Q.1: Define Projectile? Define Projectile motion? Ans: PROJECTILE "Any object that is given any initial velocity and which subsequently follows a path determined by the gravitational force acting on it and by the fictional resistance of the atmosphere is called a Projectile". Or "An object projected into space without the driving power of Its own and moves under the action of gravity is called Projectile".
PROJECTILE MOTION: "When a body is thrown with an angle '0' and it covers a (distance) parabolic path under the action of gravity, this type of motion is called Projectile Motion". Example: Kicked or thrown balls.
Jumping annuals. Object thrown from a window. Object released from an aero plane.
Maximum height
Q.2: A particle is projected at an angle to the horizontal with the velocity and is allowed to fall freely so that It covers a certain distance in a parabolic path. Derive the expression for the following: Horizontal component of velocity Vertical component of velocity
Maximum height of the projectile Range of the projectile > The maximum range Projectile trajectory Suppose a particle is projected at an angle t with the horizontal, as shown in figure. T h e i n i t i al , v e l o ci ty V , of th e pa r ti cl e c an be ) "
resolved into two rectangular components V., & 'h . • ime T V 0 ,, along horizontal axis and vertical axis respectively. The magnitudes of the horizontal Rangt: and vertical components of velocity are as follows. R ■ disunite at timc 2 T