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Phillip Securities Research MICA (P) 144/01/2009

Singapore • Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis – STI To Trade To 1570 Thursday, 19 February 2009 The STI has breached its short-term low of 1677. In addition, the CRB index has also closed below 208, which is a very significant support level. The decline in the CRB has a very high probability of taking the STI down further with it. There is weak support at 1570 to 1600. After testing those levels, the STI should begin to trade towards 1473, the October 2008 low, on condition that the CRB continues its downtrend as well. Price S&P 500 Previous close Support level 1 Resistance level 1 Resistance level 2

S&P 500, Daily, 18 February 2009 789 741 800 to 804 857


Source: Bloomberg, Phillip Securities Research Phua Ming-weii Investment Analyst +65-6531 1735 FAX +65-6536 4435

[email protected] Web www.phillipresearch.com

Last week’s trading has unfolded in line with our forecast, a consolidation and a decline on bearish sentiment. We have also emphasized that 804 is an important technical level as it marks a short-term low. On the chart, we can observe a long tailed hammer two trading days ago. This tells us that there was strong buying around 804 (slightly above) that pushed the market up. However, the recent close at 789, below 804, tell us that the initial buying around the 804 level has been soaked up by additional selling. Selling dominating the shortterm, in addition to an already present bearish bias, should take the S&P 500 lower.

Technical Analysis

19 February 2009

STI, Daily, 18 February 2009 Price STI Previous close Support level 1 Support level 2 Resistance level 1 Resistance level 2

50MA 1651 1570 to 1600 1473 1677 1750 to 1780

Source: Bloomberg, Phillip Securities Research

We have mentioned that 1677 is an important short-term low several times. Yesterday, the STI breached the 1677 level. Having closed below 1677, the next level of support (price target) is the 1570 to 1600 range. There has not been much trading activity around those levels, with exception for a short term low at 1570 and 1600 a psychological round number. Support here is expected to be weak. After testing and consolidating around 1570 to 1600, the STI should continue to trend downward to 1473.


Technical Analysis Price CRB Index Previous close Support level 1 Resistance level 1 Resistance level 2

19 February 2009 CRB Index, Daily, 18 February 2009


203 185 208 215

Source: Bloomberg, Phillip Securities Research

At this point we want to reiterate again, that the equity markets are trading in tandem with the commodity complex (CRB), even on a day-to-day basis. Equity markets declined as the CRB fell sharply, closing at 203 below its 208 low. We have mentioned that 208 on the CRB is a very important level and a close below 208 should precipitate another down leg in the equity markets. We continue to maintain this view. However, draw your attention to the stochastics oscillator at the bottom of the chart. Stochastics have been in oversold territory for sometime and is beginning to flatten out. Although stochastics can remain oversold for protracted periods of time, an oversold reading is a warning that a reversal might be in the cards. In addition, from the chart above, the drop off in the CRB is rather sharp and a small up move in the coming week is actually healthy for the CRB as it “digests” the decline. Nonetheless, the close below 208 is very significant and we expect the downtrend in the CRB to continue from here on. The CRB will have to maintain a close above 215 for at least two to three days for the close below 208 to be invalidated.


Technical Analysis

19 February 2009 Conclusion The market has reacted according to our recent forecasts. With the CRB closing below 208, we should begin to see a gradual decline in the CRB, taking the equity markets as a whole along with it. The STI has already broken its 1677 short-term low and this should begin to take it down to the next support around the 1600 to 1570 region where there should be some support. After 1570, there is no more support until the October 2008 low of 1473. As it is, the long-term trend still maintains a bearish bias. We continue to maintain our view that if the STI and S&P 500 both close below their 2008 lows, we will see another leg down in the bear market. The CRB closing below 208 is the first hint to us that the market might resume another leg down. Watch 1570 to 1600, and then 1473 closely. The “wrong” point for this analysis would be if the CRB rallies sharply to close above 215 by Friday’s closing. Apart from that, we will need to watch how the markets unfold and make our judgement from there.


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