1-1 Civics In Our Lives Student

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  • Words: 520
  • Pages: 2
1-1 Civics in our Lives

Name: ________________________

American Civics and Government •

Introduction ○ Examination of what it means to be an “___________________” ○ _________ ____________ of our government ○ Why citizens __________________ in order for our system _____________ properly.

1. The Meaning of Civics a. Civics – is the ____________________________________. b. Citizen – is a ___________________________ of the country. i. Civics is from the Latin _______, meaning “__________”

c. The rights and responsibilities of citizens vary from country to country depending upon their country’s government. i. Government – the ________________, _______________, and ______________ who exercise ____________ as a political unit over a group of people. 2. American Ideals a. The U.S. Government and the American way of life are based on the ideals of _________ and __________. As citizens, we are ___________ the same basic rights and freedoms. b. Our rights and freedoms are protected by ______. c. Our rights and freedoms __________________ from any law-abiding citizen. d. Citizens must be willing to protect this ____________________. 3. A Heritage of Freedom a. Begins in our belief in the freedom to ______. This country provides a _____ high-school education in all states. Many states provide a ________________ education too. i. An education ______________________________________________________. It also allows us to discern if our rights are being _________. b. We have the freedom to: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________ _ i. …To do all of the above without threat of ______________________ without just cause.

4. Government by the People a. Those who founded our government created a system intended to ________________. The government they formed remains strong because the _______________________ _________________. b. Just as official are _____________ in an office, they can be _____________ by not winning reelection. Thus, our founders created a system that would _______________ of the American people. (and _______ them, to an extent) c. Our government cannot be “by the people” if U.S. citizens are _____ in the process. i. Our #1 responsibility is _________. ii.Other responsibilities include: joining ____________, promoting _____________ and supporting __________, inform your representatives of your _________, discuss _________ with others, and understand the __________ of our government. 5. Qualities of Good Citizenship a. What does a “good citizen” look like? i. Responsible _______ members ii.Respect and obey the _____ of the land iii.Respect the _______ and ________ of others iv.Are ________ to their country and _______ of its accomplishments v.Take part in and improve life in their _____________ vi.Take an ____________ in their government vii.Use natural ___________ wisely viii.Are ________________ on important issues and are willing to _______________ on these issues when conscience demands it ix.Believe in ________ of _____________ for all people x._________ individual ______________, points of view, and ways of life that are different from their own. 1. None of these things will ______________________ and liberties of other citizens. 2. A good summary = ___________________: treat others as you would want to be treated. 6. The Importance of Civics a. Understanding our system allows citizens to ___________ in our government b. Learning about our government’s __________, our __________ system, and our __________ system are vital in order f or us to make _______________.

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