1 - Emergency Response Plan Template

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  • Pages: 39
Emergency Response Plan (For Company XX) Emergency 24 hour number ( ) Floor/Area Fire Warden ( ) Emergency Response Team Leader ( ) Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager ( ) Facility Security Manager ( )

Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................................................................................4 DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................................................................................5 ABOUT THIS PLAN TEMPLATE.............................................................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................8 EMERGENCY RESPONSE POLICY........................................................................................................................8 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................8 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................................9 Executive Sponsor.................................................................................................................................................9 Review and Compliance........................................................................................................................................9 Rules regulations...................................................................................................................................................9 Staff responsible....................................................................................................................................................9 Violations...............................................................................................................................................................9 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ...........................................................................................................................9 Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................9 Objectives............................................................................................................................................................10 Assumptions.........................................................................................................................................................10 Scope...................................................................................................................................................................10 BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN DOCUMENTS & CRISIS RESPONSE PHASE...........................................11 Business Continuity Plan Documents.................................................................................................................12 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN HIGH-LEVEL PROCESS FLOW...............................................................13 ERP Sub-phases..................................................................................................................................................15 Plan Activation Phase.........................................................................................................................................15 Incident Logging & Reporting Phase.................................................................................................................15 Incident Evacuation Phase..................................................................................................................................16 Incident Assessment and Escalation Phase.........................................................................................................16 Incident Mitigation Phase...................................................................................................................................17 Incident Prevention Phase..................................................................................................................................17 Incident Monitoring Phase..................................................................................................................................17 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM STRUCTURE, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES...............................18 Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL)........................................................................................................18 Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM)....................................................................................18 Facility Security Manager...................................................................................................................................18 Security Guard....................................................................................................................................................18 Evacuation Leaders (Floor Fire Wardens).........................................................................................................19 Medical Staff.......................................................................................................................................................19 Rescue Staff.........................................................................................................................................................19 Business Area Managers.....................................................................................................................................19 Hazardous Material Handlers, Salvage and Repair...........................................................................................19 EMERGENCY RESPONSE CONTACT INFORMATION...................................................................................20 Emergency Response Team.................................................................................................................................20 Emergency Response Team – Alternates.............................................................................................................21 Emergency Response Team – Supporting Contacts............................................................................................22 Emergency Response – External Authorities......................................................................................................22 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM TASKS AND ACTIVITIES..........................................................................23

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EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM LEADER (ERTL)...............................................................................................................23 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM DEPUTY MANAGER (ERTDM)...........................................................................................25 MEDICAL STAFF...........................................................................................................................................................27 FACILITY SECURITY MANAGER.......................................................................................................................................27 RESCUE STAFF............................................................................................................................................................27 PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................................................................28 ERP 1 - Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure............................................................................................29 Description...................................................................................................................................................... ...............29 Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure Steps..................................................................................................... ........30

ERP 2 – General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure..............................................................................31 Description...................................................................................................................................................... ...............31 General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure Steps.................................................................................. ..............31

ERP 3 – Bomb Threat Procedure........................................................................................................................33 Description...................................................................................................................................................... ...............33 Bomb Threat Procedure Steps.................................................................................................................. ......................33

ERP 4 – Medical & First Aid Procedure............................................................................................................34 Description...................................................................................................................................................... ...............34 Medical First Aid Steps.............................................................................................................................. ....................34

APPENDICES.............................................................................................................................................................35 A1 – Fire Evacuation Assembly Areas................................................................................................................35 A2 – Primary and Secondary Escape Routes & Assembly Area.........................................................................35 A3 – Floor Plans.................................................................................................................................................35 A4 – Emergency Supplies....................................................................................................................................35 FORMS........................................................................................................................................................................36 F1 – Initial Incident Report.................................................................................................................................36 F2 – Incident Assessment Form..........................................................................................................................37 F3 – Personnel Accounting Form (Headcount Form)........................................................................................38 F4 – Version Change Control..............................................................................................................................39

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Abbreviations BCP

Business continuity plan


Crisis management center


Crisis management team


Business continuity plan


Emergency response plan


Emergency response team


Emergency response team leader


Emergency response team deputy manager


Site crisis management plan

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Definitions Executive Sponsor

Senior management member who approves and provides full support for the development and implementation of the organization’s business continuity program

Document Manager

Person who approves and authorizes the ERP document including document revisions.

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About This Plan Template This emergency response plan (ERP) template is one in a series of templates designed to provide comprehensive, practical, and structured guidance to those responsible for developing an emergency response plan and other related business continuity plan documents. This ERP template contains a recommended structure, outline, and contents for a typical emergency response plan document consistent with external authorities and responders and may be customized and tailored to suite your organization’s specific emergency response requirements. It is recommended that a Document Manager be assigned the responsibility of overseeing updates and revisions to this document. Please refer to the section “Version Change Control” for more information on how to manage and distribute changes to this document.

Business Continuity Plan Documents & Crisis Response Phase For the purpose of this template, the crisis response phase has been defined as the overall phase during which a crisis situation or disaster occurs. During the crisis response phase, several subphases occur, namely, an emergency response phase, management response phase, and a business area response phase. During each phase one of several business continuity plan documents are utilized. The diagram below depicts the crisis response sub-phases and plan documents associated with each sub-phase:

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This business continuity plan template follows a phased approach as a response to a disaster or disruptive event. The [Company XX] business continuity plan consists of several plan documents as follows: 1. Business continuity plan (referenced) 2. Emergency response plan (this plan) 3. Site crisis management plan (referenced) 4. Business area recovery plan(s) (referenced)

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Introduction This [Company XX] Emergency Response Plan contains predetermined guidelines and procedures to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of staff, and an immediate response to an emergency or disaster situation. An emergency is any disruptive or harmful event that endangers people, environment, or an organization’s property and assets. Emergencies can be small, as in a fire contained by employees using fire fighting equipment, or large, as in a disaster resulting from an earthquake or a tornado. Example emergency events are: • • • • • • • • • •

explosion overheated equipment airplane crash chemical spill in particular area fire pandemic loss of power damage to building loss of power damage from chemical spill

Example sources of emergency or disaster events are: • • • • • •

smoking in building earthquake disaster in neighboring company facility storm disgruntled employee power generator failure

An emergency response plan deals with the immediate physical effects of a disaster and is used as an initial response. The emergency response plan is closely associated with the business continuity plan. The purpose of the business continuity plan is to ensure a prompt and efficient recovery of essential business operations.

Emergency Response Policy Purpose [Company XX] is committed to safeguarding the interests of shareholders, clients, customers, and vendors in the event of an emergency or business disruption. [Company XX] has therefore established a comprehensive organization-wide business continuity program to protect staff, safeguard corporate assets and environment, and to ensure continuous availability of its products and services. To support the business continuity program, [Company XX] recognizes the need for an emergency response capability and provides this corporate emergency response policy as part of the overall organization business continuity program policy.

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Scope This emergency response policy applies to all [Company XX] business facilities and locations. Each [Company XX] site shall define, approve, and implement an emergency response plan which includes essential activities, procedures, and tasks necessary to ensure an effective response.

Executive Sponsor [Company XX] assigns a senior management member to be the “Executive Sponsor” who approves, sponsors, and provides full support the development and implementation of the organization-wide business continuity program and its constituent parts including this policy, emergency response plan, and other associated business continuity plan documents. The executive sponsor approves the budget and resources required, and delegates authority to the emergency response team and team leader to manage, coordinate, and oversee the emergency response plan design, development, implementation, maintenance, and assessment.

Review and Compliance The corporate business continuity program policy has established an annual review and assessment for this policy and for the emergency response plan.

Rules regulations [Company XX - rules and regulations that are specific to you organization here]

Staff responsible [Company XX] business continuity and recovery teams have the responsibility to know this policy and understand and adhere to the standards and procedures established in this policy. It is the responsibility of all staff to be aware of their departments and/or business unit’s business continuity plan and its associated documents.

Violations Any employee and/or contractor or service provider found to have violated this policy may be subject to legal actions such as termination.

Emergency Response Plan Purpose The purpose of the emergency response plan is to:

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1. Provide a managed, coordinated, and effective response to the immediate physical effects of an emergency or crisis situation. 2. Reduce the likelihood that the business continuity plans are invoked

Objectives The primary objective of the emergency response plan is to protect life by: 1. preventing injury; 2. providing shelter; and 3. evacuating the premises. Additional objectives are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

mitigate the threat of an emergency or disaster situation; control and terminate the emergency or incident as quickly as possible; prevent a minor incident from becoming a major disaster; familiarize all members and staff with procedures; protect environment; protect company assets; determine unsafe hazardous conditions and contaminations; and minimize impact to business.

Assumptions This plan has been developed with the following assumptions: •

All threats will be treated as genuine, until the incident investigation and assessment proves otherwise;

The Emergency Response Team will be comprised of sufficient number of staff to ensure a satisfactory turnout in the event of an emergency.

Scope The scope of this ERP is the [Company XX] facility/site located at [Company XX facility].

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Business Continuity Plan Documents & Crisis Response Phase For the purpose of this template, the crisis response phase has been defined as the overall phase during which a crisis situation or disaster occurs. During the crisis response phase, several subphases occur, namely, an emergency response phase, management response phase, and a business area response phase. During each phase one of several business continuity plan documents are utilized. The diagram below depicts the crisis response sub-phases and plan documents associated with each sub-phase:

Each crisis response sub-phase is described below: 1. Emergency Response Phase This phase is the first phase in managing a crisis. It comprises of the initial few hours after an actual disaster, or after the threat of a disaster is first identified. The emergency response plan (ERP) is the primary document used during this phase. In this phase, emergency response plan procedures, tasks, and forms are used; the business continuity coordinator and other members of the crisis management team are alerted; and evacuation occurs and/or the incident is contained.

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2. Management Response Phase In this phase, the crisis management team manages and coordinates all site recovery activities. This phase begins after the initial response is received by the crisis management team. The site crisis management plan (SCMP) is the main document used during this phase. 3. Business Area Response Phase In this phase, business area teams recover and resume business operations. Depending on how large you organization is, you may opt to develop Business area recovery plans and business unit recovery plans or just business unit recovery plans. Business area recovery plans may be used to invoke business unit plans. Note that this breakdown allows for a more modular structure of activities and is especially useful if your organization is large has many business department and units.

Business Continuity Plan Documents Below is a list of plan documents and an explanation of each: •

Site Emergency Response Plan o This plan. The ERP is used to respond to an emergency or incident. The primary plan objectives are to:  Protect life  Provide shelter  Evacuate premises  Mitigate threat and control extent of damage

Site Crisis Management Plan o Plan used to manage and coordinate all site recovery activities including activities such as:  Supervising recovery effort  Declaring a disaster  Invoking other plans  Monitoring recovery, resumption, and normalization activities

Business Area/Department/Unit Recovery Plan o Plan used to manage and recover business operations within each business area/department/unit.

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Emergency Response Plan High-level Process Flow During the emergency response phase and site crisis management phase, the Crisis Management Center will be opened and CMT team members will gather to determine if a disaster is to be declared. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the ERP, SCMP, and the Business Area Recovery Plans:

The following process flow describes example high-level steps and actions conducted during the ERP phase. Activities in the plan start whenever there is a threat of disaster or an actual emergency situation.

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ERP Sub-phases The ERP phase is divided into the following sub-phases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Plan Activation Phase Incident Logging & Reporting Phase Incident Evacuation Phase Incident Assessment and Escalation Phase Incident Mitigation and Prevention Incident Monitoring Phase

Plan Activation Phase The emergency response plan may be activated as a response to any event that threatens the safety of employees, corporate assets, or environment. Activation of the emergency response plan occurs as a result of receiving notification of an emergency. Depending on the nature of the incident and the industry that your company operates in, invocation of the plan may be from internal sources such as an employee who notices a problem, or from an external source such as the World Health Organization (WHO), National Guard, or American Red Cross. There are numerous events that can trigger the activation of the emergency response plan. Some examples of these events are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a fire is detected on the main floor elevator; a gas leak is detected in the basement floor; a water leak occurs in the server room; a goods production machine in the manufacturing facility is overheating; or a hostage situation is in progress by a previous company employee.

The level of response will vary with each incident and there may be limited action, or a full response involving all team members and authorities. The emergency response plan is designed to be executed prior to the execution of other business continuity plan documents; however, other plans such as the site management plan may be executed in parallel.

Incident Logging & Reporting Phase When possible, the Emergency Incident Reporting Procedure shall be used to log an emergency incident. The Initial Incident Report shall be completed with the following information: • • • •

Contact information – name, phone, date, and time; Description of emergency – problem description, injuries, property damage; Time of emergency event; Location of emergency;

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• •

Who was notified; and What actions have been taken

This form shall be delivered to the ERT Leader, Senior Management member, or other ERT Member.

Incident Evacuation Phase If the emergency situation is life threatening, evacuate premises immediately by following procedures for: • • • •

Fire Evacuation Bomb Threat Chemical Spill [Other Procedures for Company XX]

The ERT Leader shall ensure safety of personnel by ensuring appropriate evacuation procedure is followed.

Incident Assessment and Escalation Phase The ERT Leader or other senior Management members are responsible for assessing the incident. The purpose of this assessment is to: • Determine the urgency of the current emergency situation; • Determine requirement for opening the Crisis Management Center; • Determine requirement to activate other plans such as the business continuity plan; The actual assessment assigns an incident severity level to the current situation such as low, medium, and high. Based on this assessment, other actions such as escalation may take place. The severity level may be based on extend of injury, possibility of containment, or other scenarios specific to your organization. Example severity levels are described below: •

Low – incidents considered as low priority do not involve injury; can be contained easily, and not likely to progress. In this severity level, the incident should be closely monitored to ensure it does not progress.

Medium – incidents considered medium priority involve minor injuries; may not be easily contained, and have a chance of progressing. Further action and follow up may be necessary such involving some members of the ERT and alerting public authorities.

High – incidents considered as high priority involve injuries major; are not easily contained, and have a high probability progressing. Further action and follow up is required such as involving entire ERT and alerting and engaging public authorities.

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The incident is escalated based on results of the Incident Assessment Report which assigns an Incident Severity Level to the incident. The escalation serves the following purpose: • • • • •

Ensures that the Incident Assessment Report is acted upon; Ensures proper authorities are notified such as ambulance or medical aiders; Action is taken to contain or minimize incident; Additional emergency response members are called; and Additional plans are invoked such as the business continuity plan.

Incident Mitigation Phase In the event an emergency can be prevented from becoming a disaster, this phase attempts to take actions to contain or minimize incident such as: o Calling ambulance; o Calling medical first aid; and/or o Call salvage and repair experts

Incident Prevention Phase In the event an emergency can not be prevented from becoming a disaster, this phase attempts to prevent further damage by: o Administer first aid; o Move items to second floor; o Prevent water damage; and/or o Ensure evacuation.

Incident Monitoring Phase This phase involves continuous monitoring of the incident to ensure that it doesn’t progress.

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Emergency Response Team Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities An emergency response team is generally responsible for: • • • •

personnel evacuations, internal rescue operations, medical assistance, and incident containment

Below is an example of a typical emergency response team, its members, and their roles and responsibilities. Note that this example team may not reflect your organization’s emergency response needs and therefore you should modify this structure as necessary:

Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) • • • • • • •

Primary director of emergency response team with overall responsibility for emergency response phase. Coordinates emergency response activities together with ERTDM Assesses situation and escalate emergency together with other Senior Management and ERT members Mobilizes ERT Primary responsible for formal plan activation, incident assessment, event logging, and notifications Primary liaison with external authorities Primary responsible for establishing Crisis Management Center

Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM) • • • • • •

Second in command director of emergency response phase and team. Together with ERTL, coordinates emergency response activities Together with ERTL, mobilizes ERT Together with ERTL, responsible for plan activation, incident assessment, event logging, and notifications Secondary liaison with external authorities Secondary responsible for establishing Crisis Management Center

Facility Security Manager • • • •

Provides assistance and support to ERT Leader during incidents on premises Assists during evacuation Controls access to facilities Primary responsible for establishing Crisis Management Center

Security Guard ©Sentryx 2007 All rights reserved


• • •

Provides support to ERT during incident Assist during evacuation Controls access to facilities

Evacuation Leaders (Floor Fire Wardens) •

Responsible for executing evacuation procedures, equipment shutdown, and headcount

Medical Staff • •

Responsible for providing immediate medical first-aid assistance Makes recommendations based on information received from rescue operators and from health authorities

Rescue Staff • • •

Personnel specially trained in search and rescue operations Work closely with fire and ambulance departments Coordinate and liaison with external search and rescue

Business Area Managers •

Business area/unit leaders

Hazardous Material Handlers, Salvage and Repair •

Responsible for hazardous materials containment

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Emergency Response Contact Information Emergency Response Team Emergency Response Team Team Member


Work #

Home #

Cell #


Assistant / Secretary

Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM) Facility Security Manager Security Guard Fire Warden – Floor/Area 1 Rescue Staff Member Medical Staff Member Business Area Manager

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Emergency Response Team – Alternates Emergency Response Team - Alternates Team Member


Work #

Home #

Cell #


Assistant / Secretary

Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM) Fire Warden – Floor/Area 1 Rescue Staff Member Medical Staff Member Business Area Manager

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Emergency Response Team – Supporting Contacts Emergency Response Team - Supporting Contacts Function




Regulatory Contacts Response Contractors Equipment Rental Emergency Pack Provider Protective equipment supplier

Emergency Response – External Authorities Emergency Response – External Authorities Function



Additional Information

Police Fire Ambulance

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Emergency Response Team Tasks and Activities Below are example responsibilities and tasks to be performed in the event of an emergency. Note that these are general tasks for each ERT member and may be modified to suite your organization’s needs.

Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) ERP Team Member: Emergency Response Team Leader Task


Receive notification of incident; Liaise with first responders such as police, fire, ambulance, etc if required. Obtain ERP Call other ERT members to assist Determine if Crisis Management Center needs to be opened: If yes: agree on who will go to emergency site and who will open Crisis Management Center

□ □ □

Date/Time Completed

If no: Manage incident by: Containing incident; Monitoring situation and developments; Preventing further injuries.

At Emergency Site:

Assess Situation Call Public Authorities Follow Emergency Procedures If fire, follow General Emergency and Fire Evacuation Procedure If injuries, follow Medical/First Aid Procedure

If bomb threat, follow Bomb Threat Procedure

At Crisis Management Centre:

□ □

Open CMT Ensure plans are available for everyone

□ □ □

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□ □ □

Work with CMT members (brief CMT Leader and provide status information) If external response required: coordinate and liaison with public safety authorities If internal response only: manage incident by: Containing incident; Monitoring situation and developments; Preventing further injuries.

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Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM) ERP Team Member: Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager Task


Receive notification of incident; Liaise with first responders such as police, fire, ambulance, etc if required. Obtain ERP Call other ERT members to assist Determine if Crisis Management Center needs to be opened: If yes: agree on who will go to emergency site and who will open Crisis Management Center

□ □ □

Date/Time Completed

If no: Manage incident by: Containing incident; Monitoring situation and developments; Preventing further injuries.

At Emergency Site:

Assess Situation Call Public Authorities Follow Emergency Procedures If fire, follow General Emergency and Fire Evacuation Procedure If injuries, follow Medical/First Aid Procedure

If bomb threat, follow Bomb Threat Procedure

At Crisis Management Centre:

□ □ □

Open CMT Ensure plans are available for everyone Work with CMT members (brief CMT Leader and provide status information) If external response required: coordinate and liaison with public safety authorities

□ □ □

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If internal response only: manage incident by: Containing incident; Monitoring situation and developments; Preventing further injuries.

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Medical Staff ERP Team Member: Medical Staff – Doctor/Nurse Task


□ □ □ □ □

Perform medical first-aid assistance as required Advise ERT Leader of any actions required Contact health authorities, as appropriate Contact nearest hospital(s), if required Determine requirement to quarantine area and equipment

Date/Time Completed

Facility Security Manager ERP Team Member: Facility Security Manager Task


□ □ □ □

Provide controlled access to premises as required Coordinate communications with ERT Leader Liaise with public authorities as required Assist with initial damage assessment with Damage Assessment Team (DAT)

Date/Time Completed

Rescue Staff ERP Team Member: Rescue Staff Task


□ □ □

Liaise with public authorities Control safety equipment Ensure link with Medical Staff, ERT Leader and/or CMT Leader

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Date/Time Completed


Procedures Apart from the aid of public authorities, such as the police, fire, and ambulance services, and the direction of the Crisis Management Team (CMT), [Company XX]’s emergency response plan is the key internal emergency response in a crisis situation. Since a quick response is necessary in a crisis situation, the teams responsible for the following procedures must react without delay and without waiting for instructions from the Crisis Management Team. The emergency response plan will ensure the following procedures are in place: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

ERP 1 – Emergency Incident Reporting Procedure ERP 2 – General/Fire Evacuation Procedure ERP 3 – Medical/First Aid Procedure ERP 4 – Bomb Threat Procedure [Add other procedures as required]

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ERP 1 - Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure Description During a potential emergency or actual disaster situation, it is to the responsibility of ALL onsite personnel including employees, management staff, contract personnel, and visitors to report the incident. If possible, the incident shall be reported to the following: • • • •

Public Authorities (Police, Fire, Ambulance), if appropriate Emergency Response Team Leader or alternate Facility Security Manager Senior Management Staff

Example emergency events are: • • • • • • • • • •

explosion overheated equipment airplane crash chemical spill in particular area fire pandemic loss of power damage to building loss of power damage from chemical spill

Example sources of emergency or disaster events are: • • • • • •

smoking in building earthquake disaster in neighboring company facility storm disgruntled employee power generator failure

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Emergency/Incident Reporting Procedure Steps If you detect a potential emergency situation, take the following steps. Note, this is a sample procedure. The steps listed below may not accurately apply to your organization:

First Response During an Emergency Ensure that staff, visitors, contractors, and public are safe before conducting other steps. If possible, take the following steps: (If life threatening situation, evacuate premises) 1. Briefly assess situation using Initial Incident Report. Note the following:  Contact Information  What is the Emergency is?  Type of incident  Time of incident  Location incident  Who was notified  What action has been taken 2. Activate alarm, if necessary (e.g. in case of fire) 3. Alert Floor/Area Warden, if required 4. Alert Emergency Response Team Leader (ERTL) and/or:  Alert the Emergency Response Team Deputy Manager (ERTDM).  Alert the Facility Security Manager  Alert a Senior Management Staff Member 5. Alert Public Authorities (Police, Fire, and/or Ambulance service), if required  Dial [911] and report your name, company, location, time, a brief description of incident 6. Evacuate Area:  For example, if fire, use General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure  For example, if bomb threat, use Bomb Threat Procedure 7. If injuries:  Ensure that you are safe and will not injure yourself

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Use Medical & First Aid Procedure

ERP 2 – General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure Description This procedure provides guidelines for evacuation. Consider the following during an evacuation: • • •

Assist others. For example, consider the needs of people with disabilities Outside Temperatures Where to evacuate to. For example, evacuate to a safer place, not into danger

Priority should be given to safety of staff and public. In general, you should ensure: 1. Everyone is accounted for; 2. Evacuation has been carried out; 3. Medical and First Aid staff attend to casualties, if required; and 4. Ambulance service has been called, if required. General Emergency & Fire Evacuation Procedure Steps If evacuation is required, take the following steps as necessary: If you are NOT a floor warden: 8. Remain calm 9. Do not return to your office/work area 10. Activate Alarm 11. Alert Fire Warden 12. Alert the Emergency Response Team Leader and Facility Security Manager 13. Do not take valuable objects that hinder or block the evacuation routes 14. Leave the premises immediately by:  Using the nearest escape route; and/or by  Following the Floor Wardens instructions  Do not use elevators

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If you ARE a floor warden, follow Floor Warden Evacuation Procedure: (You are responsible for your assigned area) 1. If possible perform these tasks: a. Activate the alarm b. Alert the Emergency Response Team Leader and Facility Security Manager c. Commence evacuation of your area by providing clear instructions d. Guide staff to evacuation area e. Do not use elevators f. Ensure staff do not take large size objects g. Ensure escape route is not congested; use alternate exit if possible h. Search the floor or area to ensure that no one is left behind i. Check for abnormal conditions or objects (bomb threat etc) j. Perform equipment is shutdown tasks (e.g. plant machinery should be shutdown, if practical) k. Perform building shutdown tasks (e.g. ensure doors are closed, but not locked)

If this is a fire: 1. If safe to do so and condition permit, contain fire by ensuring all doors are closed 2. If safe to do so and conditions permit, extinguish fire using fire extinguishers

Repeated from Appendices: A1 – Fire Evacuation Assembly Areas: Site Company XX Headquarte r Building

Evacuation Area 1 Walkway area in front of main doors

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Evacuation Area 2 Rear entrance fenced area


ERP 3 – Bomb Threat Procedure Description Most incidents involving a bomb or explosive substances are not legitimate. However, because of the potential for harm, these threats are treated seriously. Note that a bomb threat may be received by either phone or through a written note or letter or by detecting a package on the premises. Bomb Threat Procedure Steps In the event information has been received that a bomb has been placed in building, take the following steps as necessary: •

Do not touch or open the package or suspicious object

Open doors and windows

If possible, isolate the object where it can do no harm.

Do not allow anyone near the object

Notify the police. Follow their advise

Notify the Emergency Response Team Leader

Evacuate premises. Follow General Emergency & Fire Evacuation procedures.

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ERP 4 – Medical & First Aid Procedure Description An adequately trained staff and a quick response are the most important elements when medical aid is to be provided. Medical First Aid Steps In the event of an emergency involving injury use the following steps: •

If possible, prevent further injury, especially if the head or neck are involved

Consult external medical aid whenever possible

Use first aid supplies and instructions whenever possible

If an employees eyes or body have been exposed to hazardous or corrosive materials, use water or similar solutions as soon as possible

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Appendices A1 – Fire Evacuation Assembly Areas

Site Company XX Headquarte r Building

Evacuation Area 1 Walkway area in front of main doors

Evacuation Area 2 Rear entrance fenced area

A2 – Primary and Secondary Escape Routes & Assembly Area List primary escape route List secondary escape route List assembly area

A3 – Floor Plans List floor plans including: • Location of alarms • Location of fire extinguishers • Gas and water lines • Electric panels

A4 – Emergency Supplies List emergency supplies: • First aid supplies • Hazardous material safety and clean up equipment

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Forms F1 – Initial Incident Report Contact Information Date: Time: Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Emergency Details Problem Description: Personnel Injuries: Property Damage: Time of emergency (when did it occur)? Date: Time: Location of emergency (where did it occur)? Who was notified? Name: Phone Number: What action(s) have been taken (example: fire, medical, or evacuation)?

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F2 – Incident Assessment Form Use this form to determine the extent of the emergency situation. The actual assessment assigns an incident severity level to the current situation such as low, medium, and high. Based on this assessment, other actions such as escalation may take place. The severity levels may be based on extend of injury, possibility of containment, or other scenarios specific to your organization. Example severity levels are described below: •

Low – incidents considered as low priority do not involve injury; can be contained easily, and not likely to progress.

Medium – incidents considered medium priority involve minor injuries; may not be easily contained, and have a chance of progressing.

High – incidents considered as high priority involve injuries minor or major; are not easily contained, and have a high probability progressing.

Incident Assessment Form Assessment conducted by (Name, Phone Number): Incident Severity Level Assigned: Details of Injury (type, number of staff affected):

Likelihood of emergency progressing: Recommendations/Notes::

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F3 – Personnel Accounting Form (Headcount Form) Site

Company XX Headquarte r Building

Employees Number of Personnel Expected (e.g. from staff/visitor log) Staff

Number of Personnel Evacuation (Area 1)

Number of Personnel Evacuation (Area 2)

Contractors Visitors Total

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F4 – Version Change Control Version control is required in order to maintain integrity and cohesion of this document. The Document Manager should be the only person to approve and authorize changes and distribute revised versions. To reduce the risk that an old version is used, the Document Manager should collect all copies of old versions before distributing new ones. This document shall not be photocopied. Additional copies should be obtained from the Document Manager.

Version Number

Issue Date

Reason for Change

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