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Software Design Specification

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Software Design Specification for Address Book Version 1.1 approved

Prepared by Surya Adi Pranata


May 18, 2009

Software Design Specification

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Daftar Isi Daftar Isi .............................................................................................................................. ii Catatan Revisi ...................................................................................................................... ii 1. Pendahuluan .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Tujuan Penulisan Dokumen ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Lingkup Masalah ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Referensi .......................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Deskripsi Perancangan Global ........................................................................................ 1 2.1 Rancangan Lingkungan Implementasi ....................................................................................... 1 2.2 Model Proses Berbasis Obyek ..................................................................................................... 1 2.2.1 Diagram Use Case .............................................................................................................. 1 Use Case Add a Person .................................................................................................... 2 Use Case Edit a Person .................................................................................................... 2 Use Case Delete a Person ............................................................................................... 2 Use Case Sort Entries by Name ...................................................................................... 3 Use Case Sort Entries by ZIP ........................................................................................... 3 Use Case Print Entries ..................................................................................................... 3 Use Case Create a New Address Book ............................................................................ 3 Use Case Open Existing Address Book .......................................................................... 4 Use Case Save Address Book ......................................................................................... 4 Use Case Address Book As ............................................................................................. 5 Use Case Quit Program ................................................................................................... 5 Use Case Offer to Save Changes ..................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Diagram Sequence ............................................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 Diagram Class..................................................................................................................... 10 3. Spesifikasi Layar Utama ..................................................................................................13 Catatan Revisi Nama




Surya Adi Pranata


Phase 1 – Initial


Surya Adi Pranata


Phase 2 – Create new address book, open multiple address books


Software Design Specification

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1. Pendahuluan 1.1 Tujuan Penulisan Dokumen Tujuan dari penulisan dokumen ini adalah untuk mendefinisikan dan menjelaskan secara tertulis perancangan perangkat lunak Address Book yang berupa deskripsi perancangan global dan deskripsi perancangan rinci. Dokumen ini ditujukan bagi pengembang perangkat lunak sebagai pedoman dan panduan dalam mengimplementasikan rancangan perangkat lunak Address Book. 1.2 Lingkup Masalah Perangkat lunak yang dibuat adalah sebuah Address Book yang mampu menyimpan data alamat dan mengolahnya. 1.3 Referensi Berikut adalah referensi yang dipakai dalam menyusun SDS ini: • SRS


Deskripsi Perancangan Global

2.1 Rancangan Lingkungan Implementasi Bahasa pemrograman yang dipakai adalah Java dan perangkat lunak yang dibuat berbasis web. 2.2 2.2.1

Model Proses Berbasis Obyek Diagram Use Case

UC01. Address Book

Software Design Specification

Page |2 Use Case Add a Person Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description

Extension Exceptions Result

UC001 Add a Person All users 1. User clicks the "Add" button in the main window. 2. A dialog box appears, with title "New Person", containing fields for the user to fill in the new person's first and last names and other information. 3. The "OK" button is clicked. If the "Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made either to the address book or to the main window. A new person is added to the end of the address book, and the person's name is added to the end of the list of names in the main window. Use Case Edit a Person Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description

Extension Exceptions Result

UC002 Edit a Person All users Address book telah mempunyai data untuk diedit 1 User either highlights a name in the list of names in the main window and then clicks the "Edit" button, 2 or the user double-clicks a name. 3 A dialog box, with title "Edit person's name", appears containing current information about the person selected, (except the person's name, which appears only in the title). 4 The user can then edit the individual fields. 5 The "OK" button is clicked. If the "Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made to the address book. The entry in the address book for the selected person is updated to reflect any changes made by the user. Use Case Delete a Person Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description


UC003 Delete a Person All users Address book telah mempunyai data untuk dihapus 1 User highlights a name in the list of names in the main window. 2 Clicks the "Delete" button. 3 A dialog box appears, asking the user to confirm deleting this particular individual. 4 The "OK" button is clicked.

Software Design Specification

Exceptions Result

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If the "Cancel" button is clicked, no changes are made either to the address book or to the main window. The entry in the address book for the selected person is deleted, and the person's name is deleted from the list of names in the main window. Use Case Sort Entries by Name Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

UC004 Sort Entries by Name All users Address book telah mempunyai data 1 User clicks the Sort by Name button in the main window. The entries in the address book are sorted alphabetically by name, and the list in the main window is updated to reflect this order as well. Use Case Sort Entries by ZIP Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

UC005 Sort Entris by ZIP All users Address book telah mempunyai data 1 User clicks the Sort by ZIP button in the main window. The entries in the address book are sorted by zip code, and the list in the main window is updated to reflect this order as well. Use Case Print Entries Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

UC006 Print Entries All users 1 2 3

User chooses "Print" from the File menu. A save file dialog is displayed. User is allowed to choose a file to print the labels to.

If the user cancels the file dialog, the Print operation is canceled. The current contents of the address book are written out to the specified file (in their current order) in "mailing label" format. No information maintained by the program is changed. Use Case Create a New Address Book Use Case Use Case Title

UC007 Create a New Address Book

Software Design Specification

Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

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All users 1 User chooses "New" from the File menu. 1a. If the current address book contents have been changed since the last successful New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done, the Offer to Save Changes extension is executed. User cancels the operation 1 A new empty address book is then created and replaces the current address book. 2 This results in the list of names in the main window being cleared, the current file becoming undefined, and the title of the main window becomes "Untitled". Use Case Open Existing Address Book Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description

Extension Exceptions


UC008 Open Existing Address Book All users User mempunyai file address book lebih dari satu 1 User chooses "Open" from the File menu. 2 A load file dialog is displayed and the user is allowed to choose a file to open. 3 The current address book is replaced by the result of reading in the specified address book. 1a. If the current address book contents have been changed since the last successful New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done, the Offer to Save Changes extension is executed. If the user cancels the file dialog, or attempting to read the file results in an error, the current address book is left unchanged. If the cancellation results from an error reading the file, a dialog box is displayed warning the user of the error. 1. This results in the list of names in the main window being replaced by the names in the address book that was read, 2. the file that was opened becoming the current file, 3. and its name being displayed as the title of the main window. Use Case Save Address Book Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

UC009 Save Address Book All users User telah melakukan perubahan 1. User chooses "Save" from the File menu. In all cases, the current address book and window list are left unchanged. If there is no current file, the Save Address Book As .. use case is done instead. If attempting to write the file results in an error, a dialog box is displayed warning the user of the error. The current address book is saved to active file.

Software Design Specification

Page |5 Case Save Address Book As Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description

Extension Exceptions Result

UC010 Save Address Book As All users The Save As ... option is always available 1. User chooses "Save As ..." from the File menu. 2. A save file dialog is displayed. 3. The user is allowed to choose the name of a file in which to save the address book. 4. The file to which it was saved becomes the current file and its name is displayed as the title of the main window. User cancels the file dialog, the Save As ... operation is canceled. 1. The current address book is saved to the specified file. 2. The current address book and window list are left unchanged. Use Case Quit Program Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description Extension Exceptions Result

UC011 Quit Program All users 1.

User chooses "Quit" from the File menu, or clicks the close box for the main window. 1a. if the current address book contents have been changed since the last New, Open, Save, or Save As ... operation was done, the Offer to Save Changes extension is executed. User cancels the operation The program is terminated. Case Offer to Save Changes Use Case Use Case Title Actors Precondition Description


Exceptions Result

UC012 Offer to Save Changes All users The Offer to Save Changes extension is initiated from within the Create New Address Book, Open Existing Address Book, or Quit program use cases. 1. A dialog box is displayed, informing the user that there are unsaved changes. 2. Asking the user whether to save changes, not save changes, or cancel the operation. 2a. If the user chooses not to save changes, the original operation is simply resumed. 2b. If the user chooses to cancel (or cancels the save file dialog if one is needed), the original operation is canceled. The Save Address Book Use Case is executed (which may result in executing the Save Address Book As ... Use Case if there is no current file).

Software Design Specification


Diagram Sequence

SD01. Add Person

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Software Design Specification

SD02. Edit Person

SD03. Delete Person

SD04. Sort by Name

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Software Design Specification

SD05. Sort by ZIP

SD06. Print Entry

SD07. New Address Book

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Software Design Specification

SD08. Open Address Book

SD09. Save Address Book

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Software Design Specification

SD10. Change Extension


Diagram Class

CD01. Address Book

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Software Design Specification

CL01. Class Address Book

CL02. Class Application

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Software Design Specification

CL03. Class GUI

CL04. Class File System

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Software Design Specification

CL05. Class Person


Spesifikasi Layar Utama

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