiuictious.

41 = 0.25(1-

a(1-q)(-c- 7- 1)

(2 = 025(1 t 5)(I - q)(<- q - 1)

q+L) 04 = 025(1- B(I+q)(-5+q - 1) @ =O.îS(L+5)(L+q)(5+

45 = OS(1-

g2)(l- q)

46 = OS(I - q2)(l+ 5)

97 = OS(1- ~')(l+


48 = OS(1- g2)(1 - 5) Strains E~&y, and .yare derivatives of U and V as foliows:


where X =


. The above equation cm be written in a compact fom as


Volumetric strain can be dehed as E~=++?+Q.

components E, can be evaluated as foiiows:


Now having found the strain

For calculating the denvative of shape fùnctions with respect to x and y axis, coordinates

should be trandonned using the Jacobian ma&.

By using isoparametric formuiation the

coordinates of any node inside the element can be evaluated based on the nodal coordinates:
< x Y'=


Now from simple d e of merentiation one can write:

For any arbitrary fûnction 7 one cm write:

where ''f' represents any arbitrary function. By substituthg <#>or 41, 42, #3,.--for 'f one can obtain






and by using (A-7) the Jacobian can be determïned as :



For eight node rectangdar element:

For pore fluid pressure and temperature, Cnode elements (Figure A-2) are used. Pore

£luidpressure 'P' and temperature T at any point inside the element can be detennined based on the nodal values as follows: P =< # > {P.)




9 4

0 O O







q* I f

and similarly:

T =< (>(T')


Also their derivatives can be expressed as follows:

Shape ~ c t i o u <4 s > for Cnode rectanguiarelements are h e m bctions as follows: 1

4, = ~ ( 1 - C)(L - 7)

-1p+CIO - 7) 1 4, = -p + 5.(1+11)

4 2


(A- 19)


4, = - p - W + 7 ~ In order to obtain the derivatives of shape functions with respect to x and y, Jacobian matrix can be determined inthe same way as described eariier.

Numencal integration is employed to determine the integrals for each element by using

Gauss sarnple points in two directions. A.2 Triannular Elements

For displacements 6-nodeelements are used (Figure A-3). Displacements u and v at any points inside the element are:


Shape fiuictions <@ for 6-nde triang.ukelements are as follows (ma coordinates are being used):

4 4

=4 K 2

4 5

= 4525;

4 6

= 4&51

strains are E =B (f Le.,

For cdculating the derivative of shape fhctions with respect to x and y, the Jacobian

matrix for tnaaguiar elements is to be determined in terms ofarea coordinates.

In more details:

For pore fluid pressures and temperatures, 3-node element (CST) is used.


Shape functions for CST are as foliows:

$4=ri bz =5;

9, =c3 Jacobian matrix for CST in ternis of area coordinates will be:

In more details:

This Jacobian mat& wiU be inserted in (A-25). Determination of integrals for triangular elements is confined to the pattern shown for 4 integration points. This leads to a cubic numericd integration.

A 3 Boundatv Conditions Boundary conditions may be applied on one or more sides of the element (Figure A-4). There are three types of boundary conditions namely surface traction, fluid flux,

and heat flux. For each of these there exists an integral which has to be numerically evaluated:

Apart fiom pt and 4 which are some values measured at thne 't' at the Gauss points, the rest are the shape fhctions N and Np(or NT)and a vectOr of known values of traction (IS), fluid velocity (v)

and votumetric heat flux (Le) at the boundaries.

A.3.1 Traction boundary condition

According to the Figure(A-5) one can wrïte:

&=(thickness).(dx2 f&)I'2 &-*ck{(cad@

+(dy/d& l'?dg

cilS=thick.det JdS For side 1-2 (q=1

,c varies): (A-39)

For side 2-3 (5=+1 ,q varies):


For side 3-4 (q=+l ,€J varies):


For side 4- 1 (

5 4 ,q varies ):

(A-42) For instance for side 1-2 the shape hction

wouid be:

Assuming a 'parabolic' stress distribution on the elernent side on which traction 't,' is applied.


t, =

(xn-2xn+rn), (rn-ml)ç + m 6 + 2 2

Therefore { Fs ) can be introduced as follows:

Denvatives For side 1-2

For side 2-3

and &/dg are:

For side 3 4

For side 4-1

Therefore, if the boundary traction is specined on side 1-2 of the element, the generai form of equation (A-35) to be integrated numerically would be:

If the element is trïangular (Figure A+, the procedure is the same, but the shape fiinction should be modifïed as foilows: For side 1-2

For side 2-3

For side 3- 1

For example, for side 1-2 matrix /7V] representing shape functions would be:

A 3 3 Flow and heat boundary conditions Since oniy the normal component of fluid flow andlor heat flow can enter the

medium (elements), it is assumed that flow and heat boundary conditions are given in the direction normal to the boundary. For example (A-37)can be written as foliows:

{ N ~=Ce } p T T1 < < > / n ) d ~ = CI/ql =


cp =



: ~ q p =I I~N : J~ ~~ = X ] W ; N : J ~

S i





For this class of boundary conditions Cnode rectangularelernents are being used, so the shape functions are : For side 1-2 (q=l

,e variable)

For side 2-3 (6=+1 ,q variable)

For side 3-4 (q=+l

For side 4-1 (c=1

,c ,II

variable )


Shape hction [Nlfor sides of the element are:

LevoIumetric t h e d energy flux normal to the surface Sie on the element sides are: l+&


Side 1-2

Le==>Lq +?L*

Side 4- 1




l+qL m # ,

S ide 4- 1




-=-yx1 drl '2"'

Therefore the integral for side 1-2, for instance, would be:

This is the vector that represents k t boundary condition normal to the boundary surface. It is noteworthy that although shape hction and derivatives for side 3-4 are different

fiom the other sides, i n t e w o n for ail sides leads to a unique remlt. Therefore a unique formulation can be used for ail sides of the element. If triangular element is use& shape fimctions would be as follows: Side 1-2

Shape function in this case will be

I I1

Figure (A-1) &node rectangular elernent for displacements

Figure (A-2)enode rectanguiar element for pore pressures and temperature

a: l/3,1/3,1/3(weight-27/48) b: 0.6,02,0,2 (weight=25/48) c: 0.2,0.6,02 (weighe25f48) ci: 0.2,02,0,6 (weigh*25/48)

Figure (A-3) 6-node triangular element

Figure (A-4) Local and global coordinates for 8-node rectangular element

Figure ( A-5) Traction on the element boundary in two directions

Figure (A-6) Local and global coordinates for 6-node trianguiar element


Figure (A-7) &node RectangPlar Fracme Hemtnt

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