051101 Spring-transcations Jho En

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,928
  • Pages: 37
Transaction Management with the Spring Framework Jürgen Höller http://www.springframework.com [email protected]

Agenda      

Introduction Transaction Demarcation Transaction Managers Data Access ORM Transactions Summary

Introduction (1)  Spring is a general application framework ▫ addresses overall application architecture • internal structure of an application

▫ focus on consistent programming model • decoupling from concrete runtime environment

▫ supports any kind of Java application • special support for J2EE environments

 Open source project on SourceForge ▫ founded by Rod Johnson & Jürgen Höller ▫ Apache license

Introduction (2)  Foundation: core container ▫ Inversion of Control • general lifecycle management • for any kind of application components

▫ Dependency Injection • wiring between application components • instead service lookups

 Further foundation: AOP framework ▫ proxy-based AOP for POJOs ▫ flexible combination of interceptors

Introduction (3) public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade { private OrderDao orderDao; private ItemDao itemDao; ... public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; } public void setItemDao(ItemDao itemDao) { this.itemDao = itemDao; } ... public void insertOrder(Order order) { this.orderDao.insertOrder(order); this.itemDao.updateQuantity(order); } }

Introduction (4) <property <property <property <property

name="driverClassName">... name="url">... name="username">... name="password">...

<property name="dataSource"> <property name="sqlMap"> <property name="orderDao"> <property name="itemDao">

Introduction (5)  Higher-level functionality on top ▫ transaction management ▫ data access support ▫ lightweight remoting, etc

 Subsystems can be used individually ▫ e.g. just Spring transaction management ▫ programmatically, in a plain library style

 Subsystems integrate nicely as a stack ▫ transaction management within core container ▫ declarative transactions via AOP

Introduction (6)  Spotlight: transaction management ▫ separates transaction demarcation from the concrete backend transaction manager • consistent transaction demarcation style • seamless support for both native transactions and J2EE server transactions (JTA)

▫ flexible replacement for EJB CMT

 Relevant for many applications ▫ important part of overall application architecture ▫ in general, any kind of data access should operate within a transaction

Transaction Demarcation (1)  Transaction definition ▫ propagation behavior • defaults to PROPAGATION_REQUIRED

▫ isolation level • defaults to ISOLATION_DEFAULT

▫ read-only flag • defaults to false

▫ transaction timeout • defaults to none

▫ transaction name • defaults to current method name (in declarative case)

Transaction Demarcation (2)  Propagation behaviors ▫ supporting all EJB CMT propagation codes • • • • • •


▫ also supports NESTED • if supported by underlying transaction manager

Transaction Demarcation (3)  Programmatic demarcation a la JTA ▫ direct PlatformTransactionManager usage ▫ TransactionTemplate with TransactionCallback

 Declarative demarcation for arbitrary POJOs ▫ XML-based proxy definitions • TransactionProxyFactoryBean definition per target bean

▫ auto-proxy creator mechanism • centralized XML transaction metadata for multiple beans • instead of specific transaction proxy definitions

▫ transaction metadata in Java source code • Jakarta Commons Attributes • J2SE 5.0 annotations

Transaction Demarcation (4)  TransactionTemplate usage example public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade { private PlatformTransactionManager ptm; public void setTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager ptm) { this.ptm = ptm; }


public void insertOrder(Order order) { TransactionTemplate tt = new TransactionTemplate(this.ptm); tt.execute(new TransactionCallback() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus ts) { // perform some transactional operations ... return null; } }); }

Transaction Demarcation (5) <property name="orderDao"> <property name="itemDao">

<property name="transactionManager"> <property name="target"> <property name="transactionAttributes"> <props> <prop key="insert*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED <prop key="update*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly

Transaction Demarcation (6)  Example for J2SE 5.0 annotations public class PetStoreImpl implements PetStoreFacade { private OrderDao orderDao; private ItemDao itemDao; ... public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; } public void setItemDao(ItemDao itemDao) { this.itemDao = itemDao; } ...


@Transactional public void insertOrder(Order order) { this.orderDao.insertOrder(order); this.itemDao.updateQuantity(order); }

Transaction Managers (1)  Native transaction managers ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

JDBC: DataSourceTransactionManager Hibernate: HibernateTransactionManager TopLink: TopLinkTransactionManager JDO: JdoTransactionManager etc

 Native strategies work in any environment ▫ but only against a single database! • no distributed transaction coordination

▫ leverage full power of underlying resource • isolation levels, savepoints, etc

Transaction Managers (2)  JTA-based transaction coordinator ▫ Spring's JtaTransactionManager adapter ▫ using the Java Transaction API to talk to an external transaction coordinator • typically using the standard XA protocol to coordinate heterogeneous transactional resources

 Typically: J2EE server's JTA subsystem ▫ delegates to JTA UserTransaction • a standard J2EE component, available from JNDI

▫ optionally accesses JTA TransactionManager • server-specific, for transaction suspension • automatically detected on most J2EE servers

Transaction Managers (3)  Special support for extended JTA ▫ on specific J2EE servers ▫ through special JtaTransactionManager subclasses

 WebLogicJtaTransactionManager ▫ support for WebLogic's JTA extensions • transaction names for WebLogic's transaction monitor (part of the administration console) • enforced transaction resume in all cases • per-transaction isolation levels

▫ runs on WebLogic 7.0+

 Support for other extensions on the roadmap

Transaction Managers (4)  Transaction manager is a deployment choice ▫ application code is completely decoupled from concrete transaction infrastructure ▫ application specifies desired transaction semantics; transaction manager provides them at runtime

 Seamless switching between native transactions and JTA transactions ▫ between non-J2EE and J2EE environments • e.g.: run integration tests with native transactions • e.g.: run with J2EE transactions in production

▫ or even run with native transactions in production • if all you need is transactions for a single database

Transaction Managers (5)  Typical scenarios for JDBC ▫ standalone application / integration tests • native JDBC DataSourceTransactionManager

▫ J2EE web application running on Tomcat • native JDBC DataSourceTransactionManager

▫ J2EE web application running on WebLogic • J2EE transactions via standard JtaTransactionManager • or WebLogicJtaTransactionManager for advanced support

 Could also use third-party JTA provider ▫ for standalone application or Tomcat ▫ for example: ObjectWeb JOTM • or standalone Geronimo transaction manager

Data Access (1)  Data access objects need to access transactional resources ▫ as seamlessly as possible • easy access to scoped transactional resource

▫ automatically participate in transactions • ideally: run non-transactionally else

 JDBC: talk to transactional DataSource ▫ returns active Connection for current transaction ▫ for example: J2EE server DataSource • fetched from JNDI via JndiObjectFactoryBean

▫ or transactional DataSource proxy • for local connection pool

Data Access (2)  Two different approaches ▫ use native resource API only ▫ or use Spring's DAO implementation helpers

 Native JDBC API ▫ talk to provided transactional DataSource

 Native Hibernate API ▫ use SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() on provided SessionFactory

 Native TopLink API ▫ use Session.getActiveUnitOfWork() on provided Session

Data Access (3)  Spring provides DAO implementation helpers ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

convenient template classes implicit access to resources many operations become one-liners no try/catch blocks anymore

 Pre-built integration classes for different APIs ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

JDBC: JdbcTemplate Hibernate: HibernateTemplate TopLink: TopLinkTemplate JDO: JdoTemplate etc

Data Access (4)  Further benefit: common DAO exceptions ▫ well-defined exceptions at DAO interface level ▫ do not couple caller to DAO implementation strategy • even if specific exception conditions need to be handled

 Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy ▫ independent of JDBC, Hibernate, TopLink, JDO, etc ▫ unchecked (= a RuntimeException), as most data access failures are not recoverable ▫ subclasses like OptimisticLockingFailureException and DataAccessResourceFailureException

Data Access (5)  Example for a DAO based on Spring's JdbcTemplate public class ExampleDao extends JdbcDaoSupport { public void clearDatabase() throws DataAccessException { getJdbcTemplate().update("DELETE FROM imagedb"); } public void deleteImage(int imageId) throws DataAccessException { getJdbcTemplate().update("DELETE FROM imagedb WHERE id=?", new Object[] {new Integer(imageId)}); }


public int getNrOfImages() throws DataAccessException { return getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM imagedb"); }

Data Access (6)  Example for a DAO based on Spring's HibernateTemplate public class ExampleHibernateDao extends HibernateDaoSupport { public List getVets() throws DataAccessException { return getHibernateTemplate().find( }

"from Vet vet order by vet.lastName, vet.firstName");

public List findOwners(String lastName) throws DataAccessException { return getHibernateTemplate().find( }


"from Owner owner where owner.lastName like ?", lastName + "%");

public Owner loadOwner(int id) throws DataAccessException { return getHibernateTemplate().load(Owner.class, new Integer(id)); }

Data Access (7)  Alternative: a plain Hibernate DAO public class ExampleHibernateDao { private SessionFactory sessionFactory; public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sf) { this.sessionFactory = sf; } public List getVets() { return this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(). createQuery("from Vet vet order by vet.lastName, vet.firstName"). list(); }


public Owner loadOwner(int id) { return this.sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(). load(Owner.class, new Integer(id)); }

ORM Transactions (1)  Object/Relational Mapping tools require proper transaction integration ▫ synchronization with transactions • cache callbacks on commit / rollback • required for transactional cache handling

▫ scoping of ORM resources • • • •

one Hibernate Session per transaction one TopLink UnitOfWork per transaction one JDO PersistenceManager per transaction required for proper transaction isolation

ORM Transactions (2)  ORM tools usually support two different transaction modes ▫ native transactions through ORM API ▫ participating in global JTA transactions ▫ -> different programming model!

 Spring supports consistent transaction demarcation across all environments ▫ native transactions or global JTA ▫ same transaction demarcation ▫ same DAO implementation model

ORM Transactions (3)  Spring provides pre-built integration for all major ORM providers ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Hibernate 2.1 / 3.x TopLink 9.0.4 / 10.1.3 JDO 1.0 / 2.0 Apache OJB 1.0

 Set of integration classes per strategy ▫ factories for ORM resources ▫ native transaction managers ▫ DAO implementation helpers

ORM Transactions (4)  Example: Hibernate ▫ Spring's LocalSessionFactoryBean • setup of Hibernate SessionFactory

▫ Spring's HibernateTransactionManager • native transactions against single database

▫ Spring's HibernateTemplate • implicit management of Hibernate Sessions • or use SessionFactory.getCurrentSession()

▫ Spring's OpenSessionInViewFilter • seamless lazy loading during view rendering

ORM Transactions (5)  Example: TopLink ▫ Spring's LocalSessionFactoryBean • setup of TopLink SessionFactory / TopLink master Session

▫ Spring's TopLinkTransactionManager • native transactions against single database

▫ Spring's TopLinkTemplate • implicit management of TopLink Session / UnitOfWork • or use Session.getActiveSession() / Session.getActiveUnitOfWork()

ORM Transactions (6)  Newest kid on the block: JPA ▫ Java Persistence API 1.0 • aka "EJB3 persistence" / "JSR-220 persistence" • part of the forthcoming J2EE 5.0

▫ optimized for application servers • explicit, strong integration with J2EE transactions • but also usable in a standalone fashion

 Spring will support JPA persistence ▫ as further ORM strategy, analogous to JDO ▫ use Spring's transaction management with JPA-based DAOs

ORM Transactions (7)  Example for a plain JPA DAO, using the "shared EntityManager proxy" model public class ExampleJpaDao { private EntityManager entityManager; public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) { this.entityManager = entityManager; } public List getVets() { return this.entityManager.createQuery(

"from Vet vet order by vet.lastName, vet.firstName").




public Owner loadOwner(int id) { return this.entityManager.find(Owner.class, new Integer(id)); }

Summary (1)  Spring provides generic transaction management for any kind of Java application ▫ consistent programming model ▫ consistent transaction demarcation ▫ seamless switching between different transaction managers

 Declarative transaction demarcation ▫ XML-based proxy definitions ▫ JDK 5.0 annotations ▫ alternative: programmatic demarcation

Summary (2)  Seamless switching between native transactions and JTA transactions ▫ consistent programming model across different deployment scenarios ▫ leverage J2EE server when available, while still being able to run outside of J2EE

 Full declarative transactions even on Tomcat! ▫ on the other end of the spectrum: WebLogic JTA extensions supported as well ▫ choose deployment environment according to your service needs (scaling both up and down)

Summary (3)  Explicit support for ORM tools ▫ transaction synchronization • scoping of ORM resources

▫ consistent transaction demarcation across native transactions and JTA transactions • with consistent ORM semantics

 All major ORM providers supported ▫ Hibernate, TopLink, JDO, JPA, etc ▫ integration comes out-of-the-box! • maintained by Spring team

http://www.springframework.org http://www.springframework.com

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