0909 September

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Parish of Amblecote Holy Trinity Church


September 2009


WEEKLY WORSHIP SUNDAYS 8am Low Mass 10am SOLEMN MASS (inc Baptisms 3rd Sunday of the month) (2nd Sunday of the month – PARADE MASS) 12noon Holy Baptism (1st and 3rd Sundays of the month) 5.15 alt.worship Mass on last Sunday of the month 6.30 Solemn Evensong (Fourth Sunday of the month includes Benediction) WEEKDAYS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridays Saturdays

Morning Prayer 7.30, Mass 10.15am, Evening Prayer 6pm Morning Prayer 7.30, Evening Prayer 6pm Morning Prayer 7.30, Mass 9.30, Evening Prayer 6pm Morning Prayer 9.00*, Evening Prayer 6pm Varies (Vicar’s Day Off) Morning Prayer 7.30, Evening prayer privately

OTHERS 2nd and 4thTuesdays at 10.15 2nd Tuesdays at 11.15 2nd and 4thThursdays at 10.10 3rd Tuesdays at 11am 3rd Tuesdays at 2.15pm

Mass in Amblecote House NH Mass in Comberton NH Mass in Brettell Lane Day Centre. Mass in The Brambles NH Service in Hollybush House NH

MAJOR FEAST DAYS Solemn Mass at 7.45pm followed by Buffet Reception. * S Thomas’, S Mary, Holy Trinity in turn

REGULAR EVENTS Walsingham Cell Choir and Bell Ringing Trinity Toddlers Mothers Union Amblecote Ladies Club Kneeler Group

3rd Monday in the month at 3.00pm in Church Friday 7.30pm. Thursdays in term time 1.30pm in the Hall. 2nd Tuesday in the month at 7.30 p.m. 1st Wednesday in the month at 7:45pm in the Hall. 2nd Monday of the month at 2.00pm. See notice in Church for whereabouts. 2

LETTER FROM THE VICAR Those of us who are fortunate to have been able to get away on holiday somewhere nice (or someplace wet, as the case may be) are now back and ready for the weeks ahead. Long after the aches and pains of camping have finally gone, we will be in the swing of another academic year – the schools are back, the youth groups are meeting, plans will be being made for Christmas – yes, I know. And there is a lament later in the magazine. The schools will be looking for assemblies and visits – we will have the concerts to look forward to. Governors will start to meet, and soon the learning will be in full swing. Before long, however, we have three exciting events in the life of our church: the first being Harvest Thanksgiving, which is always a great opportunity to ponder on God‟s creation and what God gives for our use. This year the Scout and Guide groups will be joining us as we are holding the Festival earlier than we have recently. Then we have Back to Church Sunday at the end of the month. Please read my short article about this later in the magazine. And on Saturday 10th October we will hold our Amblecote Community Day. Again, there is an explanation of this later in the mag. Events such as these are a binding force, not only for us as congregations, but also for the community as a whole. When we thank God for the Harvest, we are doing so also for those who are not in church, any church, at worship. That is our primary purpose: to worship God, and do the work of the church which is to pray for ALL God‟s people, and to make prayers on their behalf. Let our prayers be that all our community finds satisfaction in what they do, and grow through being alongside others.

Fr Alan 3

SAINT PETER CLAVER Feast Day: 9th September b: 1580 d: 1654 S Peter Claver was born at Verdu, Catalonia, Spain, in 1580, of impoverished parents descended from ancient and distinguished families. He studied at the Jesuit college of Barcelona, entered the Jesuit novitiate at Tarragona in 1602 and took his final vows on August 8th, 1604. While studying philosophy at Majorca, the young religious was influenced by S Alphonsus Rodriguez to go to the Indies and save "millions of perishing souls." In 1610, he landed at Cartagena (modern Colombia), the principle slave market of the New World, where a thousand slaves were landed every month. After his ordination in 1616, he dedicated himself by special vow to the service of the Negro slaves-a work that was to last for thirty-three years. He laboured unceasingly for the salvation of the African slaves and the abolition of the Negro slave trade, and the love he lavished on them was something that transcended the natural order. Boarding the slave ships as they entered the harbour, he would hurry to the revolting inferno of the hold, and offer whatever poor refreshments he could afford; he would care for the sick and dying, and instruct the slaves through Negro catechists before administering the Sacraments. Through his efforts three hundred thousand souls entered the Church. Furthermore, he did not lose sight of his converts when they left the ships, but followed them to the plantations to which they were sent, encouraged them to live as Christians, and prevailed on their masters to treat them humanely. He died in 1654.


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Sun 6 Sep Sat 12 Sep Sun 13 Sep Sun 27 Sep Sat 10 Oct Sun 1 Nov Sun 8 Nov

Patronal Festival of the BVM Harvest Supper and Quiz Night Bring and Share Harvest Thanksgiving BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY Amblecote Community Day All Saints‟ Day All Souls‟ Requiem Remembrance Sunday

10.00am 7.30pm 10.00am 8am and 10am 6.30pm 9.45am

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 10.30am until 12.30pm in Church Coffee and cakes Bring and Buy, Raffle. Every day 822 people in the U.K. are told they have cancer. Macmillan‟s ambition is to help every one of these people by providing the medical, emotional, practical and financial support they need. Last year, more than 45,000 people held coffee mornings and £7.5 million was raised.


AS ANOTHER AUTUMN GETS UNDERWAY.... It‟s September already, and the nights are fast drawing in. 2009 is speeding by – and soon retailers will begin their annoying Christmas countdown (“September 16 – only 100 shopping days left!”) September heralds the return to the „rat-race‟. Many of us expect work to be very busy over the coming months. Some of us dread even returning to work. Others of us struggle to cope with ongoing family problems, or with mounting debt. Whatever lies ahead of you this autumn, here is what the Bible says about trusting in God: “Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shall you dwell in the land, and you shall be fed. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37: 3 – 5 The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29.25

NUMBERS FOR 150 CLUB DRAW FOR JULY First Prize. Second Prize Third Prize.

£20.00 £10.00 £ 5.00

Number29 Number 1 Number 42

Numbers are posted on the notice board on the second Sunday of each month.

SONGS OF PRAISE Many thanks to Liz Walker and organist, Dr Michael Grimmitt, Choir and Congregation for a most wonderful songs of praise on Sunday 25th August 2009, very much enjoyed by everyone. Thank you. 6

SERMON NOTEBOOK A Prophet for our Time - Isaiah 43: 1-13 In this chapter God comforts his people suffering exile in Babylon. However, he challenges them about what they really believe about him and his care for their lives. The real problem for them and ourselves is often not our circumstances but how we respond to them. Here God gives three reasons for his people not to be afraid. You belong to the LORD What made God‟s relationship with Israel so unique? He created them and rescued (ie ‘redeemed’) them from slavery in Egypt. This is because they were precious and honoured in his eyes, the ones he loved (1,3,4). It is this special relationship with God that Christians enter into through faith in Christ. What does it mean for you to say, ‘God calls me by name, I belong to him’? The LORD cares for you How does God uniquely care for his people? The promise of this passage is that he is with us to protect us, so that we shall not be overwhelmed when we go through the waters nor burned when we walk through the fire (2,5). This assumes that even though we belong to God we will still face afflictions. How have you experienced God‟s presence in difficult times? There is no one like God Using the image of the court room (8-13), God invites all the nations to come and present their case for the worship of false gods. In answer, God makes the point that no one is like him; he alone is able to declare the future, fulfill it, and proclaim what he has done (v 12). What is the object of our trust in difficult times? We are reminded here that it is suffering not prosperity that strengthens our trust in God and peels off the masks we didn‟t even know we were wearing.


AMBLECOTE COMMUNITY DAY On Saturday 10 October from 10.30 till 4.30, aspects of Amblecote community life will be coming together to offer displays of their work and information about their endeavours. We will be able to see what some of the groups who use our hall get up to: Karen Yates Dancers, the wargamers, the history society and others. The wargamers are going to run some demonstration games, and the young dancers will show us their skills. We will also have some displays by the Three Villages Medical Practice and I‟m told we can look forward to having a couple of the doctor‟s with us among others; there will be the Patients‟ Forum, the Caparo Action Group and more. We will have our local councillors with us, and maybe our local MP, Lynda Waltho. The Scouts and Guides will pitch their tents and have information about what they do, and Amblecote Primary are going to run an display of their work, and some of the children will be with us. Colin Hill and the bell-ringing team will offer demonstrations up bell tower, and we are hoping for an occasional musical recital in church. It is all coming together. So pray for the success of the day, and come and see what it is all about. Most importantly though, please help us to publicise it. There will be flyers and posters in church. When they are there please take some, or get and in touch and ask for some. Thank you. Fr Alan


BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY 27 September This has been a national initiative of the churches for the past few years, and gives us an opportunity to invite to church those who perhaps have not been for a while for whatever reason, those who have had some contact with us, or people who we think might benefit from coming along. Each member of the congregation is encouraged to invite specifically one other new person to come along to the 10am service. Families who have been involved with us through baptism, marriage or funeral will also be invited. When else do we get the chance to invite people to church? I suppose we can do it all the time, but I guess we don‟t, or else we would be doing it already. I reckon we also don‟t enjoy the times when we do invite a neighbour or a friend (and when we‟re feeling particularly bold, a member of the family) to join us on a Sunday, and all that we get back is a whole stream of excuses including much criticism of the institutional church. The institution is always ripe for criticism. It is peopled by humans and many of them are imperfect. Back to Church Sunday gives us a way in the promote the Church of God, rather than the structures, so that we can start to reassure of friends in this Parish that God is Good and we shouldn‟t let stuff blind us to this fact. We won‟t do anything on that Sunday that is too unusual. We might drop a reading and a Psalm. The hymns might be familiar but upbeat. The most important thing we will do, however, is to extend the warmest welcome to any who accept our invitation. If they choose to come back again, excellent. If they only come to that service, praise God. This is why it‟s important to show them God‟s wide open arms to them. Fr Alan 9

ALT.WORSHIP MASS If you have noticed this on the Notice sheet you might be wondering what it is all about. There was one comment passed on to me via a third party which suggested that the other person was somewhat miffed that it was an event they felt excluded from. NOT SO. Alt.worship simply means alternative worship, and those of us there celebrate the Mass in a more relaxed way, without losing our identity as Anglican Christians in the Catholic tradition. It‟s a place for people who might prefer sometimes not to have the ritual and formality that we have at the 10am Mass. It is a service to which everyone is invited. Come along. We meet at 5.15pm on the last Sunday of each month.


AND YET... Jesus had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. Had no army, yet kings feared him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb, yet he lives today.

THE POSTAL WATCH She sits quietly at the window in the early light of day, Waiting for a friendly face to come and pass her way, She watches quite intently, each day an anxious wait, In the hope the local postman lifts the latch upon her gate. For this frail and lonely lady, whose hair is silver grey, A letter is a precious link with loved ones far away, A simple act of thoughtfulness that brings such welcome cheer, A token of remembrance by those whom she holds dear. And when a letter does arrive it raises a broad smile, And fills her with a feeling that her wait was all worthwhile, For as she thumbs the pages, it strengthens ties that bind, To know that though she‟s out of sight, she is not out of mind. By Colin Hammacott


HARVEST SUPPER When the church council asked for a report on how the Harvest Supper had gone, the church secretary was at least succinct: “More was prepared than was served. More was served than was eaten. More was eaten than was necessary.”

SIGNS & SYMBOLS – THE PALL Last month we looked at the Corporal and Purificator cloths used at the altar during a Communion service. We noted that they were both folded in three in both directions – making nine „squares‟ in total on each cloth. Why should this be? In the Bible, numbers are often used symbolically rather than literally, e.g. „forty‟ meant „a very long time‟ as well as „probation, testing, closing in victory or judgment‟. Three refers to the „Godhead‟, the Trinity of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and many priests will say a prayer to the Trinity as they unfold or refold the corporal. The other linen cloth that is used at a Communion service is very different, both from the previously discussed cloths and in different churches. This is the „Pall‟ – not to be confused with a very different cloth of the same name sometimes used to cover a coffin (another time we‟ll consider that type). In many churches a plain white or simply decorated cloth is laid over all the bread and wine to protect it from impurities or flies settling. In Anglican churches, the Pall is a stiff 6 inches (15 cms) square piece of linen, used to cover the Chalice to prevent impurities from falling into it. It‟s made like a flat cushion with a piece of card or plastic in the middle to keep it rigid. If it is embroidered or has one side made of silk, the side touching the Chalice should still be made of linen. Before and after the Communion itself, the Pall is arranged so that the coloured cloth lies upon it; and it is the strength of the Pall that gives the shape and structure. Rev Dr Jo White 12

QUIZ NIGHT & HARVEST SUPPER Bring and Share Supper You are warmly invited to join us for our Harvest Supper on Saturday 12th September 2009 at 7.00pm. This will include a quiz night – the entry fee is £5.00 per team of four. Bring along some food to share, and your own drinks and glasses.

REFLECTIONS Gothic arch and window blessed Rainbow rays on Sanctuary rest Eastern light shines from above Icons bright, of comfort love. Portraits seen from leaded pane Image Immortal, forever remain Robes worn of brilliant hue Story told of gospel true. Manger birth to final betrayal Shaft of light on thorn and nail Resplendent glowing, ne'er to falter Bathe in glory cross and altar. Harold Taylor


FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism 3rd May


17th May

Layla Jasmine PARSONS Miller DICKENS

7th June

Lilly May CADMAN Sophie EVESON Libby NEWMAN Charlotte CHANCE

21st June


12th July

Lilly Yasmin GREEN

26th July

Alfie Mikael KRNETA

2nd August

Matthew PARSONS Brooklyn EVANS

WHERE NOW? A teacher was finishing up a lesson on the joys of discovery and the importance of curiosity. "Where would we be today," she asked, "if no one had ever been curious?" One child quietly spoke up from the back of the room. "In the garden of Eden?" 14

YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE: HURRY SICKNESS Every day we are pressured to cram more and more activities into fewer and fewer hours. This has been described as „hurry sickness‟ and it‟s something we can all identify with. For example, when did you last attempt to join the slowest checkout queue at the supermarket? Hurry is an enemy of our spiritual life, as most things connected with the kingdom of God cannot be done in a hurry! We should draw a distinction between being busy and being hurried. Busyness has to do with our outward condition, while hurry is all about the state of our souls. It arises from having too many competing priorities at any given moment. Jesus was often busy but never hurried! We can train ourselves to be less hurried in the following ways, which will help to be more in tune with God‟s priorities. Slowing Down:- To break the hold of a frantic pace of life why not deliberately slow down eg walk more slowly or stand at the longest check-out queue in the supermarket? Saying No:- How do our decisions help or hinder our ability to love God and others? Looking at your diary, what do I need to do differently? Balancing Rest and Work:- Although we complain about working long hours, many of us secretly love it! We associate busyness with importance and too much free time indicates that we are not needed. What is a helpful rhythm of work and rest in our lives? How can we take seriously the Sabbath principle of having one day a week to rest and not work? We might do something we don‟t usually give time for eg taking a long walk or having an unhurried conversation with a friend, as well as avoiding more regular activities eg checking emails! De-cluttering: - The more stuff we accumulate, the more time and energy are required to maintain it. What could we live without in order to live more simply? Go through your wardrobe, loft or garage and give away what you don‟t use. Using Leisure Time Creatively:- When we actually take a break we often end up simply watching TV, surfing the net, shopping when we don‟t need anything or eating when we are not hungry! Why not choose 15

leisure activities that really refresh you. It‟s not a case of more leisure time, but using the time we have more creatively. by Paul Hardingham.


Marion Daniels Thomas Worrall

Win Watkins

Bill Bowen Clifford Brookes


Dennis Charnock


Tom Harding

Jan Colebourn

Ann Coy

6th 8th

Albert Hill Theo Harper


Ethel Williams


Denis Smart


Mark Jonsson

Dora Hewins


Mary Forrest

James Worton


Ivy Coleman


George Furness


Joseph Woodall


Kath Nation

Rose Powell

Bernard Wilkinson

Ann Smith Eirlys Jenkins

Clary McLean

Moira Parkes Hazel Norton


Syd Taylor

Eric Taylor

Paul Johnson


Alice Mullet

Doris Rock

21st 24th

Eunice Cope William Schofield

Sybil Walters Dorothy Tolley


Ena Daulman


Joseph Woodhall

29th 30th

Rod Skidmore Mavis Tranter

Alf Withers

Evelyn Kendrick 16

THE COMPANY OF SERVERS There was much discussion at a clergy conference that I attended last year about encouraging the setting up of a supportive and non-party organisation for those who serve at our altars. The Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary (GSS) seems to have got itself entrenched into opposing the ministry of women and making it very difficult for its members to serve at the altar with any integrity of their priest is a woman. We were very conscious however, that whatever was organised should not be seen as anti-GSS, or as set up in opposition to it. So it was proposed to develop a grouping of servers of all ages, in communion with their diocesan bishop, who would serve whoever was at the altar. It will be a society which promotes good practice, and teaches good server-craft. Any Office which develops as a basis of prayer for the Company will be in modern language, and based on Morning or Evening Prayer. All will be done to make this organisation accessible to children as well as adults, with an equal vote being given to any member whatever their age. And yes, that does mean there could be a 12-year old Diocesan Chairperson. Initially, the Society of Catholic Priests, of which I am Diocesan Secretary, will provide the Chaplain for the diocesan branch. Sometime very soon, forces will be mobilised to get something organised in Worcester Diocese. So, if you serve at the altar in any way, do join us, or express your interest in doing so. No priests are allowed to join as it is entirely lay-led! Now, if that doesn‟t attract you, I don‟t know what will. Fr Alan


READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER 6 September The Blessed Virgin Mary Mass at 8am and 10am Micah 5.2-4 / From Judith 16 / Romans 8.28-30 / Matthew 1.1-23 Solemn Evensong Psalm 119.41-56 / Exodus 14.5-end / Matthew 6.1-18

13 September Harvest Thanksgiving Low Mass at 8am Joel 2.21-27 / Psalm 126 / 1Timothy 2.1-7 / Matthew 6.25-33 Parade Mass at 10am 1Timothy 2.1-7 / Matthew 6.25-33 Solemn Evensong Psalm 66 / Isaiah 52.13 - end of 53 / Ephesians 2.11-end

20 September The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity Mass at 8am and 10am Jeremiah 11.18-20 / Psalm 54 / James 3.13 - 4.3,7,8a / Mark 9.30-37 Solemn Evensong Psalm 119.137-152 / Exodus 19.10-end / Matthew 8.23-end

27 September Back to Church Sunday / Michaelmass Mass at 8am and 10am Revelation 12.7-12 / Psalm 103.19-end / Hebrews1.5-end / John 1.47-end Solemn Evensong and Benediction Psalms 120, 121 / Joshua 3.7-end / Matthew 10.1-22


PARISH CONTACTS PARISH PRIEST Fr Alan Williams, The Vicarage, 4 The Holloway, DY8 4DL

01384… 394057

CHURCH WARDENS Lyndon Viney, 12 Walker Ave, Quarry Bank, DY5 2LZ Barbara Banner, 113a High Street, Amblecote, DY8 4HG

891978 374979

LICENSED READER Liz Walker, 40 Vicarage Road, Wollaston, DY8 4NP


READER Emerita Lyn Jenkins, 37 Oakhill Drive, Brierley Hill DY5 3PP


TREASURER Michael Fisher, 91 Trinity Road, Amblecote, DY8 4LZ


PCC SECRETARY Barbara Banner, 113a High Street, Amblecote, DY8 4HG


HEAD SERVER & GIFT AID SECRETARY Michael Walker, 40 Vicarage Road, Wollaston, DY8 4NP


ORGANIST Michael Grimmitt, 381 Stourbridge Road, Catshill, B61 9LG MOTHERS’ UNION Barbara Hipkiss, 19 Clee Road, Amblecote, DY8 4LW BELL TOWER Captain Keeper


Colin Hill, 130 Stamford Road, Brierley Hill, DY5 2PZ 423270 Andrew Latham, 162 Stamford Road, DY5 2QD 423583

CHURCH HALL Lyndon Viney, 12 Walker Ave, Quarry Bank, DY5 2LZ


To make arrangements for Baptisms, Banns or Weddings please phone the Vicar. WEBSITE

www.holytrinityamblecote.org.uk 20

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