1. Attribute View.docx

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ERROR: 1 Error while validating the Attribute View: Created a table and used that table in the attribute view. made one of the columns as Key attribute in the Semantic Layer. When I am validating the Attribute View. I am getting the below error. 

Repository: Activation failed for at least one object; At least one runtime reported an error during activation. Please see Check Results for details o Activation is performed with activation mode Check only. o Sales_Analysis.SALES_ATTR_VIEW  Internal deployment of object failed; Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension; Internal Error: Deploy Attribute View: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: insufficient privilege: Not authorizednCreate view DDL statement: CREATE COLUMN VIEW "_SYS_BIC"."Sales_Analysis/SALES_ATTR_VIEW" TYPE JOIN WITH PARAMETERS ( joinIndex = "Sales-Product"."REGION", joinIndexType = 0, viewAttribute = ('REGION_ID', "Sales-Product"."REGION", "REGION_ID", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'Sales_Analysis/SALES_ATTR_VIEW$REGION_ID'), viewAttribute = ('REGION_NAME', "Sales-Product"."REGION", "REGION_NAME", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'Sales_Analysis/SALES_ATTR_VIEW$REGION_NAME'), viewAttribute = ('SUB_REGION_NAME', "Sales-Product"."REGION", "SUB_REGION_NAME", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'Sales_Analysis/SALES_ATTR_VIEW$SUB_REGION_NAME'), view = ('V_REGION', "Sales-Product"."REGION"), defaultView = 'V_REGION', 'REGISTERVIEWFORAPCHECK' = '1' ) NO STRUCTURED PRIVILEGE CHECKn  Attribute deployment started: Sales_Analysis/SALES_ATTR_VIEW timestamp: 2014-12-24,11:05:14.348  Removing BIMC records for Solution: if "_SYS_REPO" user doesn't have "select" privilege on your schema, you will get this error while validation of view. Please fallow below procedure: 1. go to security node of your HANA DB-->user--> 2. click on _SYS_REPO user 3. go to object Privilege tab 4. add either your schema or table then provide select privilege on it. now try to validate your view again. Validation will go through now.

Error: 2 while activating attribute view An internal error occurred during: "Activation". java.lang.NullPointerException How to resolve this error!!! Restarting the studio modeler did not resolved the error. I had manually created the tables (by using SQLqueries).\ Successfully validated the Attribute view and it is error free. The table is not modified recently.

Solution: Upgrade your hana studio version and check whether HANA Studio with same revision as the HANA DB. Please know if the tables were/are of row or column type tables ? is it different when you recreated it?-The tables have to be in column type tables

Error: 3 Insufficient privilege when Activating an attribute view (person responsible for package = SYSTEM) Insufficient privilege when Activating an attribute view (person responsible for package = SYSTEM) // SAP HANA Studio Version: 1.0.33 Build id: 201206301604 (363996) // Playing with the efashion tutorial with HANA Studio. I am SYSTEM user by default when starting the studio. -Schema created -DDL created -Data loaded -Attribute views created Below an extract of the error log: Create Attribute View failed: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: insufficient privilege: Not authorized

Solution: From the above error message, it appears that you are using tables within the schema "EFASHION_TUTORIAL". So here we need to grant access to this schema to _SYS_REPO user as well. GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA "EFASHION_TUTORIAL" TO _SYS_REPO WITH GRANT OPTION;

Error: 4 Getting errors while selecting data preview from attribute view. We are trying to demonstrate a big data use case to one of our customer using HANA and SAPUI5. Though we are certain that HANA is more efficient than our current implementation using NoSQL database, we are not able to demonstrate that effectively because of restrictions on access privileges I created analytic view and attribute view on _SYS_BIC schema. View uses table from _SYS_BIC scheme schema. I am getting errors while selecting data preview

However, if I try to get to the element from select query and I receive: Could not execute 'SELECT * FROM "_SYS_BIC"."p1941009112trial.emchana.emc.views/AT_EROLLMENT_STATUS"' SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [2950] user is not authorized.SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search table error: [2950] user is not authorized call "HCP"."HCP_GRANT_SELECT_ON_ACTIVATED_OBJECTS"But this doesn't help. Solution: While defining the views (analytic, attribute, calculation) in hana studio or in eclipse , you just need to disable the Apply Privileges and then you can query the views with out any errors .

Error: 5Activation error for attribute view Authorization error: Internal deployment of object failed; Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension; Internal Error: Deploy Attribute View: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: insufficient privilege: Not authorized (ptime/query/plan_executor/ddl/qx_cube.cc:1560) nCreate view DDL statement: CREATE COLUMN VIEW "_SYS_BIC"." When validate an attribute view here using the SYSTEM id in AWS HANA system. Added a schema and have added that to the sql privileges of SYSTEM.

Solution: Given select access on this new schema is wrong please use the SQL: GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA <schema_name>" TO _SYS_REPO WITH GRANT OPTION

Error: 6SAP HANA on AWS: Create Attribute View Failed (Insufficient Privilege) Created tables in the schema SYSTEM from .csv files in my local drive and trying to create a simple attribute view (by graphical not SAPSQL) from one of them. The attribute view is just supposed to have a calculated attribute for price variance. But got these errors during model validation (save and validate): Server side validation: Internal deployment of object failed; Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension; Internal Error: Deploy Attribute View: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: insufficient privilege: Not authorized (ptime/query/plan executor/ddl/qx_cube.cc:1560) nCreate view DDL statement: CREATE COLUMN VIEW "_SYS_BIC"."amexpkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B" TYPE JOIN WITH PARAMETERS ( joinIndex = "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", joinIndexType = 0, view Attribute = ('EXCHANGE', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", "exchange", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'amexpkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B$EXCHANGE'), viewAttribute = ('STOCK_SYMBOL', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", "stock_symbol", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'amexpkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B$STOCK_SYMBOL'), viewAttribute = ('DATE', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", "date", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'amexpkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B$DATE'), viewAttribute = ('STOCK_PRICE_HIGH', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", "stock_price_high", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'amexpkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B$STOCK_PRICE_HIGH'), viewAttribute = ('STOCK_PRICE_LOW', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B", "stock_price_low", '', 'default', 'attribute', '', 'amex-pkg/AMEX_PRICEVAR_B$STOCK_PRICE_LOW'), viewAttribute = ('PRICEVAR',,, '', '', '', 'fixed("STOCK_PRICE_HIGH" -"STOCK_PRICE_LOW", 5, 2)'), view = ('V_AMEX_DLYPRC_B', "SYSTEM"."AMEX_DLYPRC_B"), defaultView = 'V_AMEX_DLYPRC_B', 'REGISTERVIEWFORAPCHECK' = '1' )nVersion: 51n Create Attribute View failed: SQL: transaction rolled back by an internal error: insufficient privilege: Not authorized (ptime/query/plan_executor/ddl/qx_cube.cc:1560) 2012-11-13, 16:53:50.729 So, added the _SYS_BIC in the SQL Privileges of the role SYSTEM and deployed it. But still getting the same error.

Solution: You would need to provide "_SYS_REPO" user to select with grant admin option to the schema table (in your case, SYSTEM schema). You can either do one of the following: 1. Please open the "_SYS_REPO" user account, go to "SQL Privileges" tab, add "SYSTEM" schema and check on "SELECT" and click on "Yes" radio button under Grantable to others. 2. Run the SQL command: GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA SYSTEM TO _SYS_REPO WITH GRANT OPTION;

Error: 7SAP Hana - Data Preview of Attribute View fails Have an Attribute View created in my package, and it uses tables from my schema. was able to Validate and Activate the Attribute view after using the following SQL: GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA "<SCHEMA_NAME>" to _SYS_REPO WITH GRANT OPTION; But doing a Data Preview of this Attribute View, and click on Raw Data, getting the following error: Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: Not authorized

Solution: In order to do a Data Preview of Attribute views, you need to run the SQL (Call "HCP"."HCP_GRANT_SELECT_ON_ACTIVATED_OBJECTS") AFTER deleting all tables in your Dev schema. I was running it with tables still in my DEV schema, and hence it was throwing this error. The second part is that I need to recreate these tables in my NEO schema, and not the DEV schema. After deleting my tables, I ran the SQL, and then recreated my tables in the NEO schema. Then I recreated my attribute view, and activated it. The _SYS_BIC schema started to show. And I could do a Data Preview of my Attribute Views. Hope this helps anyone who faces the same issue.

Error: 8Error in DATA perview of Attribute views (JDBC Error) Error Executing Query: SAP DBTech JDBC: [258] (at 69): insufficient privilege: Not authorized: line 1 col 70 (at pos 69) Any idea on how to overcome this Error.

Solution: execute below command GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA TO SYSREPO WITH GRANT OPTION; above sql statement might have resolved this issue

Error: 9fail to create an attribute view would like to create an attribute view by joining two tables: Table:Customers Key:RowID Attribute:CustomerID Table:CustomersKeys Key:CustomerID Key:SourceSystem Key:SourceKey join the two tables on the CustomerID key attribute, and receive the following error: MDXRuntime: Internal deployment of object failed: Internal Error:Error occurred during deployment. The error message is: exception 1: no.1000014 (mdx/metadata/deployment/dmo/DMODimension.cpp:134)n Central table not unique. Two key attributes found for different tables.

Solution: The thing with Attribute views is you cannot specify fields from both tables in the join as key attributes. You can only add the fields from a single table as Key attributes (on to the output) and fields from the other table will have to be added as just attributes.

Error: 10Attribute View Validation failed, insufficient privilege, not authorized to create view DDL statement (SAP HANA SPS6) Issue: During the creation & activation of attribute view I received error message as below

  

Solution: Double click on user account “_SYS_REPO” Go to “Object Privileges” Tab Click on “+”

Search and select “SYSTEM” schema.

Assign permission as below and Save.

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