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Federal stimulus plan may provide billions to ease financial burden on college students during recession

Men’s volleyball falls to both UCLA and UC-Irvine on the road



Few Showers 52 39

Mostly Cloudy 55 37

The Stanford Daily An Independent Publication

MONDAY February 9, 2009

Execs discuss progress


Ceiling falls on head of resident

Dorsey,Harris say more work needed By THOMAS YEH STAFF WRITER


On Friday, a piece of ceiling plaster collapsed in a third-floor dorm room of Haus Mitteleuropa (Haus Mitt), according to Residential Assistant Abby Williams ‘09. At approximately 1:50 P.M., the piece fell onto one of the room’s residents, Laura Stampler ‘10, who was sitting on her bed. “I heard a noise and all of a sudden, before I knew it, a very large portion of my ceiling fell on my head,” Stampler said. Stampler visited the Emergency Room at Stanford Hospital following the incident, but did not sustain any injuries. According to Williams, the official cause of the collapse is still unknown and “pending the results of further investigation.” Williams said that, though there is no official cause at this time, Student Housing is in the process of repairing a leak in the roof of Haus Mitt following the ceiling collapse. Stampler also reported that a structural engineer visited the house over the weekend to investigate the site of the collapse. Housing has covered the hole with plywood, but Stampler and her roommate, Dana Sherne ‘10, were told that “it wasn’t safe for [them] to live in.” The two were relocated by Housing to the guest cottages behind Lagunita for the time being. According to Stampler, Housing has indicated that repairs to the room will take between five and 14 days. Sherne added that the ceiling of their room will be re-plastered in the interim, and Stampler said that the two roommates are in the process of moving their belongings out of the room. “[Housing] offered to move our stuff for us, but the fact is we don’t know yet what we need to do,” Sherne said. Both roommates expressed interest in learning what caused the collapse. “It’s just a little bit strange,” Stampler said. “I’m still waiting to hear what happened.” Contact Liz Stark at [email protected].

ALEX YU/The Stanford Daily


Bill Lane speaks on Lincoln Lane Center hosts conference on Lincoln and the West By LIZ STARK SENIOR STAFF WRITER

Stanford’s Bill Lane Center for the American West played host on Friday to a discussion of Abraham Lincoln and his legacy in an all-day conference at the Schwab Residential Center, featuring five of the nation’s preeminent Civil War-era scholars. Friday’s lectures and panel followed Pulitzer Prize-winner James McPherson’s keynote address, which took place on Thursday. The series was funded by Bill Lane ‘42, former publisher of Sunset Magazine. Lane, in his opening speech on Friday, described the root of his interest in Lincoln and the West. “My interest in Lincoln started very early,” he said, discussing his time as a tour guide at Yosemite National Park.“I talked my way into being an intern lecturer on the [tour bus at Yosemite], and I immediately started studying Lincoln.” Lane noted that the connection between

Please see LINCOLN, page 6


Students rally University for sweat-free apparel Approx. 50 students march for workers’ rights By FATIMA WAGDY Last Friday at noon, almost 50 students, professors and union workers braved the rain to gather in White Plaza and march to the Main Quad, as the Stanford Sweat-Free Campaign continues to urge the University to take steps to ensure that its apparel is not produced in sweatshops. The rally began with a short introduction from Katie Frank ‘09, who explained the purpose of the rally and the Sweat-Free Campaign. She outlined the ideas of the Designated Suppliers Program (DSP) and insisted that Stanford support it. She said that full implementation of the program would stop Stanford from purchasing merchandise made in sweatshops. The DSP consolidates factories that manufacture university apparel, and grants approved factories guaranteed contracts. For the last two years, the Stanford Sweat-Free Campaign has been working with the University to adopt DSP. Susan Weinsten, director of trademark licensing, told The Daily two weeks ago that Stanford is already actively protecting workers rights. “Stanford decided to implement a program that supports our belief that workers are


Volume 235 Issue 6


entitled to a healthy, safe, secure and fair working environment,” Weinstein said. “Our implementation of this program . . . was the result of our collaboration with the very committed Coalition members to explore and understand the issues and our options.” The University is already a part of the Fair Labor Association and the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), and has a code of conduct that requires companies that manufacture products with the Stanford brand to use fair labor practices. But students who attended the rally were adamant that the University take further steps, shouting chants through a megaphone, such as, “How do you spell ‘sweat-free’? DSP!” and “Who’s university? Our university. What do we want to be? Sweat-free.” Carrie Adams ‘12 spoke about the maquiladoras she visited in Tijuana and how that experience inspired her to join the SweatFree Campaign. She called on students to get involved in the campaign. At the rally, proponents passed around a petition for the University community to sign and demonstrate that they supported full implementation of the DSP. According to organizers, the group received approximately 100 signatures at the rally. “There were definitely a lot of people listening, although it died down later,” said Isamarie Perez ‘09. “It probably would have been nicer if it wasn’t rainy, but I definitely heard them and was listening for a while.”

Students gathered in Old Union Friday evening to listen as ASSU President Jonny Dorsey ‘09 delivered his State of the Association address, an annual debriefing given by the student body president in an effort to update students on the accomplishments and status of the ASSU. But Dorsey and Vice President Fagan Harris ‘09 made it clear that they are “nowhere near done.” “I really don’t want to stand here and tell you about all that we’ve done, because we’ve got a lot more to do,” Dorsey began. “And looking back on the previous State of Association speeches, I was less and less motivated to try to get you guys to come here, because they had titles like ‘Executives Reflect On Previous Year’ and ‘President Summarizes Term in Office.’” “We’re not done,” he continued. “We’re nowhere near done. I don’t want to give that speech, and I don’t want to see that headline.”

Prior to the address, the audience received handouts detailing the various projects the ASSU has already kicked into gear.After a brief overview of those printed contents, Dorsey moved on to what he believed to be the more pertinent aspect of his address. “This is more of a recruitment speech,” the President admitted. Framing the association’s goals around the severity of the current budget cuts, Dorsey targeted key areas of public service that demanded improvement, urging for increased involvement from the student body and emphasizing the positive effect a larger voice would have on identifying the most important issues. “The reason we decided to [take on these roles] was because we were both genuinely depressed,” Dorsey said. “So many students showed up here wanting to have a huge impact on the world.” He pointed to a number of specifics that need addressing, including the still-prevalent issue of sexual assault, the mental health problems that are plaguing the campus and a number of much-needed improvements in the opportunities offered to Stanford’s under-appreciated staff members. “We’ve got [one of] the top business schools and the top School of Education,” Dorsey said. “And yet a lot our staff don’t

have any financial advice as their homes are being foreclosed, and their kids aren’t getting any tutoring from anyone on this campus.” The president moved the crowd near the end of his speech, choking up as he recounted the conversations he had with a staff member who was overwhelmed with a stack of home-foreclosure paperwork that she couldn’t understand, and who wanted nothing more than to have her eight-year-old son tutored by a Stanford student. These, Dorsey insisted, were problems that students could address through active involvement in ASSU projects. Not only did the content of the address differ from previous years, but the format was altered as well. Following the speech, students were allowed to speak with members of the cabinet on particular projects that may have sparked their interests. “Typically in the past, the speech was often given just to the Senate and to people who were involved in the more official parts of the ASSU,” said cabinet member Karen Warner ‘10. “I think the emphasis on bringing members of the student body in for the address reflects what ASSU has really been stressing this year, which is to try and engage the students.”

Please see ASSU, page 6

HOT SHOTS Great shooting lifts women over Washington By ERIK ADAMS DESK EDITOR

It was nothing like the last time they met, 2/8 vs. Washington but the No. 7 Cardinal W 76-54 still rolled to a pair of comfortable victories in this weekend’s conference road trip (20-2, 11-0 Pac-10) through Washington. One month after 2/14 Maples Pavilion defeating Washington 8:00 P.M. by 77 and Washington State by 49 at Maples COVERAGE: FSN Pavilion, Stanford TV (19-4, 10-1 Pacific-10 RADIO KZSU 90.1 FM Conference) deliv(kzsu.stanford.edu) ered another sweep, this time winning 76- GAME NOTES: Stanford gets a second 46 against the shot at the Golden Bears on Cougars on Friday Valentine’s Day after handily defeating and 76-54 over the the Washington schools on the road. Huskies on Sunday. Cal handed the Cardinal its only conThe sweep stretched ference loss on Jan. 18, but Stanford the Card’s winning hopes a home court advantage will streak to six games, give it the edge this time around. and Stanford has now won 11 of its last 12. Junior center Jayne Appel led the Cardinal with 41 points and 18 rebounds on the weekend, despite playing a total of only 47 minutes. “Jayne is really special,” head coach Tara VanDerveer said. “She has a great feel for the game and she finishes. She’s a big target to pass to, and she runs the court very well.” Appel has performed well all season for Stanford; she leads the team in points and rebounds, and is a close second in assists. In Friday’s game against Washington State (9-13, JENNIFER AU/The UW Daily 2-9), Stanford played sloppy at times and had trouble In Sunday’s match-up with Washington, sophomore Kayla Pedersen holding on to the ball. But, the Card still managed to


marked her sixth career double-double with 13 points and 15 boards. With her help, the Cardinal extended its winning streak to six games.

Please see HOOPS, page 5

Washington streaks away from Card in last minutes By JACOB JOHNSON DESK EDITOR

Stanford men’s basketball went into Sunday’s showdown with Washington with an impressive 11-2 record at home this season. But it’s difficult to neglect the fact that the Cardinal has hit a rough patch recently, dropping three of its last four contests. The team hoped to build on Thursday’s 65-54 defeat of Washington State and regain some of the momentum it had built with January wins over Arizona and thenNo. 22 Cal.

Unfortunately, Washington was coming off three straight losses and was looking for some momentum of its own. The No. 22 Huskies (17-6, 8-3 Pacific-10 Conference) prolonged Stanford’s struggles, defeating the Card 75-68 yesterday afternoon at Maples Pavilion. With the loss, Stanford fell to 14-7 on the season, and is 4-7 in the Pac-10. The Cardinal has now lost two of its last three at home. “You have to be able to protect your home court,” Stanford head coach Johnny Dawkins lamented. It was an exciting first half that saw 10

lead changes and nine tie scores. Stanford first seized the momentum about halfway into the period and seemed primed to blow the game open. Senior Anthony Goods gave Stanford the lead with a three-pointer at 10:38, and freshman Jeremy Green rejected a shot from Washington’s Matt Brian-Amaning on the next possession. Goods responded again, as he was fouled on the other end and converted both free throws to give Stanford an 18-15 lead. The senior guard was just one for three

Please see MBBALL, page 4

Please see SWEAT, page 6

World & Nation/2 • Opinions/3 • Sports/4 • Classifieds/5

Recycle Me

2 N Monday, February 9, 2009

The Stanford Daily

WORLD & NATION The World This Week Presented by Stanford In Government Australian fire zone a crime scene Suspicions that the worst wildfires ever to strike Australia were deliberately set led police to declare crime scenes Monday in towns incinerated by blazes, while investigators moving into the charred landscape discovered more bodies. The death toll stood at 130. Officials believe arson may be behind at least some of the more than 400 fires that tore a destructive path across a vast swath of southern Victoria state over the weekend. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, visibly upset during a television interview, reflected national disgust at the idea. “What do you say about anyone like that?” Rudd said. “There’s no words to describe it, other than it’s mass murder.”

Former reformist Iranian president to run again Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami declared Sunday he would run again for president, setting the stage for a major political showdown in coming months between the popular reformist leader — who made dialogue with the West a centerpiece of his eight years in office — and the country’s ruling hard-liners. Khatami’s candidacy poses a serious challenge to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose mixture of anti-Western rhetoric and fiery nationalism sharply contrasts with Khatami’s tempered tones and appeals for global dialogue. “I seriously announce my candidacy in the next (presidential) election,” Khatami announced Sunday after a meeting with his supporters.

Kansas Gov. near top of list for health post Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius was near the top of President Barack Obama’s list of candidates to head the Health and Human Services Department, a senior administration official said Saturday. The source, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private administration deliberations, said no decision was imminent and that other candidates remain in the mix. But the official added the former Kansas insurance commissioner was rising as Obama considers prospective candidates, in no small part on the strength of her close relationship with the president. Sebelius would be Obama’s second choice for the slot. Former Sen.Tom Daschle had to withdraw his name amid an admission he had not paid taxes on a car and driver since leaving Congress as a Democratic leader. Source:The Associated Press


Congress may give billions to colleges JUSTIN POPE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

The stimulus plan emerging in Washington could offer an unprecedented, multibillion-dollar boost in financial help for college students trying to pursue a degree while they ride out the recession. It could also hand out billions to the states to kick-start idled campus construction projects and help prevent tuition increases at a time when families can least afford them. But cuts of $40 billion for state and local governments in the Senate version were a big disappointment for college leaders. House-Senate negotiations will determine whether education aid to the states is relatively modest or massive — and how much gets directed to highneed institutions for building projects, versus elite universities that would benefit if the final package spends more of the money on scientific research. Students are big winners. Both the House and Senate bills call for the largest-ever funding increase for Pell Grants, the government’s chief college aid program for low-income students. It will take much of the proposed $15.6 billion increase in the House version (slightly less in the Senate) just to erase the existing funding shortfall and meet the surging demand as the economy sours and more students enroll. But the package would also increase next year’s maximum award by up to $500, to $5,350, starting July 1.That’s the biggest increase in history and would cover three-quarters of the cost of the average public four-year college. Most Pell recipients come from families earning less than $40,000.And supporters note the new Pell dollars would be spent almost immediately — students can’t save them — while also paying off down the road. “Long-term, if we want a better economy, we need more people going to

college,” Education Arne Duncan told The Associated Press last week. College leaders meeting in Washington this week for the American Council on Education’s annual meeting will be grateful for the student aid boost. But they’ll be closely watching how Congress bridges the huge gaps between how much the House and Senate versions propose spending to bail out state budgets and prevent drastic education cuts. The House bills calls for $79 billion to prevent cuts to local school districts and public higher education. But it’s not yet clear how the money might be divided between K-12 and higher education, and a portion could go to things besides education. The Senate version calls for $39 billion. Meanwhile,colleges are hoping Congress will agree restarting idled building projects is an efficient short- and longterm investment. As they lose revenues from state support, endowments and tuition, hundreds of projects are on hold nationwide, from a library extension at Fresno State to new dorms at Washington University in St. Louis and a biology lab at Yale. The California State University system alone has halted 130 projects, which it values at $850 million and says account for 13,000 jobs. Meanwhile, the system may have to cut 10,000 enrollment slots. The House bill has $6 billion for such projects, while the Senate has none. Also helping students, the House and Senate both call for expanding the Hope tuition tax credit from $1,800 to $2,500 and making it partly refundable. Now, almost half of families with children pay no income tax, so the current tuition tax-credit system doesn’t help them (the full benefit kicks in for families earning at least $43,000). The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimates the change could help 3.8 million students.

Courtesy The Associated Press

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Economic Recovery Advisory Board Chair Paul Volcker, speaks in the East Room of the White House on Friday while introducing members of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Monday, February 9, 2009 N 3

The Stanford Daily



Established 1892

Sweat-Free:Why we still care ast Friday,over 40 students,Sweat-Free Coalition members and union members from the United Stanford Workers took a stand against injustice and rallied — umbrellas in hand — to ensure that workers in factories are given the basic human rights to which they are entitled. Why would we give up an hour of our Friday afternoon and trudge through rain? We do it because even after two years of rallies, sit-ins, sew-ins and informational workshops, Stanford apparel is still being produced in sweatshops where workers suffer from inhumane working hours, health and safety problems and unjust wages. Even after hundreds of hours dedicated to compiling detailed reports of the economic and practical feasibility of the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) and the Designated Suppliers Program (DSP) for meetings with the administration, we still care because exploitation of workers and violations of basic human rights still exists, branded into every shirt or jacket that bears the Stanford insignia. After the first part of our campaign in 2007, Stanford agreed to join the Worker Rights Consortium and adopted a Code of Conduct. Stanford apparel is currently produced by over 1700 factories in the United States alone, and over 3400 factories worldwide. Under the current system, the WRC acts as an independent monitoring organization that performs unannounced investigations of these factories and notifies Stanford whenever they find violations of working conditions. However, there is no guarantee that Stanford will make any changes as a result of these reports. The WRC recently released a report of 35 investigations of factories around the United States. All 35 factories that were visited had some sort of human rights violation, and seven were makers of Stanford University apparel. Clearly, monitoring is not enough without a plan of remediation. Under the DSP, factories that produce university apparel would have to go through a factory certification program that ensures that workers’ rights are represented. The DSP would also help to consolidate the number of factories that Stanford sources from, making monitoring violations more feasible and giving the University more leverage in ensuring that its policies reflect its values. Fourty-four univer-





sities have already signed on to the DSP, including Brown, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, Duke and the entire UC system. Support from these institutions for the DSP not only shows that it has merit as a well-established program, but highlights the unfortunate and conspicuous absence of Stanford. Despite adopting the WRC, Stanford has stalled in joining the DSP in the past, essentially crippling the effectiveness that these programs have towards correcting known violations in sweatshops. The WRC and DSP go hand in hand, and Stanford’s support of one without the other shows a lack of genuine commitment to changing the status quo. Stanford has stated its “belief that workers are entitled to a healthy, safe, secure and fair working environment” [see “Students rally for sweat-free” in today’s issue of The Daily] numerous times in the past. However sincere its intention, though, its moral integrity is jeopardized by practices that contribute to the inhumane treatment of workers. By joining the list of other schools who have already adopted the DSP, Stanford would be standing in solidarity with a dream that can very much be made a reality.Action on the university level, however, is only possible through widespread support from its student population. As students at Stanford University, one of the leading colleges in the nation, we should have the motivation to put our efforts to ensuring the human rights of those we can affect, if only because we can make a change. We have the means of ensuring that workers have living wages, reasonable hours, the right to unionize and a safe environment, free from harassment and intimidation. Frankly, we should care because it is simply irresponsible not to. Part of being a Stanford student means having a social consciousness that recognizes injustice and feels the overwhelming drive to change it. By supporting or joining the Sweat-Free Campaign, each and every student can be a representative voice for those afraid or unable to speak out for themselves. As students, we have the opportunity and power to influence the world around us and to see that human rights violations do not occur in Stanford’s name.

Tonight’s Desk Editors

Board of Directors

Managing Editors

Christian Torres President, Editor in Chief

Devin Banerjee Deputy Editor

Joanna Xu Managing Editor of Intermission

Kamil Dada News Editor

In Ho Lee Chief Operating Officer

Nikhil Joshi Managing Editor of News

Stuart Baimel Columns Editor

Haley Murphy Sports Editor

Someary Chhim Vice President of Advertising

Wyndam Makowsky Managing Editor of Sports

Marissa Miller,Tim Hyde Editorial Board Chairs

Alex Yu Photo Editor

Devin Banerjee

Emma Trotter Managing Editor of Features

Cris Bautista Head Graphics Editor

Charlie Olson Copy Editor

Samantha Lasarow Head Copy Editor

Shelley Ni Graphics Editor

Kamil Dada Michael Londgren

Masaru Oka Managing Editor of Photo

Theodore Glasser Robert Michitarian Glenn Frankel

Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 725-2100 from 3 to 10 p.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 723-2555 ext. 401, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 723-2555 during normal business hours.

JACQUELINE TO ‘12 Member, Sweat-Free Stanford Coalition

Matt Gillespie

What our fathers Madoff with N ews keeps pouring in about how bad it’s getting. Amidst the news that the economy shed nearly 600,000 jobs in January, newly out-of-work Americans were met with the image of a defiant and unrepentant John Thain. The former Merrill Lynch CEO defended nearly $1 million dollars of recent office redecorating, even as President Obama sought to put a $500,000 cap on executive pay at bailed-out institutions. What does this all mean, as 1,600 other seniors and I stare down the real world, looming only four months away? To me, the worst thing that we’ve lost in all this isn’t a job market or trust funds or even the overall sense of security and entitlement that surviving four years of the Stanford gauntlet is supposed to give us. It’s respect and trust for our elders. Let me explain. Start with the founding of America, the Declaration of Independence. The Founding Fathers signed that document knowing they all would become marked men for the rest of their lives.They saw something far beyond themselves and made sacrifices in order to leave their children with something better. In turn, future generations took the nation they had inherited and worked to improve it, even if these changes came through violent protests and relinquishment of their parents’ beliefs and values (ending slavery or extending voting rights to all Americans, for example). There’s always been a basic expectation in America that each generation lays a solid groundwork for the next.It’s not easy to come up with a universal set of “American ideals” given our nation’s vast diversity, but the idea of leaving this world a better place might be the closest thing we have to a true national belief. Fast forward to 2009 and consider the sins of our fathers.The most influential and powerful people in the world — the ones we’ve always been taught to respect and revere — have absolutely laid waste to it. The captains of industry outright destroyed our environment,doing more damage in 50 years than can likely be repaired in 500. Bankers gutted our financial system, with the top few pulling wool over the eyes of the many — they lent money for homes and cars people couldn’t afford and put the middle class at the mercy of a financial system they couldn’t even begin to understand (God,

Incorporated 1973

could anyone?). The only president we have known during our formative years, save for the last few weeks, turned America into a curse word in foreign lands, leaving us ashamed and embarrassed to be proud of who we are. What it comes down to, I think, is a truly monstrous act of selfishness — for a generation now, and maybe two, the leaders of finance and industry and government have behaved in such a fundamentally short-sighted, reprehensible way that they have left us with virtually nothing for which to praise or respect them. It’s a shame, too, because history may eventually judge the whole of the generation before us — one I know to be replete with wonderful, compassionate individuals — as the biggest bunch of screw-ups in American history. So what do we,a few months from entering the real world, do when those who have been its caretakers have left us with nothing to believe in? You know, I used to get pretty frustrated that so many of my good friends here were headed for careers in high finance — They have such dynamic minds! They could be doing more valuable work than this! — but I don’t anymore. Instead, I’m just so grateful that it’s my friends who are going to inherit the control of my livelihood and my children’s livelihoods rather than the careless, senseless hedonists that let billions of dollars simply evaporate under their watch. Look at where our country’s financial system is, and suddenly investment banking might just start to look like public service, so long as you enter it with a good conscience and an eye on never repeating the mistakes of the past. Our fathers (and mothers) truly did leave us with a whole mess of problems, but they also left us with a remarkable opportunity to rebuild the world as a better, fairer and more inclusive place. It can be terrifying to think about graduating into a society that seems to be closing its doors everywhere, but even a glance at the changes made during our new president’s first three weeks in office should be enough to renew the hope that there is a path out of this desolation, and that we have the unique opportunity to forge it. Maybe where men like George Bush and Bernie Madoff close a door, Barack Obama opens a window.

Contact Matt at [email protected].




Someone has to deconstruct Valentine’s Day; I might as well very year on this fine campus, there’s an inevitable large to-do about Valentine’s Day. As with any event at Stanford, it quickly clogs my email inbox. Many student groups use this “holiday” as an opportunity to be clever entrepreneurs. SYZ, a sorority, is offering chocolates for sale. Several a capella groups give you the opportunity to embarrass your significant other — or worse, some unsuspecting crush — by surprising (or horrifying) them with a set of songs. StanShakes will perform a Shakespearian sonnet for your mortified loved one. Spoken Word will write a piece to rap/perform/whatever it is they do. Even The Daily is in on the action, offering a “classified” ad in this Friday’s edition of the paper.This admirable entrepreneurship is not limited to Stanford. Southwest offers cheap flights, or something, ostensibly to visit your loved one? I don’t think they sell anything else. Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that seems to be almost entirely the product of the consumer industry. If we were not told to buy gifts for our significant other,would we do it? What would happen if Valentine’s Day disappeared? Would anyone care? Hallmark might, but I wouldn’t. It does not seem that anyone enjoys the pantomime and theater of this holiday. Most execrable about this so-called “holiday” is the way that gender roles are constructed.The dominant narrative is as follows: clueless, boorish, pathetic males are told to buy tacky, flashy gifts in a very narrow band


Stuart Baimel

(chocolates, flowers) for their girlfriends/wives. In return, there is an implied second component where the attention of males — the only day they have to do this — will be rewarded by their thrilled girlfriends/wives. This simultaneously lowers the expectations for males — other than this holiday and perhaps Mother’s Day,they do not have to pay much attention to their girlfriends. At the same time,expectations are raised for females. If they are not amenable on Valentine’s Day, or expect more than a large red box of chocolates, they are considered “unappreciative” or a “bad girlfriend.” In this way, it has become acceptable for males to rely on holidays such as Valentine’s Day to show their affection, usually in industry-approved red packaging.But it has also become acceptable for females to simply be content to “receive” on holidays such as this. There is something terrible about the idea that one has to “earn affection” on one very particular day in a relationship. We seem to be engaged in celebrating a holiday that no one particularly likes. In the

media’s construction of heterosexual relationships, males dread it because it’s a high-risk scenario: If they succeed in picking something tolerable, they “pass.” But if they spectacularly fail, then it might have dire consequences. Females dread being embarrassed by males who have the outrageous expectations of the media override their better instinct. The reward of a box of chocolates bigger than your roommates’ cannot possibly be worth it. Does he really love you if he picks up a Teddy bear from the Bookstore? Is she really happy if you paid Mariachi to invade her dining hall? There really does seem to be a strong incentive to do something that is within the established confines of acceptability — which were of course formed by the chocolate,greeting-card and flower industries themselves. There is something very contradictory about celebrating a holiday ostensibly about one’s loved one in a very rote and formulaic way. Despite all of this, I intend to celebrate this holiday. Feb. 14 is a day to remember why you love your boyfriend, girlfriend or yourself, just like any other day.You don’t have to fatten the coffers of Hallmark, 1-800-Flowers or Southwest Airlines or pull out all the stops on this one day to do something meaningful, affectionate and personal. Stuart Baimel is dreading a StanShakes-Spoken Word-Mariachi trifecta embarrassment.To all my admirers: Please don’t do it. Please. Send him your overblown Valentine’s Day schemes at [email protected].

Write to us. We want to hear from you. SEND LETTERS TO THE EDITOR TO [email protected] AND SEND OP-EDS TO [email protected]

4 N Monday, February 9, 2009

The Stanford Daily


SERVED UP Men’s volleyball comes up short in back-to-back road games By JEFF LU STAFF WRITER

The Stanford men’s volleyball team remains in search of its first conference road victory after returning from last week’s twomatch road trip.Despite strong individual efforts across the whole team,the Cardinal was unable to overcome No. 3 UC-Irvine and No. 8 UCLA, dropping its road record against ranked conference teams to 0-4. No. 6 Stanford (7-5, 3-4 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation) kicked off its Southern California excursion by visiting UCLA on Thursday. The Cardinal’s performance was boosted by a season-high 28 kills from junior outside hitter Evan Romero and a career-high 70 assists contributed by junior setter Kawika Shoji. But the team was still unable to overcome the Bruins, eventually falling in five sets to lose 34-36, 26-30, 30-21, 30-27, 15-11. Stanford was given an opportunity for the win in the fourth set, when an opponent attack error put the Cardinal up 26-24. UCLA, however, took advantage of a shift in momentum to end the set with a 6-1 run, with four points coming off Bruin blocks. In all, the Bruins had 19 team blocks to Stanford’s five. “We had opportunities to win, but didn’t take care of business,” head coach John Kosty said. “We let it slip away.” Offensively, Stanford matched up well with UCLA, responding to the Bruins’ .357 team hitting percentage with a strong .329 hitting of its own. Sophomore outsider hitter Spencer McLaughlin hit a solid .429 to tie his

collegiate best of 22 kills, and freshman outside hitter Brad Lawson, last week’s MPSF co-Player of the Week, contributed another 19 kills. Kosty, however, believes that serving and passing are the keys to winning in volleyball. In particular, he pointed to Stanford’s serving falters after the first two sets as a key factor in Thursday night’s loss. Overall, UCLA had 13 service errors and four service aces to Stanford’s 25 service errors and two service aces. Friday night saw Stanford at UC-Irvine, where poor hitting by the Cardinal players gave the Anteaters a 30-25, 30-23, 30-22 win, extending UC-Irvine’s winning streak to five games. Lawson led Stanford with 12 kills, followed closely by Romero’s 11 kills, but Stanford remained plagued with .164 team hitting, and was unable to offer an adequate response to UC-Irvine’s 11 blocks and .317 hitting. Freshman setter Evan Barry made his second collegiate start this season and put up 26 assists to bolster Stanford’s 40 kills, but numerous hitting errors by the team shifted the momentum overwhelmingly in UCIrvine’s favor. With the exception of the beginning of the third set, Stanford never led throughout the entire match. This weekend, Stanford will be hosting No. 2 Pepperdine and No. 5 USC. Pepperdine has recently extended its winning streak to six and remains undefeated in conference matches. USC, after a tough, five-set victory over BYU, has racked up three more wins since its last encounter with Stanford. The Cardinal will play Pepperdine at Maples Pavilion on Friday at 7 p.m., and will face USC at the same time on Saturday in Los Angeles. Contact Jeff Lu at [email protected].

Griffin Rants and Raves

There’s no need for ’roid rage


GIULIO GRATTA/The Stanford Daily

Junior Evan Romero offered the Cardinal a career-high 28 kills in its meeting with UCLA on Thursday, but Stanford was still unable to outlast the Bruins, losing in five sets.



Card leads off in Ariz. tourney

Men’s soccer signs nation’s top recruit in Class of 2013

Softball wins four of five in Arizona By DANIEL BOHM STAFF WRITER

The Stanford softball team opened its season this weekend by winning four of five games at the Kajikawa Classic in Tempe,Ariz. The event was highlighted by a 13-run first inning in the Cardinal’s opening game against McNeese State on Friday, and senior Missy Penna’s fifth career no-hitter Saturday against Kansas. The Cardinal season started off with a bang Friday when it put 13 runs on the board before its opponent even had a chance to come to bat.Freshman shortstop Ashley Hansen began the scoring by hitting a two-run homerun in her first collegiate at-bat. Stanford then patiently drew eight walks before junior third baseman Shannon Koplitz blasted a grand slam to left field to cap the scoring. Stanford would go on to defeat McNeese State by run-rule, 152 in five innings. Sophomore pitcher Ashley Chinn picked up the win in the circle,going the distance by allowing just two runs on four hits. The offensive explosion did not carry over to Stanford’s second game on Friday, however.The Cardinal was unable to muster any sort of attack against Oklahoma State pitcher Anna Whiddon,and the team fell 1-0,despite a great outing by Penna. Stanford managed just three hits for the game, and stranded eight runners on base.The Cardinal’s best chance to score came in the top of the first inning when junior Alissa Haber reached third base on a single,a stolen base and a throwing error with nobody out. But consecutive strikeouts of Hansen and senior Maddy Coon, as well as a groundout by Koplitz,stymied the rally. The Cowgirls pushed their lone run across in the bottom of the fifth on a wild pitch by the otherwise-brilliant Penna.The four-year starter allowed just two hits and did not walk a batter, despite taking the loss. Stanford got back to its winning ways on Saturday,taking a pair of games against Big-12 opponents, defeating Texas Tech 6-1 and Kansas 11-0. Junior catcher Rosey Neill homered twice and provided four RBIs in the Texas Tech game to lead the Stanford offense, while Penna struck out 13 Red Raider batters. It was much of the same in the second game of the day,as Penna followed up her dominant performance by no-hitting the Jayhawks. She struck out 13 again in the five-inning run-rule victory,and in the end,all but two of the game’s outs came via the strikeout. Neill hit her third homerun of the day to lead the Stanford offense,while Hansen had a pair of hits and three RBIs. The Cardinal picked up where it left off on Sunday, closing out the weekend with a 12-0 run-rule victory over Wagner College. Stanford took on Wagner instead of Central Florida — who the Cardinal was originally scheduled to play — because bad weather forced game delays that interfered with the Knights’ travel plans. Penna was once again outstanding,holding the Wagner offense to just two hits while striking out nine. Stanford, in turn, carved up Seahawk pitching by scoring six runs in both the second and third innings,blowing the game out of reach for Wagner. Both Haber and sophomore first baseman Melissa Koutz went 2-2 with a pair of doubles and two runs scored.Koplitz also added a two-run homer in the third inning. Through the first five games of the season,the Cardinal offense looks like quite a force.The third and fourth hitters,Coon and Neill, are both hitting .500, while Haber is hitting .467 at the leadoff slot. Eight starters are hitting .300 or above. Hansen, meanwhile, leads the team with eight RBIs. Stanford looks to keep mashing up opponents when it travels to San Diego to take part in the Campbell/Cartier Classic next weekend,beginning Thursday at 4:30 p.m.against UC-Santa Barbara. The team could not be reached for comment for this article. Contact Dan Bohm at [email protected].


Soccer season is a long way off, but the Stanford men’s team got some good news last week: the top recruit in the nation is coming to the Farm. Dersu Abolfathi,a midfielder/forward, is ranked No. 1 among U.S. soccer prospects by topdrawersoccer.com. The Irvine, Calif. product heads a strong class for the Cardinal that includes two other players ranked in the top-100 in the nation. In total, six high school seniors signed letters of intent to play for Stanford. “I’m very pleased with this class,” said head coach Bret Simon, adding that the incoming group will improve the team “in


areas we really needed help in.” The 2008 Cardinal squad was competitive in almost every game, but goals were hard to come by.The team lost nine games by one goal and scored only .78 goals per game. Improving the offense was one of Simon’s goals for this off-season, and he succeeded in bringing in a number of players who can help in that department. Abolfathi, for one, should be able to make a difference for the Cardinal offense right away.According to a press release from the Stanford Athletics Department,he has extensive experience playing on U.S. youth national teams, including more than a year “with [the] U.S.under-17 residency program.” He currently plays for the L.A.Galaxy’s “under-18 Academy team.” Stanford will have another offensive weapon in the form of local product Eric Anderson. Simon raved about the San Francisco native’s “great speed and oneversus-one ability.” Though Anderson is not as highly ranked as a prospect, he is a “regional Olympic Development Program player” and could be an explosive

Continued from front page

in the first period, but he was able to penetrate and get to the line often — he hit five of six free throws and finished with eight points in the half. Green sunk a three with just under nine minutes to play, giving Stanford a 10-point advantage. But Washington fought back. As soon as the Cardinal stretched its lead to double digits, the Huskies went on an 8-0 run. Freshman guard Isaiah Thomas contributed six scores over the stretch, and junior Quincy Poindexter added two of his 20. The momentum had swung back to the visitors, and Stanford went to the break down one. “This game is made of runs,”junior Landry Fields said.“When we were up 10 in the first half and they came back, that was theirs.” Unfortunately for Stanford, Washington’s run continued into the second half. The Cardinal came out flat, shooting just 2-12 from the field over the first eight minutes of the second period. Washington knocked down four of five to start the half, and the Cardinal suddenly found itself in a 10-point hole. “I felt like we got some good shots that didn’t go,” Dawkins said. “They made their first four out of five or something like that, and we didn’t respond.” “We were getting decent shots,” Goods added, “they just weren’t falling.” Senior Kenny Brown hit a three to narrow the deficit to single digits at the 12:08 mark, but Washington pushed back and led by 15 with just under 11 minutes to play. Then it was Stanford’s turn to chip away at the lead.The Cardinal went on a 7-2 run from 10:19 to 8:33, and the game continued to see-saw back and forth.Fields found a streaking Owens with just over four minutes to play, and the athletic sophomore sent the crowd into a frenzy with a high-flying, right-handed jam. The dunk cut the Washington lead to just four, and Fields’ baseline fade-away at 2:18 made the score 63-66. “We made a run late,”Dawkins said,“and to our guys’ credit, they kept playing.” But that was as close as Stanford would get. Washington’s Thomas hit a jumper to make the lead five, and Fields and Johnson missed shots on the other end.Jeremy Green picked up two fouls in the final two minutes — his fourth and fifth,fouling him out of the game. Husky forward Justin Dentmon converted both free throws, and in the final

threat for the Stanford offense. Rounding out the class are defender Hunter Gorskie (Marlboro Township, N.J.), ranked No. 30 in the nation by topdrawersoccer.com; forward Adam Jahn (El Macero, Calif.), ranked as the No. 63 prospect; goalkeeper Galen Perkins (Westbrook, Maine); and goalkeeper Jason Dodson (Lake Oswego, Ore.). Dodson attended Lakeridge High School, the same school that produced Stanford women’s soccer great Marisa Abegg and Cardinal women’s basketball star Jillian Harmon. Though he looks forward to working with the new crop of players, Simon is very pleased with the progress of his current footballers. “They’ve really embraced the opportunity to get better [this off-season],” he said. With a little help from the Class of 2013, the Stanford men will look to improve on last year’s 4-11-3 finish. Contact Jacob Johnson at twoj@stanford. edu.

n Saturday, I was basking in the glow of the soon-to-bereturning season of our national pastime at Giants FanFest at AT&T Park in San Francisco. For a baseball fanatic, it was a lot of fun to be able to return to the scene of all those sun-speckled afternoons of memories and sporting moments past. With just a few short days until pitchers and catchers report to spring training sites in Florida and Arizona, it’s comforting to know that even in the midst of winter (albeit a softened,Northern California version) the return of the Boys of Summer is just around the corner. It wasn’t until the drive home that I heard the bombshell news that shook the sporting world to it’s core — former MVP and perennial All-Star Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees tested positive for anabolic steroids during the 2003 season. And suddenly, all hell has broken loose as the media laments the death of the American pastime at the hands of the steroid crisis . . . again. To be sure, this is a big deal. But probably not in the way you think. Rodriguez was sort of the average fan’s and media’s last hope at a “clean” record. The thinking went that A-Rod — who will turn 33 this season and already has 553 career home runs — would stand a legitimate chance of breaking Barry Bonds’ career mark of 762.Bonds had famously broken Hank Aaron’s record of 755 under the immense national scrutiny spurred on by his own suspected steroid use. Rodriguez, it was thought, could break Bonds’ record and remove the “taint” he put upon the game’s history. Well, so much for that idea. Who wants to start the countdown for Ryan Braun? At his current pace, he’s just 20 or so years away — maybe he can save baseball from the evil touch of performance-enhancing drugs. Seriously, though, it’s probably time for all of us to take a serious look at the problem and reevaluate how we view the steroid era — because it isn’t going away. Fans and the media tried to delude themselves that it was just a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch — that Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco,

Please see GRIFFIN, page 5

MEN’S BASKETBALL 2/8 vs. No. 22 Washington L 75-68


Maples Pavilion 7:30 P.M.

COVERAGE: RADIO KZSU 90.1 FM (kzsu.stanford.edu) GAME NOTES: Stanford split last week’s home games, beating Washington State 65-54, but was then unable to find repeat success against the Huskies. 1:15, Stanford missed three shots and turned the ball over.Washington walked out of Maples with a 75-68 win. Stanford’s MVP was Fields — he led the team in scoring and rebounds with 22 and 10, respectively. The junior also added three assists and two blocks. “Landry was terrific,” Dawkins said. “He did a lot for us, he kept us in the game.” In the end, however, there were more blemishes than bright spots for the Cardinal.The team was a pedestrian 9-17 from the free-throw line (52.9 percent) and turned the ball over 16 times. “We’re a better free throw-shooting team than that,” Dawkins said. “I don’t know if it [was] the physicality or emotion . . . We just have to complete the plays.” “For me, definitely it’s very frustrating,” said Fields, who made just 50 percent of his free throws against Washington. “We’ve just got to step up to the line, be poised and knock them down.” The Cardinal had trouble stopping Thomas (17 points) and Poindexter (20 points, six rebounds in just 27 minutes).Sophomore guard Venoy Overton also burned the Cardinal with 11 points and five assists, and senior Jon Brockman pulled down a game-high 12 rebounds. “I thought they played very well,” Dawkins said of Sunday’s visitors. When asked how he felt about the season so far, Goods struggled to find the words. “Just frustrating,” he said. Stanford will have a chance to recover on Tuesday, when the Cardinal hosts Cal State-Bakersfield. Tip-off is set for 7:30 p.m. Contact Jacob Johnson at [email protected].

AGUSTIN RAMIREZ/The Stanford Daily

Junior Landry Fields posted a double-double against Washington, including a career-high 22 points and 10 rebounds. Stanford couldn’t handle the Husky offense, though, in the last four minutes of play.

Monday, February 9, 2009 N 5

The Stanford Daily


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GRIFFIN Continued from page 4 Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palmeiro and especially that living, breathing devil, Barry Bonds, were responsible for all the sins of the game. If baseball could only move on and forget about them, then everything would be okay. Apparently, that’s not working out so well.Because every time we look up, someone new is being added to the list of sinners — Andy Pettite, Roger Clemens and now Rodriguez.Yankees

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all,but don’t think that there’s any franchise out there that is without sin. Rodriguez was just one of 104 players who tested positive in 2003,according to the story that was broken by Sports Illustrated over the weekend.The list of the sainted, it seems, is getting shorter and shorter, while the list of the damned continues to grow. But at this juncture, I think it’s fair to ask a simple question once more: Why, exactly, are we as a culture so determined to weed out the bad apples of baseball? Indeed,why are we so determined to even categorize players one way or another? We say that baseball is a sport steeped in history,reliant

Continued from front page

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upon the numbers and records that make each modern achievement all the more marvelous.And to an extent this is true. But it’s a philosophy that’s gone too far. When Bonds broke Aaron’s record, the public outcry was that Bonds was tainting Aaron’s legacy and that of baseball by allegedly using steroids and other illegal performance enhancers to inflate his statistics. But really, no matter how many home runs Bonds hits,he would never be able to taint Aaron’s legacy.Whether a player is born tomorrow who hits 1,000 home runs someday, or Aaron’s record had stood for another 100 years, he will always have

755 home runs to his name. That’s a lot. An incredible number, really, when we take into account the era in which he played. And the wonderful thing about achievements is that no matter what someone else does,you still have yours and Hank still has his.If Hank Aaron is your favorite player, I’m guessing he’s still your favorite player today, regardless of who holds the official record. Maybe the number 755 isn’t quite as important as it was a few years ago, but that’s just a number. The man who put it up can’t be brought down by anyone but himself. The point is this: A-Rod’s demise? Probably just another in what is sure to

sink half of its shots (31-for-62) and kept the Cougars from ever putting a run together. However, the game was not without flaws: Stanford turned the ball over 16 times in the contest, and made only three shots from beyond the arc. Luckily for the Cardinal, Washington State was hardly any better, committing 15 turnovers of its own and managing a shooting percentage of just 24.6 for the game. “That’s disappointing,” said Washington State head coach June Daugherty. “We’ve been working hard on our front-line play.” Appel finished with 25 points and nine rebounds, and senior forward Jillian Harmon added another 13 points and eight rebounds. Because Stanford held a 21-point lead at the break — which only grew early in the second half — the Cardinal bench was able to see significant minutes. Freshman center Sarah Boothe made six baskets for 13 points in the second half, and redshirt sophomore guard Melanie Murphy grabbed five rebounds in just 15 minutes. “That was me my freshman year,” Appel said. “I had two seniors who were starters in front of me [Brooke Smith and Kristin Newlin, both ‘07], so I know that now I’m the one in that role trying to help the younger players get some playing time and improve.” With the win,Stanford moved to a perfect 48-0 against Washington State since the two schools began playing each other in 1983.

be a long, long list of revelations that the casual fan won’t like to hear. But honestly,it’s probably time for us to just grow up and deal with it. On my way home from AT&T Park, I listened to some sports talk radio personalities discuss the Alex Rodriguez situation. One talked about how he was sad for the sake of his son, who doesn’t look at baseball players with the same starry-eyed gaze that the commentator himself once had. This, one presumes, he viewed as a true tragedy. But is it really so bad that children, along with all the rest of us, view life without rose-colored glasses? Is it real-

The first 20 minutes of Sunday’s meeting with Washington (5-16, 110) were marked by a similar mixture of sloppy ball control and hot shooting. After committing 11 turnovers, but shooting 56 percent before the break, the Cardinal headed to the locker room with a 38-31 lead. Stanford had opened a 26-14 lead at one point, but Washington’s Sami Whitcomb scored 10 points in the final 6:45 of the half to keep the Huskies within reach. Stanford responded early in the second half and rebuilt the Cardinal’s cushion. Appel scored seven of her 16 points early in the period, and the defense held Whitcomb to just one field goal and six points the rest of the way. Appel finished with nine rebounds, but sophomores Jeanette Pohlen and Kayla Pedersen outshone even her stellar numbers. Pohlen led both teams in scoring with 19 points — including four threepointers — and Pedersen tagged on 13 points and a game-high 15 rebounds, just one shy of her career best. Harmon added another 10 points and redshirt junior Rosalyn Gold-Onwude notched a game-high six assists. The loss was the 10th straight for Washington, extending the worst losing streak in team history. Stanford now has almost a full week off before hosting the final installment of the “Battle of the Bay” against Cal, this Saturday at Maples. Tip-off for the game is scheduled for 8 p.m. The Cardinal is prefect at home this season, and five of its seven remaining games will be at Maples. Contact Erik Adams at ekadams@ stanford.edu.

ly so bad that they’re seeing the good and the bad of sports? Judging by the number of kids I saw at AT&T, wearing Lincecum jerseys and Giants hats, the love of the game is still there for America’s youth, and for us all, even in one of the stadiums most associated with the steroid era (thanks to Bonds’ career).The sooner we realize that baseball will go on and that the legends of the past will still be legendary, no matter who used steroids when, the better off we all will be. Denis Griffin was wearing his Bonds jersey while writing this column. Heckle him at [email protected].

6 N Monday, February 9, 2009

SWEAT Continued from front page As the rally moved to the Quad, the group had dwindled to around 20 students, who headed to a meeting in Bldg. 170 with Weinstein. At the meeting, the students discussed the issues at hand. “We presented a case for the DSP and addressed [Weinstein’s] questions about the program,” said Theresa Zhen ‘09. During the meeting, Weinstein reported on a task force that she has worked on, which included sending

questionnaires to licensees. Members of the student group asked Weinstein to post Stanford’s Code of Conduct for factories online, and she agreed. Weinstein also presented her concerns about the feasibility and costs of such a program, and pointed to her task force as a solution. She was hesitant to issue a public statement in support of the DSP because she disagreed with the solution proposed by the DSP. Both the students and Weinstein do support fair labor practices, but they are yet to agree on how to get there. “We believed that the task force created by [Weinstein], which relies heavily on self-reported levels of

The Stanford Daily compliance by licensees and companies, is a fundamentally flawed and inadequate approach to the problem of sweatshops,” Zhen said. “Companies need to be held accountable through independent means, and the DSP is the only solution on the table which offers this independent mechanism through factory certification, long-term contracts, a fair price requirement.” The students commended the University for demonstrating its commitment to the sweat-free campaign by stating support for a Knight’s Apparel factory in Honduras, which is a certified sweatfree factory by the WRC, which oversees the DSP. However, the group was still concerned that human rights abuses would occur if Stanford did not join the entire DSP. The rally ended with a “unity clap” in which the participants gathered in a circle and clapped together in a certain pattern to show solidarity with the factory workers they support. Following the rally, students commented on how they were glad that there was an ongoing discussion about sweatshop labor. “I was really happy seeing students, workers, and teachers come together for worker rights,” said Mark Liu ‘07. “I think it’s an important issue, and it’s more than overdue for Stanford to adopt the DSP.” Pahua Cha ‘10 agreed and explained that their activism does not end with a rally. “I think the rally went well. The rain kept some people from coming out, but we still had a good turnout,” Cha said.“I don’t think the rally’s the most important part though; I think the important thing is to start a dialogue with the administration again.” Contact Fatima Wagdy at fwagdy@ stanford.edu.

ASSU Continued from front page Eric Chamberlain ‘09, chair of Student Outreach, agreed. “We feel like one of the biggest problems we’ve had this year is that there hasn’t been the type of communication we need between the student body and the ASSU,” Chamberlain said. “We wanted to frame the speech

LINCOLN Continued from front page Lincoln and University founder Leland Stanford furthered his interest. “Lincoln’s partnership with, and admiration of, the first governor of California, Leland Stanford, was one of the reasons I was so interested in this topic,” he said. “Lincoln got [Stanford] to agree to take over the management of Yosemite.” Lane told The Daily that he developed the idea for the conference with History Professors David Kennedy and Richard White, both program directors at the Lane Center. Kennedy was pleased with the group of scholars who addressed the conference. “There’s a relatively small and pretty well-known set of people who work in this area who are the leading Lincoln and Civil War scholars,” Kennedy said of the selection process.“The scholars and their aims suggested themselves.” Following Lane’s speech, Patty Limerick, faculty director of the Center for the American West at the University of Colorado at Boulder, spoke with humor on the “problem of patronage and political appointment in the territories.” “When have you secured loyalty and how do you know when you’ve secured it?” she asked the attendees. “That gets very complicated on the ground, and it is hard to appoint people you can fully trust when you are, as Lincoln was, having to use those jobs as rewards for people who have been good to you.” Limerick spoke specifically of New Mexico and Utah, two territories that, according to her, “were going to be tough to try to pursue as an opportunity to let people know what the ASSU is doing, but even more so, to get them involved.” For audience member Sakshi Agarwal ‘12, that goal was achieved. “I thought his speech was really good, and it made me want to get involved,” she said. “He’s making a real attempt, and students should come to hear it,” added Peter Tu ‘10. The take-home message in the address was made very clear, according to Harris.

[Lincoln’s] goals of loyalty and a peaceful West.” Limerick’s sense of humor resonated well with audience, drawing laughs with lines such as, “the territories of Montana exploded in crabbiness.” She also used “many stories of colorful episodes” in the territories to illustrate that “there is [the Civil War] on, and yet these people [in the territories] are behaving as if they are the center of the universe.” She attributed this to what she called a general psychological problem — “in such a crisis, territories are the first to suffer, as they are the children of the federal government.” Following Limerick’s speech was a panel discussion titled, “Lincoln’s War and Lincoln’s West: Ante, Bellum, and Post.” The three panel members included Director of the Huntington-USC Institute on California Prof. William Deverell ‘83, former visiting associate professor at Stanford Glenna Matthews and Chief Historian for San Juan Island National Historical Park Michael Vouri. The conference concluded with a speech by Elliott West, alumni distinguished professor of history at the University of Arkansas. West said the events surrounding the Civil War and the West were tied together by three factors: “size, authority and citizenship,” going on to note that the issues of citizenship were the “most intriguing and disturbing.” “The government set out to make two groups of citizens who had never been citizens before: freed people in the South and Indians in the West,” West said. “The federal government set out to use precisely the same specific methods to incorporate these people into the nation: Christian mission . . . and education not only in language and skills but in patriotic belief.” The reception of these efforts by the government, however, varied “Given the constraint that we were constitutionally mandated to do a State of the Association address, it made more sense for us to say that so much of what we’re doing is ongoing, that so much of what we’re doing requires student input and participation,” the vice president said.“Why do a swan song when we can do a call to action? We’re really just getting started.” Contact Thomas Yeh at [email protected].

between the two groups, according to West. “The freed people said great, and some Indians said fine, but others said no thank you,” he explained. “What they were told was,‘you don’t understand. This is not an offer; this is an order.’” West concluded that, with an examination of Lincoln in the West, “we’re going to have to face the fact that the Lincoln years have a darker tone to them.” “We look at the West and we see that this remaking of America in the Lincoln years was one of conquest,” West said. “The Lincoln years began with the war of conquest against our neighbor to the South, and ended with a war against the Indians.” Zach Warma ‘11, a Daily columnist and one of the few students in attendance among a largely older audience, was glad to have attended. “An incredibly fascinating point was raised . . . that you so often relegate Lincoln to a very specific area, and the West doesn’t get talked about a whole lot,” Warma said. “Yes, a good amount of it was about Lincoln, but the great deal of it was trying to contextualize the West and California in U.S. history.” Contact Liz Stark at [email protected].

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